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Literature Review

Foreign Literature
Common Problems

Thomas et al (2006) have done research on teachers about using calculators inindependent exploration
and experimentation (Shore et al., 2003).Despite what people might think or expect. Calculators help more
students solve problems and understand how important and powerful math is in the modern world. They do
the same math and algebra problems over and over again, which turns off many students. Some students
say that being able to use calculators on tests made their lives easier because the school let them.
Students do not always know how to answer questions without a calculator because their minds are full of
wrong or mixed-up answers. When this happens, they write the wrong numbers on their scratch paper and
pick the wrong answer. They say that using a calculator gives them confidence that their math is right. That
lets you get to work on the problem faster. Some people, however, say that the signs on calculators make
their lives harder. Most of the time, people have trouble when they do not know what sign to type. Because
of this, they get "Syntax Error" or "Math Error” as an answer.

Continuing this research would expand student’s knowledge on how and what this type of calculator can
do. Not only will it expand student’s knowledge but it will also let students know how it affects the
performance of students on different calculators. It can also help students to determine what specialized
subjects of Grade 11 students that require the use of calculators as well as the features each one requires.
The aim of this research is to give more knowledge to students on what is the function of each calculator so
it can be more useful to them and use it in their specialized subjects.
mathematics classrooms. According to his findings, teachers are in favor of using calculators in the
classroom. However, some teachers are concerned that using calculators will erode students' manual
dexterity. He has also indicated that, in an introductory calculus course using calculators, the teachers'
preference for certain approaches had a differential effect on their students' learning. Using the metaphors
of technology as Master, Servant, Partner, and Extension of Self to describe a pecking order of roles for the
teacher-technology interaction.

Furthermore, some argue that overdependence on calculators as well as other technology in high school
has a negative impact on college academic performance for those pursuing STEM careers, whereas others
argue that students are using the latest technology to covertly collaborate on exams, thereby thwarting the
assessment process in high school. The study raised concerns about the long-term effects of calculator use
in high school on college mathematics performance. The findings revealed that the more calculators were
used in high school, the lesser the scores in college calculus. The implication was that calculator usage
ought to be discouraged for high school students pursuing curriculums that require college calculus. He
stated that almost all teachers do not know how to properly implement the calculator, putting students at a
disadvantage. He also asserted that pupils lack comprehension of basic concepts and thus will struggle in
future classes. When students are taught the basics of mental math, they have an advantage when they
advance to higher grades.

Negative and Benefits of Calculators

Geisweit, T. (2018), Stated that the percentage of the students used to bring devices other than calculators
to their class, including smart watches, tablets, phones, and other gadgets that go beyond simple calculator
because of technology some say that can negatively impact to students in their studies to those students
who pursue stem career. And there are people who have a positive opinion about technology. They say
that it can help our students to learn and understand the concepts of mathematics. But in the end students
should have stock knowledge on how to use calculators to solve some math problems to avoid errors in
calculators. Calculators are essential to all students because they can help students to comprehensive
some mathematics concepts.

Positive Impacts of Calculators

According to Boon et al. (2009), using a scientific calculator to solve nonlinear equations using the Newton-
Raphson method improved students' ability to obtain correct solutions and decreased the time required to
solve problems. Students' grades improve when they use a scientific calculator to solve nonlinear
equations. With the aid of calculators, students can concentrate more on comprehending the mathematical
concepts and avoid becoming anxious about calculating incorrect answers. Calculators are essential for
helping students comprehend mathematical concepts, but they should not be feared due to their repetitive

Local Literature
Common Problems

Many students subjects as one of their most difficult subjects, and they would avoid it if they could.
Educators have devised a variety of strategies to resolve these preconceived notions and to increase
students' enthusiasm and inspiration in learning numbers. Innovative methods that teachers can use in their
Mathematical instruction. Dela Cruz (2023), the tech service company’s Chief Executive Officer of
Startpoint, discussed that using a calculator has some advantages, such as better understanding of math
concepts and increased mastery. On the basis of the students' computational abilities, precise answers
have arrived, as has source confirmation for any doubtful answers. Encourage students to complete more
tasks and are simple to use for people who are familiar with calculators. As a result, consistent use of these
will result in improved performance in specialized subjects.
To help students better understand mathematical concepts, it was advised to promote the use of
calculators in the classroom when necessary. The attitudes that students develop toward the use of
calculators may have an impact on their performance. Thereby also, the connection that these variables
may establish must be investigated because it may serve as the foundation for a comprehensive approach
to improving students' math performance.

Negative and Benefits of Calculators

According to Balantes, C.M & Tonga, D (2019), the primarybreakthroughsweredemonstrating how students
acted when using different calculators. And The benefits of using different calculators. can assist learners
from using different calculations since it makes math problems simpler for them to solve, especially now
that many students are using several types of calculators that are available through their gadgets and other
devices. Also, it encouraged students to actively engage in educational activities and helped them become
accustomed to the right procedures and time for utilizing calculators. The students' interest in arithmetic
grew, and their conceptual comprehension and processing abilities advanced. Because using a calculator
requires less mental effort on the part of students, it lowers their overall cognitive load.

Positive Impacts of Calculators

Ocampo (2022) asserts that the use of calculators in class by both teachers and students has a significant
impact on students' mathematical computation abilities. Instructors and professors should include the use
of graphic calculators in order to ensure the integration of graphic calculators in mathematics instruction
and to ensure that students perform better in mathematics. Students' problem-solving scores, attitudes
toward mathematics, and self-perceptions of their ability to do mathematics improved when they used


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