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1. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the following words. Guess the meanings of them.
Alkaline [’ælkəlain] gland [glænd] n железа
buccal [’b∧kəl] oesophagus [i’sɔfəgəs] n пищевод
serious [’siəriəs] gastric [’gæstrik] a желудочный
fibrinogen [fi’brinɔdʒin] bile [’bail] n желчь
glucogen [’glu:kədʒin] hepatic [hi’pætik] a печеночный
insulin [’insju:lin] tongue [’t∧ŋ] n язык
mucous [’mju:kəs] adj organ of taste [teist] – орган вкуса
mucus [’mju:kəs] n bowel = intestine= gut – кишечник
papilla [pə’pilə] pl. papillae[pə’pili:] duodenum[djuəu’di:nəm]
salivary [’sælivəri] двенадцатиперстная кишка
Digestion [di’dʒеst∫n] /daɪˈdʒestʃən/ jejunum [dʒi’dʒu:nəm] n тощая кишка
пищеварение ileum [’i: liəm] n подвздошная кишка
Indigestion [indi’dʒеst∫n] расстройство colon [’kəulən] = largebowel – толстая кишка
пищеварения rectum [’rektəm] n прямая кишка
Digestive [di’dʒеstiv] adj пищеварительный extend [ik’stend] v простираться
convey [kən’vei] v перевозить, переправлять
Digest [di’dʒеst] /daɪˈdʒest/v переваривать
empty [’empti] v опорожнять; впадать; зд.
Indigested food [indi’dʒеstid] непереваренная открываться
2. Remember some expressions and idioms.
• The food there is excellent – Tам хорошо кормят
• Food for thoughts – пища для ума
• Foodstuffs – продукты питания
• To read, mark and inwardly digest – хорошо усвоить прочитанное
• To digest the events – разобраться в событиях
• To have stomach for – иметь желание
• High stomach – высокомерие
• Stomach tooth – нижний клык (молочный).
• Sweet tooth – сладкоежка
3. Read and translate the following words and word combinations. Make up your own sentences
with some of them.
Serous coat; mucous membrane, fibrous tissue, deciduous teeth; with difficulty; density of the bone, activity
of the stomach, sensitivity to pain, upper extremity, large quantity, low immunity, the faculty of Dentistry,
vital capacity, submucous layer.
4. Combine a noun with an adjective.
mucus salivary
stomach systemic
digestion dental
saliva osseous
system oral
tooth mucous
bone hepatic
mouth digestive
liver gastric
5. Complete the sentences using the words from ex. 4:
1. … glands are located in the oral cavity.
2. … juice shows the levels of acidity in the stomach.
3. The largest gland in the human body is the….
4. Stomatitis is the disease of the… membrane of the oral cavity.
5. Open your …, please.
6. Digestive… occupies three cavities: oral, thoracic and abdominal.
7. … is the fluid which takes part in oral digestion.
8. There are16 … on each jaw.
6. Learn the words from the Vocabulary List.
7. Read the text for general understanding. Make up the plan of the text.
Digestive System
The digestive system which is about 9 meters long consists of the alimentary canal and related or
accessory organs. The alimentary canal is formed by the mouth, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, small
intestine, large intestine and anus. The accessory structures are the teeth, the tongue, salivary glands, hard
and soft palates, the liver, the gallbladder, and the pancreas.
The alimentary tract from the oesophagus to the rectum conforms to a definite structural plan. The
layers from within outward are mucous, sub mucous, muscular and serous. In the oesophagus the serous
layer is lacking and outer coat is fibrous in nature. The organs of the digestive system that are contained in
the abdomen are covered with the serous coat – the peritoneum. The peritoneum has two layers, the visceral
and parietal.
The mouth is the first division of the alimentary tract. Important structures of the mouth are the tongue,
which contains the end organ of taste, and the teeth which divide and mix the food. The oesophagus, which
conveys food from the pharynx to the stomach, starts in the pharynx and finishes in the upper part of the
abdominal cavity.
The stomach is a dilated portion of the alimentary canal lying in the upper abdomen just under the
diaphragm. It is a retaining and mixing reservoir in which the process of digestion begins.
The small intestine is a thin-walled muscular tube about 7 meters long. Its three portions are: duodenum,
jejunum and ileum. The bile and pancreatic ducts empty into the duodenum. Special structural features of
the small intestine are the villi and circular folds. The intestinal glands or crypts of Lieberkühn secrete the
intestinal juice containing the digestive enzymes.
The large intestine is about 1.5 meters long and is divided into caecum, colon and rectum.
The liver is the largest gland in the body. It is directly beneath the diaphragm on the right side of the
abdomen. The liver cells are arranged in architectural units, called lobules. The liver secretes bile and has
many other important functions such as stimulation of red bone marrow, production of fibrinogen,
glycogenetic function and urea synthesis.
The gallbladder is a pear-shaped hollow sac attached to the upper surface of the liver. It concentrates the
The pancreas is a long slender organ with its head to the right in the loop of the duodenum, its body
posterior to the stomach and its tail touching the spleen on the left. The pancreas forms an external secretion
important indigestion and an internal secretion, insulin, concerned with carbohydrate metabolism. So,
dentists, who are not gastroenterologists, must know all about food and its digestion very well.
8. Read the text once again and answer the questions.
1. What does the digestive system consist of?
2. Where does the digestion start?
3. What parts of the alimentary canal does the digestion take place in?
4. What are the glands in the digestive system?
5. What are their functions?
6. What is the length of the small (large) intestine?
7. What are the organs located in the abdomen (right/left upper quadrant, right/left lower quadrant)?
8. What organs are tube-like in shape?
9. In the text above find information about:
a) Location of abdominal organs:
• in the right upper quadrant,
• in the left-upper quadrant,
• in the right-lower quadrant,
• in the left-lower quadrant,
• in the central part;
b) location of organ(s) and structures in the oral cavity;
c) location of organ(s) in the chest;
d) tube-like organs.
10. Which of the following word combinations are odd ones:
Related (accessory) organs, a definite structural plan, contained in the abdomen, to have two cells, the
first division of the alimentary tract, the organ of taste, to convey blood, a retaining and mixing reservoir,
structural feature, pear-shaped, bone marrow, under the diaphragm.
11. Say what organ is spoken about:
1. This organ is the largest gland in the human body. It is in the upper part of the abdominal cavity under the
diaphragm in the right side of the abdomen. It supper surface is convex. This organ consists of small lobules
connected together by connective tissue, different vessels and nerves.
2. This organ is pyriform (грушевидный) in shape. It is a dilated portion of the alimentary canal. It is in the
upper part of the abdomen under the diaphragm. The liver is above this organ, the colon is below it. The
pancreas is behind this organ
13. Describe the digestive system using the following verbs (Figures 1 and 2 will help you):
Swallow, enter, start, pass, digest, divide, locate, form, compose, cover, consist of, contain, secrete,
attach, is, are, convey, extend.
Figure 1. Pathway of food through the gastrointestinal tract
Figure 2. Digestive system
14. Read the text and fill in the gaps:
Model: 0. A tongue B cheek C mouth D eye
Answer: 0 C.
The digestive system begins with the oral cavity or the… (0)…. The oral cavity is sometimes called the
buccal or … (1)… cavity. The cheeks form the walls of the oval cavity, while the lips form the… (2)… to
this cavity.
The mouth … (3)… the internal organs and structures, such as: the tongue, soft and hard palates, salivary
glands, the teeth which … (4)… the food and chew it.
The tongue extends across the floor of the oral cavity and is attached by muscles to the… (5)… jaw bone.
The tongue is covered with a series of small projections called papillae which contain cells of … (6)… buds
sensitive to the chemical nature of food.
The tonsils are the mass of lymphatic … (7)… located in depressions of the mucous membranes in the
walls of the pharynx. They act… (8)… a filter to protect the body from the invasion of microorganisms.
The gums are made of fleshy tissue and surround the sockets in which the… (9)… are found. There are32
permanent teeth, 16 in each jaw.
The three pairs… (10)… salivary glands are exocrine glands. The weight of the largest of the… (11)…
glands is 28 gr. The salivary glands produce fluid called saliva which contains important digestive enzymes.
1. A cheek B mouth C eye D ear
2. A opening B closing C right D left
3. A makes up B does C contains D forms
4. A divide B separate C close D cut
5. A low B upper C posterior D inferior
6. A smell B vision C hearing D taste
7. A tissue B cell C mass D membrane
8. A like B as C if D as if
9. A enzymes B bones C teeth D glands
10. A in B if C of D at
11. A salivary B mucous C large D lymphatic

15. a) Read the following text with the help of a dictionary. Translate it.
b) Remember the underlined words and word combinations.
Digestion in the Mouth
The digestive system begins above with the cavity of the mouth and terminates below at the anus,
traversing in its course the length of the thoracic and abdominal cavities.
After entrance into the mouth the food undergoes a twofold reduction (treatment): mechanical and
chemical ones. The first process is called mastication. The food is broken up by the teeth, ground into small
particles, moistened and softened by saliva. Saliva is slightly alkaline in reaction with a pH between6.35 and
6.85. It consists of 99.5 % water and 0.5 % total saliva. The amount secreted in24 hours is1,300 cc. The end
product of mastication is the bolus – a rounded mass of food thoroughly moistened with saliva.
Salivary digestion is important in preparing the food for the changes that follow. Saliva dissolves
some of the solid substances so that they are brought in contact with the taste buds; thus they stimulate
appetite and result in series of reflexes which increase the flow of gastric juice and augment salivary
secretion as well. Moistened bolus of food turns into a plastic mass which is ready to be swallowed.
16. Answer the following questions:
1. What organs of the oral cavity take part in digesting the food?
2. What is the function of the teeth?
3. What are the characteristics of saliva?
4. What is bolus?
5. Does the tongue take part in oral digestion?
6. When and where does oral digestion start?
17. Translate into English.
1. Пищеварение – это важный процесс в организме человека, который определяет (determine) его
здоровье и возрастной статус.
2. Если ты хочешь иметь здоровые зубы, соблюдай (keep) правила гигиены ротовой полости.
3. Зубы, слюна и язык участвуют в процессе переваривания пищи в ротовой полости.
4. Что ты можешь посоветовать больным людям, которые имеют проблемы с зубами и
пищеварительным трактом?
5. Желудок, расположенный под диафрагмой, содержит кислоту, которая необходима для
6. Все трубоподобные органы, которые расположены в брюшной полости, называются кишками.
7. Печень, которая состоит из долей, покрыта фиброзной оболочкой.
8. Пища, которая проглатывается, идет в глотку, затем в пищевод, а из пищевода в желудок, где
она переваривается.
9. Студенты, которые детально изучают зубы, их строение, функции и патологии называются
10. Ешь много фруктов и овощей каждый день, они сохранят (save) твое здоровье.
11. Диетологи советуют употреблять мало соли при приготовлении блюд (dish).

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