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Inglés. 32 Primaria Read and answer the question. They are so happy, because they are good Friends, and each one has a important work. There are four white sheep, they make milk for do delicious cheese. There is a funny cow, it make milk, for the breakfast. There are two hens, and they plant cereals and vegetables for eat. There is a yellow cat, it plays with every one. There is a grey dog, it takes care of every animals. There is a pig, and there are three ducks. And there are two hens, they make: eggs for eat. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. Are there four sheeps? How many horses are in the farm ? How many ducks are in the farm? What colour is the eat? Is there a pig in the farm? What do the hens do? Is there a white dog in the farm? What is the work of the sheeps? How many hens are in the fare? Aveithey happy What colour is the dog? i 2 What colours is the cat? is the eo Fanny? How many cows are in the farm? Who do take cave the animals? Activity Articles: a/an Name Date. Read the explanation. Then write a/and or nothing. uno 1odsboygseiurnwes diy The indefinite article a (or an used betore a noun starting with a vowel) signals that the noun is indefinite. lican refer to any member of a group as opposed to one particular member. Example: a boy There is no indefinite article Used with plural, general nouns. Example: boys cat man university apple women socks dogs rainbow ___ plain chocolate ant island orange door wolves hat chairs elephant

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