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Proceedings of the 2nd Makassar International Conference on Civil Engineering

(MICCE 2015)Makassar, Indonesia, August 11-12, 2015



Data Iranata1, Alfin Septya Nugroho2

ABSTRACT : Finite element method is the world techniques method it used to study the behavior of an element, either
in elastic or plastic conditions. FEM is used to get the behavior of the element in the actual condition of an element is
assumed as an equation or matrix component. Along with the development of technology in the field of Civil Engineering
users have been facilitated with FEM-based aid programs one of which is Abaqus. Abaqus is one of which programs
that can be used for modeling the behavior of test specimen, both the behavior of linier and non-linier. The modeling by
ABAQUS aims to obtain the behavior and parameters to be converge, modeling was performed using plastic analysis
with CDP method (Concrete Damage Plasticity) and DPA (Drucker-Prager Analysis). Simulations are made based on
previous experimental studies, in which cube dimensions on 100mmx100mmx100mm using isotropic material data.
Then it will be given as a boundary condition form of cube elements, so the compatibility has consist of the elements
that will be subjected by triaxial loading of pressure, biaxial loading, and uniaxial loading. Triaxial loading applied
tensile stress and compression stress in the form accordance with the stress ratio of previous studies. The results of
modeling with simulation will be compared with the results of experimental research laboratories. The output of the
ABAQUS will be stress-strain, and shear of the main axes x, y, and z. From the results of this study found that the
methods used in DPA most effective when use linear equations (exponent order 1), the plan chart parameters p, q, and t
to get the value of a = 0.394, b = 1, pt = 3.7, dilatation angel = 28ᴼ, friction angel = 53ᴼ. The results obtained from the
unique behavior by using multiple loading triaxial stress ratio, which is yield due to the tensile load but failure caused
by the compressive load as it did in the experiment DPA in the ratio 0:25 -1 -1. Which the comparisons results of the
two experiments ABAQUS modeling experiments resulting curve is relatively coincide with the results of experiments
in which the accuracy of modeling with experimental results of the CPD is equal to 16.10%, while the accuracy of
modeling with experimental results of the DPA is equal to 7.52%. These condition results also can be seen that there is
convergence of iterations in the DPA or CDP presented through charts.

Keywords : Finite Element Methode, Abaqus, Parameter, Concrete Damage Plasticity, Drucker-Prager Analysis.


Concrete is the main ingredient in the construction of this century, as well as being a very useful material for various
types of techniques in building structures. Concrete has the advantages of various aspects of economy, efficiency,
strength, and stiffness make this material become very attractive for application in long-span structures or other
building (Kwak and Filippou, 1990). Concrete is generally applied to all buildings either general or specific
structures, such as dams, bridges, nuclear buildings, storage buildings radioactive substances, the president's house,
and others (Shiming and Yupu, 2012). Practice baton as special building materials used high quality concrete as a
substitute or alternative to the traditional normal concrete. High quality concrete is generally formed to have a high
strength, high fluidity, as well as the addition of admixture can actually regulate the durability of concrete. Density
micro structur high quality concrete also affect the strength of the concrete and reduce the permeability of concrete,
the concrete so the ability to accept bending (deformation) is very weak, or in other words, the concrete becomes
brittle (Zhen-jun and Yu-pu, 2009). According to (Kwak and Filippou, 1990) in use, the concrete must meet the
following conditions:

1 structure that uses concrete must be strong and secure. In the sense that its application is very fundamental and
must satisfy the principle of equilibrium analysis and mechanical components of the material, so that in case
kruntuhan due to load more inevitable onset of an accident.

1 Civil Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, 60111, INDONESIA
2 Civil Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, 60111, INDONESIA
Iranata and Nugroho

2 The structure must meet the rigor and have no damaged. The need to control deflection occurs when the load
serviceability and minimize the occurrence of cracks in concrete.
3 The structure should be more economical. The material used should be tested and the concrete planned as
efficiently as possible so that it can be seen differences in the unit price of the use of concrete with steel.

Application of concrete in building structures generally form plate elements, beams, columns, and foundations.
Plates are part of the structure for distributing the dead load and live on the beams, but there is also used as a wall
plate. Plates are unique elements and can be used in other ways. Beams are elements that are designed to receive the
load so that the resulting bending and shear stress σ1 and σ2, so that the expenses incurred can be reviewed biaxial
load (Zhang, 2002). Column is the most important in the design of the structure so that the SNI 2012 set of "strong
coloumn weak beam" in which the design is based by making the structure more robust columns of structural beams,
so if there is a load that exceeds the design load, the building does not immediately collapse but is expected to still
can survive and give the time for people who are inside to save themselves. The column is a part that receives the
force comes from three directions, in other words, the column is expected to disperse the triaxial stress. Poer and is
part of the same column in which the possibility of these elements must be able to receive a load from several
directions multiaxial. Some research have been done to investigate the characteristics of the concrete strength against
from biaxial and triaxial load. The research states that stress and strain that occurs can be affect the strength of
concrete against from multiaxial compressive load. (Shiming and Yupu, 2012) mentions that the strain and stress of
biaxial load more dangerous when compared with uniaxial load. So when taken hypothesis of the statement, the
triaxial load more dangerous than the uniaxial or biaxial load. So in this opportunity will be made of concrete
engineered to model the triaxial load.

Along with the development of technology in various fields, in the field of computer technology and engineering
(simulation) also continues to evolve and become more advanced. Computer technology in manipulating modeling
has been widely used in the fields of engineering example of civil engineering, machinery, microelectronics, outside
angakasa, flights, bioengineering. Simulation or modeling approach is useful for calculating many cases the strength
of materials, thermal analysis, structural strength even fluid mechanics (Sylvya A, et al 2013). An understanding of
the behavior of an element of structure in general obtained from experimental tests in the laboratory. This
experimental test is very important to get results concerning the structure of the corresponding response based on
real circumstances. However, these experimental results have constraints in terms of time and costs due to produce
accurate experimental experimental data is needed very much so require many specimens (Setiawan, 2008). A
success of each approach to the analysis of simulation depends on the balance between accuracy and practices, with
obstacles in the form of modeling parameters required, and the lack of information from previous research into its
own difficulties in combining the data with predicted data yet into modeling. For modeling or simulation approach
followed by numbers that will be required calibration input into modeling which is based on minimum numbers that
may be used as a parameter of a material (Vassiles and Andreas, 2007). In doing approach or numerical simulations
carried out based there are various methods that can be used as finite diference method, finite volume, boundary
element and finite element method. Among these methods, finite element method be one that is accepted and widely
use in a variety of engineering applications, including the analysis of elastic structures (Endah, et al 2013).

Currently, all faced with the ease of of technology with FEM-based software. Programs or software that resolves
the issue structure with input from simple to complex. But convenience should be balanced with the basic principles
in the analysis of the structure. Despite the ease of analyzing by using FEM-based program, but the application is
required to enter data soul in material engineering and property in order to obtain maximum results. A user or user
FEM-based programs need to understand the usefulness of the program and how to operate it. The output or result
of the program being used will be the behavior of the structure or structural elements, either isotropic or orthotropic.
These behaviors requires a special strategies either in a linear elastic and non-linear matrix (Katili, 2008).Considering
and reviewing the above background, then it will be analyzed by using the auxiliary program based software FEM
(ABAQUS). To get the parameters and the behavior of concrete with triaxial load, which will be compared to the
results of research in modeling software with existing experimental modeling. These programs were chosen because
it has its own advantages compared with similar programs in which not only can analyze the structure of the frame
but also the material elements of the structure. In addition the program can enter some data the material properties of
concrete with a fairly complete. The analysis will be carried out will refer to the CDP method (Concrete Damage
Plastisity) and DPA (Drucker-Prager Analysis) It is expected that the results will be close to the experimental results
of the


This research will be focused on the parameters used to define non-linear behavior of concrete. This study aimed
to compare the stress the laboratory experimental results with modeling using Abaqus program. That requires data
Iranata and Nugroho

from experimental material for dikomparasikan and input into the program. Input is needed in the form of parameters
which will be discussed in the next chapter. While the results of behavior that will be reviewed include the stress that
occurs on the surface of the concrete in plastic state. Modeling on the program will be adapted to the experimental
conditions at the time. At this modeling will be used the same with experimental dimension is, the cube-shaped test
specimens with dimensions 100mmx100mmx100mm. Boundary condition which will be used is a roll, hinged joint,
fixed on three sides corresponding x, y, and z. As for the loading is done differs from experimental, using load
displacement (displacement) which will value the load will continue to rise until it reaches a plastic condition and
failure is indicated by the stress strain curve on the the test object. loading pattern will be adapted to the ratio of the
stress in Table 1, to value ratio with a negative sign is assumed as the pressure (opposite the main axis) while the
positive sign is assumed as tension (the direction of the major axis). Modeling results form of non-linear behavior of
the concrete stress to be compared with experimental studies (Song and Zhen, 2009). As for the details of this
methodology will be discussed in the next chapter.

Analysis Program Based of Finite Element (Abaqus)

Analysis is performed using the modeling / simulation are made equal with the implementation of the
experimental test by (Zhen and Song,2009). In the simulations used finite element programs (Abaqus). Simulation is
used form of three-dimensional modeling, using the same dimensions according to research ekesperimental Zhen
Song (2009), and configured according to the reality at the time of the study. Results from these simulations will be
controlled form of an analysis of elements in conditions of plastic and elastic. Simulation will generate stress and
strain in the concrete simulation, which will be compared with research (Zhen and Song, 2009) form of tensile and
compressive concrete analysis using a comparison stress (stress ratio).

Material Data
The data used in the modeling or simulation is based on previous research which done by Zhen-jun and Song,
2009. The type of concrete used is High Strength Concrete with the water-cement ratio (0.31), while the poisson for
steel taken as 0.17 based on SNI 03-1729-2002 Steel Structures Planning Procedures for Building and for concrete
ranged between 0.15 and 0.20 (Wahyudi & A. Rahim, 1997, p. 28). In reaserch of Vassil and Andrew in 2005,
resulting in that the value of Ec is used for conditions of HPC or high quality concrete is to use Equation 1. Where
f'co is not confined concrete compressive strength and elastic modulus Ec is not confined concrete. While the research
(Vassil K. Papanikolaou et al, 2005), resulted in that the value of Ec is used for conditions of HPC or high quality
concrete is the formulation

𝑓′𝑐 0.3
𝐸𝑐 = 0.9𝑥22000𝑥 ( 10 ) (1)

Compressive Strength (f’c) : 60,16 MPa

Tension Strength (fcr) : 5.08 MPa
Temperatur Ruangan (T) : 20ͦ C
Poisson Ration (υ) : 0,17
Modulus Elastis (E) :0,9.22000.(60,16/10)^0,3= 33920,132 MPa
Density : 9 =24,1 x 10-6 ton/mm3

Table 1. The stress ratio on the experimental result

Dimensi Simulasi Stress Ratio Stress Value (Mpa)

mm σ1 σ2 σ3 σ1 σ2 σ3
0.00 0.00 -1 0.00 0.00 -60.16
1 0.00 0.00 5.08 0.00 0.00
0.05 0.00 -1 2.20 0.00 -43.92
0.10 0.00 -1 3.23 0.00 -32.26
100x100x100 0.25 0.00 -1 4.28 0.00 -17.11
0.50 0.00 -1 4.73 0.00 -9.45
0.75 0.00 -1 4.86 0.00 -6.48
0.05 -1 -1 2.23 -44.64 -44.64
0.10 -1 -1 3.02 -30.18 -30.18
Iranata and Nugroho

0.25 -1 -1 3.76 -15.05 -15.05

0.35 -1 -1 4.11 -11.73 -11.73
0.50 -1 -1 4.19 -8.37 -8.37
0.75 -1 -1 4.22 -5.63 -5.63
1 -1 -1 4.23 -4.23 -4.23

Source : (Zhen-ju dan Song yu-pu 2009)

Boundary Condition
In this step it will do is determine boundary condition on this modeling. In the modeling using the software will be
matched with experimental modeling, that is assumed to be a roller in areas or parts that become boundary condition.

The loads used in the simulation are the same load used on the experimental modeling that is the burden of pressure
on the three sides of the elements reviewed (x, y, and z). Pressure given form of non-linear multilevel to reach failure
condition. Simulations are expected to come from the state elastic, plastic, and reaching failure.

Table 1 shows the ratio of loading of each side of the element, for stress is zero = 0 then it is not done loading,
whereas when the value 1 or number then there is the axial force on the that direction, while for positive and negative
values is the effect on (tension = positive and press = negative). And will be an additional press modeling for concrete
conditions of the three main axes (-1, -1, -1) which will be the behavior of the test object.


One form of stress-strain curve up to the limit before the stress reaches the maximum value presented by
Hognestad which uses parabolic equation degree of two. From the graph, fc 'is the maximum stress reached by
the concrete (in this study using the value fc'). The value of f" can be differs from value fc 'due to differences in
the size and shape of the concrete being tested press (Park & Paulay, 1974, pp. 12-14).

Fig. 1 Boundary Condition on Abaqus Simulation (left for BC x and z axis, right for BC y axis)
Iranata and Nugroho

Fig. 2 Stress-Strain Curve for compression concrete (Park & Paulay, 1974)

The Fig.2 can be write as the Eq.2 and Eq.3:

    2 
0  c  0 , f c = f c '  2 c −  c   (2)
 0  0  

 0,15  (3)
0  c  0,0038, f c = f c ' 1 − ( c −  0 ) 
 0,003 − c 

Where :
fc' = Maximum concrete stress have been reached
c = Concrete strain in a point that we define
0 = Concrete strain on the maksimum stress in which
Be define as : 0 = 2 f c '
Ec = Concrete Elastic Modulus

To get the Fig.3 we can take Eq. 4 and Eq. 5

𝜎1=𝐸𝑐 𝜀1 ɛ1≤ɛcr (4)

𝜀𝑐𝑟 0.4
𝜎1 = 𝑓𝑐𝑟 ( ) ɛ1>ɛcr (5)

Fig. 3 Stress and strain graph for konstitutif tension modeling

(Taijun dan Thomas, 2001)
Iranata and Nugroho

Table 2. Default parameter for CDP model

Parameter Name Value

Dlatation Angel 29
Eccentricity 0.1
fbo/fco 1.16
K 0.778
Viscosity Parameter 0
Concrete Damage Plasticity
The units used in Abaqus program is dependent on the use of the initial modeling unit, there aren’t unit
which can be used in Abaqus we must take MPa for constants unit. Table 2 used for input parameter on which
modeling in triaxial, biaxial, or uniaxial loading. Parameters used in Table 2 to put the data into the modeling
material using analysis of Concrete Damage Plasticity. This can be seen in Figure 4, in addition to the loaded
behavior compression and tension of concrete at the CDP material selection. Parameter from Table 3 will be
produce modeling as show in the Figure 4 produce modeling as in the picture, which shows a contour stress
on the specimen by giving pressure.

Static analysis is used Genaral with default parameters, by adding the number of increments to 100 and
change the minimum time increment become 1E-200 in order to be closer to the analysis desired. In the triaxial
loading conditions (-1, 1, -1) factor in the failure of the concrete specimen material is in tension that occurs in
the field load test object. So that either the stress from the direction of x, y, and z equal value either
compression or tension. Figure 4 show the crack location that shows the pattern of fractures or cracks that
occur in the test object.

Fig. 4 Von Misses ratio 0.75 -1 -1 CDP triaxial

Drucker-Prager Analysis
Pt is the value derived from the following formulation, pt is a factor hydrostatic triaxial tests. Eq 6 When hardening
is defined as the in uniaxial compression yield stress Eq 7 when hardening is defined as uniaxial tension yield
𝑝𝑡 = 𝑎𝜎𝑐𝑏 − 3

𝑝𝑡 = 𝑎𝜎𝑡𝑏 − 3

𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 ἡ = (8)

To get the value of the initial tension is used the average value of the Eq (8), the value is taken based on Table 4
where the comment "OK" on the two sides of both positive and negative with the comments definition value must
not be 0 <pt < σt( Analysis User's Manual Vol III, 2010)
Iranata and Nugroho

F = 𝑎𝑞 𝑏 − p − pt (9)

Which Table. 3 we can make the chart depend on it, for define the plan p-q chart wecan use Equation 9 for the
exponent suboption on drucker prager in Abaqus with Eq. 9 we get Fig. 8.

6 sin 𝛹
tan 𝛽 = 3−sin 𝛹 (10)

Source: (ABAQUS, Inc., 2003.)

0.7 𝑓𝑐 0.31 𝑓𝑐
𝜀𝑐 𝑝 = − (11)
1000 𝐸𝑐

Source: (Papanikolaou dan Andreas, 2005)

Table 3. Calculation for parameter friction angel and

dilatation angel approach the parameter used

β Friction

26 51.37973684
27 52.25142736
28 53.07247156
29 53.84596761
30 54.57481153

Figure 5 shows the behavior of concrete against multiaxial load, where the plan will be formed tangential angles
in p-q plan that called friction angel. This research used friction angel ± 53,2ᴼ for modeling the cubes. For more
details can be seen in Table 4, where friction angel have relevance with dilatation angel, it is shown in Eq 10.

Fig 5. Curve from plan p-q for hardening definition tension and compression
Iranata and Nugroho

Table 5 can show the possible parameter for multiaxial loading, while to determine the strain rate of load used can
use the Eq.11, it is on show on the Table 4. By using some of the comparisons from previous modeling by
researchers generated several possible parameters that can be used to model the multiaxial test specimen, as shown
in Table 5.

Table 4. Parameter used for Drucker Prager Analysis

Drucker Prager Triaxial Data Strain Rate

Eq Plastic
t q p η = p/q
Strain Rate
95.34073 60.16 20.01304 0.00938071 0
8.050713 5.08 -1.68848 0.05217021 0.00011431
71.41093 46.12 14.48128 0.05860317 0.0001244
53.86735 35.49 10.29306 0.09021019 0.00016501
31.06752 21.39 4.73766 0.12377433 0.00019822
19.81768 14.18 1.89692 0.15104545 0.00022072
15.6166 11.34 0.77796 0.18782775 0.00024684
74.27892 46.87 14.77678 0.21148948 0.00026175
52.6149 33.2 9.3908 0.27285542 0.00029544
29.80983 18.81 3.72114 0.28002705 0.000299
25.10301 15.84 2.55096 0.30399133 0.00031045
19.90491 12.56 1.25864 0.3052716 0.00031104
15.61014 9.85 0.1909 0.32266356 0.00031891
13.40729 8.46 -0.35676 0.34237795 0.00032746
Drucker Prager Eksponensial
a b pt Ψ Use Triaxial
0.394 1 3.69 28 Data And
0.006052 2 1.84 28 Strain Rate
Drucker Prager Linier
β K Ψ Use Hardening parameter for
69 0.778 29 compression strength

Table 5. Possible parameter for multiaxial loading

friction Dilatation Flow Stress

Parameter Angel Angel Ratio Material Constanta

(derajat) ᴼ (derajat) K a b pt
Van Gool, 2007 41.2184 0 0.778 0.0155 - -
Jia Fei dan Yu
Fei 36.5838 - - - - -
NPL Manual - - - 0.0394 2 6.956311
Conclution 53ᴼ-69ᴼ 28ᴼ-29ᴼ 0.7780 0.3940 1.0000 3.6900
Iranata and Nugroho

Fig. 6 Von Misses ratio 0.1 -1 -1 DPA triaxial

As for multiaxial stress can be seen in Fig 6, where the yield stress has been achieved in some areas of the
test specimen and has resulted in the test object into colapse or in the sense that could no longer deform. For the
result we can see the Table. 6, there are deviation from the von misses experimental just than vons misses from
Concrete Damage or Drucker Prager.

Table 6. Percentage calculation results comparison using CDP parameters or DPA

Stress Ratio Stress Value (Mpa) CDP (Mpa) DPA (Mpa) Percentage Percentage
σ1 σ2 σ3 σ1 σ2 σ3 σ1 σ2 σ3 σ1 σ2 σ3 Deviation CDP Deviation DPA

0.00 0.00 -1 0.00 0.00 -60.16 0.000 0.000 60.160 0.000 0.000 60.980 0.00% 1.36%
1 0.00 0.00 5.08 0.00 0.00 5.080 0.000 0.000 4.869 0.000 0.000 0.00% 4.15%
0.05 0.00 -1 2.20 0.00 -43.92 2.715 0.000 -30.780 2.348 0.000 -42.270 28.49% 3.48%
0.10 0.00 -1 3.23 0.00 -32.26 2.840 0.000 -22.110 3.240 0.000 -33.060 30.40% 2.36%
0.25 0.00 -1 4.28 0.00 -17.11 3.230 0.000 -12.910 4.568 0.000 -19.000 24.54% 10.43%
0.50 0.00 -1 4.73 0.00 -9.45 3.680 0.000 -8.326 5.214 0.000 -10.840 14.80% 13.43%
0.75 0.00 -1 4.86 0.00 -6.48 3.867 0.000 -6.310 5.377 0.000 -7.320 9.70% 12.02%
0.05 -1 -1 2.23 -44.64 -44.64 3.916 -22.760 -22.760 4.320 -46.490 -46.490 43.09% 8.41%
0.10 -1 -1 3.02 -30.18 -30.18 3.711 -18.510 -18.510 4.670 -33.460 -33.460 33.07% 14.85%
0.25 -1 -1 3.76 -15.05 -15.05 3.957 -11.920 -11.920 4.410 -16.730 -16.730 15.59% 12.39%
0.35 -1 -1 4.11 -11.73 -11.73 3.800 -9.800 -9.800 4.095 -12.112 -12.112 14.14% 2.32%
0.50 -1 -1 4.19 -8.37 -8.37 3.811 -7.718 -7.718 4.428 -8.780 -8.780 8.21% 5.16%
0.75 -1 -1 4.22 -5.63 -5.63 3.860 -5.816 -5.816 4.505 -4.730 -4.730 1.77% 6.24%
1 -1 -1 4.23 -4.23 -4.23 3.900 -4.700 -4.700 4.560 -4.639 -4.639 1.65% 8.73%
Summary N N N N N N N N N 16.10% 7.52%
Iranata and Nugroho

From the analysis above it can be concluded several things including :
1. Compression Stress affects the criteria of failure in the concrete uniaxial press, while for the concrete
analysis of biaxial and triaxial criteria of failure is strongly influenced from the stress tension on the
concrete unconfiment. Boundary condition will affect the behavior of the test object to be modeled,
especially in conditions of triaxial and biaxial.
2. Drucker Prager parameters used shows the behavior at a rate that is not too far from the experimental
results, where we can see for the parameter using the DPA always be from the a constant percentage so
well used in modeling triaxial or biaxial. while concrete damage plastisiti showed good initial behavior
under conditions of stress ratio of 0.75 -1 -1 while when the ratio is getting smaller between the tension
to the compression so approach from modeling the percentage of the experimental results also decreased.
3. Analysis with parameter of Concrete damage plasticity has advantage and deficiency, for stress from
Abaqus would appoach the eksperimental for the stress ratio bigger than 0.1 while if the stress ratio
smaller than it, the stress would keep away from the experimental data.
4. Drucker Prager Analysis have the advantage too, there are have the constant deviation stress on modeling
between experimental, although the ratio tension and compression either the axis are small or big.

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