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1.Array implementation of stack in C.

2.Array implementation of Queue in C.

3.Implementation of stack using Linked List in C.

4.Implementation of Queue using Linked List in C.

5.Implementation of stack using Linked List in Python.

6.Array implementation of stack in Python.

7.Array implementation of Queue in Python.

8.Deque using LinkedList in C.

9.Deque using LinkedList in Python.

10.Program to demonstrate Exception Handling(Python).

11.Program to demonstrate Inheritance(Python).

12.Program to demonstrate reversing of single LinkedList in C.

13.Program to implement BST in C.

14.Program to implement BST in Python.

15.Program to implement QuickSort in Python.

16.Program to implement insertionSort in Python.

17.Program to implement SelectionSort in Python.

18.Program to implement MergeSort in Python.

19.Program to implement MergeSort in C.

20.Program to implement Positional List in Python.

21.Program to implement Linear Probing in Python.

22.Program to implement Quadratic Probing in Python.

23.Program to implement DoubleHashing in Python.

24.Program to implement Chain hashing in Python.

25.Program to find Frequency of a word in Map ADT using Python.

26.Program to implement Rehashing technique in Python.

27.Program to implement HeapSort in Python.

28.Program to implement HeapDataStructure in Python

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