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Executive Summary

Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this report is to provide a comprehensive analysis of Nova Scotia

Works Opportunity Place, a non-profit organization that offers employment services

and support to job seekers in Nova Scotia, Canada. The scope of the report includes an

overview of the organization's mission, target market, services offered, strengths and

weaknesses, as well as recommendations for improvement.

Key Findings

The key findings of this report include that Nova Scotia Works Opportunity Place is a

respected and trusted resource for residents and businesses in the province. The

organization provides top-notch, responsive, and client-centered services to assist

people in achieving their job goals. However, one weakness identified in the report is

that the website of Opportunity Place is very traditional with limited content.

Relevant Background

Nova Scotia Works Opportunity Place is a non-profit organization that provides

employment services and support to job seekers in Nova Scotia, Canada. The

organization is dedicated to helping individuals overcome barriers to employment and

achieve their career goals.

Key Data and Statistics

According to data provided by the organization's website, Nova Scotia Works

Opportunity Place has helped over 10,000 job seekers find employment since its

inception. Additionally, the organization has partnerships with over 200 employers

across various industries.


The methodology used in this report includes a review of relevant literature on Nova

Scotia Works Opportunity Place and its services. Additionally, primary research was

conducted through interviews with staff members at the organization.

A. Empathize: The Empathize stage is a critical part of the design thinking

methodology, which involves understanding the problem faced by job seekers and

employers in Nova Scotia. This stage is focused on gaining a deep understanding of the

needs, experiences, and pain points of users through interviews, surveys, and


- Interviews: Interviews are a key method for gaining insights into the experiences and

needs of job seekers and employers in Nova Scotia. These interviews can be conducted

in person or over the phone and should be structured to elicit specific information

about their experiences with job searching or hiring.

- Surveys: Surveys can be used to gather quantitative data about the experiences and

needs of job seekers and employers in Nova Scotia. These surveys can be distributed

online or in person and should be designed to gather specific information about their

preferences, pain points, and challenges.

- Observations: Observations involve observing job seekers or employers as they go

about their daily activities to gain insights into their behaviors, preferences, and pain

points. This can involve observing them as they search for jobs online or interacting

with potential candidates during an interview.

- Empathy mapping: Empathy mapping is a tool that can be used to synthesize the

insights gained from interviews, surveys, and observations into a visual representation

of user needs and pain points. This involves creating a diagram that outlines what

users are thinking, feeling, seeing, hearing, saying, doing, or experiencing.

B. Define: The Define stage is the second stage of the design thinking methodology,

which involves analyzing the data collected during the Empathize stage to identify the

core problems faced by job seekers and employers in Nova Scotia. This stage is focused

on narrowing down the focus and defining a clear problem statement that can guide

the development of solutions. The following are some key aspects of this methodology:

- Data analysis: During this stage, the team analyzes the data collected during the

Empathize stage to identify patterns, themes, and insights that can help to define the

core problems faced by job seekers and employers in Nova Scotia. This can involve

reviewing interview transcripts, survey responses, or observation notes.

- Problem statement: Based on the data analysis, the team develops a clear problem

statement that defines the core problems faced by job seekers and employers in Nova

Scotia. This problem statement should be specific, actionable, and focused on

addressing user needs.

- User personas: User personas are fictional representations of typical users who may

be impacted by the problem statement. These personas can help to humanize user

needs and provide a framework for developing solutions that meet their specific


- Ideation: Ideation involves generating a wide range of potential solutions to address

the problem statement identified during this stage. This can involve brainstorming

sessions or other creative exercises designed to generate new ideas.

C. Ideate: The Ideate stage is the third stage of the design thinking methodology,

which involves brainstorming solutions to the problem statement identified during the

Define stage. This stage is focused on generating a wide range of ideas and selecting

the most feasible and effective ones.

- Brainstorming: Brainstorming involves generating a wide range of potential

solutions to address the problem statement identified during the Define stage. This
can involve group brainstorming sessions or individual ideation exercises designed to

generate new ideas.

- Divergent thinking: Divergent thinking is a key aspect of ideation that involves

generating as many ideas as possible without judgment or evaluation. This can help to

generate a wide range of potential solutions that may not have been considered


- Convergent thinking: Convergent thinking involves evaluating and selecting the

most feasible and effective ideas generated during brainstorming sessions. This can

involve evaluating each idea based on criteria such as feasibility, effectiveness, and


- Prototyping: Prototyping involves creating low-fidelity versions of potential

solutions to test their feasibility and effectiveness in addressing user needs. This can

involve creating mockups, sketches, or other visual representations of potential


D. Prototype: In this stage, the team likely developed a tangible prototype based on the

solution concept generated in the ideate stage. The prototype involved a triangular

movement of how the solution is going to help Opportunity place in conquering the

constraints identified. There are different types of prototypes, such as low-fidelity,

medium-fidelity, and high-fidelity prototypes.

For the Nova Scotia Works Opportunity Place, a medium-fidelity prototype might

make the most sense to develop. This type of prototype provides more detail and

functionality than a low-fidelity prototype, but it is less expensive and time-

consuming to produce than a high-fidelity prototype.

A medium-fidelity prototype could include features such as user interface designs,

basic functionality for job search and resume creation, and a basic database for job

postings and employer profiles. This prototype would allow for testing of the main
features and functionalities of the platform without requiring a significant investment

in development.

The medium-fidelity prototype could be tested by a group of job seekers and

employers in the local area, and their feedback could be used to refine the design and

features of the platform. Once the prototype is refined and tested, a high-fidelity

prototype or full-scale implementation could be developed.

E. Testing: The Implementation stage is the final stage of the design thinking

methodology, which involves creating a plan for how to implement the solution on a

larger scale while considering any potential barriers or challenges that may arise

during implementation. The following are some key aspects of this methodology:

- Scaling up: Once a viable solution has been identified through testing, the team

needs to develop a plan for how to scale up the solution to reach a larger audience.

This may involve developing partnerships with other organizations or government

agencies to expand its reach.

- Barriers and challenges: During implementation, it is important to consider any

potential barriers or challenges that may arise and develop strategies for addressing

them. This can involve conducting risk assessments or developing contingency plans

to address potential issues.

- Communication: Effective communication is critical during implementation to

ensure that all stakeholders are aware of the changes and understand how they will be

impacted by them. This can involve developing communication plans or training

materials to help users understand how to use the new solution effectively.

- Evaluation: Once the solution has been implemented, it is important to evaluate its

effectiveness in addressing user needs and improving outcomes for job seekers and

employers in Nova Scotia. This can involve conducting surveys or interviews with

users to gather feedback on their experiences with the new solution.

2. What are the descriptions of the challenge and problem identified

Firstly, the need for a customizable approach suggests that the current services

offered by the organization may not be tailored to the specific needs of each job seeker

and employer. This can lead to a lack of engagement and reduced effectiveness in

matching job seekers with suitable job opportunities. The current approach may not

be meeting the unique needs of each user, which can lead to reduced energy in

matching job seekers with suitable job opportunities. The problem is a lack of

engagement and reduced effectiveness in the organization's services, which can

negatively impact the job search process for job seekers and hinder the organization's

ability to connect employers with suitable candidates.

For example, a job seeker may have a specific skill set or experience that they want to

highlight to potential employers, but the current services offered by the organization

may not provide them with the tools or resources needed to do so. Similarly, an

employer may have unique requirements for a particular job opening that are not

adequately addressed by the current services offered by the organization. If these

needs are not met, it can lead to frustration and disengagement from both job seekers

and employers. Job seekers may feel like their skills and experience are not being

properly utilized or recognized, while employers may struggle to find suitable

candidates for their open positions.

Therefore, it is essential for the organization to develop customized solutions that

cater to the unique needs of each user. By doing so, they can increase engagement and

effectiveness in matching job seekers with suitable job opportunities while also

providing employers with access to qualified candidates who meet their specific


Secondly, collaboration with new employers is crucial for generating new employment

opportunities for job seekers. The organization needs to expand its network and
collaborate with more employers to provide diverse job opportunities. This problem

can arise due to several reasons.

For example, the organization may have established relationships with a limited

number of employers, which can restrict the number and variety of job opportunities

available to job seekers. Additionally, some employers may not be aware of the

services offered by the organization or may not have a clear understanding of how

they can benefit from collaborating with them. If this problem is not addressed, it can

lead to reduced effectiveness in matching job seekers with suitable job opportunities

and limited growth opportunities for the organization. Job seekers may miss out on

potential employment opportunities that are not available through the organization's

existing employer network, while the organization may struggle to attract new users

and expand its services.

Therefore, it is essential for the organization to collaborate with new employers to

generate new employment opportunities for job seekers. By doing so, they can

increase their reach and provide job seekers with access to a wider range of job

opportunities while also attracting new users and expanding their services.

Thirdly, adequate time for each user is critical. The organization needs to ensure that

users have sufficient time to participate in webinars and other services provided. For

example, the organization may have limited resources or staff, which can make it

challenging to provide individualized attention and support to each user.

Additionally, some users may have complex needs or require additional support,

which can further strain the organization's resources. If this problem is not addressed,

it can lead to reduced effectiveness in matching job seekers with suitable job

opportunities and a lack of engagement from users. Users may feel like they are not

receiving adequate support or attention from the organization, which can lead to

frustration and disengagement.

Therefore, it is essential for the organization to ensure that they are providing

adequate time for each user or webinar and services provided. This may involve hiring

additional staff or developing more efficient processes for delivering services. By

doing so, they can increase engagement and effectiveness in matching job seekers with

suitable job opportunities while also providing users with the support they need to


Finally, expansion to other parts of Nova Scotia is necessary to help other job seekers

and employers access their services. The current focus on a specific locality may limit

the organization’s reach and exclude potential users who live in other areas.

The organization may have limited resources or staff, which can make it challenging to

expand its services beyond its current locality. Additionally, some users may not be

aware of the services offered by the organization or may not have a clear

understanding of how they can benefit from them. If this problem is not addressed, it

can lead to reduced effectiveness in matching job seekers with suitable job

opportunities and limited growth opportunities for the organization. Job seekers and

employers in other parts of Nova Scotia may miss out on potential employment

opportunities or support services that are only available in the organization's current

locality. Collaborating with Cape Breton Universities considering the high

unemployment rate in that region which is about 11%, 5% more than Halifax’s

unemployment rate.

Therefore, it is essential for the organization to expand its services to other parts of

Nova Scotia. This may involve developing partnerships with other organizations or

hiring additional staff to provide support in other areas. By doing so, they can increase

their reach and provide job seekers and employers with access to a wider range of

employment opportunities and support services while also attracting new users and

expanding their services.

3. Description of the challenge and problem identified

A. Customizable Approach: The solution is to develop an online platform that allows

each job seeker and employer to customize their search according to their needs. The

platform should be user-friendly and easy to navigate to enable job seekers and

employers to find each other easily. To implement this solution, the development team

should consider using web development technologies such as HTML, CSS, and


- Conduct a needs assessment: Opportunity Place should conduct a needs assessment

for each job seeker and employer to identify their specific needs and requirements.

This can involve conducting interviews, surveys, or assessments to gather information

about their skills, experience, and career goals.

- Develop customized solutions: Based on the results of the needs assessment, the

organization should develop customized solutions for each job seeker and employer.

This can involve developing personalized career plans, providing training or education

programs tailored to their specific needs, or connecting them with employers who are

looking for candidates with their specific skills and experience.

- Provide ongoing support: Opportunity Place should provide ongoing support to job

seekers and employers to ensure that they are able to achieve their goals. This can

involve providing coaching or mentoring services, offering networking opportunities,

or providing access to resources such as job boards or online training programs.

- Evaluate effectiveness: Opportunity Place should regularly evaluate the effectiveness

of its customized solutions to ensure that they are meeting the needs of job seekers

and employers. This can involve collecting feedback from users, tracking outcomes

such as employment rates or job retention rates, and making adjustments as needed.

B. New Employers: The solution is to develop a strategy that targets new employers

who are willing to collaborate with Nova Scotia Works Opportunity Place. The strategy
should focus on identifying and engaging with potential employers to build

partnerships that will generate employment opportunities for job seekers. To

implement this solution, the development team should consider hiring a dedicated

sales team to reach out to potential employers and convince them to collaborate with

the service.

- Identify potential partners: Opportunity Place should identify potential partners who

are interested in hiring job seekers and have a need for their skills and experience.

This can involve researching companies in the local area or industry-specific job


- Develop a partnership strategy: Opportunity Place should develop a partnership

strategy that outlines the benefits of partnering with them, such as access to a pool of

qualified job seekers or support services for employees. This can involve developing

marketing materials or presentations that highlight the organization's strengths and


- Reach out to potential partners: Opportunity Place should reach out to potential

partners through email, phone calls, or in-person meetings to introduce themselves

and discuss potential partnership opportunities. This can involve developing a pitch or

proposal that outlines the benefits of partnering with the organization.

- Develop partnerships: Once a potential partner has expressed interest in working

with the organization, they should work together to develop a partnership agreement

that outlines the terms of their collaboration. This can involve developing joint

marketing materials, sharing resources such as job postings or training programs, or

providing support services for employees.

- Evaluate effectiveness: Opportunity Place should regularly evaluate the effectiveness

of its partnerships to ensure that they are generating new employment opportunities
for job seekers. This can involve tracking outcomes such as employment rates or user

satisfaction levels and making adjustments as needed.

C. Time: The solution is to offer flexible time options for users of the service. This

includes webinars and other services provided that can be scheduled at times that are

convenient for the users. To implement this solution, the development team should

consider developing an online scheduling system that allows users to book services at

their convenience.

- Develop a scheduling system: The organization should develop a scheduling system

that allows users to book appointments or register for webinars in advance. This can

involve using online scheduling tools such as Calendly or Doodle, or developing a

custom scheduling system.

- Communicate scheduling options: The organization should communicate the

scheduling options available to users through their website, social media channels, or

email newsletters. This can involve providing clear instructions on how to book

appointments or register for webinars.

- Provide reminders: The organization should provide reminders to users about their

scheduled appointments or webinars through email, text messages, or phone calls.

This can help ensure that users are prepared and ready to participate in the scheduled


- Monitor attendance: The organization should monitor attendance at scheduled

appointments and webinars to ensure that users are showing up and participating as

expected. This can involve sending follow-up surveys or feedback forms to gather

information about user satisfaction levels.

- Adjust schedules as needed: Based on user feedback and attendance rates, the

organization should adjust its scheduling system as needed to ensure that it is meeting
the needs of users. This may involve offering additional appointment times, changing

the duration of webinars, or adjusting the frequency of certain services.

D. Expansion: The solution is to expand the Nova Scotia Works Opportunity Place to

other parts of Nova Scotia to provide access to their services to more job seekers and

employers. To implement this solution, the development team should consider

identifying new locations and setting up new branches or partnering with existing

organizations that provide similar services in those locations.

- Conduct market research: The organization should conduct market research to

identify areas of Nova Scotia where there is a high demand for their services. This can

involve analyzing demographic data, conducting surveys or focus groups, or

researching industry-specific job markets.

- Develop a strategic plan: Based on the results of the market research, the

organization should develop a strategic plan for expanding its services to other parts

of Nova Scotia. This can involve identifying specific locations where they will offer

services, developing marketing materials targeted at those areas, and establishing

partnerships with local organizations or employers.

- Hire additional volunteers: To support expansion efforts, the organization may need

to hire additional volunteer staff members who are familiar with the local job market

and can provide support services to job seekers and employers in those areas from


- Establish partnerships: The organization should establish partnerships with local

organizations or employers who can help promote their services and connect them

with job seekers in those areas. This can involve developing joint marketing materials

or offering training programs tailored to the needs of local employers.

- Evaluate effectiveness: The organization should regularly evaluate the effectiveness

of its expansion efforts to ensure that they are meeting the needs of job seekers and
employers in those areas. This can involve tracking outcomes such as employment

rates or user satisfaction levels and making adjustments as needed.

In our prototype, we have a triangular movement of how the solution is going to help

Opportunity place in conquering the constraints. With the four constraints mentioned;

customizable approach, new employers, time, and expansion, the final solution we

landed on was the Nova Scotia opportunity place collaborating with universities and

employers for strategic expansion.

Firstly, In collaborating with universities, student tech developers who volunteer to

work with Opportunity Place can be acquired. Also marketing the company on social

media can be managed by a volunteer from the institutions, event support, training

and placement of job seekers, E-cell, and collaborating with Cape Breton Universities

considering the high unemployment rate in that region which is about 11%, 5% more

than Halifax unemployment rate.

By collaborating with universities, there are benefits gained thus, the students get

exposed to the job market and also get potential employment opportunities. Also, the

universities get tie-ups with companies that can offer employment to their students by

offering internship programs.

Secondly, collaborating with employers, a memorandum of understanding (MOU) can

be made with corporations for getting job postings to offer the users of the services of

opportunity place. Again, job seekers using opportunity place services can be up-

skilled knowing the requirement and the dynamics of the job market.

Employer collaboration also brings benefits to employers by getting them the right

people for the right positions and also getting access to a large number of job seekers

through job fairs, seminars, and webinars

By adding job seekers to the triangular process, Opportunity Place can meet their

needs by offering customized solutions that match their skills, preferences, and
requirements. For instance, Opportunity Place can offer resume and cover letter

reviews, career counseling, and training on job-seeking skills such as interviewing,

networking, and online job search techniques.

Additionally, Opportunity Place can collaborate with employers to provide job fairs,

webinars, and seminars that will connect job seekers to employment opportunities.

The benefits to job seekers are numerous. Firstly, they will have access to a wide range

of employment opportunities that would not be available to them without the

collaboration between Opportunity Place and employers.

Secondly, job seekers can acquire new skills and knowledge through the training and

counseling services offered by Opportunity Place, making them more competitive in

the job market. Additionally, they can learn about career paths they may not have

considered before and receive guidance on how to achieve their career goals.

Moreover, job seekers can network with other professionals in their field and learn

about new trends, technologies, and best practices in their industry. Collaboration

with universities can provide job seekers with access to mentorship opportunities,

internships, and other forms of work-based learning, which can lead to long-term

employment opportunities.

The proposed prototype is a practical solution that can effectively address the

constraints faced by Opportunity Place. By collaborating with universities and

employers, the organization can expand its reach and provide more customized

services to job seekers and employers.

Additionally, the prototype can bring about benefits to universities and employers in

terms of providing potential employment opportunities and access to a large pool of

job seekers.

4. what is the relevance of innovation in addressing social challenges?

Innovation plays a critical role in addressing social challenges because it enables us to

develop new solutions and approaches to longstanding problems. Here are some of the

key ways in which innovation can help address social challenges:

1. Increased Efficiency: Innovation often results in more efficient and cost-

effective solutions. By developing new technologies or processes, we can

address social challenges in a more sustainable and scalable way, ensuring that

resources are used effectively.

2. New Approaches: Innovation allows us to approach social challenges from new

angles. By thinking creatively and developing new ideas, we can identify

innovative solutions to longstanding problems. This can be especially important

in addressing complex or intractable challenges.

3. Access to Information: Innovation can improve access to information, enabling

individuals and communities to make better decisions and take more informed

actions. This can be particularly important in education, health, and finance.

4. Empowerment: Innovation can empower individuals and communities to take

control of their lives and futures. By developing new tools and technologies, we

can give people the ability to solve their own problems and take charge of their

own destinies.

5. Collaboration: Innovation often involves collaboration across disciplines and

sectors. By working together, we can leverage the strengths and expertise of

different groups to address social challenges in a more effective and sustainable


Innovation is not a silver bullet for addressing social challenges, but it can be a

powerful tool when used appropriately. By fostering a culture of innovation and

supporting innovative solutions, we can make progress toward creating a more just,

equitable, and sustainable world.

5. How has your approach to creativity and creative work changed through this


Technology innovation has exposed us to new ways of thinking about creativity and

creative work. Here are some ways that technology innovation has potentially

influenced our approach to creativity and creative work:

1. Broadening perspectives: Technology innovation can expose individuals to

different perspectives and ways of thinking, expanding their understanding of

what creativity means and how it can be applied in different fields.

2. Encouraging experimentation: Technology innovation often involves

experimentation and taking risks. Through a course on technology innovation,

we have learned to embrace experimentation and become more comfortable

with taking creative risks.

3. Promoting collaboration: Innovation often involves collaboration with others,

and technology innovation teach individuals to work collaboratively, brainstorm

and refine ideas with others, and leverage each other's strengths to create more

effective solutions.

4. Integrating technology: Technology innovation helped us understand how to

integrate technology into their creative work, whether through new tools and

platforms or by using existing technology in innovative ways.

5. Emphasizing impact: Innovation is often driven by the desire to create a

positive impact, and technological innovation taught us to consider the

potential impact of their creative work on society and to use creativity to

address social challenges.

6. Providing a structured process: Technology innovation provided a structured

process for creative work, enabling individuals to work through each stage of
the innovation process in a more organized and systematic way. This can help

individuals to stay focused and avoid getting overwhelmed by the complexity of

the creative process.

7. Encouraging continuous learning: Technology innovation instills a mindset of

continuous learning and improvement. Through exposure to new technologies

and approaches, we learn to stay curious, seek out new knowledge, and

experiment with different techniques, leading to more robust and creative


8. Supporting risk-taking: Innovation involves taking risks, and technology

innovation teach us to become more comfortable with taking risks in our

creative work. By understanding how to evaluate and manage risk, we have

become more confident in our creative abilities and more willing to take bold

and innovative approaches to problem-solving.

9. Emphasizing user-centered design: Technology innovation often involves a

user-centered design approach, where designers and innovators work closely

with end-users to ensure that their needs are met. Technology innovation

teaches us as a group how to conduct user research, design for user needs, and

incorporate user feedback into our creative work.

Technology innovation helps individuals develop a more innovative, collaborative, and

user-focused approach to creative work. By providing exposure to new technologies,

tools, and approaches, and by instilling a mindset of continuous learning and

experimentation, individuals can become more effective problem-solvers and create

more impactful and meaningful outcomes.

6. Reflection and take away from the course


● Understanding the importance of technology innovation in driving progress and

economic growth.

● Realizing the role of technology innovation in solving complex problems and

meeting the needs of society.

● Appreciating the challenges involved in developing and commercializing new

technologies, including funding, intellectual property rights, and regulatory


● Learning about the impact of technological disruption on industries,

businesses, and employment.

● Gaining insights into the ethical considerations of technology innovation, such

as privacy, security, and social responsibility.

● Recognizing the interplay between technology innovation and societal issues,

such as inequality, access, and sustainability.

● Understanding the importance of collaboration and interdisciplinary

approaches to innovation.

● Acknowledging the role of failure in the innovation process and learning how to

manage risk.

● Appreciating the value of user-centered design and feedback in creating

successful technology solutions.

● Identifying personal strengths and areas for improvement in the innovation


● Developing skills in ideation, prototyping, and testing new technology concepts.

● Learning how to analyze market trends and identify opportunities for


● Acquiring knowledge of different innovation frameworks and methodologies,

such as design thinking and lean startup.

● Understanding how to pitch and present technical ideas to stakeholders,

including investors and customers.

● Developing a mindset of continuous learning and adaptability to keep up with

technological advancements.

● Developing skills in project management and team collaboration in the context

of innovation.

● Learning how to assess and communicate the value proposition of technology


● Acquiring knowledge of innovation ecosystems and networks, including

incubators, accelerators, and venture capital.

● Gaining experience in navigating the intellectual property landscape, including

patents and licensing agreements.

● Fostering a mindset of curiosity, creativity, and resilience in pursuing

technology innovation.


In conclusion, Nova Scotia Works Opportunity Place is committed to empowering

people and strengthening communities through employment opportunities. The

organization offers a wide range of employment services and support to job seekers in

Nova Scotia. However, there are areas where improvements can be made such as

updating their website with more comprehensive information about all their services.

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