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Received: 24 October 2015    Accepted: 22 September 2016

DOI: 10.1111/efp.12322


Assessment of the pathogenicity of marine Cladosporium spp.

towards mangroves

Y. Liu | Y. Li | Q. Lin | Y. Zhang

Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang,

Guangdong, China Summary
Mangroves play an important role in coastal ecosystems. In this work, Cladosporium
Yuelian Liu, Guangdong Ocean University, spp were isolated from a natural mangrove environment in Zhanjiang Bay, Guangdong
Zhanjiang, Guangdong, China. Province, China. Ninety-­one isolates were obtained and identified as Cladosporium cla-
dosporioides, C. colocasiae, C. oxysporum, C. perangustum, C. sphaerospermum, C. tenuis-
Editor: J. Stenlid simum and C. uredinicola. Forty-­two isolates were selected and tested for pathogenicity
Funding information towards mangroves. The results showed that pathogenic isolates were found on
Natural Science Fund of Guangdong, Avicennia marina, Kandelia candel and Rhizophora stylosa with prevalence of 93.40%,
Grant/Award Number: 2016A030313746
and Doctoral Fund of Guangdong Ocean 83.52% and 7.41%, respectively. This indicated that A. marina and K. candel were more
University, Grant/Award Number: E15037 vulnerable to Cladosporium ssp. than R. stylosa. Among the seven species, C. colocasiae
had the strongest pathogenic effect towards A. marina and K. candel with a prevalence
of 100.00%. The rest of the seven species also showed pathogenic effects on the same
plants. These results provided valuable insights into the effect of various pathogens on

1 |  INTRODUCTION Cladosporium cladosporioides (Fresenius) de Vries was also isolated

from marine alga in vitro (Cooley, Mullins, Bradley, & Wilce, 2011).
Cladosporium sp. is a common terrestrial plant pathogen (Curtis, The mangrove ecosystem is widely distributed in tropical and sub-
Gore, & Oliver, 1994; Schubert, Braun, Groenewald, & Crous, 2007). tropical seacoasts, playing an important role in withstanding storms,
Recently, several studies have isolated Cladosporium sp. from marine pollution remediation and protection of marine organisms (Gopal &
environments (Butinar, Sonjak, Zalar, Plemenitaš, & Gunde-­Cimerman, Chauhan, 2006; Kathiresan, 2000; Lin, 1997). However, mangroves are
2005; Devi, Rajkumar, & Beenish, 2014; Fuad, Mohamed, Sarfaraz, & threatened by various pathogens all the time (Andrews, 1976; Binder,
Hadi, 2015; Zalar et al., 2007; Zhang, Zhang, Xu, & Qi, 2013). Also, Hibbett, Wang, & Farnham, 2006; Hyde, 1989; Jones, 2011; Maria &
in our study, Cladosporium sp. was identified as the most dominant Sridhar, 2002; Zhang et al., 2013). Among them, Cladosporium sp. may
genus in mangroves in Zhanjiang Bay, Guangdong Province of China pose a potential risk to mangroves. Thus, the potential pathogenicity
(Liu, Zhang, Hu, & Wang, 2013; Liu, Zhang, Lin, Hu, & Wang, 2015). It of Cladosporium spp. in mangrove environments was assessed in this
must be noted that the mangrove ecosystem has high genetic diversity study. Three species of mangroves, namely Avicennia marina, Kandelia
due to the differences between aquatic and terrestrial microbial com- candel and Rhizophora stylosa, which were dominant in Zhanjiang Bay,
munities (Cao, Zheng, Chen, & Chen, 2008). were selected as hosts for experimentation.
According to literature, mangroves are known to be affected by
various terrestrial contaminations (Aziz, Khairul, Chew, Ving, & Kwai,
2014; Joshi & Ghose, 2014; Peng et al., 2005; Touron et al., 2007).
Additionally, it was reported that some common terrestrial pathogens
2.1 | Sampling site
such as Cytospora rhizophorae (Wier & Tarrar, 2000); Colletotrichum
sp., Alternaria sp. and Phyllosticta sp. (Zhou & Huang, 2001); and Data were collected on 09 Jan 2010 in a survey voyage of the
Pestalotiopsis versicolor (Zhang et al., 2009) also infected mangroves. Zhanjiang Bay area (110°22.556′ E-­110°34.300′ E, 21°04.469 ‘N -­
Another report showed that the filamentous fungus identified as 21°16.165′ N). Sample sites (Figure 1) were located using a Garmin

For. Path. 2016; 1–5 © 2016 Blackwell Verlag GmbH  |  1
2       LIUet al.

2.4.2 | rDNA ITS Sequencing

Genomic DNA was isolated as described by White, Bruns, Lee, and
Taylor (1990). ITS segments were amplified with ITS1 (5′-­TCCGTA
TATGC-­3′). Amplification was performed in 25 μl containing 2.5 μl of
10 ×  buffer, 1 μl of 2.5 mmol/L dNTP, 1 μl of template DNA (30 ng),
1 μl of each primer (5 μmol), 1 μl of Taq DNA polymerase and 18 μl
of water. Thermal cycles were 2-­min preheating at 94°C, 35 cycles of
amplification (94°C for 30 s, 55°C for 30 s and 72°C for 1 min) and a
final extension for 10 min at 72°C. The temperature was finally held
at 4°C for 10 min. The rDNA ITS sequences of isolates were submit-
ted to GenBank, and the accession numbers were received. These
sequences were also confirmed using the basic local alignment search
tool (BLAST) database on the NCBI website (http://www.ncbi.nim.nih.

2.5 | Pathogenicity test

F I G U R E   1   Sampling stations in Zhanjiang Bay in winter 2009 Healthy leaves were removed from the plants and wiped with
75% ethanol. The pathogenicity tests (inoculations) were then
performed with mycelial discs applied to the axial surfaces of the
GPS 76 system. The 19 sites were divided into seven cross sections: leaves (IldikÓ, Tivadar, & Pe′ter, 2012; Liu & Xie, 2014; Sezer &
A, B, C, D, E, F and G (Figure 1). Dolar, 2012). Disposable needles were used to make five wounds
per inoculation. Three 5-­mm-­diameter discs were inoculated on
each leaf for K. candel and R. stylosa, while two discs were inocu-
2.2 | Sample collection
lated on A. marina due to its small leaf size. Mycelial discs were cut
Water samples were taken from the surface layer (0.5 m from the sur- from fungal subcultures and grown for 7 days. Each isolate was
face) and bottom layer (0.5 m from the bottom) using HOM-­1 plastic applied to three leaves, which were then placed in high humidity
water sampling tanks. Water samples were transferred into 100-­mL conditions inside sealed plastic boxes containing moistened filter
centrifuge tubes and then set on ice in styrofoam boxes. The samples paper. Fresh 5-­mm PDA discs were used as a control. All treat-
were returned to the laboratory and processed within 1 week. ments were incubated at 27°C for 5 days. The mycelial discs and
Healthy mangrove leaves of Avicennia marina, Kandelia candel and PDA agar discs were subsequently removed from the leaf to be
Rhizophora stylosa were collected from the same area. photographed. The test was repeated three times, giving a total of
nine times per isolate. Following incubation, the pathogens were
re-­isolated from diseased leaves onto fresh PDA containing strep-
2.3 | Isolation
tomycin. The resulting isolates were compared with the original
Culture medium was prepared as described by Ronald (2004) with isolates used in the inoculations. The pathogenicity process was
slight modifications (100 g potato, 20 g agarose and 1000 mL natural considered complete when the test leaves became necrotic or
sea water). Fungi were isolated using the plating method, in which the discoloured.
medium was supplemented with addition of 60 mg/L penicillin before Prevalence = XY 100%; X: amount of pathogenic isolates; Y: total
pouring the plates to inhibit bacteria (Raghukumar et al., 2004). Next, test isolates.
100 μl sea water was poured on a plate and incubated at 28°C for
48 h. Hyphal tips were used to transfer isolates to potato dextrose
agar (PDA) dishes. Triplicates were made for each sample.

3.1 | Isolates and identification

2.4 | Identification
Fungi were isolated from the Zhanjiang Bay area. Ninety-­one isolates
of Cladosporium sp. were obtained from seven different cross sec-
2.4.1 | Morphological Identification
tions (Liu et al., 2013). The sequences were submitted to GenBank,
Isolates were spread on plates and incubated at 28°C for 48 h. The ap- with ­accession numbers between JN098038 and JN098126 (Table 1).
pearance, conidia and spores of the colony were examined for colour, Based on the combined morphological and molecular information, the
size and texture. 91 strains were identified as the following: 32 were C. sphaerospermum
LIUet al. |

Penzig, which is characterized by secondary ramoconidia with apex and with 99% similarity to the accession NO.HM148211.1 by
1-­septate and globose conidia and with 99% similarity to the acces- BLAST (Table 1 and Figure 2e)(Bensch et al., 2010). In addition, three
sion NO.GU017501.1 by BLAST (Table 1 and Figure 2d) (Zalar et al., of each of the following were identified: C. oxysporum Berkeley et
2007), 26 were C. cladosporioides (Fresen.) de Vries, which is charac- Curtis, which is characterized by conidiophores nodulose to nodose
terized by secondary ramoconidia aseptate, intercalary conidia not with conidiogenous loci restricted to swellings and with 99% similarity
rostrate and with 99% similarity to the accession NO.EF577236.1 by to the accession NO.KU216746.1 by BLAST, C. perangustum Bensch,
BLAST (Table 1 and Figure 2a)(Bensch et al., 2010), 14 were C. coloca- Crous & U. Braun, which is characterized by secondary ramoconidia
siae Sawada, which is characterized by conidia in short branched chains narrow and with 100% similarity to the accession NO.HM148147.1
and with 99% similarity to the accession NO.AF393694.2 by BLAST by BLAST and C. uredinicola Spegazzini, which is characterized by
(Table 1 and Figure 2g) and six were C. tenuissimum Cooke, which is conidiophores with a tilt apex and with 99% similarity to the ac-
characterized by conidiophores nodulose with a head-­like swollen cession NO.AY362001.1 by BLAST representatively (Table 1 and

T A B L E   1   Isolates for pathogenicity tests

Species sphaerospermum C. cladosporioides C. colocasiae C. tenuissimum C. oxysporum C. perangustum C. uredinicola

Isolate number 1D-­4,4S-­21,8S-­2, 8S-­1,8S-­3,8S-­7,8S-­8, 6D-­4,7S-­9,12D-­7, 4S-­6,6D-­3, 7S-­10 6D-­4 21D-­4

8S-­9,10S-­2,11D-­3, 9S-­2,11S-­4,11S-­5, 12D-­12,15D-­7,21S-­1 17S-­3
12D-­6,13S-­9,16S-­11, 11S-­9,15D-­5,15D-­8,
15D-­2,15D-­6,20S-­5, 20D-­6,20D-­7,23D-­2
GenBank JN098044 JN098043 JN098058 JN098038 JN098042 JN098039 JN098123
accession no.
JN098050 JN098045 JN098059 JN098041
of isolates
JN098053 JN098046 JN098081 JN098058
JN098054 JN098047 JN098125
JN098051 JN098048
JN098057 JN098054
JN098079 JN098053
JN098088 JN098055
JN098120 JN098080
JN098121 JN098118
JN098124 JN098119
JN098132 JN098131
Accession no. GU017501.1 EF577236.1 AF393694.2 HM148211.1 KU216746.1 HM148147.1 AY362001.1
Identity (%) 99 99 99 99 99 100 99

(a) (b) (c) (g)

F I G U R E   2   Cladosporium a: C. (d) (e) (f)

cladosporioides (8S-­1 JN098043); b:
C. oxysporum (7S-­10 JN098042); c:
C. perangustum (6D-­4 JN098039); d:
C. sphaerospermum (8S-­2 JN098044);
e: C. tenuissimum (6D-­3 JN098038);
f: C. uredinicola (21D-­4 JN098123);
g: C. colocasiae (21S-­1 JN098125)
4       LIUet al.

T A B L E   2   Pathogenicity tests of Cladosporium spp. on three mangroves (after 5d)


Species cladosporioides C. colocasiae C. oxysporum C. perangustum C. sphaerospermum C. tenuissimum C. uredinicola Total (%)

Number of test 13 7 1 1 16 3 1 42
strain (strains)
Avicennia marina 92.30 100.00 Pathogenic Pathogenic 93.75 100.00 Pathogenic 93.40
Kandelia candel 84.62 100.00 Pathogenic Pathogenic 87.50 66.67 Pathogenic 83.52
Rhizophora stylosa 7.69 28.57 None None None None None 7.41

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)

F I G U R E   3   Pathogenicity tests of
Cladosporium sp. (after 5d) a: K. candel by
20D-­6 (JN098118); (b and c): K. candel
by 20D-­6 (JN098118) on both sides; d:
A. marina by 8S-­1 (JN098043); e: R. stylosa
by 12D-­7 (JN098058). The image shows
the inoculated leaf (left) and, for contrast,
the leaf with PDA discs (right).

Figure 2b,c,f) (Bensch et al., 2010; Zalar et al., 2007). Finally, ten of 4 | DISCUSSION
the strains could not be identified.
C. colocasiae had the strongest pathogenic effect towards A. marina
and K. candel, causing severe necrosis in the leaves. It was found path-
3.2 | Pathogenicity
ogenic to the terrestrial taro plant; this initially appeared as olivaceous
Forty-­two of the 91 isolates were selected for pathogenicity tests of leaf spots that progressed to tan to brown and finally to necrosis
Cladosporium sp. on mangrove leaves (Table 1). The results indicated (Holcomb, 1989). Our tests indicated that C. colocasiae could cause
that the isolates could cause necrosis or discoloration of the mangrove severe necrosis in the leaves of mangroves in addition to the taro. This
leaves, infecting A. marina and K. candel with a pathogenic prevalence species was also isolated from deep sea samples collected from South
of 93.40% and 83.52%, respectively, and R. stylosa to a lesser extent China Sea (Zhang et al., 2013).
with a pathogenic prevalence of 7.41% (Table 2). A. marina was found C. cladosporioides and C. sphaerospermum caused serious necrosis
most vulnerable to the effects of pathogens, with a pathogenic rate in the leaves of A. marina and K. candel. Previously, the two species
of 100% with C. colocasiae, 93.7% for C. sphaerospermum and 92.30% were reported as common pathogens of terrestrial plants (Bensch
for C. cladosporioides (Table 2). The vast majority of A. marina leaves et al., 2010; Zalar et al., 2007). Nevertheless, this is the first study
showed necrotic symptoms after inoculation (Figure 3d). The leaves to verify the pathogenic effect of the two species on A. marina and
of K. candel were the second most vulnerable, with a pathogenic prev- K. candel.
alence of 100% for C. colocasiae, 87.50% for C. sphaerospermum and After an examination of C. oxysporum, C. perangustum and C. te-
84.62% for C. cladosporioides. Most of the leaves of K. candel showed nuissimum, it was determined that C. uredinicola was pathogenic to
necrotic or discoloration symptoms after inoculation (Figure 3a–c). A. marina and K. candel. Although a lesser amount of each strain was
R. stylosa was infected by two isolates only, causing only slight discol- tested, a clear threat from the strains towards the two mangroves was
oration in the leaves (Figure 3e). established.
LIUet al. |

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