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Techniques of behavioral self-control were employed in a class where a high level of on-
task behavior had been established with externally administered reinforcement pro-
cedures. The behavioral self-control techniques maintained behavior at its ongoing
high level both immediately following the externally administered reinforcement treat-
ments and during follow-up treatments after five and seven weeks. Variability in on-task
behavior was reduced during the behavioral self-control phases of the study.

Classroom behavior that is independent of ance of a given behavior or class of

teacher control or control by any agent external behaviors.
to the learner is a commonly acknowledged (4) self-administration of reinforcement-
primary goal of education. A practical means of the individual dispenses his own rein-
attaining this goal lies in the development of forcement (which may or may not be
procedures of behavioral self-control in class- self-determined) contingent upon his
room settings. performance of a given behavior or
A conceptual base for the analysis of self- class of behaviors.
control is offered below in terms of four be-
havioral components. Bandura and Perloff Various recent studies have employed one or
(1967) outlined a similar conceptual system. The more, but not all, of these components. For
components are: example, the self-monitoring procedures of
McFall (1970) and Thomas, Abrams, and
(1) self-assessment-the individual may Johnson (1971) incorporated both self-record-
examine his own behavior and decide ing and self-assessment. Usually, the behavioral
whether or not he has performed a self-control components are combined with
specific behavior or class of behaviors. experimenter imposed restrictions (Kanfer,
(2) self-recording-the individual may ob- Bradley, and Marston, 1962; Kanfer and Duer-
jectively record the frequency of his feldt, 1967).
performance of a given behavior or While there is a considerable body of litera-
class of behaviors. ture dealing with the components of behavioral
(3) self-determination of reinforcement- self-control (Kanfer and Marston, 1963; Mars-
the individual may determine from all ton, 1964; Goldiamond, 1965; Bandura and
available reinforcers the nature and Whalen, 1966; Bandura, Grusec, and Menlove,
amount of reinforcement he should 1967; Masters, 1968; Chapman, Smith, and
receive contingent upon his perform- Layden, 1971) only a few studies have been
conducted in classroom settings. Lovitt and
'The authors wish to thank Mr. R. W. Rainey, Curtiss (1969) found that with a 12-yr-old stu-
Head teacher at Pomaria Primary School, and Mrs. L. dent, higher rates of responding occurred when
McGuire, class teacher, for their willing co-operation the student arranged the contingency require-
and enthusiastic participation in the study. Reprints
may be obtained from E. L. Glynn, The University ments than when the teacher specified them.
of Auckland, Private Bag, Auckland, New Zealand. The contingency manager, not the reinforce-

ment magnitude, accounted for this subject's children was selected for observation by drawing
gain in performance. Also Glynn (1970), in a names out of a hat. The same eight children
study with grade-nine girls, found that self- were observed throughout the study. Behavior
determined reinforcement contingencies were at was observed daily from 9.15 a.m. to 9.45 a.m.
least as effective as experimenter-determined during the class reading lesson. Each of three
reinforcement contingencies in terms of improv- reading groups worked at different daily pre-
ing academic performance. The Glynn study left scribed reading tasks. Most of the teacher's time
open the question as to whether behavioral self- was spent working with either of the two
control procedures would be effective with pop- lower-ability reading groups while the other
ulations other than grade-nine girls, (e.g., lower-ability group and the "top" reading group
younger children). Broden, Hall, and Mitts were left to complete written exercises from
(1971) used self-recording procedures in class- blackboard instructions or to perform specific
room settings to increase study behavior in an construction or art and craft activities related to
eighth-grade girl and to decrease talk-outs in an their reading program. The teacher was a com-
eighth-grade boy. It was suggested that self- petent and experienced junior class teacher who
recording procedures would be most effective if was concerned about the loss of teaching time
they were used in conjunction with established caused by her having to interrupt her work with
reinforcement techniques such as teacher praise the reading group in hand, in order to stem
and tokens. minor but frequent disruptive behavior from
The present study sought to investigate a the other two groups.
means of training very young children in the
use of behavioral self-control procedures. As- Dependent Variable
pects of all the four components of behavioral On-task behavior. This was defined as the per-
centage of 10-sec observation intervals in which
self-control (self-assessment, self-recording, self-
determination of reinforcement, and self-admin- a given child's behavior could be classified as
istration of reinforcement) were incorporated in "on-task" in terms of this particular reading
the technique. As the introduction of this tech- lesson. On-task behaviors for a group working
nique into the study came after externally ad- with the teacher were looking at the teacher or
ministered token reinforcement treatments, the blackboard, taking part in oral discussion with
behavior maintenance capacity of the self-control the teacher and reading to the teacher, while
treatments could be examined. on-task behaviors for other groups were writing
or reading in one's place, visiting the library
METHOD corner to change a reading book, and painting
or art and craft activities as specified on the
Subjects and Setting blackboard. Other behaviors, such as moving
The class studied was a grade-two class in a aimlessly about the room, playing with toys,
Western Auckland primary school. It was con- shouting, arguing, or leaving the room, were
sidered by the head teacher to be a typical grade- classified as "off-task".
two class, presenting no special problems. There
were 37 children in the class with ages at the Observation Procedures
commencement of the study ranging from 6 yr Two independent observers watched the eight
1 month,2 to 7 yr, 10 months. The mean age was children in the following manner. The children's
6 yr, 11 months. A random sample of eight names were listed in identical order on the
observation sheets for both observers before the
2American readers should note that New Zealand lesson commenced. The first child was observed
children begin their elementary education at five
years of age. by both observers at the same time for a 10-sec
interval. This was followed by a 5-sec interval from a break of one week between the class con-
during which the observed behavior was coded tingency 3 phase and the group contingency 1
as "A" (on-task) or "O" (off-task). To meet the phase and a break of four weeks between the
on-task criterion, the child had to be working for self-control 1 phase and the self-control 2 phase.
7 sec or more of the 10-sec observation interval. Reliability of observation was calculated be-
The second child was then similarly observed by tween the two observers in terms of number of
both observers and so on until the behavior of agreements divided by total number of observa-
all eight children ,had been coded. The cycle tions X 100 (Wasik, Senn, Welch, and Cooper,
was then recommenced, each child being ob- 1969).
served at least 10 times during the reading
lesson. Observers recognized children by where Experimental Phases
they sat in the room and by the experimenters' The study extended over the latter two thirds
descriptions of what they looked like. The rank of the school year and consisted of 10 different
order in which each child was observed was phases as outlined below. During all phases, the
randomly varied for every observation session. teacher described on-task behavior for the chil-
During the first behavioral self-control phase dren before the lesson began in accordance with
an attempt was made to have observers record the criteria defined earlier in this section.
the accuracy of the students' self-assessment, and Baseline 1. For 10 days, baseline rates of on-
self-recording of behavior. In addition to coding task behavior were established for the eight
the children's behavior "A" or "O", the observ- children. Before baseline data were collected,
ers were asked to note on the observation sheet, two observers spent a half-hour period in the
at the time when the tape recorder sounded, the class, together with the third author for four
accuracy of the self-recording behavior of the days to allow the children to adapt to their
child that was being observed. The following presence.
code was used. "R" indicated that the child was Class contingency 1. (Intermittent reinforce-
on-task and that he showed this by putting a ment for entire class on-task.) According to a
check mark on his own record card. "+" indi- pre-determined random schedule, the 30-min
cated that the child was off-task yet he put a lesson was divided into 10 intervals ranging
check mark on his record card to show that he from 1 to 5 min. At the end of each interval,
was on-task. "-" indicated that the child was the third author would signal the class by sound-
on-task yet he did not put a check mark on his ing a small clicker if, and only if, no instance
record card to show that he was on-task. Thus, of off-task behavior was observed by her in the
"R" denoted accurate self-assessment, and self- 5 sec following that interval. This was ascer-
recording; "+" and "-" denoted inaccurate tained by visual and auditory sweeps of the
self-assessment and self-recording of reinforce- whole class. The children were instructed that
ment, the former assessment "+" meaning that every time they heard the click, the entire class
the child was giving himself too much reinforce- was on-task and they had earned 1 min of free
ment and the latter assessment "-" meaning time. Free time earned each day (anything from
that the child was giving himself too little rein- 0 to 10 min) was awarded to the class during the
forcement. last 10 min before morning recess at 10.30.
Unfortunately, the observers for this study Free time could be spent inside or outside the
found it difficult to code concurrently both be- classroom.
havior and the accuracy of self-assessment and Class contingency 2. (Intermittent reinforce-
self-recording of reinforcement, and data were ment for entire class on-task with additional
obtained for only five days. back-up reinforcers.) The procedure was exactly
Observation sessions occurred daily, apart as for class contingency 1, with the addition of

further reinforcers (a special set of equipment- which were recorded a series of intermittent
toys, puzzles, parlor games, dolls), which were "beeps". These were produced by a "Zenith
available for use only during the earned "free- Neometer" (model ZA, warble tone 3000 Hz).
time" period. The additional reinforcers were The clicker used in the earlier treatment phases
introduced because the observers and teacher did not produce a suitable sound for recording.
noticed that free time by itself did not seem to Interval between "beeps" varied randomly over
be a powerful reinforcer for all children, par- 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 min, so that children were unable
ticularly the girls. to predict when a "beep" would occur. Approxi-
Baseline 2. During this phase, both the inter- mately 10 beeps occurred in a 30-min period.
mittent reinforcement procedure and the free- The child in control of reinforcement was in-
time contingency were withdrawn. Observation structed to enter chalk marks beside any of the
of behavior continued as in baseline 1. three reading groups in which all children in
Class contingency 3. (Intermittent reinforce- that group were displaying on-task behavior
ment for entire class on-task with additional within the 10-sec period following every "beep".
back-up reinforcers.) The procedure was the As in other phases, access to free-time with
same as previously described for class contin- back-up reinforcers was contingent upon amount
gency 2. of on-task behavior.
After the class contingency 3 phase, a one- Behavioral self-control 1. (Self-assessment,
week break in the study occurred due to the self-recording, self-determination, and self-ad-
student observers being unavailable. During this ministration of reinforcement.) In this treatment
week, it was discovered that the teacher had, of the tape-recorded signals were continued, as in
her own initiative, introduced a further modifica- the group contingency phase. Each child in
tion of procedure. She had selected one child the class was provided with a 10 in. by 2 in.
from the class to take over the function of the (25.4 by 5 cm) piece of cardboard bearing his
third author. This child had been instructed to name and five rows of 20 squares, one row for
enter chalk marks at 5-min intervals on the each day of the week. Children were instructed
blackboard beside the names of any of the three by the teacher that they would be able to decide
reading groups in which all children were dis- for themselves whether or not they had earned a
playing on-task behavior within the 10-sec point (only partial self-assessment as the teacher
period following every 5-min interval. Reading defined on-task behavior). Whenever a "beep"
groups were given access to free time with occurred they were instructed to place a check
back-up reinforcers in proportion to the number in one of the squares only if they were "on-task",
of chalk marks earned. Though no formal data at that moment. Children were individually per-
were collected during this period, it is the mitted access to time-off plus back-up rein-
opinion of the teacher that there had been a forcers each day, on the basis of 1 min for every
decline in on-task behavior. square containing a check mark (self-recording
Group contingency 1. (Intermittent reinforce- and partial self-determination of reinforcement
ment for reading groups being on-task with as the types and maximum amount of reinforce-
taped signals.) The intent of this treatment was ment was experimenter-determined). The pupils
to evaluate the effectiveness of the tape-recorded themselves dispensed the reinforcers (self-ad-
signalling procedure without actually introduc- ministration of reinforcement). After 10 days of
ing behavioral self-control techniques. Hence, behavioral self-control, there was a further gap
it was decided to leave control of reinforcement of four weeks due to the unavailability of ob-
in the hands of the child who administered the servers. During this interval the teacher was in-
reinforcement during the one-week break. A structed to continue the behavioral self-control
tape recorder was introduced, with a tape on procedures during the morning reading period
and not to vary them in any way. Frequent visits behavior over baseline 1 during all treatment
to the school ensured that these instructions phases and a definite decrease in level of on-task
were followed. behavior during baseline 2 and baseline 3.
Behavioral self-control 2. (Self-assessment, Table 1 indicates in whole numbers the
self-recording, self-determination, and adminis- means and variances in on-task behavior scores
tration of reinforcement.) This phase was a over the 10 phases of the study. In the three
one-week follow-up assessment of the behavioral behavioral self-control phases, the variances are
self-control procedures, after an interval of four noticeably smaller than those of the other phases.
weeks when formal data were not collected. Figure 2 presents individual graphs of on-
Baseline 3. For one week, the tape-recorded task behavior for the eight subjects. It can be
signals, the behavioral self-control procedures, seen that the graphs of Dean, Wayne, Billy, and
and the free-time plus back-up reinforcers were Chris follow the pattern of the group results.
withdrawn from the classroom. However, in the cases of David, Debbie, and
Behavioral self-control 3. (Self-assessment, Clifford a reversal effect during baseline 3 when
self-recording, self-determination, and adminis- the behavioral self-control procedures were re-
tration of reinforcement.) The behavioral self- moved is not as pronounced. Also, for these
control procedures were reinstated for one week, three subjects it appears that the behavioral self-
the final week of the school year. control procedures were less effective in main-
taining consistently high levels of on-task be-
RESULTS havior during the behavioral self-control 2
phase (follow-up). Robbie's results differed
Reliability of Observations from the rest of the subjects in that his baseline
Throughout 82 of the 85 days of the study, 1 graph indicates an ascending, rather than a
inter-observer agreement was 90% or better. relatively constant or descending, baseline trend.
For the remaining three days, one day in the His graph does show a reversal effect during
group contingency 1 phase, one in the self- baseline 3 when the behavioral self-control
control phase 1, and one in baseline 3, the inter- procedures were withdrawn.
observer agreement was 89%, 84%, and 89% The mean scores shown in Table 1, and data
respectively. in Figures 1 and 2 provide clear evidence that
the intermittent reinforcement procedure intro-
On-Task Behavior duced in the class contingency 1 phase and
Figure 1 presents the mean daily on-task be- strengthened in the class contingency 2 phase
havior scores of all subjects. It can be seen that with the additional back-up reinforcers, pro-
there was a definite increase in level of on-task duced a definite increase in the level of on-task

'-~ /1 ,~ --

Fig. 1. Mean daily on-task behavior (all subjects).

Table 1
Mean and variances in on-task behavior scores over 10 phases of the study (whole
Class Class Class Group
Base- Contin- Contin- Base- Contin- Contin- Self- Self- Base- Self-
line gency gency line gency gency Control Control line Control
1 1 2 2 3 1 1* 2* 3 3*
MEAN 58 72 81 55 83 88 93 93 75 90
VARIANCE 120 104 121 182 90 65 10 26 105 54
*Behavioral self-control phases
behavior. Withdrawal of the procedure (baseline ment procedures, both during the 10-day phase
2) resulted in a reverting to the baseline 1 level immediately following the group contingency
of on-task behavior and reinstatement (class phase and during follow-up phases, five and
contingency 3) resulted in a return of on-task seven weeks later.
behavior to its former class contingency 2 level.
Thus far, the data in this study clearly replicate Accuracy of Self-Assessment, Self-Recording,
the findings of a number of similar studies of and Self Determination of Reinforcement
behavior modification in classrooms, (e.g., Becker, Data relevant to this aspect of the study are
Madsen, Arnold, and Thomas, 1967; Hall, limited because of the difficulty of recording
Panyon, Rabon, and Broden, 1968; O'Leary and such behaviors. Forty-nine accuracy checks were
Becker, 1969; Glynn and Quinnell, 1970). made during five days of the behavioral self-
The effect of introducing the tape-recorded control phase 1. In whole numbers, 76% were
signals per se, (while still preserving externally "R" or accurate and 24% were inaccurate, 15%
administered reinforcement) seemed to be very being "+" where the pupil gave himself too
slight. There was a small increase in mean level much reinforcement and 9% being "-" where
of on-task behavior from the class contingency the pupil gave himself too little reinforcement.
3 phase to the group contingency 1 phase These checks suggest that on the majority of oc-
(Table 1). The tape-recorded signals certainly casions that the children were observed they
cannot be considered as detrimental to the were accurate in their use of the treatment pro-
on-going high level of on-task behavior that cedures.
was established in this class during class con- Individual means of the percentage of rein-
tingency 3. forcement taken by the eight children for the
Introduction of the behavioral self-control entire behavioral self-control phase 1 are com-
procedures produced a further slight increase in pared with the mean percentages of on-task
on-task behavior level (Table 1). Figure 1 shows behavior for the same period in Table 2. Over
that there was a definite decrease in level of on- the 10 days, David tended to take too much
task behavior level following withdrawal of the reinforcement, Clifford and Billy took about the
tape-recorded signals and the behavioral self- right amount of reinforcement while Robbie,
control procedures in baseline 3. There was a Dean, Deborah, Wayne, and Chris took too
corresponding increase during their reinstate- little reinforcement. The general trend suggests
ment in final experimental phase. The be- that the children took too little reinforcement
havioral self-control procedures were able to rather than too much. This was contrary to ex-
maintain on-task behavior at the high level pro- pectations that children would take too much
duced by the externally administered reinforce- reinforcement.

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a i

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1aI A,
75. I
I -i

!I |

8 75.

li \.

C .-.,

4 s ,

Fig. 2. Individual daily on-task behavior scores.

Table 2
Individual means of the percentages of reinforcement determined by children for
behavioral self-control phase 1, compared with their mean percentages of observed on-
task behavior.
David Clifford Billy Robbie Dean Deborah Wayne Chris
Mean % of Reinforce-
ment Determined 93 100 86 92 65 62 67 69
Mean % of On-Task
Behavior 77 96 82 95 82 81 94 96
No formal observations were taken on the duction in variability of on-task behavior which
type of reinforcer that the children administered occurred under the behavior self-control phases
to themselves. However, the range of reinforcers (Table 1). It leads to the hypothesis that be-
was such that they appeared to the teacher and havioral self-control techniques may produce
to the experimenters to function as positive re- more stable rates of responding than do external
inforcers in all treatment phases of the experi- reinforcement procedures and suggests a further
ment. avenue for research.
This study did not examine the children's
DISCUSSION accuracy of self-assessment, self-recording, and
The present study demonstrated that grade- self-determination of reinforcement in detail.
two children could successfully use behavioral For this to be done, more comprehensive ob-
self-control procedures in a regular classroom servation procedures need to be devised to enable
setting to maintain high rates of on-task be- a finer analysis of such behavior to take place.
havior that had been established by externally Had more experienced observers been available,
administered reinforcement procedures. Whether the coding procedures that were used in the be-
behavioral self-control would be as effective havioral self-control 1 phase could have been
without the prior training under externally ad- fully implemented during all the behavioral self-
ministered reinforcement conditions remains to control phases, thus providing more data. From
be determined. Other studies conducted out of informal experimenter observation it appeared
the classroom have suggested that the direct that the accuracy of the children's behavior was
introduction of behavioral self-control can be as sufficiently reinforced by the teacher's and the
effective as the direct introduction of externally pupils' verbal comments to enable the proce-
administered reinforcement. (Marston, 1967; dures to function successfully. The fact that such
Bandura and Perloff, 1967). However, these reinforcers seemed to be necessary supports
studies have been conducted in laboratory set- Broden, et al., (1971) suggestion that self-
tings, and further classroom behavior analysis recording procedures are more effective if they
research is necessary if this issue is to be resolved. are used in conjunction with established rein-
Another point to bear in mind is that the forcement techniques. Other research has in-
change to behavioral self-control procedures in vestigated such factors as prior learning (Kanfer
this study also involved a change to individual and Marston, 1963) the influence of models
contingencies, from the previous class or group (Bandura and Whalen, 1966; Bandura, Grusec,
contingencies. This factor may have contributed and Menlove, 1967; McMains and Liebert,
to the success of the behavioral self-control pro- 1968), the effects of rule structure and training
cedures. The design of this study did not allow method (Liebert, Honratty, and Hill, 1969) on
this hypothesis to be tested out. the accuracy of self-assessment, self-recording,
An interesting result in this study was the re- and self-determination of reinforcement, but

none of these studies has been conducted in Instructing beginning teachers in reinforcement
classroom settings nor have they employed a procedures which improve classroom control.
journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1968, 1,
functional analysis of behavior as a frame of 315-322.
reference. Kanfer, F. H., Bradley, M. M., and Marston, A. R.
In summary, it would appear that the be- Self-reinforcement as a function of degree of
learning. Psychological Reports, 1962, 10, 885-
havioral self-control techniques employed in 886.
this study hold promise for the management of Kanfer, F. H. and Duerfeldt, P. H. Effects of pre-
classroom behavior. They were inexpensive, training on self-evaluation and self-reinforcement.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
they involved little teacher time and preparation, 1967, 7, 164-168.
and they enabled the teacher to give more indi- Kanfer, R. H. and Marston, A. R. Determinants of
vidual help and attention to her children. If self-reinforcement in human learning. Journal of
the goal of having children's classroom be- Liebert, R. M., Hanratty, Psychology, 1963, 66, 245-254.
M., and Hill, J. H. Effects
havior become relatively independent of teacher of rule structure and training method on the
behavior is to be achieved, then all the compo- adoption of a self-imposed standard. Child De-
nent aspects of behavioral self-control need to be velopment, 1969, 40, 93-101.
Lovitt, T. C. and Curtiss, K. A. Academic response
systematically investigated and researched. rate as a function of teacher and self-imposed
contingencies. Journal of Applied Behavior Anal-
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