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Concerning the Timkoo MP3 Player – Making an Informed Decision

Even when filtered, a Timkoo operates using smartphone technology. It has therefore
been banned in many yeshivas. One of the greatest problems with this type of mp3
player is the “internet image”... it looks like a smartphone. Giving this device to a child
is the equivalent to giving them a “toy smartphone” to play with. It’s certainly a step
closer to a smartphone. This concept was noted by Rabbi Nechemia Gottlieb, head of
TAG international.
I’m including a quotation from Rabbi Nechemia regarding iPod touch – which may
equally apply to the Timkoo: “By owning a iPod Touch the child now feels “cool” by
being part of the digital world. In a frum school he will likely now be associated with the
less frum elements.”
One particular model of Timkoo has Video which obviously could be a serious michshol;
whilst another model can actually connect to the internet. There are two options of
“protection” for this device:
OPTION 1: The in-built “Parental Controls”. Without unnecessary elaboration, the
Parental-control feature is totally ineffective. Full stop. Likewise Video cannot be reliably
OPTION 2: FILTERED BY A TECHNICIAN: This device works on an operating system called
android which is very problematic to filter. Andriod operating systems are problematic
even on devices with hechsherim i.e. the Samvix Q series. Some of the very dangers
present with the Qin phones could soon be experienced with the Timkoo – they both
run on Andriod.
Also, what happens before the child goes to a technician? They may try out the device ‘out
of innocent curiosity’, with the subsequent irreparable ramifications. In fact, Puriphone
stopped allowing people to bring them unfiltered phones for filtering because of this
exact problem. Today they will only sell phones
that they have already koshered.
Allowing this device is practically the same as
allowing filtered smartphones. What would be
the point of stopping filtered smartphones for
parents and allowing it for children?! WHAT IS
By allowing this devise, we might soon have
a situation of ‘peer pressure’ for children to be
having the Timkoo. After all, it’s both a sleek and
attractive device. So how and who is going to
prevent the peer pressure.

‫איכא דרכא אחרינא‬: There are 3 kosher high

quality mp3 players available. (Please call 07722
601 268 for details). Furthermore, all SanDisk mp3
players can have its radio removed in Gateshead,
and TAG Stamford Hill, for a small charge.

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