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Good Morning everybody. Hope you are all do fine and fantastic.

I am Joshua Ben Joseph and we at

Essentially Sports are delighted to have with us Stamp Fairtex. She is currently signed to One Championship
and is ranked the number one fighter in the atomweight division. She is also the organization’s first two
sport champion, having won both the Muay Thai and Kickboxing championships.
And, not just that, in the year 2021, she was the Atomweight Grand Prix winner and was also named the
MMA female fighter of the year. Wow, those accolades, took me a while to say. I should mention that
you’re basically MMA royalty. Thank you so much for giving us this opportunity to talk to you.

 So how have you been and how is life in Thailand?

 You are actually fighting in 10 days. How are you feeling and how is the training coming out?
 In preparation for the fight, is there anything new you have incorporated into your training
 Your upcoming opponent Jihin Radzuan showcased an impressive performance at ONE
Championship X in March. Do you think she will be a challenging opponent?
 If I’m not wrong you also fought for the Atomweight title at the same event on the very same day.
And your opponent, Angela Lee, was someone you called one of your favorite athletes in the
organization. How did it feel to face someone you looked up to?
 Do you have any special learnings from the fight?
 Would you be fighting for the title again? Like will we be able to see a rematch with Angela Lee?
 I would like to go back to your childhood. Your father, Wisanlek Lukbangplasoy, was a well know
Muay Thai fighter. How was life like growing up? Did your father inspire you to take up Muay Thai?
 I know you started training at a very young age. Was it very hard to manage both school and
 You had your very first knockout when you were 6. Like I do not remember what I was doing when I
was 6. How did it feel to have your very first knockout victory?
 When did you first hear about One Championship and how did this partnership start?
 So I would like to deviate a little bit from the sport. I’ve actually been very curious about your
Stamp Fairtex. It is very unique I must say. How did this name come about?
 You mentioned that you love to eat Tom Yum Kung. Are there any foods that you miss while you
are training?
 I heard you say that if your house was on fire, the only things you will save are your dogs, money
and yourself, How much do your dogs Japan and Audi mean to you?
 And do you get to spend enough time with your dogs when you are training?
 What are your other interests outside training. Something I really like about your fight entrances
are the dance routines you do. Are you very passionate about dancing?
 I also realized that you are especially fond of K-Pop. Who are your favorite K-Pop singers or groups?
 In closing, do you have any special message for your fans?

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