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1. -------can move sand and pebbles along the shore.

2. The shallow pool of water trapped behind the bar is called a --------.
3. In many coastal towns and cities, ------ is treated to make it safe before it is put into the sea.
4. The seawater is allowed to evaporate in the Sun, leaving only ----- behind.
5. Coasts are good sites for the wind turbines that produce --------.
6. The waves then slow down and -------- or drop the materials they were carrying.
7. Every country has a --------- city.
8. A -------- is a period of abnormally dry weather.
9. People who do not eat enough of the right kinds of food are said to be ---------------.
10. People eat too much and do not exercise may become ------------.

11. In most ------ cities land is used for homes, shops, offices, banks, bus station and civic
building. (modern)
12. If you were not able to get food soon, you would probably die of -------- or disease.
13. Children may have permanent mental and physical problems from a -----. (famine)
14. The most common causes of famine are drought and -----. (flooding)
15. --------- means that humans accidentally turn land into desert. (Desertification)
16. ------- are often used for grazing sheep or are turned into gulf courses.(Sand dunes)
17. When people cut down all the trees for firewood or timber, it causes -------. (deforestation)
18. The poor people in Rio live in shanty towns, called ------. (favelas)
19. Coasts are very important for ------ and leisure. (tourism)
20. Groynes reduce the force of the waves on the beach and help to make the ------- larger.

True or false.

1. Much of the world’s oil and natural gas is pumped from the rocks of the seabed.
2. Cliffs made of soil or soft rock can’t erode very quickly.
3. People sometimes do reclamation the land that was once covered by the sea.
4. When the waves slow down, they transport the materials they were carrying.
5. Over a period of time, longshore drift can carry the whole beach away along the coast.
6. While many people in developed countries have too much food, many people in poorer
countries have enough.
7. Famine problem happens in almost every place because the food does not always get to the
people who need it and a lot of food is wasted.
8. Cities may be divided into different areas or zones with different purposes.
9. In parts of Africa, Asia and South America many cities are growing slowly.
10. Rio de Janeiro is the largest city in Brazil.
11. If the rains are very heavy, the floods destroy crops.
12. Desertification is happened by the natural process, not human being.
13. A famine is a very drought of water and a very serious shortage of food.
14. Japan is made up of about 300 islands, which form a long chain.
15. In every big city, there is an area called slum in the city center.

16. According to the City Zone model, around the central business district, there may be high
residential areas. (false)
17. Better transport help cities to spread outwards. (True)
18. Sea wall and artificial reefs are built to decorate the coastal area. (false)
19. Breakwaters are long and wide concrete walls that reduce the force of the waves before
they reach the shore. (true)
20. Palm Jumeirah is island is reclaimed by the manmade process, not the natural island. (True)
21. The blow-outs in the sand dunes can be caused by walkers taking a short cut to the beach.
( true)

Choose the correct answer

1. Any sand and pebbles carried by the waves slowly travel along the shore in
(a) triangle pattern
(b) zig-zag pattern
(c) parallel pattern

2. Sand dunes are very fragile and they can produce the land form called
(a) blow- outs
(b) out bowl
(c) spit

3. -------- can be made in the sheltered bays, inlets and estuaries.

(a) Oil and gas exploration
(b) Electricity generation
(c) Fish farming

4. --------- are long and wide concrete walls or barriers made of rocks.
(a) Sea walls
(b) Breakwaters
(c) Barrages
5. The bacteria in sewage use up the -------- in the seawater, left little for aquatic animals.
(a) chlorine
(b) oxygen
(c) nitrogen
6. The middle of the city is called the
(a) commuter zone
(b) central business district
(c) suburb
7. Kenya is very popular among the tourists because of its
(a) Nairobi National Park
(b) Guanabara Bay
(c) Nairobi Garden
8. Japan is made up of about ------ islands
(a) 1000
(b) 2000
(c) 3000
9. New residential areas called ------ develop around the edges of the city
(a) suburbs
(b) commuter zones
(c) CBD
10. The capital of Japan is Tokyo, which is situated on the island of ------.
(a) Honshu
(b) Hokkaido
(c) Shikoku
11. The sand and shingle dropped may pile so high that they form a ride across part of the bay
or river mouth. It is called as-----.
(a) bar
(b) lagoon
(c) spit

12. Beaches are always changing because of

(a) wind and waves
(b) waves and tides
(c) waves, winds and tides
13. In every city, there always has a --------- in the city center.
(a) Central Business District
(b) Central Business Division
(c) Center of Business
14. The sand dunes in coastal area are extremely important to people because they help
(a) to stop the wind
(b) to stop the erosion
(c) to stop the sea flooding inland
15. Palm Jumeirah Island stretches into the -------- in the shape of a palm tree.
(a) Arabian Gulf
(b) Indian Ocean
(c) Bay of Bangle
16. ------ is the popular desert in Africa.
(a) Sahara Desert
(b) Thar Desert
(c) Gobi Desert
17. The city of Rio de Janeiro is located on a narrow self of land around Guanabara Bay, facing
(a) Pacific Ocean
(b) Southern Ocean
(c) Atlantic Ocean
18. The capital city is usually ------- in a country.
(a) the most important city
(b) the largest and most important city
(c) the commercial city
19. As a result of development in transportation, the ------ develop around the edges of city.
(a) suburbs
(b) slum
(c) low residential area
20. One of the biggest threats facing coastal areas is
(a) climate change
(b) weather change
(c) global warming

1. Write the answers.

1. What does the conurbation mean?
As cities grow, they spread out into the surrounding countryside. Eventually neighboring
towns and cities may merge and become one very large urban area. This is called a

2. What are the causes of famine by nature?

Famines can be caused by natural things such as;
- long periods of dry weather, or drought
- floods
- earthquakes and volcanoes
- plagues of insect pests or plant diseases

3. What are the names of the main islands in Japan?

The names of the main islands in Japan are Honshu, Hokkaido, Shikoku and Kyushu.

4. What are the impacts of global warming in the coastal area?

Global warming is the biggest threats to the coastal area.
- the higher temperatures will make the water in the oceans expand
- the polar ice caps will melt, adding huge amounts of water to the oceans.

These facts could affect millions of people by flooding low lying areas near the coast.

5. Draw the model of city zones.

6. How the cities of Tokyo, Nairobi and Rio de Janeiro are like?
Pg (51)

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