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Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 71 (2008) 765–773

Effects of interactions between algal densities and cadmium

concentrations on Ceriodaphnia dubia fecundity and survival
Suzelei Rodgher, Evaldo Luiz Gaeta Espı́ndola
São Carlos Engineering School, Water Resources and Applied Ecology Center, University of São Paulo,
Avenida Trabalhador São Carlense, 400, C.P 292, Cep 13.560-970 São Carlos, SP, Brazil
Received 8 November 2006; received in revised form 19 July 2007; accepted 24 August 2007
Available online 23 October 2007


The influence of different densities of the algae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata on the chronic toxicity of cadmium to Ceriodaphnia
dubia was investigated. The importance of algal cells as a source of metal to zooplankton was studied by exposing P. subcapitata cells to
free cadmium ions and supplying the algae as food to C. dubia. The results of a bifactorial analysis (metal versus food levels) showed
that metal toxicity to zooplankton was dependent on food level. Significant toxic effects on the fecundity and survival of C. dubia
were observed at low metal concentrations with high algal density. Algae contaminated with Cd2+ were less toxic to cladoceran than
was the Cd2+ in solution. Green algae retained cadmium and released low metal concentration in the test medium. We concluded that
algal cells are an important route of exposure to metal and a factor that has an appreciable influence on the expression of metal toxicity
to daphnids.
r 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Ceriodaphnia dubia; Sources of metal toxicity; Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata; Chronic toxicity

1. Introduction substances by improving their nutritional state (Chandini,

1989). Since aquatic organisms in their natural environ-
Until a few years ago, feeding activity had been largely ment have food available during toxic exposure, attention
ignored in research published on accumulation of heavy should be given to the role of food in toxicity tests (Lanno
metals and their bioavailability to aquatic invertebrates, et al., 1989).
presumably because feeding activity was not considered an A new approach in ecotoxicological studies has focused
important source of contamination and uptake of metals in on the influence of food on the effects of toxic agents on
previous studies. Recently, many studies have focused on zooplankton. Weltens et al. (2000) verified that particles
the effects of metals on survival, growth and reproduction (sand, clay, algae) contaminated with cadmium are
of filter-feeding organisms submitted to a variety of food potentially toxic to Daphnia, not only by acting as a source
conditions, both in the laboratory and in the field of dissolved metal, but also because the particle-bound
(Reinfelder et al., 1998). fraction of Cd can become free and available within the
The food, represented by the algae, can act as a channel body of the filter-feeding organism. Barata et al. (2002)
of metal contamination to cladocerans (Hook and Fisher, confirmed that although water was the major pathway of
2002) and can counteract metal toxicity, due to the algae’s cadmium uptake for D. magna, a substantial amount of the
ability to exude organic compounds that complex metals metal was obtained by the test organisms from the
(Lombardi and Vieira, 2000). On the other hand, the algae contaminated algae.
contribute to the resistance of the organisms to toxic Dietary exposure to metal of zooplankton may occur
because the algae can adsorb and take up dissolved metal
Corresponding author. Fax: +55 16 33738251. from the exposure solution before being ingested by the
E-mail addresses: (S. Rodgher), organisms. However, algae may eliminate metal to the (E. Luiz Gaeta Espı́ndola). solution during the daphnids’ exposure, which might result

0147-6513/$ - see front matter r 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
766 S. Rodgher, E. Luiz Gaeta Espı´ndola / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 71 (2008) 765–773

in significant exposure of organisms to metal via water. The P. subcapitata cultures were used as food for the zooplankton, C. dubia,
which was fed every other day with 1  105 cells/mL of the algae and a
elimination of metals from food in dietary toxicity studies
suspension of yeast and commercial fish food (Vitormonios), in
is recognized as an important factor that may confuse the accordance with the procedures set in the Brazilian guidelines ABNT
interpretation of the effects of dietary exposure (De (2005a).
Schamphelaere et al., 2004). In this light, the aim of this
study was to evaluate the effects of varying the density of
2.2. Toxicity tests
the algae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata on the chronic
toxicity of cadmium to the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia dubia, 2.2.1. Exposure of algae to metal
when this organism was exposed to this metal in the water Cells of P. subcapitata in the exponential growth phase were exposed
and in contaminated food (cells of P. subcapitata). In these for 96 h to ascending levels of total dissolved cadmium of 0, 0.63, 1.51,
experiments, total dissolved cadmium concentrations and 2.93, 6.85 and 12.60  107 M, corresponding to free cadmium ion
concentrations of 0, 0.60, 1.40, 2.70, 6.32 and 11.60  107 M, respectively.
cadmium accumulated by algal cells were measured and
Free cadmium ions were estimated using the MINEQL+ model (Schecher
free metal ions were estimated in order to distinguish and McAvoy, 1991). The test solutions used in this experiment were
between the effects of aqueous and dietary exposures as prepared in volumetric flasks using volumetric pipettes. The stock solution
sources of metal toxicity to these organisms. Feeding rates was 8.9 mM Cd(NO3)2.4H2O (solution standard of nitrate of cadmium for
of C. dubia were also measured in both treatments. atomic absorption, J.T. Backer). The dilution water used in the
preparation of the test was LC Oligo medium.
After the exposure period, the cells were centrifuged at 1500 rpm for
2. Materials and methods 15 min (FANEM Excelsa centrifuge, model 206 PM), washed three times
with reconstituted water and resuspended in the zooplankton culture
water (reconstituted water). Finally, suspensions of the cells were stored in
2.1. Culture of test organisms
polythene bottles in the dark at 4 1C during the chronic toxicity test with
zooplankton (De Schamphelaere et al., 2004).
Cells of P. subcapitata and neonates of C. dubia were obtained from Samples (2 mL) from each test flask were taken and fixed with Lugol’s
cultures maintained at the Laboratory of Ecotoxicology and Ecophysiol- iodine solution to determine the cell density, by counting cells in an
ogy of Aquatic Organisms of the Water Resources and Applied Ecology Improved Neubauer Bright-Line hemocytometer under optical micro-
Center (CRHEA) of the University of São Paulo (São Paulo State, Brazil). scope (Carl Zeiss), standard model 25. The mean number of cells produced
Cultures of C. dubia were maintained in a temperature-controlled at each concentration, after this exposure period, was expressed as a
chamber at 2571 1C with a 12:12 h light/dark cycle, using reconstituted percentage growth reduction with respect to the control. These
water as the culture medium (pH 7.2–7.6, conductivity 160 mS/cm and percentages were used to calculate the IC50 (effective metal concentration
hardness between 42 and 48 mg/L of CaCO3). The water was changed giving 50% inhibition of algal growth after 96 h exposure). The dry weight
every other day. Reconstituted water consisted of four inorganic salts of the algal cells was obtained by filtering a known volume of cells on a
dissolved in deionized water. Twenty millilitres of a solution (0.01 M of pre-weighed filter. The filters with algal cells were dried for 24 h at 60 1C
CaSO4.2H2O) and 10 mL of another solution (0.002 M of KCL, 0.06 M of and weighed to determine the cell mass per volume of culture (APHA,
NaHCO3 and 0.04 M of MgSO4.7H2O) were added to deionized water to a 1995).
final volume of 1 L (ABNT, 2005a).
The green algae P. subcapitata were cultivated in L.C. Oligo medium
(AFNOR, 1980), which was first autoclaved (121 1C) for 15 min in 2-L 2.2.2. Chronic toxicity test
Erlenmeyer flasks containing 1 L of the medium. The composition of the The test solutions for the chronic toxicity tests with the cladocerans
culture medium is described in Table 1. This was inoculated with cells to a were prepared as in the experiments with the algae and the dilution water
concentration of around 1  104 cells/mL and the culture was exposed to used in these preparations was reconstituted water. Acute toxicity tests
100 mE/m2/s2 in 12:12 h light/dark cycle, with constant aeration, at demonstrated a median effect concentration (EC50, 48 h) of 5.34  107 M
2472 1C (ABNT, 2005b). Algal cells from exponentially growing Cd to C. dubia (Rodgher, 2005). Based on the result of the acute toxicity

Table 1
Composition of the culture medium L.C. Oligo (AFNOR, 1980) used in the present study

Stock solution Compound Concentration (M) Volume (mL) required from stock
solution to 1 L of medium

1 Ca(NO3)2  4H2O 0.24 1.00

2 KNO3 0.99 1.00
3 MgSO4  7H2O 0.20 1.00
4 K2HPO4 0.23 1.00
5 CuSO4  5H2O 0.00016 0.50
(NH4)6Mo7O24  4H2O 0.00005
ZnSO4  7H2O 0.0002
CoCl2  6H2O 0.0001
Mn(NO3)2  4H2O 0.0002
C6H8O2  H2O 0.0005
H3BO3 0.001
6 C6H5FeO7  5H2O 0.005 0.50
FeSO4  7H2O 0.002
FeCl3  6H2O 0.002
7 NaHCO3 0.2 1.00
S. Rodgher, E. Luiz Gaeta Espı´ndola / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 71 (2008) 765–773 767

tests, we prepared five nominal sublethal metal concentrations. Each where C0 and Ct are initial and final food concentrations (cell/mL), t is
successive nominal concentration was about twice the previous one (0.11, time (duration of the experiment in hours), and n is the number of
0.22, 0.44, 0.89, 1.78  107 M Cd). Test solution samples from each daphnids in volume V (mL). A is a correction factor for changespin the
nominal metal concentration were filtered, acidified and analyzed by control with final concentration Ct0 after time t. The expression C 0 C t
graphite-furnace atomic absorption spectrometry to determine the represents the geometric mean of the food concentration during time t.
dissolved cadmium concentrations. Considering that free metal ions
constitute a metal fraction of higher bioavailability to organisms, we used 2.2.4. Metal analyses
the MINEQL+ program to calculate Cd2+. The free ion cadmium At the end of the experiments with P. subcapitata, samples were taken
concentrations were then predicted from the total dissolved cadmium from each treatment to determine the metal accumulated by algal cells.
concentrations. The total dissolved cadmium concentrations used in the Aliquots of test solutions from experiments with algae and cladocerans
chronic toxicity tests with zooplankton were 0, 0.11, 0.19, 0.44, 0.87, were filtered through a 0.45 mm membrane filter The filters with the
1.78  107 M, corresponding to free cadmium ion concentrations of 0, accumulated fraction were dried and submitted to acid digestion (HNO3
0.10, 0.17, 0.40, 0.86, 1.60  107 M, respectively. and H2O2) (APHA, 1995). The analysis of metal in the algal cells was
In the chronic toxicity tests, 10 neonates of C. dubia (aged less than carried out without EDTA washing, in order not to remove the metals
24 h) were exposed, in 10 separate test vessels, to 15 mL of a certain metal adsorbed on the cell surface. The measured concentration of metal in algal
concentration and fed with one of three densities of P. subcapitata (low, cells was taken as the total amount of metal accumulated by the cells (i.e.,
medium and high: 1  104 cells/mL, 1  105 cells/mL and 1  106 cells/mL, externally and internally bound metal), expressed as mg Cd/mg dry weight
respectively). The organisms were transferred to a freshly prepared test of algae. At the end of the toxicity tests with zooplankton, samples also
solution every other day and fed with the respective algal concentration were taken to determine the total dissolved metal and accumulated metal
daily. The test media were gently stirred using a fine Pasteur pipette twice a by the cells. These measurements were taken at concentrations where toxic
day to ensure availability of algal cells to the organisms. A control test effects to C. dubia could be identified. Filtered samples were preserved by
without the added metal was also prepared. The toxicity tests lasted seven acidifying with concentrated nitric acid, for subsequent determination of
to eight days, the period needed for production of the third brood, and the total dissolved metal. We used values of total dissolved metal together
survival of adults and number of live neonates per female were recorded with the chemical composition of the test medium to compute the
(ABNT, 2005a). concentration of free metal ion using the MINEQL+ program. During the
Two controls were used: a laboratory control (LC) that contained the experimental period the metal loss from the algae in the toxicity test with
food concentration normally used in the maintenance of the test organism contaminated food was quantified as the total dissolved concentration of
(1  105 cells/mL plus the suspension of yeast and fish food) and another metal in the culture medium.
control (C), containing only the algae at the density being tested. This was For each sample digested, three unused filters were digested and
a way of testing the physiological condition of the organisms being used in analyzed as blanks (Van Loon, 1985). All the samples were analyzed by
the tests. The chronic toxicity tests were considered valid when a survival graphite-furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (Varian AA 220). The
of 80% was observed in adult organisms, corresponding to the laboratory detection limit for Cd, calculated as described in Miller and Miller (1994),
control, and when they produced at least 15 neonates per female (ABNT, was 4.45  1010 M.
In another experiment, cells of P. subcapitata exposed to free cadmium
2.2.5. Statistical analysis
for 96 h were offered as food to zooplankton. The concentrations of metal
The IC50 value of cadmium for the algae was determined by the
used to contaminate P. subcapitata were 0, 0.60, 1.40, 2.70  107 M
trimmed Spearman–Karber method (Hamilton et al., 1977). The algal cell
Cd2+. Neonates of C. dubia were exposed to reconstituted water and fed
density data obtained from the experiment with the chlorophyte were
with three different densities of metal-contaminated P. subcapitata (low,
submitted to tests for normality (Shapiro–Wilk’s test) and homogeneity
medium and high: 1  104, 1  105 and 1  106 cells/mL, respectively)
(Bartlett’s test), and then, to Dunnett’s test (parametric test) to detect
during seven days. The toxic effects of metal-contaminated algae on
significant differences between the controls and each metal treatment.
fecundity and survival of C. dubia were verified. The feeding and water-
To test the significance of the effect of algal food densities, free metal
changing procedures for this test were similar to those used when this
ion concentration and different densities of metal-contaminated alga on
organism was exposed to different metal concentrations.
the survival, fecundity and feeding rates of C. dubia, a two-way ANOVA
was employed on the chronic test data, using the BioEstat 2.0 program
2.2.3. Feeding rates of the c. dubia (Ayres et al., 2000). The numbers of neonates produced by C. dubia
The effects of free cadmium in water and of Cd+2 contaminated algal females and their feeding rates were submitted to tests for normality
diet on feeding rates of zooplankton at different algal levels were evaluated (Shapiro–Wilk’s test) and homogeneity (Bartlett’s test) and, accordingly,
using measured filtration and ingestion rates. The feeding experiments to Dunnett’s test (parametric) to detect significant differences between the
with C. dubia were carried out in test vessels containing 50 mL of the controls and each metal treatment. Tukey’s test (parametric) was used in
medium and 10 individuals under the same condition of the toxicity multiple comparisons to detect significant differences among the fecundity
chronic test. A control test, without the added metal, was also prepared. obtained in treatments with different algal densities and metal concentra-
Test organisms were exposed to two treatments (water and contaminated tions. Fisher’s exact test was used to distinguish significant differences in
food) for 24 h, after which the final algal concentration was measured the survival of zooplankton between the control and the various
using a hemocytometer (Villarroel et al., 1999). The filtration rate (F) was treatments at the end of the chronic toxicity tests. The above statistical
defined as the volume of medium swept clear per unit of time and tests were run using the Toxstat version 3.3 computer package (Gulley
the ingestion rate (I) as the number of cells consumed by an animal et al., 1993).
in a specific time interval. To calculate the average filtration (ml/ind/h)
and ingestion rates (cells/ind/h), the equations from Gauld (1951)
3. Results
were used:
V ðln C 0  ln C t Þ 3.1. Exposure of algae to metal
F¼  A,
n t

ln C 0  ln C 0t The mean value for the IC50 of Cd2+ to P. subcapitata,

A¼ ,
t in a total of 10 tests, was 1.65  107 M Cd2+, with lower
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi and upper limits of 0.70 and 2.60  107 M Cd2+,
I ¼F C0Ct , respectively. Table 2 summarizes the effects of metal on
768 S. Rodgher, E. Luiz Gaeta Espı´ndola / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 71 (2008) 765–773

the algae and the results of metal analyses. A decrease in (3.33 neonates/female) was significantly lower than that at
the cell density of P. subcapitata was observed with the medium density (7.29 neonates/female).
increasing concentrations of cadmium. Concentrations of Considering both chronic toxicity tests, the number of
2.70  107 M Cd2+ reduced the algal cell density to less neonates produced per female and survival of C. dubia were
than half that of the control (without added metal) and lower in the treatment with water contaminated with 0.4,
dry weight fell similarly. Metal analyses demonstrated 0.86 and 1.60  107 M Cd2+ at high algal density than
that green algae were able to accumulate cadmium. were fecundity and survival of C. dubia exposed to a high
With increasing free cadmium ions in solution, the food level contaminated with 0.6, 1.4 and 2.70  107 M
metal accumulated by P. subcapitata also increased. For Cd2+ (Tukey’s test, Po0.05). At low food concentrations
example, when the concentration of Cd2+ increased (104 cells/mL), in both sets of chronic toxicity tests (water
from 0.57 to 6.32  107 M, the metal concentration and food contaminated with metal), the number of
accumulated by the green algae increased from 0.001 to neonates per female was not different to that found in
0.01 mmol/mg. the control (Dunnett’s test, Po0.05). Before the metal
effect, there was the effect of low food reducing the
3.2. Chronic toxicity test with zooplankton fecundity of test organisms, as this was also observed in the
control containing 1  104 cells/mL. At exposures of 0.4,
The fecundity and survival of C. dubia were significantly 0.86 and 1.6  107 M of free cadmium and in the
affected by the food level, the metal ion concentrations, experiment with food contaminated at 1.4 and
and also by their interactions (Tables 3 and 4). The survival 2.7  107 M Cd2+, the fecundity of C. dubia at low food
of the cladocerans decreased with increasing Cd2+only at density was equal to that at high food level. The animals
high algal density. At 0.4, 0.86 and 1.60  107 M free might have been affected by metal when fed with high algal
Cd2+, the number of neonates per female was higher at the densities in both treatments (water and contaminated
medium food level than at high and low levels. Treatment food), and limited by low food concentration.
with 1.60  107 M of free cadmium caused a decrease in
the number of neonates produced by C. dubia when 3.3. Feeding rates
medium (105 cells/mL) and high (106 cells/mL) algal den-
sities were supplied as food (Fig. 1). On the other hand, the The filtration rates of C. dubia in control test conditions
toxic effects on zooplankton fecundity during exposure to (C) in both treatments (water and contaminated food) were
0.40 and 0.86  107 M of Cd2+ were observed only at high higher at low food concentration than at medium and high
food density. The mean numbers of neonates per female food levels, whereas ingestion rates were higher at high
when C. dubia was fed at high algal density and exposed to than at medium and low algal densities. These results were
0.40 and 1.60  107 M Cd2+ (2.75 and 1.65 neonates/ generally observed during the metal exposures (Figs. 3
female, respectively) were significantly lower than those and 4). Metal in water did not affect the filtration and
obtained at medium algal density and at the same metal ingestion rates of the zooplankton, and the feeding rates
concentrations (7.50 and 4.70 neonates/female, in 0.40 and only were affected by food levels. In experiments with algal
1.60  107 M Cd+2, respectively) (Fig. 1). densities contaminated with Cd+2, filtration and ingestion
Fig. 2 demonstrates that the test organisms suffered a rates of C. dubia were only altered by food levels.
significant reduction in mean neonate numbers when they
were fed with high and medium densities of algae exposed 3.4. Metal analyses
to 1.40 and 2.70 of  107 M Cd2+. The survival of the
cladocerans was not significantly affected. The mean Concentrations of total dissolved cadmium, free cad-
number of neonates produced by C. dubia at the high mium and cadmium accumulated by algal cells, at the end
density of algae contaminated with 2.70  107 M Cd2+ of toxicity test with C. dubia, are given in Table 5. In the

Table 2
Values of dissolved total metal, free metal, metal accumulated by algal cells, cell density and dry weight in experiments with P. subcapitata algae with

Dissolved total cadmium at start of exposure (107 M) C (0) 0.63 1.51 2.93 6.85 12.6
Free cadmium at start of exposure (107 M) 0 0.60 1.40 2.70 6.32 11.6
Cadmium bound to algal cells (mmol/mg) 0 0.001 0.001 0.004 0.01 0.05
(0.000) (0.000) (0.001) (0.002) (0.001)
Mean cell density after 96 h of exposure (106 cells/mL) 6.39 4.91a 3.94a 2.10a 0.77a 0.14a
(1.14) (1.34) (1.54) (0.65) (0.26) (0.14)
Dry weight (mg/L) 137.00 92.22a 89.91a 64.55a 24.92a 9.70a
(23.36) (27.34) (31.02) (19.91) (6.31) (2.73)

Mean values (SD). C, control.

Indicates statistically different from control (C) (Dunnett’s test, Po0.05).
S. Rodgher, E. Luiz Gaeta Espı´ndola / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 71 (2008) 765–773 769

Table 3 4. Discussion
Results of two-way analyses of variance applied to data on survival,
fecundity and feeding rates of C. dubia when exposed to cadmium at
Metal toxicity to zooplankton can vary with the density
several concentrations and fed with algae at various densities
of algae offered to the organisms. For example, at low
Parameter Source of variation F d.f. P metal concentrations, an increased algal level can enhance
the resistance of the species (Sarma et al., 2000). This effect
Survival Food 12.60 2.16 o0.001
was not observed in the present study, in which toxic effects
Metal 15.14 5.16 o0.001
Food  metal 2.09 10.16 o0.050 to C. dubia were demonstrated when exposed to low metal
concentrations (0.40 and 0.86  107 M Cd2+) while being
Fecundity Food 46.52 2.13 o0.001
fed with a high density of algae. In addition, the mean
Metal 11.97 5.13 o0.001
Food  metal 6.02 10.13 o0.001 numbers of neonates produced by C. dubia during exposure
to 0.86 and 1.60  107 M Cd+2 in the presence of high
Filtration rate Food 104.22 2.36 o0.001
algal density were significantly smaller than those obtained
Metal 2.08 4.30 NS
Food  metal 1.34 8.30 NS at medium algal density. The analysis of the combined
effects of food level and metal concentration showed that
Ingestion rate Food 197.39 2.30 o0.001
metal toxicity was dependent on food level. This result
Metal 2.79 4.30 NS
Food  metal 0.66 8.30 NS agrees with the independent analyses performed with each
food level.
d.f.: degree of freedom; P: probability; NS: not significant (P40.05). In general, cladocerans cannot tolerate an algal level
higher than 4  106 cells/mL, because such densities can
depress their feeding rate (Nandini and Sarma, 2000). In
Table 4 this study, the feeding rate of C. dubia was monitored. At
Results of two-way analyses of variance applied to data on survival, the highest food density used (106 cells/mL), C. dubia
fecundity and feeding rates of C. dubia when this organism was fed with filtered less volume of medium and ingested more algal
cadmium-contaminated algae at various densities
cells. On the other hand, organisms fed with a low algal
Parameter Source of variation F d.f. P density showed high filtration and low ingestion rates. The
feeding behavior of zooplankton could have consequences
Survival Food 3.00 2.13 NS
Metal 3.46 4.13 o0.05
for their life cycle (growth, reproduction, survival). Under
Food  metal 1.56 8.13 NS the control conditions, the fecundity of C. dubia was
observed to rise with increasing algal density supplied, and
Fecundity Food 43.78 2.90 o0.001
it was significantly reduced by density of 104 cells/mL of
Metal 32.01 4.90 o0.001
Food  metal 11.20 8.90 o0.001 P. subcapitata. Algal concentrations of 106 cells/mL prob-
ably occur in eutrophic environments, so that studies using
Filtration rate Food 25.02 2.18 o0.001
this algal density would help in the understanding of metal
Metal 3.92 2.18 NS
Food  metal 2.10 4.18 NS dynamics in polluted aquatic systems.
Algae have been reported to reduce contaminant toxicity
Ingestion rate Food 132.50 2.18 o0.001
to cladocerans. Antunes et al. (2004) observed a decrease in
Metal 7.14 2.18 NS
Food  metal 6.00 4.18 NS the chronic toxic effect of the pesticide lindane to D. magna
when this cladoceran was exposed to a high density of S.
d.f.: degree of freedom; P: probability; NS: not significant (P40.05). capricornutum (6  105 cells/mL). Hauri and Horne (2004)
showed that a large amount of algal food reduced the
availability of labile copper to C. dubia during chronic
treatments with 0.40, 0.86 and 1.60  107 M Cd2+, the toxicity tests, due to complexing of the metal by food
presence of 106 cells/mL of the green alga P. subcapitata particles. The authors reached a general conclusion that a
reduced the concentration of free cadmium ions to 0.10, high food level could supply additional energy for growth
0.26 and 0.63  107 M, respectively. In the treatment and reproduction, and at the same time, enhance specific
with 1.60  107 M Cd2+, the fraction of accumulated mechanisms of detoxification and of resistance to toxic
metal (0.020 mmol/mg) at high algal level was higher agents.
than that verified at the medium algal concentration The results of the present work are consistent with those
(0.012 mmol/mg). Our results demonstrated that metal- obtained by Klüttgen and Ratte (1994), who demonstrated
contaminated algae released low cadmium concentra- inhibited growth and reproduction of D. magna when this
tions back into the test medium during toxicity tests organism was exposed to concentrations from 1 to 5 mg/L
(Table 6). Algae contaminated with 1.40 and 2.70  107 M of Cd, together with a high food concentration of Chlorella
Cd2+ offered to zooplankton as food at high density vulgaris. According to the authors, the toxic effect of the
released low cadmium (0.09 and 0.18  107 M Cd, metal observed in these conditions resulted from the raised
respectively) back into the test medium at end of the test Cd uptake by the zooplankton, as a consequence of an
(Tables 5 and 6). increment in their metabolic rate, due to higher availability
770 S. Rodgher, E. Luiz Gaeta Espı´ndola / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 71 (2008) 765–773

high food medium food low food

a b

Mean number of neonates per female

100 a
c e
12 j
% survival

60 # gg
e o
m *
8 i l
40 d i l
f n n
h * *
20 4
# #
0 0
LC C 0.1 0.17 0.4 0.86 1.6 LC C 0.1 0.17 0.4 0.86 1.6
free cadmium concentration (10-7M) free cadmium concentration (10-7M)

Fig. 1. Percent of survival (A) and mean number of neonates (B) of C. dubia in chronic toxicity tests for cadmium, when fed with various algal densities of
P. subcapitata. LC (laboratory control) and C (control). Survival: # indicates statistically different from the control (C) (Fisher’s exact test, Po0.05).
Number of neonates per female: * indicates statistically different from the control (C) (Dunnett’s test, Po0.05) and means with different letters are
significantly different (Tukey’s test, Po0.05). Error bars denote standard deviation. Each bar for L.C corresponds to one laboratory control of three
chronic toxicity tests performed with the three different algal densities.

high food medium food low food

a a
100 a b
Mean number of neonates per female

80 16
c h
g, h
% survival

60 12 *
e * i
f g i *
40 8
20 4

0 0
LC C 0.6 1.4 2.7 LC C 0.6 1.4 2.7
free cadmium concentration to which algae were free cadmium concentration to which algae were
exposed (10-7 M) exposed (10-7 M)

Fig. 2. Percent of survival (A) and mean number of neonates (B) of C. dubia when fed with various algal densities of P. subcapitata previously exposed to
cadmium. LC (laboratory control) and C (control). Survival: # indicates statistically different from the control (C) (Fisher’s exact test, Po0.05). Number
of neonates per female: * indicates statistically different from the control (C) (Dunnett’s test, Po0.05) and means with different letters are significantly
different (Tukey’s test, Po0.05). Error bars denote standard deviation. Each bar for LC corresponds to one laboratory control of three chronic toxicity
tests performed with the three different algal densities.

of food. Similarly, Smolders et al. (2005) also verified that the organisms were exposed to 0.4, 0.86 and 1.60  107 M
cadmium toxicity to D. magna increased with increasing of Cd2+ and fed with high algal density, metal analyses
food concentration. demonstrated that algal cells accumulated cadmium.
When the C. dubia females were exposed to free Cadmium associated with algae may form an alternative
cadmium ion at a high algal density, they filtered less source of metal contamination to zooplankton, besides the
volume of medium and ingested more algal cells with metal free metal ions from the water. For filter feeding
bound to the cells, until the toxic effect of the bound metal organisms, the digestive system is a considerable contam-
inhibited their feeding, reproduction and survival. When ination route, and a particle-bound toxic substance can
S. Rodgher, E. Luiz Gaeta Espı´ndola / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 71 (2008) 765–773 771


Ingestion rate ( x 104 cells/indl/h)

high food medium food low food
1000 a
c m
f h j

Filtration rate (µl/ind/h)

800 h
l d
j o 6
e g k,l n 4
400 i,j b h k n
d f
200 a g 2
e k m c i l o
i e g
0 0
C 0.1 0.17 0.4 0.86 1.60 C 0.1 0.17 0.4 0.86 1.60
free cadmium concentration (10-7 M) free cadmium concentration (10-7 M)

Fig. 3. Filtration and ingestion rates of algal cells by C. dubia when exposed to cadmium and fed with various algal densities of P. subcapitata. Means with
the different letters are significantly different (Tukey’s test, Po0.05). Error bars denote standard deviation.

high food medium food low food

Ingestion rate ( x 104 cells/ind/h)

1000 d
Filtration rate (µl/ind/h)

800 e 8
g g
600 i 6
400 h b e j
f 4 h
200 f 2
a d h c f h j
0 0
C 0.6 1.4 2.7 C 0.6 1.4 2.7
free cadmium concentration to which free cadmium concentration to which
algae were exposed (10-7 M) algae were exposed (10-7 M)

Fig. 4. Filtration and ingestion rates of algal cells by C. dubia when fed with various algal densities of P. subcapitata previously exposed to cadmium.
Means with the different letters are significantly different (Tukey’s test, Po0.05). Error bars denote standard deviation.

Table 5
Total dissolved, free and accumulated metal at the end of chronic toxicity tests with C. dubia to cadmium

Control Water contaminated with metal (107 M Cd2+) Food contaminated with metal (107 M Cd2+)

0 0.40 0.86 1.60 0.60 1.40 2.70

Medium High Medium High Medium High Medium High Medium High Medium High Medium High
food food food food food food food food food food food food food food

Dissolved total 0.02 0.02 0.21 0.11 0.58 0.30 1.11 0.71 0.02 0.06 0.03 0.11 0.05 0.20
metal (107 M) (0.002) (0.002) (0.01) (0.02) (0.01) (0.01) (0.02) (0.01) (0.00) (0.01) (0.00) (0.01) (0.00) (0.00)
Free metal ions 0.02 0.02 0.19 0.10 0.52 0.26 1.10 0.63 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.09 0.04 0.18
(107 M) (0.002) (0.002) (0.01) (0.01) (0.03) (0.01) (0.02) (0.02) (0.01) (0.01) (0.01) (0.01) (0.00) (0.00)
Metal in algal cells ND ND 0.004 0.002 0.009 0.005 0.012 0.020 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.005 0.003
(m mol/mg) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.002) (0.002) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.001) (0.001)

Mean values (SD). ND: not detected.

readily be filtered from the water and released into their The importance of algal cells as contamination agents
digestive tract (Fliedner, 1997). At low algal density, for zooplankton was confirmed by the results obtained in
organisms filtered more water with metal and ingested toxicity tests with contaminated food. In this study, a
fewer algal cells than at a high food level. Low acquisition decrease in fecundity of C. dubia was observed when these
of food by cladocerans would result in less energy for organisms were fed on P. subcapitata cells exposed to
reproduction and for metal toxicity repair mechanisms Cd2+. As a result of adding medium and high algal
(Rose et al., 2002). densities contaminated with Cd2+, concentrations between
772 S. Rodgher, E. Luiz Gaeta Espı´ndola / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 71 (2008) 765–773

Table 6
Dissolved cadmium concentration (107 M) in the culture medium during experiments with C. dubia fed with various algal densities of P. subcapitata
previously exposed to cadmium

Cadmium Day 2 Day 4 Day 8

concentration to
which algal cells
were exposed 104 cells/ 105 cells/ 106 cells/ 104 cells/ 105 cells/ 106 cells/ 104 cells/ 105 cells/ 106 cells/
(107 M) mL mL mL mL mL mL mL mL mL

0.60 ND 0.02 0.08 ND 0.03 0.05 ND 0.02 0.06

(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.01)
1.40 ND 0.05 0.12 ND 0.07 0.17 ND 0.03 0.11
(0.00) (0.01) (0.00) (0.02) (0.00) (0.01)
2.70 ND 0.10 0.21 ND 0.09 0.18 ND 0.05 0.20
(0.01) (0.01) (0.01) (0.01) (0.00) (0.00)

Mean values (SD). ND: not detected.

0.03 and 0.20  107 M Cd were released in the test (Kilham et al., 1997). Nishikawa et al. (2003) found that
medium. This may occur either via desorption or elimina- cells of the green algae Chlamydomonas acidophila suffered
tion of metal from algal cells (De Schamphelaere et al., a reduction in the level of polyphosphate after being
2004) and from elimination by the daphnids that have exposed to 10 and 20 mM of Cd. Metal could have affected
incorporated dietary metal in their tissues (Guan and the nutritional value of the algal cells that were exposed to
Wang, 2004). Indeed, at such a low cadmium concentra- it. Such changes could make the algae poor in nutritional
tion, no toxic effects are expected. We observed effects on value and unviable as food for C. dubia. In the present
the fecundity and survival of C. dubia up to 0.20  107 M study, the cadmium concentrations used to contaminate
Cd2+. These observations suggest that toxic effects in P. subcapitata were lower than those used by Nishikawa et
cladocerans given contaminated food can be attributed to al. (2003). It is unlikely that the observed reduction in
cadmium via dietary exposure. Our findings agree with fecundity of C. dubia might result from a dietary quality
those of De Schamphelaere et al. (2004), who found effect. In general, negative effects may be related to the
adverse effects on reproduction of D. magna after exposure direct toxic effects of metals on target cells or sensitive
to dietary Zn. Sofyan et al. (2006) also demonstrated that tissues responsible for egg production (vitellogenesis)
Cd in algal cells was available for trophic transfer and (Hook and Fisher, 2002). Indirect effects of metal, due to
capable of producing deleterious effects to C. dubia. In our a diminution in the process of nutrient assimilation
experiments involving feeding with Cd+2 contaminated (Munger et al., 1999) have negative repercussions on
algae, C. dubia ingested more algal cells at 106 cells/mL growth and fecundity of zooplankton.
than at 105 and 104 cells/mL. According to Allen et al.
(1995) and Taylor et al. (1998), algal cells contaminated 5. Conclusion
with Cd can be collected and ingested normally by
daphnids, but the contaminant interferes with digestion, Our findings suggested that free cadmium ions were
resulting in cells passing through the gut without being more bioavailable to zooplankton than metal in food. The
digested. This could result in profound changes at the addition of algae at high density in chronic toxicity tests in
population levels, since the main parameters for population treatments with water contaminated with cadmium might
growth and survival are dependent on the energy input have promoted binding sites for the metal and, conse-
from feeding activity. quently, generated additional routes for exposure of test
The toxic effects on C. dubia were less pronounced organisms to metal. Food should be considered as an
when the zooplankton were exposed to food contaminated additional source of metal exposure to cladocerans.
with 0.60 and 1.40  107 M Cd2+ than those obtained Ecotoxicological studies should consider the influence of
when the test organisms were exposed to 0.86 and varying algal densities on the expression of metal toxicity
1.60  107 M Cd2+ in test solution at high algal density. on daphinids. This would allow a better understanding of
This result implies that free cadmium ions are more the possible relationships between toxicants and aquatic
bioavailable to cladocerans than metal in food, but a organisms.
substantial amount of the metal could be obtained from
their food. Consequently, it should be noted that metal Acknowledgments
dietary exposure may be present in treatment with
contaminated water. We thank the National Research Council (CNPq:
Food quality is at least as important as quantity for the Process 140156/2002-0) and the São Paulo State Research
fecundity, population growth and survival of cladocerans Support Foundation (FAPESP: Process 10417/2002) for
S. Rodgher, E. Luiz Gaeta Espı´ndola / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 71 (2008) 765–773 773

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