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eto a Cooperative Work - Ancient times Se) fest| SS NAME: Group members: oO Cross out the incorrect words. Then, correct them. The first great civilisations appeared in the mountain valleys of Asia and Africa. . The Ancient Egyptian civilisation was a very fair society. . Peasants, craftsmen and traders lived in pyramids. 1 2. 3. 4. They were polytheistic because they worshipped few gods and godnesses. 5. The Phoenicians and the Greeks were scribes and pharaohs. 6. . Rome beat the Phoenicians and built an empire. 0 Listen and tick the things for each civilisation in the Iberian Peninsula. era ats THE THE ul PEOPLES _|CELTIBERIANS| IBERIANS |PHOENICIANS| GREEKS fo ee) Te Cy Poor) fore TCR) TT Cae Des erty Ree ene Seed Cooperative Work - Ancient times Test Assen © Lave! the civilisations above and number them in chronological order. ‘© Which civilisation is missing? Where would you place them in the sequence above? oe Complete the table about Ancient Rome. Octavio Augusto © 200 AD « 8th century BC ® 395 AD e slaves freed » 27 BC Punic Wars | provinces « Romanisation e Christianity ° Byzantine Empire republic * Romulus Augustulus © raise taxes © Western Roman Empire Drassonhccted Eatery ey Prana ens CENTURY Vena © Answer the questions. 1, What is Romanisation? . 2. What is ‘Pax Augusta’? . ‘The Roman Empire Cooperative Work - Ancient times fest ss ” © Complete the crossword. 1. The Romans went there to 4 commemorate the emperor's victories. 2. The Romans believed in these. 3. Free men went to these public 6 places. 4. In their free time the Romans. went there. 5. Aplace where they went to worship their gods . It brought water to the cities. 2 How Roman open squares were known, 2 “N © Listen and number. © Now write a definiton of each group in Roman society. mie Cooperative Work - Ancient times fest i . Comprensi6n: 1 Explica algunas caracteristicas que conozcas del antiguo Egipto: 2 {Que dos pueblos fueron los primeros colonizadores de la Peninsula Ibérit 3 ,Cudndo comenzé el imperio romano? 4 (Qué fue la Pax Augusta? 5 gCudndo y en qué dos partes se di 6 el imperio romano? zCudl duré mas? 6 .Qué diferentes estatus sociales conoces de la sociedad romana? Explica alguno de ellos:

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