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Death of Elizabeth II: what economic and social consequences for the United Kingdom?

External political issues:

For the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, Buckingham Palace invited kings, presidents, queens,
sultans representing almost all the countries of the planet. But six countries were not invited
and that's not a detail. That says a lot about UK foreign policy.
-First Russia. The United Kingdom supports Ukraine in the war by sending it arms and
money to fight against the Russian invasion.
-Then, Belarus for more or less the same reasons since it helps Russia in the war.
-But also Burma. Here, the reason given is the treatment of the Muslim minority of the
Rohingyas, persecuted by the Burmese government.
-There is also Afghanistan, whose Taliban government took power last year and which is not
recognized by the international community.
-And finally, Syria and Venezuela, two countries whose leaders are not recognized as
legitimate by the United Kingdom.
-And then these three countries were asked to send only ambassadors and not their heads
of state. North Korea, Nicaragua and Iran. because of political tensions between countries
-Finally, the leaders of China and Saudi Arabia have been invited, which has given rise to
disputes since these two countries are regularly accused of not respecting human rights.

Daily habits that change:

The unfortunate news of the death of Queen Elizabeth II will change the daily life of the
British. The sovereign is now his son, Charles III.
-"To adapt to the arrival of the new king, the lyrics of the national anthem will change. It will
now be "God save The King".
-It will therefore be necessary to name the king, but also to show his face.
-Today, in the United Kingdom and in certain States of the Commonwealth, such as Canada,
or New Zealand. The profile of the Queen is present on banknotes, coins, stamps.
-It will gradually be replaced by that of her son. portraits of Charles have already been

The death of Elizabeth II could cost the British economy billions of pounds.
-Between public holidays, business closures, the cost of the funeral itself and other changes
caused by the death of the Queen of England, the economic impact for the United Kingdom
is estimated between 1.2 and 6 billion sterling according to the British daily The
-For at least twelve days, the British economy is likely to slow down.
-The London Stock Exchange, which has seen the sovereign go through numerous financial
crises as well as Brexit during her 70-year reign, will be in mourning

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