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Q1. Name of the lesson –Two sides of life

Name of the author Booker T Washington

INTRODUCTION : These lines are taken from the lesson two sides of life written by Booker
T Washington. Booker T Washington was an African American who was born into slavery
but rose to become a leading African American intellectual. He founded Tuskegee Normal
and Industrial Institute. He gave motivational speeches to students and teachers which are
compiled into a book called Charter Building.

CONTEXT: Booker T Washington had the habit of delivering practical straight forward
Sunday evening talks to the students and teachers in Tuskegee Institute. These speeches
helped them to develop positive thinking and to look at the bright side of life. His forceful and
effective speeches of focused on bright side and dark side of life.

MEANING : Addressing the students he advises that they should not dwell upon any mistake
of teacher. The teacher also should know to admit that he a she doesnot know that topic, as
no teacher is an embodiment of all knowledge of any subject. Daniel Webster says a truly
educated man is not the one who fills his head with faith but the one who knows where to
look for information when required. Booker T Washington also says that students should not
get into fault finding mechanism as it will not help them to progress in life rather it will only
diminish them and fail them in their life. Students should not compromise with second hand
and third hand things in life. They should strictly work to achieve their goal and try to be
successful. They should put their full efforts to plan and reach their targets in life.

CRITICAL APPECIATION: Students should learn to develop a positive outlook on life.

They must strive for higher things in life.

QUOTATION: 1. You are the master the of your actions but servant of their consequences .

2. Life is bright when you thought is Right.

Q2 Name of the lesson: Father, Dean Father.

Name of the author: Raj kinger.

INTRODUCTION: These lines are / this question is taken from father, Dean Father written by Raj
kinger. It is an article written for the Hindu, in the form of a reply letter to his father by Rahul. It is
a thought provoking commentary on the education system prevailing now. It highlights the defects
in the mind sets of parents, teachers, learners and government bodies.

Contexts: Rahul is a school boy and he slipped from first rank to the second .On being questioned
by his father about his transgressions, he feels guilty and raises several pertinent questions about
our education system. And also regrets the fact of missing the essence of life and not living life with
its true sense.

MEANING: Rahul tells his father that whatever lessons are being taught in the school are so
irrelevant and not applied in the life. The Pythagoras theorem, newtons law of motion are not
applied in the departmental stores or by a doctor or a lawyer. The biology teacher does not have a
solution to protect his infested rose plant. His teachers do not teach him how to fix a fuse or make a
desk on his own, which would be more useful to him.

He only sees that literacy leads him to trouble and struggle. Then what is the use of such an
education which doesn’t help the learner to grow wise.

Critical Appreciation: This essay is thought provoking and questions the present education
system. A change is seriously required in the present education system.

Quotation: “Education is the movement from darkness to light”.

Q3 Name of the poem- Happiness

Name of the poet- Carl August Sandburg

Introduction: These lines are taken from the poem ‘Happiness’ written by Carl Sandburg. An
excellent student in his childhood, he could not continue his education due to poverty and worked
as a paper boy an assistant to a barbar washed utensils, all these for his livelihood.
Carl Sandburg has won three Pulitzer Prize and is popular for Biography of Abraham Lincoln
Context: Carl Sandburg was in the pursuit of happiness and tried to know about it from professors
and executives. The poem deals with his urge in this regard and his efforts towards this end.
Meaning: In his pursuit of happiness the poet approaches professors , who teach the meaning of
life, to tell him what happiness is. But, they did not tell him the answer as they felt that the poet was
trying to fool wills them. And the poet approached the executives who were famous and bossed the
work of thousands of mean; thinking that they are successful in their field and probably they’re the
right people to answer the question.
But, the famous business men also felt that he was trying to fool them and did not answer him.
One Sunday afternoon when the poet was wandering along the Desplaines river he saw a crowd of
under the tress with their women and children, just a keg of beer and an accordion with them, That
they were happy.
The poet understood that happiness doesnot lie either in success or in luxury or fame, but it is seen
in the lap of the nature, in living in the present and living with our loved ones.
Critical Comment: Happiness is experienced by living in the present. It is not in success or fame
or wealth or luxury.
Quotation: 1. Wisdom lives in lives, not in libraries
2. Happiness is not in fame or success. It is in living in the present.

Q4 A Red, Red Rose:

Name of the Poem: A Red, Red Rose
Name of the Poet: Robert burns
INTRODUCTION: These lines are taken from the poem A Red, Red Rose, written by Robert
Burns he is a ‘ploughman poet’ is one of the leading voices of Scotland in England literature. He is
the pioneer of the Romantic Movement for his lyrical poetry and he has won the status of the
National Band of Scotland.
CONTEXT: The poet puts forth his emotions for his beloved in various comparisons. He expresses
his love for his lady love as a fresh and newly born rose, as sweet as a melodious song and promises
her of his returns on going far away from her.
MEAINING: Robert Burns blends the eternity of love with the mortality of life. It is an address to
the speaker’s lover to whom he swears eternal love and allegiance. He says his love for his beloved
is like a red, red rose which is fresh and bright. He compares it with a melodious song sweetly
played in tune. He promises her that his love for her is permanent and will never fade away. His
love for her is forever there, till all the seas go dry, till the rocks melt with sun and till the end of the
time. He bids her good bye before her leaves for a long journey but calls it a temporary departure
only and promises her of his sure return.
CRITICAL COMMENT: The poem deals with pure and eternal love of the poet towords his
QUOTATION: True love has no end, it is eternal.

Q5. Name of the lesson: Playing the Game.

Name of the author: Arthur Mee.

This question is taken from the lesson ‘Playing the Game’ written by ‘Arthur Mee’. Arthur Mee
was an English writer journalist and educator. He was the editor of My Magazine.

Alan was a school boy. He was a cricket buff. His father encouraged him to play cricket and
he helped him to practise bowling well. He promised him to gift him a bicycle if his team won the
match. Alan and his parents were excited about his selection into the cricket team.

On the day of the match, Alan started to school early. He came across an old man who was
struggling to walk up on the steep road. Alan saw this and extended his help to the old man.
Suddenly, the old man had fallen down by stumbling over a stone. Alan could not leave him and go
on time for the cricket match. Only after seeing a young police man coming that way. Alan left the
old man with him and left for the match. But, by the time he reached the school the match already
began. Being disappointed Alan returned home. But his parents were very happy for Alan as they
came to know about Alan’s kind act of helping the old man by talking to the police man. They
congrats for him for having played the game of life very well and even gifted him the bicycle. The
students appreciated him at school by clapping thrice for him.

QUATATION: 1) Helping the old people, being polite to them is a rewording experience.

Q6. Name of the short story: The Short Sighted brothers.

It is a Chinese Folk tale.

The Short Sighted Brothers is a Chinese folk tale with a moral in it. It spreads the message to
be honest at all times.

In this story the three brothers are short sighted in their vision. They are short-sighted
mentally also. They are not honest with one another. The younger one and the third one want
to take over the business from their eldest brother. So, they tell the eldest brother that he is
not able to see properly as his vision is weak and so they are incurring losses. Therefore they
request the elder brother to hand over the business to them.
In order to get the business into their hands, they decide to go to the nearby monastery and
read the proverbs inscribed on the tablet above the entrance. Whoever reads the proverb on
tablet clearly without any mistake, will be handed over the business.

The proverb is “Be Honest At All Times”.

They know this from the monk in the monastery beforehand itself as they know that they
cannot see clearly and cannot read correctly.

So, they cheat one another by simply reading out of nothing. They don’t even know that
there is no tablet placed there as they cannot see clearly.

When the monk comes there and tells them that the tablet is not yet placed at the entrance.
They realise their mistake. They learn to be honest with one another thereafter.

MORAL: Be Honest at All Times.

Q7. Name of the lesson: The Green Champion Thimmakka.

Adopted from the Internet.

INTRODUCTION: These lines are taken from the inspiring write – up The Green
Champion Thimmakka which has been taken from the internet.

Thimmakka’s extrodinary commitment to conserve nature had been appreciated globally.

She has been honoured with the Padmashri and National Citizens Award of India.

CONTEXT: This inspiring write – up about Thimmakka speaks about her capability of changing
and transferring a critical situation in her life into an environmental mission and turning herself into
The Green Champion who has won the tittle ‘Saalumarada Thimmakka’ which means “A row of

Meaning: After getting to know that she cannot beget children, Thimmakka has actually decided to
commit suicide. But she soon realised the true purpose of her life and decided to start planting
banyan trees. She started this mission along with her husband. They planted fenced, watered and
guarded the plants as their our children between Hulikal and kudur stretch along the road side. Her
husband Bikkala chikkayya carried from buckets of water by walking 4 km distance. Thimmakka’s
work was recognised by the govt. Of Karnataka and she was honoured with a pension of 500/- Rs
per month. She was bestowed with Padmashni in the year 2014 and The National Citizens Award of
India too, by the Indian Government.

An environmental organization in the US called Thimmakka’s Resonances for

Environmental education is named after her.

Now, she is still alive and takes care of her mission, which is also being continued by her
‘foster son B. N Umesh’.

CRITICAL APPRECIATION: The write up highlights the fact how a personal crisis can be
transformed into a useful mission Thimmakka is a true inspiration to all.

QUATATION: “Protect the environment, protect life”.

Q8 Name of the poem: The Beggar

Name of the poet: Dr. Ammangi venugopal

INTRODUCTION: These lines are taken from the poem ‘ The Beggar’ by Dr. Ammangi
Venugopal. He was born in Alampalli, near Hyderabad and did his doctoral research in OU
Hyderabad. He wrote many essay and short stories . He is the first receipt of Kaloji Narayana Rao
Award in 2015.

CONTEXT: The poem brings out the pathetic plight of the farmers who turn into beggars. The
food gives for the entire world are left with no growth and no recognition in life. No one takes care
of them through he spends his whole life workship hand in the sunlight, struggling and left with no
support from anybody. He turns into a beggar as there is to think or takes care of

MEANING: The farmer is the food gives to the entire world. His troubles and struggles, suffering
seen his eyes. The shadows in his eyes show his pathetic condition. He has the ability to give food
to all the people in the world. But, he does not have food to eat. He suffers from food and hunger
for long time. He works very hard day in and day out, his feet bleed and are wounded, but he does
not stop his work. He has developed in the fields to grow the crops.

But, unfortunately, no one cares for our farmer. Everyone is busy only thinking about themselves.
The selfishness of the people made him a beggar. The farmer who is a food gives has now turned
into a beggar and is begging on the streets now. Atleast now we should realize our responsibility
and save him and protect him.

CRITICAL COMMENT: The poem has an universal appeal about the farmer.

QUTATION: Farmer is a reformer. He should not be turned into beggar.


1. Simple present

I +V1 form of the verb

You+v1 He +V1 +s/es

They + v1 She + V1 +s/es

It + V1 +s/es

Ravi + V1 +s/es They go

any singluar verb I go
Rani + V1 +s/es Ravi goes
Rani goes

2. Simple past

I + v2 He + V2

You + v2 She + V2

They + v2 It + V2

Ravi + V2
any singluar verb
We + V2 Rani + V2

3. Simple Future

I + will + V1 He + will + V1

You + will + V1 He + will + V1

They + will + V1 It + It + will + V1

Ravi + will+V1
any singluar verb
Rani + will+V1 and plural verb


i + an + V1 + ing

We / You / They / any plural

He / She / It /any singular Noun (Noun / Name + are + V1 + ing (my friends))

Eg: Ravi, Ramu, Rani + is + V + ing

PAST CONTINUOUS = was / were + v + ing

I / He / She / It / any singular Noun + was + v+ ing

We/ You / They/ any plural Noun + were + v+ ing

FUTURE CONTINUOUS = I / You/ We / She/ He / They/ It/ any singular / any plural subject +
will + be + V1 + ing

I will be going.

PRESENT PERFECT TENSE = I / Me/ You/ They/ any plural Noun + have + V3

He / She/ It / any singular Noun + has + V3

Eg: He has just gone out


I / We/ You/ They / any singular Noun

He / She / It / any plural Noun + had + V3

Eg: We had gone there before they left the place.


I / We/ You / They / He / She / It/ any singular Noun / any plural Noun + have + V3.

Eg: They will have gone to Delhi by tomorrow.


I / We / You / any plural Noun + have + been + V1 + ing

He / She / It / any singular Noun + has + been + V1+ing

Eg 1. They have been go ing

2. I have been repairing the bike for 2 hours.


I / We/ You / He/ She / It / They / any singular Noun/ any plural Noun + had + been + V1 +

Eg They have been going to that place since 2015.


I / You / We / They / He / She / It / They/ any Noun + will + have + been + V1 + ing

Eg He will have been doing job for two years by next year

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