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“Computers in the Scope of Education”

Compiled by:
Muhammad Fahrurrozy (2105176044)
Feni Puji Lestari (2105176059)

Prodi Pendidikan komputer

Fakultas FKIP
Universitas Mulawarman
Table of contents

Table of contents..................................................................................................................................

Chapter I…….........................................................................................................................................



B. problem formulation……......................................................................................................

Chapter II…….......................................................................................................................................


A.Develoment of technology……………………………………...............................................................

B.benefits of computers in education………………….....................................................................

C.The role of computers in Education……………...........................................................................

Chapter III..........................................................................................................................................





A. Background To Defend Problems

The computer was developed in the 1950s as a major creation that year with vacuum tubes and miles of
its furniture filling several large rooms. The price is very high designed for the purpose of complex
calculations of metasystem manipulation. It turned out that the computer worked very efficiently for
any kind of high-level mathematics. At that time it was still unclear how to use computers in the field of
education. Nevertheless, computer teaching experiments began drastically in the 1950s and 1960s. The
experiment in that direction was driven by the development of FORTRAN, the growth of

Computer languages are easier to learn and the results of programmatic teaching research from B. F.
Skinner. It seems that the gradual format of linear programmatic teaching matches the characteristics of
the computer. Nevertheless, the price factor, the reliability of its hardware, and its adequate material
usability still remain major hurdles in its widespread utilization in new teaching, after the advent of
microcomputers in 1975, this dramatically changed altogether.

The existence of a microcomputer was made possible by the invention of a microprocessor, which is a
thin silicon chip containing all the information processing capabilities of the original computer circuit
room. The development of silicon chips is what suppresses the price of computers to be cheaper. For
certain types of tasks, computer utilization is obviously more economical than the use of human power.
Admission of mokrokomputer in schools in America can be said to be faster than other educational
innovations. The existence of a microcomputer was made possible by the invention of a microprocessor,
which is a thin silicon chip containing all the information processing capabilities of the original computer
circuit room. The development of silicon chips is what suppresses the price of computers to be cheaper.
For certain types of tasks, computer utilization is obviously more economical than the use of human
power. Admission of mokrokomputer in schools in America can be said to be faster than other
educational innovations.

B. Problem Formulation

From the background of the above problems, the author formulates the following problems:

1. How is the development of the use of computers in education?

2. What are the benefits of using computers in the field of education?

3. What is the role of computers in education?


A. Development of Technology in Education

The development of information and communication technology has influenced the world of
education, especially in the learning process. According to Rosenberg, with the growing use of
information and communication technology
There are five shifts in the learning process:

(1) from training to appearance

(2) from classroom to where and anytime

(3) from paper to "on line" or channel

(4) physical facilities to network work facilities

(5) from cycle time to real time.

Communication as a medium of education is carried out using communication media such as telephone,
computer, internet, e-mail, and so on. Interaction between teachers and students is not only done
through face-to-face relationships but also done using these media. Teachers can provide services
without having to go head-to-head with students. Similarly, students can obtain information in a wide
scope from various sources through cyber space or cyberspace by using computers or the internet.

The most recent thing is the development of so-called "cyber".

teaching" or virtual teaching, namely the teaching process carried out by using

use the internet. Another term that is increasingly popular today is e-learning, namely:

a learning model using communication technology media and

information, especially the internet. e-learning is a use of technology

internet in the delivery of learning in a broad range based on

three criteria, namely:

1. e-learning is a network with the ability to update,

store, distribute and share teaching materials or information,

2. delivery to the last user via computer with

using standard internet technology,

3. focus on the broadest view of the learning behind

traditional learning paradigm.

Before the Internet, the main problem faced by education (in

worldwide) is access to information resources. Internet presence

enable the world of education to access information sources that are

starting to be available a lot.

The benefits of the Internet can now be felt by various groups.

The benefits of the Internet as one of the largest media in the world can be used as a

promote the advancement of future education.

Internet can be considered as a huge source of information. There are two

the role of the internet is very important, namely: (1) as a source of data and information,

(2) means of exchanging data and information. As a source of information, the internet

store various types of information sources in an unlimited number. Field

whatever is of interest, there must be information on the Internet. It can be used by students to

looking for teaching materials in learning at school. For underprivileged students,

This makes it very easy for him to find teaching materials because students don't need it anymore

to buy a book.

B. Benefits of Computers in Education

The computer is a complex electronic device and has

many advantages. Computers are found to be suitable as tools to help teachers

in the teaching and learning process because computers are capable of

receive and process data. Giesert and Futrell confirmed that someone

teachers who use computers in teaching and learning may

categorized as having additional talents and abilities. teaching that

included with the latest study aids will be able to add interest

students study a subject area. In addition, if the computer can

used systematically and effectively by the teacher he will be able to complete

any teaching learning problems. This is in line with Heinich's view

who say that computers can enrich teaching techniques.

Computers are complementary to effective teaching delivery.

Sandholtz has voiced that using technology can make it easier

learning teaching.

The benefits of computers in the field of education can be felt a lot

of which are as follows:

1. As a presentation tool – with the help of a projector now a computer

tote can be used as a tool to present an idea

or ideas, usually widely used in development meetings and

also students who present their research results.

2. As a replacement for the typewriter – Around the eighties to

in the nineties typewriters are still a mainstay in writing

report or write a book, but around the end of the nineties

now its position is replaced with a computer which is known to be simpler and more


3. As a calculating tool – In the computer, of course, it will be very easy to use

counting the numbers, a lot of transporters who use ms.

excel in calculating both the sum, average and also division.

4) As a medium of communication with the wider community – did you know

that the internet is a unit of a collection of all computers in the world that are interconnected

connected to each other, many are used as servers, and

Currently the best server is still held by Google, which is also the number one website

in the world with its search engine facility, after useful media is uploaded

on the server both in the form of pdf, html and also doc. it can be accessed by all

people in the world as long as the server is on of course, when the server is down

or maintenance, all the pages that we upload cannot be downloaded

or read.

C. The Role of Computers in Education

The big responsibility of schools in entering the era of globalization is to:

prepare students to face challenges in society

very fast change. One of the challenges faced by students

is to be a qualified worker. Ability to speak in foreign languages and

computer proficiency are the two main criteria that are generally put forward
as a condition for entering the workforce in Indonesia (and around the world).

Considering about 20-30% of high school graduates throughout the archipelago who

continue to college level, and with computers that have been

penetrated in all areas of human life, it takes a responsibility

a big responsibility for the education system to improve skills

language and computer skills for students.

In general, it can be explained the role of computers or technology in

education, namely as follows:

1. After God, technology science (hereinafter: IT) is the source

of science. This happens because the computer has successfully become

“intelligent recording device” capable of accommodating all the information

provided by users from all over the world. So every time we write something on

internet, then the main server computer will record all the information

given. So it's not strange if we Googling with the key-in Java language too

he can get data related to what we are looking for.

The point is the more we often key-in the smarter the computer.

2. IT is used as a tool for organizing teaching and learning activities.

This reality happened because at this time the instructors in various parts

the world has and continues to apply the use of IT as part of

integral alins and alongins in the world of education. The use of IT has been

packaged in the educational curriculum so that in practice it must be

implemented. The main reasons why IT is used as a learning aid

teaching because of its ability to be able to present visualizations and

Graphics even bridge the communication between educational components directly

effective and efficient both inside and outside the classroom,no space limitation

and time.

3.IT is used as one of the prerequisite components of modern education management.

This understanding is taken from the discourse that all related elements or stakeholders
holders (instructors, managers, leaders, students, education supporters) in

The world of education must understand and have the skills to use

IT. Many institutions have required good personnel to

recruitment and staff to have a certain level of competence

in using IT-based tools.

4. IT is able to transform data in digital, audio-visual,

simulation, motion, and virtual reality depending on resource capabilities

desired educational tools and concepts. So that at this time there has been

virtual classroom management concept such as Learning Management System

(LMS), electronic materials; e-learning facilities, e-library, e-office,

distance learning. Physically the data is transformed into digital form.

5 The ability of IT applications that can be used to analyze

the performance of an institution management capable of planning, managing,

carry out the functions of education, assessment, evaluation and development.

This management can be implemented through the LMS program, blackboard,

webwiz etc. An education manager is able to manage the attendance list

students, recording the learning process, giving assignments, giving and

receive teaching materials, send educational evaluation materials,

carry out guidance and care. In the world of IT trading

used for electronic trading systems such as the EBAY program, or similar


6. The ability of IT applications that can be used to analyze

the performance of an institution as we know it; Executive Information Systems,

Decision Support System, Expert System, Management Information System.

This makes analyzing the performance of educational institutions easier;

an example is the ability of members to carry out tasks that

given by the top unit can be monitored directly whether the tasks

is already executed, in progress, or idle. So that this will

facilitate the supervisory and control procedures of the commander.

7. 7. IT as culture. This reality appears as the accumulation of the six

the above roles, underlies the work patterns and performance of the units that have been

use and develop IT in their work environment This reality appears as the accumulation of the six

the above roles, underlies the work patterns and performance of the units that have been

use and develop IT in their work environment. IT is

demands of modern institutional management, like it or not, IT must exist, be used,

and developed. IT is a MUST



The development of information and communication technology has provided

influence on the world of education, especially in the learning process.

Communication as an educational medium is carried out using media

communication such as telephone, computer, internet, e-mail, and so on. Interaction

between teachers and students is not only done through face-to-face relationships but also

carried out using these media. The teacher can give

services without having to deal directly with students. Likewise, students can

obtain information in a wide scope from various sources through cyber

space or virtual space by using a computer or the internet.

BIBLIOGRAPHY technology-it-for-
dunia-education/ dunia-dunia.bwi

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