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TANGUAGE OF TRANSMISSIONS =) FROM YOUR SOUL © ‘> — DENISE JARVIE S THE SECRET LANGUAGE OF NIGHT @ TRANSMISSIONS FROM YOUR SOUL sirxger Copyright © 2019 Denise evie rework Copyright © 2019 Daniel B, Holeman All rights reserved. Other chan for personal use, no part ofthese cards or this book may be reproduced in any wy, in whole or part without the written consent of the copyright holder or publisher. These cards are intended for spiritual and emotional {guidance only. They are not intended co replace medical Pablished by Blue Angel Publishing” 80 Glen Tower Driv, Glen Waverley, Victoria Ausralia 3150 E-muil:info@blueangelontinecom Websice: wonblueangelonlinecom Guidebook and card messages by Denise Jarvie Card artwork by Daniel B. Holeman Ediced by Leela Williams Blue Angelisa registered trademark of Blue Angel Gallery, Pry. Ltd. ISBN: 978.1.925538-47-2 "Go newARDS. FIND YOUR INNER SPACE, AND, SUDDENLY, YOU WILL FIND AN EXPLOSION OF LIGHT, OF BEAUTY, OF ECSTASY ~ ASIF SUDDENLY "THOUSANDS OF ROSES HAVE BLOSSOMED WITHIN YOU AND YOU ARE FULL OF THEIR FRAGRANCE” =Osno For vou, WHO DREAM TO SHINE. ‘Traver Licht, tive uiGHT, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ‘Asta, thank you for soft place to land and rest. “Thank you to Richard for his ability co bring out my best work and make ia realcy. ‘Thank you to the most talented and hardworking eam at Blue Angel Publishing, for Ton’s extensive vision, Martine’ ‘unwavering, healing love, Tanya’ magical management, Lecls phenomenal editing, Michaels briliane design expertise and ‘Tammy’ loyal support ~ the student has become the teacher. “Thank you to Daniel Holeman for his light-filed are, that opens and heals hears. “Thank you to my family and friends whose endless love, support and belief is constan inspiration and wonder. ‘Thank you to my clients and students, your love, light and grace remind me that we are apart ofall we have met. “Thank you to CrosFe Infinitum for helping me regain my moj, [A big chanks co Amethyst, my eat companion of sixteen years, forilluminating me to the healing wonderment of eas. Lam now rod ‘0 say Lam bipetual (Someone who loves both dogs and ‘And finally, co my amazing husband Greg, while there are no ‘words to eruly express my graticude, I will stare by saying Ihave leamed to love myself a you love me, and from this place I say I love you - you are the light of my ie ‘ CONTENTS Inroduction ons 1. Soul Name. 2. Awakening. 3. Channelling... 4 Authentic Truc. 35 5. Healing. & Grounding nn 7. Nothing Has Gone Wrong. 44 8 Meditation osnveunn 47 9, Soul Journey 50 10. Soul Cran 32 1, Remembrances 55 20, Soul Writing... 21, Soul Tree 22. Divine Animals. 23. Nowtish.. 24, Wellnes 25, Manifeation.. 26, Vesca Pacis, 27. Jo. 103 28, Inner Voice. 106 29, You AreThe Univers 109 30. Thereis Only Lightownn-112 31. Divine Feminine lS 32. Divine Masculine ono 118 33, SoU Love wenn d21 34, Soul Mating nnd 24 35, Light Beings. 36. Soul Family. 37. Focus, 138. CreateSpace. 39, Variance 40. Colour AL, Soul Song. 42. Inward Revolution... 48. Enlightenmene. 4. Expansion, 45, Lee You Light Shine... 157 About the Author. ‘TNTRODUCTION Wetcome Creative SOUL, am so pleased and honoured you are here. This deck is 2 ‘manifestation of the light chat streams from the source ofall things. Each ard is saturated in variations of light, to steer you in the direction of freedom, The cards will expand your psychic senses and open your perception to a more direct and personal ‘experience with your soul. Working with The Secret Language of Light will inspite grearer confidence in your inner voice and ‘enhance your intuition while providing messages and processes that heal the separation from your soul love and wisdom. ‘Waves of light ripple throughout the Universe, finding ways to reconnect with similae frequencies and instigate new creations. “This luminous proces of co-creation is exhibited inthe exquisite images ereated by Daniel Holeman. These loving visions carry codes of light that awaken and encourage soul connection. Reading the information for cach card together with the contemplation ofthe images, wll open new doors t the loving. ‘wisdom of your soul. You are ready to move into the next chapeer of your life, even if you don’t know what it is. Somewhere deep inside of you, an impulse is prompting you to create, deaw, pant, write, change ‘career, mov, shift ~ to feel lf instead of feelingsomethingabout 0" life. You know what itis, but up uneil now you didnt chink ic was possible. These cards will help you receive and ground soul transmissions, that will open your heare to possibliis and limieless wonder. May your journey flow in creative love. Inlove and igh, Denise ‘Tue Lancuace oF Licht “The light referred ro inthis deck isthe divine radiance that raises ‘ur awareness of soul truch The language of light illuminates the pathway co harmony and soul connection. Ir ses sacred geometry, «colour and sound vibrations to relay enlightening information, Sacred geometry contains perfect mathematical equations that prompt us to create a life fled with soul love. These divine icons include the overlapping circles ofthe Flower of Life and the triangles ofthe Sri Yano. We don't have to know or understand the equations contained within these symbols ro connect with them. Allcolours and sounds contain a unique aspect of light. We instinctively resist or embrace specific colours and tones. Focuson colours and sounds chat feel right, and observe, pethaps explore, any you feel resistance to, Light language is ich and diverse, so we can choose to work and play with the range that resonates with our heart and mind, and illuminates of our soul euth, The language of light i shining 'upon you right now, gracing you with a way to create a path Rh toward all you dese, Open your heart co receive, and the next steps wil ow into your mind. SOUL TRANSMISSIONS Soul transmissions how from the language of light. These subtle "waves of energetic information are unique to your soul. Your soul is sending you th information chat wil lovingly illuminate your truth, Meditation i the bese way to tune in, recognise your heart truth and become open tothe wisdom of your soul and beyond, [Anything that brings you into a neuteal balanced state wil also align your energy. Once you learn to tune in, the transmissions will become louder and clearer. eis like a personal radio station broadcasting just for you. Your jab isto adjust your dial, so you can receive your soul transmissions. You wil know when you are tuned in bythe way it feels. Your ‘body will lax, ie will feel pleasing, loving and encompassing and like a big yes or ding is reverberatng through you. Energy may ripple or tingle up and down your spine, head or around your hips. The hair may stand up on your arms or the back of your neck. Fleeting lightheadedness or ineuitive messages may be experienced as you awaken to che higher aspect of you. ‘Your Sout NaME ‘Thename of mysoulis 4tar You haveasoulname,too! Yourname personaliss your soul. Our minds find ic easier to communicate ‘with aname than a concept. Your soul nameisa point of reference B where you can meet your soul transmissions. Using a name also makes it easier to recognise the feling of your soul. When I am focused on feling Asta, ii like having a natural conversation with myself, full oF insight, knowings and deeper conclusions. “There are processes within this deck that will help you discover your sou! name, Workine wir THE CARDS ‘You were inspired co rendezvous with these cards, so you could discover and connect with th light of your soul, Each time you work with the cards for yourself or another, you enter a sacred {gateway with Know Thyself carved into it. As you sep through this threshold, you will awaken, crete new pathvays, and form stronger connection to your soul and the light of the Universe ‘Think of these cards a a personal spiritual assistant, helping you fine tune your connection to spirit, Each card has a message and a soul mastery class, The message will ell you whacissigaificane in your life now and how that may ‘unfold. The soul mastery class wil help you delve deeper into the ‘message. eis made up of a meditation exercise, inspired reflections and actions, and journal work. Tue Rote OF RESISTANCE Lascing change comes easily once daily deliberate actions build 'up positive momentum. There wil be days when your mind may challenge these new ideas. When this happens, you can choose to respond in one ofthe following ways: + Breathe deeply and meditate 1 Have a rest day co adjust and adape eo your new perceptions. Don't give this another thought, just begin again tomorrow. + IFyou want co carry on, donte push agains che resistance or it will juse push back even harder. Let it be thet, le it have its ‘opinion and just say to that pare of yourself, “I respect and honour your opinion, afterall cis a long:held belie chat has become pare of my everyday way of being, But just for roday. 1 wane to try something different” You are at the beginning of profound shift in your thinking, Be patient with yourself s some beliefs ae easier to let go of than others. READINGS ‘Tae Weicome “This deck of card has found its way into your life because you are ready to feel, hear and see the messages within it, Welcome your deck by holding it in your hands. Then place the eards at your heart and feel creative, intuitive energy flow from the cards inco your heart, illuminating your creative, intuitive energy. Tue INTENTION Before cach reading, establish your intention by using an invocation or meditation. Thisinvites the presence of your angels, {ides or light beings, and connects you to the wisdom of your heart, You may lke to use the process that follows or one of your Sie quicly wich your cards in your hands and close your yes, Breathe gently and imagine che white light ofthe Universe flowing into the room, swicing all around you. Breathe in the light, knowing i is filled with unconditional love and healing, “This light illuminates a small golden light in your heare centre “This is your light of awareness, a guiding presence full of warmth and joy. As you resin the love and wisdom of your sacred light, gently open your eyes. You are now ready to start your reading ‘The Question If you don't have a question, you can eave the message up to the Universe, knowing the information chat comes forch will always be foryourhighest growth with love. Ifyou want eoaska question, for best results, do not phrase it oie requires a yes-oF-no answer, For example, “Will I get this job?" or “Will my boyftiend and I get married?” Ask yourself what it i you really want ro know and change the question slighty. Be specific and use names where applicable. For example: ‘What are the postive and negative aspects of me taking this ‘Whacisthe long-term prospect for my relationship with John? ‘What can Ido to support and action my dreams and desires? By changing the wording, you give yourself choices and open the eading tall possibilities. ‘Tue SHUFFLE Pick up your deck. Ifyou have a question, formulate it in your ‘mind as you stare to shufle the cards. Shuffle or rearrange the cards ina way tha is easy for you. You may like to cut the deck if this eels right. You can take the cards fom the top ofthe deck or fan them out and choose from anywhere in the deck. The more ‘you play with your cards the sooner you will ind the bese way for ‘you, Remember there sno ight or wrong way to do this. JumPInc CaRps A jumping card is one that flls or jumps out of the deck, Take note of jumping cards as they offer a magical insight inco what you were feeling or understanding atthe time they jumped. ReverseD CaRps ‘Some readers attach importance to cards chat are deale upside down, and some dont There are no rules here. As ever, do what feels bese for you. In my experience a reversed card might indicate delays, obstacles or thar more information is to come. It doesnt ‘mean anything negative ‘The FUTURE Welivein the present, with the furure unfolding one moment ata time. When you ae reading future tends, allow che information and insight to illuminate all the options and possibilities before you This will allow you to make empowered, informed decisions about what you have asked about. ‘Train Your INTUITION Each time you choose a card or lay out 2 spread, look ac the image/s,close your eyes and imagine yourselfin che piture. What feelings words or images come to you? Spend thirry seconds to 2 ‘minute doing this, write down your impressions and then look up the message LANGUAGE OF LIGHT SPREADS When welay cards out in sr pattem or order iis called a spread Each card's message is considered in combination with the cards around it. This allows different pathways and perspectives to be introduced tothe reading, The following spreads have been specifically designed for larity and healing when using The Seer Language of Light for readings. Pease fel frce co use your favourite spreads. With regards co the soul mastery cass, you are welcome to add this information to your readings fyou or your cliene want to delve a lie deeper. You can read the meditation, do the writing, reflect and take the ation, or share them for your cient ro do. SOUL ORACLE: SINGLE-CARD SPREAD Shull, fan our the deck, and choose one card with any hand. “This card cepresents something wonderful you need to recognise orleasn tolove about yourself. Look at che image and imagine you ae in the picture, Allow the image tobe a pathway co your sacred space. We are not eryingto gee to the image, rater itis away to ‘move you ro your truth, Close your eyes and breathe the image in and out, Allow yourself to relax inthe knowledge you are opening to inner wisdom and love. After a while you will move beyond the image into your inner world ofeeation. When you fel ready. come back to the image, breathe it in and out, open your eyes, then read the message. SoUL Vision: FOUR-CARD SPREAD Gain information about your path andthe bes stepsto take based con what you deste in your lf with this simple layout. Card 1: Now — Who you ae today (Card 2: Pase~ What oceured in the past (Card 3: Future — Your expectations Card 4s Opportunity ~The stion to take Sout HEALING: FOUR-CARD SPREAD Here i ashore but powerful spread to heal whatever holds you back from your dreams and desires. Card I: Now ~The beliefs most dominant in your thinking Card 2: Love ~ Something that makes your heart smile your soul ‘uth (Card 3: Fear ~ Something that makes your heart sink, not your soul eruth (Card 4: Heal - Action you can cake co change outdated beliefs holding you back from your dreams and desires a ‘Ti Sout Mastery Cass “Your stream of consciousness contain all your experiences and all the diferent aspect of you. You bave focused a part of your stream ‘of consciousness upon the earth planet experience ifein new and varied ways. Your soul loves you so much, Is alvays transmitting this love and trath, even wien you have forgotten.” ~ From Card Number 3, Soul Channelling ‘The soul mastery class will help you have direct contact and. experience with your soul. To use the deck for ths clas, begin a card one and work through the fory-five cards one after the other, Once you have finished all the cards, randomly choose a card whenever you wane to delve deeper into the lessons for self inquiry. The information may be the same, but when you mect it from a higher vibration you will expand on your experience and wisdom. You can choose a card as ofen as you like, bu I do suggest you complete all ehree sections before moving on t0 a new card. This allows che information ro be integrated into your sally lf. Information never teaches, it remains a concept until itis experienced. Once experienced, you will begin to feel and “understand it throughout your body and decide whether to adopt ‘the material or let igo. While you are coming to decision or conclusion, I encourage you to doa reading using any ofthe three spreads included previously. This will help clarify and consolidate ‘yur intuition and soul connection. You can ada this information to your readings fora deeper soul experience. ‘The thtce sections ofthe Soul Mastery Class Meditation: These exercises are a way t0 connect to and tunderstind the topic ofeach card alice deeper. Meditation isa ‘way to elax the body, quiet che mind and be fully presene in the now. When you are relaxed and silt becomes easier to tune in +o your soul transmissions. Meditation is also 2 way to experience the images and words through yous inner world of imagination. For the best results, record the meditations on your smartphone, tablet or computer in your own voice, then close your eyes while you listen to he playback. Your voice is unique to you and will encourage che transmissions ro flow and heal so you ‘can experience the creative wisdom of your soul each time you listen toa meditation. You may als like to play gentle music, buen Incense or use aromatherapy oils Inspired Reflections and Actions: The reflections will help consolidate the theme of the card, while the actions help you experience the theme of the card. Before you read or ac, take a deep breath in and out, then open your heart and mind to trying something new. I suggest you artempe each suggestion at least ‘nce, ro sce what happens. Think of this as an experiment with selFinguiry Journal Work: These exercises are designed co ground your experiences and understanding dough writing or drawing When anchored, your experiences become a part of your everyday life, where you can choose what you keep and whac you leave on the path There ae many beautiful journals available for purchase, but you can also use your computer, electronic device a ‘or an exercise book. Allow your inspiration to choose, Soul transmissions will stimulate your higher and ineutive self, and you will experience insights, understandings and vivid dreams. A journal i an invaluable record of your journey and wil serve asa reference for the future, CARD. MEANINGS 1. Sout NAME nee Untock Te Mysrenirs oF Your Sout. ‘You are or about to receive the name of your soul Your soul name acts a a ink between your inner and outer worlds, enabling you {ro merge authentic wisdom into your everyday experiences and create a life from your heart. You placed your soul name in your heart before you were born. As you explore your inner world and ‘open your heart, you will discover the name of your beautiful «essence You are ready to awaken your hear and know its absolute fullness. You are safe co discover, connect and receive. All your dreams and desires will be realised with an open heart. Ask for and be open to receiving the name of your soul. Ie may artve in way you dontt expect, but when ie comes you will know itis authentic by the way ic feels. Liberate your hear and soul ~ you are worth it. Sout Mastery Cass: Discover your Sout NAME Meditation Place a hand on the card. Become awate of and sense your body. Be conscious of and focussed on your breathing, As you breathe in, draw your awareness within. As you breathe out, let go and relax, Be thankful for the ability to breathe and focus on your inner world. Here you can remember who you are, where you came from and what your pasions are. ‘As you sein bright appreciation, your vibration rises to reveal a shining light being who is offering you a key and pointing ro a ddoor in your hear. Take the key, and notice a name on the door Ifyou ca scea name, know ie will come to you in the following days. Unlock and sep through the door into the fullness of you. Feel at ease, sof and wise. Be immersed in stillness and peace. In this moment, you rein fllalignmene with your soul. Remember what this els like, Stay here for as longas you like ~at leas thirey seconds. When you feel ready, float out through che door. Notice the name on the doot 2s ic may have changed. Lock the door and plice your key in your heart. Your key gives you access co your sacred soul space whenever you want. Focus on your breath, and let ie guide you back eo your physical self Open your eyes and smile. [Inspired Reflestions and Actions + Open yourself ro receiving the sounds your souls sending you. If necessary, ask for the communication to be louder or more ‘precise. Ask your mind tobe sil as you do this. Trus what comes royou. ‘+ When you find a name or names, ery them on to sce how they fel State out loud, “My soul name 2 Te mighe feel awkward at frst, but keep going, You will know when itis right for you by the way you fel. You may feel a rush of energy. 8 tingling, revelation, a quiet recognition ora knowing ‘+ When you are having a natural conversation with yourself ll of insight and profound conclusions, acknowledge that you are having conversation with your soul I fel like you because you are vibrating atthe same resonance 3s your soul Journal Work For seven consecutive days, say the name or names you are tying fut. Then write down a least two qualities about the name that brings smile to your face and hear. 2. AWAKENING WispoM EMERGES TAROUGH EVERYDAY EXPERIENCE You ate or about ro experience an aha moment. This will come asa fecling of deep teuth that seemed to have slipped your mind, ‘You have often thought there must be another way to experience and live this life, and you are about ro discover it, You are opening your heare and mind to the full authentic you. Timeshonoured. ‘ways that have worked in the past ate no longer bringing the results you desire and may have become obstacles to your dreams Beliefs become intermingled with everyday processes and who we think we are. No wonder it can seem hard to let them go. When you rouse from the slumber of conformity, you awaken into the same world, bur through the eyes of soul love, you can see beyond fear to the creative posites that are everywhere. Relax and enjoy this time ~ i is your natural evolution. Sout Masrany Cass: AWAKEN YOUR MIND AND BODY To YOUR SOUL ‘Meditation Place a hand on the card. This action energetically connects you ‘with the vibrations of your soul. Slow your breathing and say to yourself, “I am open to and trust my soul guidance” Allow yourself ro fel calm and empowered. Feel into your heart for the key fom the soul name medication and take yourself ro the doorway of your sacred soul space. Unlock the door. Notice your soul name on the door ~ has it changed? Float into your sacred space as intense loving light envelops you and introduces islf as your soul Allow your soul to move through your body and mind, 0 you ‘ean accept and trust its messages without resistance. Let every part of you open to your soul and relax init presence. You have just come home to che absolut fullness and beauty of you. A smile erupts within you and your whole being beams. Everything feels amazing and perfect. Come to this place a often as you can. Meditate daly and be with your soul Stay here for a east thirey seconds. When you feel ready, breathe deeply in and out. Come back to your physical awareness and see the world chrough newly awakened eyes. + Nourish your mind and body wich the wisdom of your soul by taking deep breaths as often as you like. {+ Close your eyes and smile for afew moments every hour as you enjoy connecting with your soul «Recognise thatthe same life force Rowing through you, flows x” shrough al off. Journal Work For seven consecutive days, write or draw one new thing you learned about yourself that day. 3. CHANNELLING EXPERIENCE YOUR STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS ‘Youhavetheability to tunein to diferent streamsofconsciousness to gain wise information for healing and expansion. Channelling shifts your awareness, so you can stream information from various frequencies. Irs just like euning into a radio station. IF the information doesnt agtce with you, eune in to something different. You cant expect to heat rock music on a classical music station, With practice, you will be able to cune in to your soul transmissions easily. You have focused a pare of your sream of ‘consciousness upon the earth plane to experince life in new and varied ways, Your soul loves you so much. Ie is always transmitting. this love and truth, even when you have forgotten Sout Masrany CLass: ‘OPEN TO YOUR STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS ‘Meditation Place a hand on the card, Gently close your eyes and imagine the room is filling with light. Smoothly and effordlesly breathe in light from higher dimensionsand imagine movinginco the higher realms of love. Breathe out light and feel ic move around you like augentle mis. [eis healing and revealing. You are becoming calm and peaceful as your energy aligns in fullness and harmony. You have access to more of your light, more awareness of your soul and purpose. While you are here, contemplate these guidelines for channelling «Is the information consistent? + Is the information helpful and valid? + Isthe information uplifting? + Whats your motivation for channelling? + Always channel for yourself before helping or channeling for another Walk in a new fight of knowingness and stay here for ac fase thirty seconds. When you fel ready focus on your physial body and breathe this unique experience into your body. Open your ‘yes and smile ~ you ae lowing in your stream of consciousnes. ‘Acknowledge how Source sees you. Imagine seeing yourself through the eyes of your sul ‘+ Open your heat, let love in, and let Source and your soul look » athe world chrough your uniqueness. ‘= When ideas pop into your head, write chem down. Ponder ‘whether this information makes your heart sing or shrink Journal Work ‘Write down or draw what unconditional love and eternal mean to you. Weite down or draw what your steam of consciousness feels Tike. u 4, AUTHENTIC TRUTH Discover Your TRuTH AND Let Oriers Fin THEIRS The truth will set you free. so long as you recognise there is more than one truth and that the answers you seek exist beyond the beliefs you hold now. There are many cruths in this world You don't have to believe them all. Jus focus on what resonates with you. If you must convince yourself of your beliefs, chey ace nor your euch Your truth wil always fulfil and satisfy. Kis ‘unconditional ~ meaning conditions don't have to change for you to live and feel your truth, Thee ino right or wrong, but there is eause and effect or action and reaction. Master yourself, rot someone else's processes, When you change your belief, your life changes to match it To do this, you must be aware of how you Feel and practice focusing on whar makes your hear sing, not shrink. When you align with your eruch, you will ow, fel ‘xcited, and believe an authentic life is posible. Ie is not your truth you will resist find ichard to commit and fel indecisive Sout MasreRy Cass: RECOGNISE YOUR TRUTH Meditation Place a hand on the card. Allow everything in the room to just bbe as you focus on your breath. An infinite stream of divine euth is always owing to you. Gently close your eyes and allow ic to enter your awareness. Imagine a point of light within your heart centre, see it grow into a sacred flame. Fee its beautiful warmth send waves of joyous knowledge through you. Thisis your light of| ‘uth, guiding presence thats always wich you. This light knows you and is ever revealing your truth and essence to you. Rese in this place fora least thirty seconds. Breathe your light inco the world to activate and inspite more profound truths for you and ‘others. When you fel ready, focus on your physical body and breathe. Open your eyes and smile. «+ Be aware of your felings. Notice how i Fels to be angry loving cor hurt + Asyou move chrough your day, notice what gives you aglow of happiness + Do things that feel teuthFul.Ifthete is something you don't ‘wane to do, and you mus doit, find a way to connect i 0 your truth. Find a way that doesn’t fel like a compromise. Ifyou are rot okay with che compromise, i¢ may breed resentment and become a poison 0 you. Journal Work Picture yourself living your truth and not compromising, Write % twopanyjaosaidas amp spuo an sypoue pur yous nok aupesidss aeyp spuow samp UNOP 5. HEALING Be IL.uManaren ay Love aNp TRUTH Right now, healing is taking place to support your understanding of the gifts in your experiences. Weird or dificul circumstances can often bea fastrack path co your desires. Until we recognise subele imbalances, the bese way to clean up outdated beliefs is to have our buttons pushed. Buttons are created by continued attention to unbalanced thoughts, ideas or beliefs. Every time ‘we are reminded of o talk about a hurt, it pushes a button and reopens a wound that we are yer to heal. Wounds ae created ‘mental, spiritual or physical eauma. Poking at them will prolong the healing process. Leave them alone, so balance ean be restored, and wholeness can return Inspired action for healing may include secing a therapist, consulting a medical professional, or spending ” time in the ocean. Focusing on what you love is also healing, Allis perfect in every moment, even ifwe can see it atthe time Sout Masraay Cass Ste THINGS AS THEY ARE SO HEALING CaN BEGIN Mediation Place a hand on the card. Close your eyes, slow your breathing and move into your inner world. Imagine breathing starlight inco your heart and embracing all that you allow or resist. Slip into stillness with an open heart and mind. Feel the honesty of your inner being as you enter the space of now. Each moment of your life is filled with wonderment, challenge oy, and sorrow ~ allow all things to be as they are right now, and you will el free ro be ‘who you are, Feel empowered by your euch and ask yourself these questions + Am [ready to release gui fer, judgement and limitation? + Am I ready to detach from what others think about me? IfT don’, can [follow my souls voice? ' Do I love myself enough co care about how I fel? ‘+ Am Lopen-minded? + Dol eruse myself? {Just lee che answers come, there is nothing you need to do right ‘now. Stay in this space that you created for at least a minute. ‘When you fecl ready; breathe starlight into your outside world. ‘Come back open your eyes and realise every problem cravels with its solution. * Write down he answers to the questions from the meditation ~ ifyou remember them. Ifyou fel anything needs co be healed, ask your soul to help. Ifyou fel you need more help, alk toa friend ‘or therapist. «+ Let goof any self-help material you no longer have use For. Give {eto somcone, or donate it Ifyou need to eal in the future, the information and processes you need will come eo you, Don't hhoard out of fear, keep things because they give you joy. + Spend five minutes every morning doing something you love. When you add this to your daily life, everything else will low with joy. Journal Work Write down or draw anything you nced to forgive yourself for ‘Then, add how your life would change ifyou forgave yourself Do the healing, so you can live your life and full your purpose. It is time to set yourself free, s0 you can move forward and inspire others tobe fee. 6. GROUNDING [ANCHOR INTO THE EARTH AND ALWAYS Fret aT HOME ‘Circumstances have affected your energy. You may be feeling disconnected, scattered or overwhelmed. You may be bumping into chings or forgetting if you locked the door or turned the izon off when you left home. Stop whatever you are doing and breathe, ler yourself be here, Call your dispersed energy back to your heart imagine any imbalanced or excess energy flowing nto the earth and feel the calmness of nature in exchange. Nacure ‘uses this energy for growth and expansion. This isa symbiotic, covcreatve process that we need to remember and honour. When you re-centre, you will begin to feel more aligned, relaxed and ar peace, This may aso be a message to spend more time outside. Narure lovingly resets our energy. It holds no judgement, bur simply allows and accepts. Sout MasreRy CLass Connect ro MoTHER EARtit ‘Meditation “Take this card with you as you venture ourside. Sit o lie upon the earth or lean your back against a tree. You may like to place a hand over the image on the card or place your hands on the «arth. The natural word surrounds you with emerald gren light. Ie flows from the heart of life allowing you to feel safe under the blue shelter of sky. Gently close your eyes. Breathe in the ait of| nature, and breathe out any harmful thoughts and beliefs, After a while, the idea Iam loved will begin to move into your mind. Let this choughe flow gendly chrough your heart body, and mind, Feel love filing you. From the depths of your soul, a profound love grace, and gratitude honours the relationship you have with Mother Earch. Drop deeper into this wisdom as your encrgy Jncermingls withthe energy ofthe earth, like the roots ofa tee. Stay here for atleast thirey seconds, When you feel ready, focus on your physical body and breathe Mother Earth love into your life ‘Then open your eyes and smile. Inspired Reflections and Actions «Take a class in pottery or use your imagination to mould your ‘everyday experiences and sculpt yout ie + Go outside, be barefoot, lie down on che ground or try sleeping ‘outside. Meditate or do yoga outside fora least ten minutes every cay fora week ‘= Do some research on organic food, grow some vegetables and try plant-based eating fi feels right to do so. a Journal Work For three days, draw or write aboutall che ways you feel grounded and connected o your body and the natural world. 7. NoTHING Has Gone WRONG Aw Onstacte Launcnes New Lovie Requests In che last few days, a change came out of the blue. Ir may have fal like your body and mind moved ehrough a crack in reality a your life altered course so suddenly, Deep within, you have ben craving change and this situation brings new and differen ‘experiences to your life. You may be feling a litle lightheaded and dazzled by the briliance of cis expanded version of you, bt, youare doingso el Ieisnow time tcatch your breath and sete in to your new outlook. This is an opportunity to look at your thoughts, ideas and your reactions to your potential success. As jouean rise above the you become aware, and implement change, y limits people or situations have placed on you. This card depicts, the trgram ofthe I Ching (The Book of Changes) with a yin yang symbol. This isa remind chat everything changes, that nothing Canexiston our physical plane withou its opposite and neitheris Superior to the other. You cant stop anything hat has manifested, bot i an serve a inspiration eo create new paths aligned with your soul uth Sour Masrany CLass: Focus on WHAT Maxgs You SMILE ‘Meditation Place a hand on che card, This energetically connects you with the symbols in the picture, Slow your breathing and think of something that recently happened that helped you gain clriey about your dreams. It could be something tha pushed a button or inspired a revelation. Jus lee this information be here as you close your eyes and breathe deeply. Imagine you ate breathing red inc the blue of your truth, Iecreaes a magenta path to your heart that contains all opposing forces 3s one. Centred in your hear, you dreamily fel at peace with all chings and yourself, eady to feceive wise communications from your soul. Stay here fr at least thirey seconds. When you fel ready, begin ro ake deep breaths in and ovt, Allow yourself to flow with the inevitable changes this ‘beautiful word offers toring you closer your sul truth. Then ‘open your eyes to love Inspired Reflections and Actions + The black swirl ofthe yin yang symbol represents che receptive Feminine force, and the white i the creative, masculine force. A circle of the opposite force exists within both sections. Nothing, can live on the physical plane without its opposite, and neither party is superior to the other. When you experience both sides, healing begins. IF anything feels unbalanced, look forthe ‘ouncerpartin your life to ring balance. '* Go out and look up atthe stars 2 night. Imagine each sear is divine light made up of positive and negative electrical charges. Allow starlight illuminate new pathways in your brain, ‘+ Check out the scence of neuroplasticty, the brain's ability 0 reorganis itself by forming new neural connections throughout life Journal Work Draw or write about three chings you love about your life, Then draw or write about yourself embracing them, 8, MEDITATION Love AND Master Your EMOTIONS Ieis time to begin or resume a meditation practice, Gently reflect ‘on how far you have come. Emotional mastery means choosing obs in charge of your life by adjusting your emotions, ideas, and hing that feels easier and soc. This discipline will liberate you by opening a door into the tranquillicy and inellect to son -visdom of your souls love. You cane go beyond limitations while by focusing on something you joy such as having a massage, playing with your youre sil focused on chem. Medita ‘ha bring pets, spending time with your children or creating art. There 's no sight or wrong way to meditate. Ie is just a gendle shift in your attention away from the physical world and ineo a world of infinite possibilities. Meditation is away of resetting your energy that brings you into a neutral space from where you can move forward. Your life experiences have led you here allow them to be the catalyse that creates joy and freedom. Sout Masrany Cass: ‘Sout FOUNDATION MEDITATION ‘Meditation Meditation isa creative proces. It is not something we need to lear, Ic is simply a connection back to who you ate. Ie sealed a practice because it takes rime to master. I suggest you build ‘up your meditation practice from five minutes to ewenty-four ‘minutes 2 day ~ one minute for every hour in the day. The below meditation wil bringa sense of elm and alignmene wherever you are. You can expand the time by focusing on your breathing. ‘When ic fels right ro do so, look at the card image and focus on something that feels relaxing. Close your eyes, breathe {nto your heart and unwind. Breathe in and take your awareness within, breathe out and surrender. Breathe in and adjust your light breathe out and familiarise yourself with your light. Breathe in and navigate coward your sacred centr, breath out and create from this balanced space. Breathe in and receive love, breathe ‘out and give love, To build up to 24 minutes repeat to yourself, “Breathe in and receive love, breathe out and give love.” When you feel eady, open your eyes. Expand your practice by tying out these mini meditations. + For relaxation: Sit quiedy and close your eyes. Breathe in for “ a count of fous, breathe out for a count of four and pause for a ‘oun of four, Do this four times, ‘«Tobringa sense of wellbeing: When you havea shower, imagine ‘eansing liquid light owing from your shower head and washing away worries, troubles and all that is no longer needed. Feel ‘yourself moving ino a sate of wellness and harmony as you stand under the shower. « To clear the mind: Close your eyes, breathe deeply and let your ‘mind wander, Become aware of your thoughts. Open your eyes and write down your thoughts, no matter how silly or random they seem, You are eting go ofthe nose that veils your clarity Journal Work For three days, write down or draw three different ways you can mediate 9. Sour JouRNEY You ane READY To Sraxt ‘A new chapter is beginning for you right now: This time, go easy ‘on yourself Be the courageous, loving being you are, Breathe into the present moment, and allow any anxieties o drop away Enjoy the journey and stop thinking the furure wll bring something better ~ when the future arrives ie will be now. Step out of the shadow of your past. All that matters is what you decide to do from this moment. Your life is yours to live in whatever way is meaningful to you. You broughe yourself to this life and you are responsible forthe quality of i. Trying to understand your reason for coming here will just hold you back. Just remember, everything you have done was the best thing to do ac tha time ~ foryou thought it was. As you move forward, you will understand your motives. Experience allows you ro better handle crisis. You are now deliberately eeating a new chapter in your life, You are such an amazing pioneer! 0 Sout Masreay Cass: Every DREAM BEGINS WITH ASTEP Meditation, Place your hand on the card. Close your eyes slow your breathing and be present in che now by focusing on your breath. Follow your breath as it moves in and out of you. Everything in your heart and mind begins to soften. Raise your vibration by reaching for something that makes you smile, You are new and fiesh in ‘ach moment, filed with the etemal wisdom that flows from your accumulated experiences. Keep focusing on what makes you smile, Right now, you can effect change in you and your life by focusing on what you are good at and enjoy. Feel a great sense ‘of accomplishment and serenity a you erate change in you life Seay here for atleast chirty seconds. When you feel ead, focuson your physical body and breathe into your life. Open your eyesand seccverything through new eyes, + Everything occurs co help us clarify and focus on what we love. Dont let anything sway you from this. Care about how you feel by adjusting your focus tothe soul of your heat. «+ Be kind to yourself right now and in every moment. You are doing the best you can «+ Treat yourself toa spa treatment, massage or energy healing. Journal Work ‘Draw or write about three ways o citcumstances where you easily relax. Remember the way you feel, so you can recal the sensation anytime you feel stressed, 1 10. Sout CRAFT Lire Hapres rom You, Nor ro You The thoughts, ideas, and topics you incessantly discuss are Sunpou yt 398 nos sey Jo 20% aye pur sao anox ud) ugg 20 sanojoa Su aeu2g “ee st ‘nox moys 22195 pur sai nol s5op2ouestp ay UI 25N € Puy © “gps enauds sno aousisd> fr Gem soxpoue se ay 0 238 IR PUR eEGAEY, Yass © 22, Divine ANIMALS ns SouL Comrantoxs 0 Your JOURNEY Spend time with your pet or in the company of any animal to realise the same light that lows ehrough you flows chrough all living creatures. We all create different containers for our soul experiences, depending on our individual desires and dreams. Humans experience greater contrast chan animals. That is why ‘ourinfluence and ereations are wider reaching, However, this also makes tis easier for us to split and stay from our heats. Animals reflect the divine love that we are. When we ae around animals, itis easier to move into alignment. where we can be inspired to _grander creations. People often believe they receive unconditional Tove from an animal. As an animal is more likely wo be aligned with its soul instinc and doesn’ need you to be diferent co who you are for ic co feel loved, you will feel fre to be who you are. ‘When youemulate this behaviou for yourself life becomes more relaxed, loving and your relationships wll eaapule toa whole new level ofjoy. Sout MasreRy Chass: SHAPESHIFTING Meditation Shapeshiffing i aninsgheil practice tha lif and expands your light awareness beyond physical rele ico sensing realy. You are esenilly energy, not an itllceal concep. Every sentient being including mouneans, flora, fauna and humans, has an essence. When you align with your soul energy you have acess to sou energy everywhere. From this place, you can become one with anything you focus upon, Place a hand on che etd. Close your eyes and breathe desply co relax and calm your whole being, Imagine an animal, bird or fishin fone of you. eel ther hear beating in unison with your hare Aer lide while, there will be no difeence inthe heart teas ~ they will become one. You are ee animal, and the animal ‘syou. You re not inthe animal you ate che animal, experiencing lie ase does. Stay here for ewo minutes immersed inthe wisdom of this animal. When you feel ready, imagine the heartbeat becoming wo heart beats, andse the animal in fron of you once agin. Breathe inc your body and open your eyes. «+ Practice the shapeshifing meditation and write about your experiences. How docs this animal view if? «+ Decide cha your pet sa companion, instead of something you + Practise being calm and assertive around your animal and ‘observe what happens Journal Work Draw of write about what animal you would like to be and why? 23. NOURISH " You ARE Love, aND You Ane LOVED This image consist of your sou! star, Gata (the sou! of Earth) and the divine cleansing that i expanding the love ofl Honour your ‘temple, ourbody, fort isthe physieal manifestation of your soul Indoingso, youhonour Earth, Forsheisthe physical manifestation of Gaia. Don't judge your environment or your body, jut be

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