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First published in 2019

Copyright © Emeka Anslem
Phone: +2349024529639
WhatsApp: +2348065582482

Never mind, let’s begin!


A ccording to scriptures, our prosperity
isn't just a priority in God’s heart, it's
also the pride of God. Ps 35:27 says,
"Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that
favour my righteous cause: yea, let them say
continually, Let the LORD be magnified,
which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his
servant". Did you see that? If He takes
pleasure in our prosperity, then our
prosperity is His pride. We rob God of His
pride when we are poor.

In 3 John 1:2, God unveils the priority of

prosperity when He said, "Beloved, I wish
above all things that thou mayest prosper
and be in health, even as thy soul
prospereth". After the salvation of your soul,
your prosperity is next in God's heart. Poverty
is a message that alters God's wish for a

believer. If you are poor, then you're not
fulfilling the wishes of your maker.

The earth and everything in it belongs to God.

Heaven is literally plated with gold. If you're
not prosperous as a child of God, you won't
be able to prove that God is true, and that the
riches of the earth belong to Him.

Zech 1:17 tells us that God’s cities shall be

built through prosperity. Prosperity isn’t just
about having money; it’s about having
abundance of wealth. The synonym for
prosperity is affluence; and affluence means
abundance of wealth. 2 Cor 9:8 tells us that
God is able to make all grace abound toward
us, that we always have sufficiency in all
things and abundance for every good works.
This literally means that if your prosperity is

only sufficient for your family, then you’re
poor – according to God’s standard. We
measure kingdom prosperity by the
abundance of our good works.

Isaiah 60:22 says “A little one shall become a

thousand, and a small one a strong nation. I
the Lord will hasten it in his time”. This
means that if your prosperity does not cater
for a minimum of 1000 people, then you’re
poor. Come to think of it, if you’ve crossed 12
years old, then it will be condescending to call
you little, you’re small.

But the challenge is, if you’re small, then your

prosperity should cater for a strong nation. If
a small one caters or a strong nation, what
territory would an adult cater for? Attempting

to answer that question alone should stair-up
a fire within you.

Greater is he that is in you than he that is in

the world. We carry something inside us that
can greatly influence the world, not just our
country. I want to believe that those who are
considered small are the dispensation that
didn’t have the opportunity to receive the
Holy Spirit. For instance, at some point in
Isaac’s life, he was mightier than an entire
nation. When the king sent him out of their
nation, he went to establish his own nation.

If Isaac could command resources that was

more than what an entire nation had –
without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, then
we should command resources that is greater
than what the world carries by the Spirit.

That’s what 1 John 4:4 meant by “Greater is
He that is in you than he that is in the

I shouldn’t be asking that kind of question,

His provision is lurked within different

dimensions of wealth. Let me share 3 of them
with you:

Transactional WEALTH
This is wealth gathered through exchange of
products and services. This kind of wealth
accumulates based on your client-base. Don’t
expect to be wealthy here if you’re not
transacting anything.

Transactions can be in form of your job –

rendering your skills to a company and
earning a salary at the end of the month. It
can also be a business where you render your
services or sell your products for a fee. If
you’re not providing a service, selling a
product or earning a salary, you’d be poor in
this dimension.

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Quickly, let me show you 3 laws that govern


If you want to enjoy transactional wealth,

then you must be valuable. Value is a
measure of your usefulness. If you have
anything that serves as a solution to someone
else, then you’re valuable (e.g shoe shining,
accountability, leadership, changing diapers,
etc). Anything you do that adds value to
another person makes you a valuable person.

If there is nothing about your life that people

considers a solution, then you have a
problem. Contact me after reading this book

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for special counselling. If you can sing and
people consider your songs inspiring, then
you’re valuable. If you can drive people from
one destination to another, then you’re

Jesus could teach at age 12, Joseph could take

care of his father’s sheep, Daniel could
interpret dreams. What value is your life
adding or capable of adding? You don’t have
to know everything, just know something that
can get people out of trouble.

The second law that governs Transactional Wealth


This is where you turn your values into

products and services. People may applaud
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your values, but they only reward your
productivity. For instance, how many church
choristers have been nominated for Grammy?
They won’t be known so long as all they
engage is the first law. But if they master their
songs and put them in a CD for sale, people
will pay for it. The more you sell, the more
money you make.

I write daily devotionals for free, and I’ve

been doing that for a long time. But guess
what? I didn’t get a pay for it. But when I
mastered my writing and rendered writing
services, people began to pay me.

Today, I run a mentorship course on writing.

People contact me from far and near to write
and edit their books for them. If I didn’t
introduce writing services, people will still be

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clapping for me, and I'd probably be begging
to eat. What's the use of a clap if it can't put
food on my table? All those claps may be
satiating for a moment, but you'd eventually
get hungry for real food. And when that
happens, you'd face reality.

My friends love my cooking. Some of them

would like to visit me just to eat my food.
When I discovered this, I started a cooking
service. And guess what? People pay for it.

Remember that a little one shall take a

thousand, and a small one a strong nation. It
is your product and services that you'd use to
impact a thousand people, or even a strong
nation. If you can't count a thousand people
who patronize you, then you have work to do.

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David could defend his father's sheep, he was
valuable. He could kill wild beasts - just to
protect the sheep. But he advanced his value
into a service when he volunteered to face
Goliath. Nobody paid him a dime when he
protected animals, but when he advanced,
the king promised him a wife and treasures.

The two palace servants must have

applauded Joseph in the prison for his ability
to interpret dreams, but it turned into a
service the moment he interpreted the king's

I sensed an urgency in the spirit. They were

going to kill Daniel and all the magicians
because none of them could interpret the
king's dream. If Daniel didn't turn his values
into a service at that point, he would have

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died for free. Some people are busy looking
for jobs when what they should be doing is
turning their values into products and
services. The service you're stabbing may be
what is delaying your prosperity.

The third law that governs Transactional

Wealth is:


This has to do with advertising your products
or services. Turn your values into products
and services all you want, but if nobody
knows about you, you'd still be poor.

God marketed Jesus. After John baptized Him,

heaven opened and a voice descended saying,
"this is my beloved son, in whom I am well

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pleased". Imagine if the president of a nation
does a public broadcast declaring that he is
pleased with your services. What do you think
will happen to you the next minute? I know,
you'd never run out of business again.

Don't hesitate to tell people about what you

do. The more awareness you create, the more
you're likely going to sell and command
prosperity. Your social media platforms
should be for selling, not for playing. Stop
posting selfies, post products and services.
Who's paying you for all those selfies you
post? Yes, you'd attract "likes", but who the
"like" help?

Alright, that's it for Transactional Wealth.

Let's see the second dimension of wealth.

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Transformational WEALTH
This is the wealth you gather through your
investment on people over time. For some
years now, I’ve invested my time to being a
blessing to people – transforming their lives
by the things l share. They may not give me a
dime for my services, they may not even sow
any form of seed in my life, but this
dimension of wealth has a way of getting the
returns back to me.

When Jesus died for the world, many people

still hated him. But today, many of those who
hated Him now follow Him. This is about
serving humanity; you can’t sow and not reap
what you sow.

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This is why we shouldn’t get agitated over the
wealth of some pastors who are genuinely
called by God. They’ve served, and God is
paying them. The only challenge with this
dimension of wealth is that it comes over a
period of time, and sometimes it may not
come during your lifetime, it would rather
meet your children.

The church today is enjoying the investment

of our fathers of faith. At some point they
called Christians “church rats”. If a woman
desired to marry a pastor back then, they’d
check to see if she’s mentally unstable. But
today, it’s the pride of most parents to give
their daughters to a pastor. And that’s
because the returns of the investments of our
fathers of faith have landed in the church.

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You must be willing to invest your resources
in impacting lives. Somebody recently sent
me a message saying “Sir, thank you for all
you do, you’re a blessing to the body of
Christ”. There is no day that I don’t receive
messages like that. Honestly, even if I don’t
want to be rich, it’s too late.

Before now, when I post adverts about my

businesses, nobody contacts me to even
make enquiry. But today, the story has
changed. Even if I post it late, they’d still
contact me. Some of them humorously
apologize for contacting me late. Yes, they
apologize and still pay. Since I started
launching e-books, I’ve never sold copies as I
did this year. Somebody called me and even
paid forward for 10 people. If that

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benevolence was done for hard copies, it’s
understandable, but not for e-books.

This isn’t because I’m good at what I do, but

much more because I’ve served, and the
universe pays back whoever serves it. This is
the dimension pastors are mostly found; they
serve, and God pays them. I pity pastors who
receive a calling and immediately begin to
look for a property to start a church - all in
the name of collecting tithes and offerings.
When God calls you, don't look for a building
first, look for platforms for service instead.

That said, engage in transactional wealth, but

also engage in transformational wealth.

I once taught on the 4 phases that every

believer must live through:
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- The learning phase
- The service phase
- The earning phase
- The resting phase

If you skip the service phase, no matter how

much you earn, you'd never get to the resting
phase. Service does not only appropriate a
suitable earning for you, it also ensures you
enjoy a restful end.


While you invest in people, also invest in the
advancement of God's kingdom. The more
your service impacts God's kingdom, the
more your life is transformed. Personal
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struggles are eliminated when kingdom
service takes priority in our hearts. Matt 6:33
makes it clear that if you seek God's kingdom
first, every other thing would be added to

If you have to create a list and budget for

everything you need in your life, you'd
discover that even your lifetime may not be
enough to acquire all of them. So instead of
pursuing those things, wouldn't it be better to
just pursue God and let God command those
things to pursue you?

I remember when I moved out of my uncle's

house to live alone in a rented apartment.
The only thing I had in the house was the
curtain. No bed, no Television, no
refrigerator, No kitchen utensil, no nothing.

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Despite the absence of those things, I knew
my service to God will speak for me. Guess
what? The first night, someone volunteered
to give me everything I needed for that

Rug, Bed, Refrigerator, Television, Cooker,

kitchen utensils, Bedsheets, Chair, Table,
"everything was provided". If I had to rely on
my salary, I would have worked for years
before I would have bought all of those

The good thing about serving the interest of

God's kingdom is that it also prospers your
soul. Remember that God wishes that you
prosper as your soul prospers. The devil has
cheated many believers through the
ignorance of this dimension. He tricks them to

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pursue things and ignore the growth of their
soul. Apostle Joshua Selman taught a
message titled "The Mystery of Time and
Money", I recommend you listen to it.

It's amazing how people pursue money and

ignore spiritual growth. The devil has
scrutinized the life of man and discovered
that the only thing that can steal a man's time
is the pursuit of money. A man can still go to
church and serve God even while he is sick,
but he'd rather go to work when he's broke.

Don't be surprised by the hardness you see in

the economy, it's the devil's strategy to
withdraw the time you invest in serving the
interest of God's kingdom. Why is it that it
was when your salary was increased that
recession also set in? Why is it that the need

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for money never ends around most people?
Even when they seem to hit a jackpot,
something happens that will derail them back
to the pursuit of money.

It's really not about those things, it's a battle

for time. It takes time to know and serve God,
but you won't get that time if you keep
allowing the devil determine what time
should be allocated to God. Many people only
go to church when things are right. You'd be
amazed to know that the reason why some
folks didn't attend service last Sunday was
because they didn't have offering. See how
the need for money derails the average

A woman called me from France and was

sobbing seriously. She complained that her

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marriage was already a disaster and that she
was about to file for a divorce. Her husband
used to be a healing evangelist - pastoring his
own church. People came to him for all kinds
of miracles, and God used him greatly. But
debt issue arose, and he had to source for
funds to clear debts. Unfortunately, the
search led him astray; he started smoking,
drinking and frolicking with women. He lost
his church, almost lost his soul and family, all
because he ignored the most vital part of his
life, his time with God. But God is merciful. I
prayed with her, and in 7 days, her husband
repented and her home was restored.

I've received diverse calls and messages from

challenged individuals - most of which are
marital challenges. After diagnosing the cause
of their challenges, it narrows down to this
same mystery - the battle for time.
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In this kingdom, we don't just pursue things,
we pursue God, while God adds those things
to us. The more you pursue things, the farther
you get from God.

Many people are too transactional when it

comes to kingdom wealth. Don’t be a part of
them. That's the mundane way of getting
wealth. In this kingdom, your transactional
wealth is for service. I can know a Christian
who has derailed from kingdom advancement
by his apathy to give God time. If the things
you pursue does not lead you back to the
kingdom, then you've gone astray. I want to
be very rich, but for the kingdom. The irony is,
being rich for the kingdom doesn't reduce
your resources; rather, it increases them.
What you give into the kingdom would be
nothing compared to what you'd get.
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This is the third dimension of wealth and it is
imparted upon you by God or an anointed
vessel. The moment Samuel anointed Saul,
people began to give him favours. God gave
Solomon wealth in the dream, and suddenly,
he became super wealthy. Many people will
live all their life in poverty if they don’t gain
access to this dimension of wealth.

This wealth is also given by prophecy. 1 Tim

4:14 says "neglect not the gift that is in thee,
which was given thee by prophecy”.

Paul told Timothy to war a good warfare with

the prophecy that was spoken towards him.
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One of the things that God told me regarding
this year is that He'd get me praise and fame.
I've warred with that prophecy since the year
began and it has indeed been a year of praise
and fame for me.

For instance, I started the year with 5000

friends on my Facebook profile, but between
March and August, God has given me a
personal Facebook page with over 60,000
followers. Today, there's literally no place I go
to that I won't encounter someone that
knows me. If that is not praise and fame, then
what is it?

I accompanied a prominent personality to a

birthday party which was strictly by invitation.
The invited guests weren't so much, but they
were mostly celebrities. Even the table I sat

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was with celebrities I've watched over and
again on YouTube. I honestly thought that I'd
just hide behind the man I accompanied
there, but to my amazement, I had followers
there too, and they considered it a privilege
to meet me. Please, if this is not praise and
fame, what is it?

I've made more profit this year than the

previous. My e-books have sold in volumes
they have never sold. I think I now receive
more international calls on a daily basis.
There was a time in my life when I'd be super
excited when an international call comes into
my phone, but it has become a regular thing

Remember that Lot only followed Abraham

who had a prophecy over his life, and the

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bible says Lot was blessed with Abraham. If
Paul told Timothy to war with prophecies,
then we cannot neglect the place of
prophecies for unbroken prosperity. As a
matter of scriptures, this is the crux of
unbroken prosperity. In Joshua 1:8, Moses
told Joshua to do what the book of the law
says, and he'd make his ways prosperous.


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In 1 Timothy 4: 4, the bible says, "For every
creature of God is good, and nothing to be
refused, if it be received with thanksgiving.
For it is sanctified by the word of God and
prayer". Get set, as you pray right now,
whatever has been rejecting your prosperity
will let you go!
2 Timothy 1: 14. That good thing which was
committed unto thee keep by the Holy Ghost
which dwelleth in us.
Father, in the name of Jesus, everything of
value you have given to me, keep them by
the Holy Ghost.

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John 19:19. And Pilate wrote a title, and put it
on the cross. And the writing was, JESUS OF
title then read many of the Jews: for the place
where Jesus was crucified was nigh to the
city: and it was written in Hebrew, and Greek,
and Latin. 21. Then said the chief priests of
the Jews to Pilate, Write not, The King of the
Jews; but that he said, I am King of the Jews.
22. Pilate answered, What I have written I
have written.
Father, send men of authority over my life
that their words for my progress becomes
law to my opposition.

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John 7: 15. And the Jews marvelled, saying,
How knoweth this man letters, having never
learned? 16. Jesus answered them, and said,
My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me.
17. If any man will do his will, he shall know of
the doctrine, whether it be of God, or
whether I speak of myself.
Father, as I submit to your will for my life,
give me practical knowledge to things I don't

Philip and the other disciples were
deliberating on how to feed the 5000 people,

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meanwhile, Jesus already knew what He
would do.
Father, while people are wasting time and
energy thinking of a solution or strategy for
advancement, grant me wisdom to always
know what to do.

Matt 3:17: And lo a voice from heaven,
saying, this is my beloved Son, in whom I am
well pleased.
Father, just as you advertised Jesus, send
that voice that will compel people to hear
and patronize me.

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