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The Avocados, a Synopsis of the

Genus P e r s e a , subg. P e r s e a 1

The larger American genera of the Laura- that P. americana is the type of the genus
ceae are notoriously difficult taxonomically P ers ea .
and Persea is no exception. Persea can be There were at least three kinds of edible
separated into two subgenera, subg. Persea avocados known to the pre-Columbian peo-
and subg. Eriodaphne, and these are about ples of America. The oldest of these is the
as distinct as some of the genera in the little Mexican avocado (P. americana var.
Lanraceae. The type of the genus Persea is drymifolia). Dr. Smith 3 has detailed the ar-
Persea americana Miller, Gardners Dictio- cheological evidence for the use and selection
nary, ed. 8. 1768. Miller's rather fuU account of the Mexican avocado by pre-conquest
indicates that he was discussing the ordinary peoples in the Tehuac~in valley in the state of
"West Indian" avocado for he wrote: "The Puebla, Mexico. These fruits apparently
fruit is as large as one of the largest Pears, were in use as long ago as 8000-7000 B.C.
enclosing a seed with two lobes, included in a Data presented by Dr. Smith indicates that
thin shell." The plant was said to grow in the the Indians did select the Mexican avocado
"Spanish West-Indies, as also in the island of for size. Later studies 4 based on archeologi-
Jamaica, and has been transplanted into cal materials found in caves near Mitla, state
most of the English settlements in the West- of Oaxaca, indicates that these small Mexi-
Indies . . . . " can avocados were in use there perhaps as
This plant with the pyriform fruits was the long ago as 7800 B.C. and as recently as 1300
only one that Linnaeus knew and was in- A.D. Dr. Smith believed that selection was
cluded in the Species Plantarum 370. 1753, not practiced by these Indians nor that they
as Laurus Persea. received the selected forms from the
The "West Indian" avocado was the first Tehuacgn valley.
one known to Europeans although there is no In addition to the Mexican avocado there
record of the tree in the West Indies at the were two others, and more important ones,
time of discovery. The name "West Indian" selected and grown by pre-conquest peoples
avocado or, in this century, "West Indian" in Mexico and Guatemala--the "West In-
race has been applied to this p l a n t - - dian" avocado (P. americana var. ameri-
unfortunately. cana) and the Guatemalan avocado (P.
Since Persea americana Miller is the type nubigena var. guatemalensis). Unfortunate-
of the genus it is also the type of the subgenus ly, I know of no archeological evidence to
Persea. Miss Kopp in her "A taxonomic revi- indicate the approximate time of origin and
sion of the genus Persea in the western how long these fruits may have been used by
hemisphere," Mere. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 14:1- pre-conquest peoples in Mexico and
117. 1966, apparently accepted Nees' Persae Guatemala. Both were in cultivation in es-
Propriae (Linnaea 8:49. 1833) as a basionym sentially their present forms at the time of
for the subgenus Persea. Since none of the discovery and doubtless had been for many
species given by Nees is a synonym, or even a centuries. It is possible that plants of hybrid
relative, of Persea americana and only one origin, between the Mexican (or a derivative
of them belongs in the genus Persea the of it) and the Guatemalan avocados, may
basionym chosen by Miss Kopp is incorrect
and does not agree with her correct statement 3 Smith, C. Earle Jr., Archeological evidence for
selection of avocados. Econ. Bot. 20:169-175. 1966.
' Submitted for publication September 23, 1975; ac- *Smith, C. Earle Jr., Additional notes on pre-
cepted for publication August 6, 1976. conquest avocados in Mexico. Econ. Bot. 23:135-140.
z Route 6, Pointe Clear, Rogers, Arkansas. 1969.

ECONOMICBOTANY81: 315-320.July-September,1977. 3 15
have existed pre-conquest. I know of no evi- where, at least from conquest times to the
dence for this but hybridization could have present the tree was and is so abundant.
occurred over a long period of time. Whether the Guatemalan avocados were in
The "West Indian" avocado (P. americana or were carried into the highlands of Mexico
vat. americana) most probably originated by before conquest times I do not know. If the
selection from the Mexican avocado (P. place of origin was in Guatemala, as I be-
americana vat. drymifolia). I believe that the lieve, then it may have been carried to
place of origin must have been along the Mexico post-conquest and hybridization with
mountains and the lowlands of eastern cen- the Mexican avocado (or a derivative of it)
tral Mexico. The time perhaps as much as may have occurred to produce the " F u e r t e -
4,000-5,000 years ago for these avocados. like" culfivars discovered toward the begin-
Presumably P. americana vat. americana ning of this century--not that they may not
must have gotten into Peru at least as early have been there long before they were recog-
as 1800 B.C. Dr. Pozorski s excavated two nized.
sites in the Moche valley, one dating from The limited distribution of the Guatema-
2000--1500 B.C. and the other 1500-1200 lan a v o c a d o pre-conquest argues for a rel-
B.C. and found abundant remains of the av- atively recent origin. Ecological barriers
ocado. Margaret A. Towle 6 brought together southeastward from Guatemala, low hot re-
the published data on the avocado in Peru gions extending from the Atlantic to the
and found at least eight references to discov- Pacific, may have inhibited the spread of this
eries of avocado remains in pre-Columbian plant which is native of cool interior valleys.
archeological sites. The evidence indicating Why such a valuable food plant did not get
the presence of avocados in pre-Columbian into the mountains of Costa Pica, Panama
Peru is clear. and on into the South American highlands
We may assume that avocados were in with early man is not easy to explain other-
northern and eastern South America in pre- wise.
Columbian times but I have no evidence to
support this thesis. Why avocados did not get T H E SPECIES OF PERSEA SUBG. PERSEA
into the West Indies, at least were not re-
There have been published two taxonomic
ported there until post-conquest times, is a
accounts of Persea in America since 1945.
curious circumstance. They must have been The first of these by Dr. Allen 7 contains a
there! basic account of the Perseas and covers both
T h e G u a t e m a l a n avocado (Persea nubi- subgenera without distinguishing them. The
gena var. guatemalensis), in my opinion, second publication is Dr. Kopp's s formal re-
is the best avocado known to have appeared vision of Persea. Miss Kopp's revision is
in pre-conquest America. The presumed quite good. She had no field experience and
progenitor, P. nubigena, is or was native in did not mention some of the important culti-
the montane forests all the way from Puebla vated avocados so m y concepts of these are
and Vera Cruz in Mexico to Costa Pica. I see often quite different from hers.
no reason not to believe that the Guatemalan
avocado was a selection, or a series of selec- A KEY TO AND MY CONCEPT OF THE
tions by the Indians from the widely distrib- TRUE AVOCADOS AND THEIR RELATIVES
uted and still abundant Persea nubigena.
Selection of the Guatemalan avocado could Fruits round to ovoid or obovoid, not much
have taken place anywhere along the range longer than broad.
of the wild species. The most logical places Fruits with thin green covering, stone cells
are in the high interior valleys of Guatemala absent or not obvious; rare species
of eastern Mexico.
s Pozorski, Shelia G., Prehistoric subsistence patterns Allen, Caroline K., Studies in the Lauraceae, VI.
and site economics in the Moche Valley, Peru. Univer- Preliminary survey of the Mexican and Central Ameri-
sity of Texas Ph.D. thesis. Austin, Texas, May 1976. can species. Journ. Arn. Arb. 26:280--434. 1945.
6 Towle, Margaret A., The ethnobotany of pre- 8 Kopp, Luciile E., A taxonomic revision of the genus
columbian Peru. Aldine Publishing Co., Chicago, pp. Persea in the Western Hemisphere. Mere. N.Y. Bot.
40-41. 1961. Gard. 14:1-117. 1966.

Young growths and leaves floccose pub- anise flavored; leaves mostly sub-
escent . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. P. floccosa. membranaceous, lateral veins di-
Young growths and leaves glabrous . . . verging usually at less than 40
.................. 7. P. parvifolia. degrees; common species native
Fruits with thickshetl-like covering with and cultivated in Mexico, rare in
abundant stone cells, usually green Guatemala as a cultigen . . . . . . .
when mature but sometimes blackish; la. Persea americana var. drymi-
both rare and abundant species rep- folia.
resented. Mature fruits almost always green,
Fruits less than 4 cm in diameter, the commonly 10--15 cm long, com-
flesh scant and less than 5 mm thick; monly pyriform; flesh abundant,
trees of the montane forest. commonly more than 1 cm thick;
Secondary nerves of leaves widely di- cultivated or spontaneous trees of
vergent, 45-75 degrees; leaves gla- relatively low elevations . . . . . . .
brous, not glaucous; rare species.. . . . . . . 1. Persea americana var.
............ 4. P. steyermarkii. americana.
Secondary nerves of leaves not widely 1. PERSEA AMERICANA var. AMERICANA.

divergent, mostly 20-40 degrees; Persea americana Miller, Gard. Dict. ed. 8.
leaves glaucous and/or fulvous pu- 1768. Laurus Persea L. Sp. P1. 370. 1753.
bescent; abundant species . . . . . . Persea gratissima Gaertn. Fruct. & Sere 3:
............... 2. P. nubigena. 22. 1805. Persea leiogyna Blake, Journ.
Fruits more than 4 cm in diameter, Wash. Acad. Sci. 10:19. 1920.
usually much more, the flesh abun- This botanical name should be applied to
dant and often 2-3 cm thick; culti- all the commonly cultivated and spontaneous
vated, or spontaneous trees of door avocados which are called "West Indian"
yards and road sides . . . . . . . . . . . . and have relatively large mostly pyriform
fruits usually with a thin green peel. The
............. 2a. P. nubigena vat.
guatemalensis. flesh of the fruit is usually more than 1 cm
Fruits obviously longer than broad, the thick. The seed is customarily not quite
covering or shell thin and without round, often somewhat elongated.
large stone cells, black, brown or green la. PERSEA A M E R I C A N A var. DRYMIFOLIA
when mature. (Schlecht. & Chain.) Blake, Journ. Wash.
Bud scales scarious margined and large; Acad. Sci. 10:15. 1920. Persea drymifolia
flesh of mature fruits usually brown- Schlecht. & Cham. Linnaea 6:365. 1831.
ish; brown pubescence of fruits per- I use this varietal name for the little av-
sisting at least on young fruits; large ocado, commonly called Mexican avocado,
native or spontaneous trees . . . . . . . . . that is so abundant in many of the towns of
................ 5. P. schiedeana. the Orizaba valley and adjacent regions of
Bud scales not scarious margined nor large; Mexico. Fruits from this tree were used as
flesh of fruits predominantly green; food by the Indians in the Tehuac~in valley,
fruits glabrous or soon glabrous; small Puehla, Mexico as long ago as 8000-7000
to large native or spontaneous trees. B.C. I have seen it in Guatemala and it was,
Mature fruits almost always black (pur- or perhaps still is to be found in door-yards in
ple-black), rarely more than 5-6 cm other Central American countries. The only
long; flesh scant, mostly less than 5 way that I know to distinguish the var.
mm thick. drymifolia from the var. americana is to see
Fruits 3-4 cm long, obovate, not anise the small ovoid, usually black fruits which
flavored; leaves oblong-obovate, are mostly less than 5 cm long. The leaves of
coriaceous, lateral veins diverging the tree are usually if not always anise
at 40-50 degrees; rare species in scented and the thin pulp of the fruits is anise
montane forests of Nicaragua . . . flavored, often so strongly so as to make it
............ 6. P. primatogena. unpalatable. The anise scent is not distinc-
Fruits mostly less than 5 cm long, tive of this variety but may be noticed in the


crushed leaves of other avocados and even of usually 2-3 mm thick and with prominent
unrelated trees of the Lauraceae. stone cells, usually rough but sometimes
There is an isotype ofPersea drymifolia in quite smooth outside, usually green in color
the Missouri Botanical Garden herbarium. but sometimes almost black; the flesh is usu-
Chamiso and Schlechtendahl say, following ally quite good, rich in fats and flavorful;
the field label of Schiede 1140, "Aguacate rare seedlings have the flesh quite promi,
oloroso Papantlensium a Persea gratissima nently flavored with anise; the leaves of most
differe videtur: Folia trita odorem aromat- trees, when crushed are scented with anise,
icum spargunt; . . . . fructus minores, sapor- often faintly so.
isque minus grati ac ellius." The description This is the avocado which is known to
applies very well to the small black-fruited horticulturists as the Guatemalan type,
Mexican avocado. Guatemalan race, or simply as Guatemaians.
2. PERSEA NUBIGENA L. Wms. var. The variety is best exemplified by perhaps
NUBIGENA. Persea nubigena L. Wms. Ceiba hundreds of thousands of these trees growing
1:55. 1950. Persea gigantea L. Wms. Ceiba in door-yards and plantations near Antigua,
4:39. 1953. Persea americana var. nubigena Guatemala and other localities in central
Kopp, Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 14:19. 1966. Guatemala. It is now grown or is spontane-
Persea paucitriplinervis Lundell, Wrightia ous at middle elevations (-+1,500 m), possi-
5:146. 1975 (ex char.). Persea perglauca bly from Guatemalan seeds, in other Central
Lundell, 1.c. 147 (ex char.). American countries and in Mexico.
This is the common and often abundant TYPE: Guatemala: from a door-yard tree
montane or cloud forest species that extends in Antigua, Dept. Sacat6pequez, alt. 1,600
from the mountains of Puebla and Vera Cruz m, Williams and Molina, Dec. 1973 (F; EAP).
in Mexico to all of the high mountains where 3. PERSEAFLOCCOSA Mez, Jahrb. Bot. Gard.
I have collected in Guatemala, Honduras, Berlin 5:148. 1889.
and Nicaragua. I found the species only one A relatively rare montane species related
time in Costa Rica. No other species similar to P. nubigena, but distinguished by the floc-
to this is found in the montane forests of this cose pubescence of the young growths and
region except the somewhat related P. leaves, and by the small fruits which have a
steyermarkii, a very rare species. The fruits thin "shell." The fruits are ovoid to obovoid
are always small, perhaps 3-4 cm in diame- and about 5 cm long. I have seen this species
ter, globose or rarely subpyriform and green. but once, near Aquila, Vera Cruz, Mexico at
The flesh is sparse and rarely more than 5 1,800 m. It was reported from Puebla and
mm thick. The types of the two names pro- Chiapas by Dr. Kopp in her revision of
posed by Lundell, who apparently over- the genus.
looked Dr. Kopp's and my own earlier
works, have not been available. I find noth-
Arb. 26:286. 1945.
ing in the descriptions to indicate differences
This rare species of the true avocados is
from P. nubigena.
known only from the type locality in western
2a. PERSEA NUBIGENA v a r . GUATEMALENSIS Guatemala and from a limited area in E1
L. Wms. var. nov. Habitu et textura P. Salvador. The last of the montane forest has
nubigena L. Wms. et affinibus similis et been cut down, possibly exterminating the
nullo dubio his specibus proxima, praecipue species in that locality. The relationship of
differt fructibus grandiores. the species is with P. nubigena from which it
Similar in habit and texture to P. nubigena is distinguished by the relatively smaller
L. Wms. and without doubt closely related glabrous leaves with widely divergent sec-
and perhaps derived from it. The plant is ondary nerves. The fruits are obovoid-
known only in cultivation or as an escape globose and similar to those of P. nubigena.
from cultivation. It differs principally in hav-
The inflorescences of all specimens seen were
ing much larger fruits with the flesh often as
much as 2-3 cm in thickness; the fruit is lateral.
round or nearly so, the "shell" durable and 5. PERSEA SCHIEDEANA Nees, Syst. Laur.

Fig. 1. Persea parvifolia. Part of the type collection, one fruit cut to show the large round seed.---Photograph by
the author, October 17, 1947.

130. 1836. P. pittieri Mez, Engler Bot. old fields. The altitudinal range in which it
Jahrb. 30, Beibl. 67:15. 1901. does well is also rather great, from near sea
The most easily distinguished of the av- level to nearly 2,000 m.
ocado relatives. The leaves, young branch-
lets and inflorescences are much more pu- 6. P e r s e a p r i m a t o g e n a Williams &
bescent than in any other avocado, except Molina, sp. nov.
the relatively rare P. floccosa. The large and Subg. Persea. Arbores effusae excelsae
scarious margined bud scales are distinctive. usque ad 25 m v e l ultrae. Folia oblongo-
The widely spreading secondary veins of the obovata vel ovata acuta vel vulgo obtusa
leaves help to distinguish it. The ovaries and coriacea glabra; inflorescentiae laterales
at least the young fruits are densely pubes- racemosae pauciflorae; flores ignotae; fructus
cent. The inflorescences are borne on tender obovati obtusi viridi vel ad maturitatem
new growths and by the time the fruits have negri lustrosi.
matured the wood is also mature. The tree Large spreading trees of the montane
has undoubtedly been in cultivation, or forest, to 25 m or perhaps taller, the trunk
semi-cultivation, for a long period of time. often much branched, smooth or the bark
The fruits are large and much used for food but little fissured, the young branches finely
although inferior to the true avocados. The ferrugineous puberulent, glabrescent. Leaves
variations in the fruits, in the vegetative oblong-obovate to acute, acute or usually ob-
structure and in the tree itself are rather great tuse at the apex, the base rounded to acute,
as might be expected in a seedling plant that coriaceous, with mostly 6-8 pairs of lateral
has been selected for superior fruits over a veins diverging at an angle of 40-50 degrees,
long period of time. The range of the species the lower surface prominently reticulate,
extends from Puebla and Vera Cruz south to above less so, the blade (6-)9-12 cm long
Chiapas in Mexico, then through Central and 5-8 cm broad, the petiole 1-2 cm long,
America to Panama. It is reported from Co- obscurely puberulent; inflorescences lateral,
lombia. How much of this range is natural few fowered racemes, in fruiting condition
and how much due to man is impossible to borne below the leaves; flowers not known;
say. The tree is capable of invading a forest fruits at maturity obovate, obtuse, 3-4 cm
situation and does well on open slopes or in long and 1.5-2 cm in diameter above the


middle, bright green becoming purple-black orbicularia obtusa obscure puberula; ovarium
at maturity, the seeds almost as big as the glabrum; fructus obovoideo-globosus viridis
fruits, the flesh 1 mm thick. nitidus; semina giobosa.
Nicaragua: tree 15-20 m, mixed forest Small trees to 7 m tall from the cloud forest,
near hotel Sta. Maria de Ostuma, Dept. glabrous except the inflorescence. Leaves el-
Matagalpa, alt. 1,400 m, Nov. 1, 1968, liptic or elliptic-lanceolate, acute or short
Molina 22952 (EAP; F); "Guaslipe," wet acuminate, acute to the base, coriaceous,
montane or cloud forest, finca Sta. Maria de with 6-8 pairs of inconspicuous lateral
Ostuma, Cordillera Central de Nicaragua, nerves diverging at an angle of about 45 de-
Dept. Matagalpa, alt. 1,300-1,400 m, Nov. grees, finely reticulate nerved between the
30, 1973, Williams & Molina 42575 (type, F; lateral nerves, especially below, the blades
EAP; others). 4-11 cm long and 1-3 cm broad, the petioles
This is perhaps the most unusual species of 0.4-2 cm long; inflorescences lateral long
the small subgenus Persea, being easily dis- pedunculate cymose panicles or racemes to
tinguished from the other species by the rela- about 10 cm long; the flowers small,
tively broad, short, and obtuse leaves. The greenish; the pedicel as long as the flower;
small obovate fruits with thin covering (or tepals 6, similar, ovate-orbicular, obtuse,
"shell") are the most distinctive of those of about 2 mm long and nearly as broad,
the montane species of the subgenus, not obscurely puberulent; outer series of anthers
only in size and shape, but in color of the 5-6, almost as long as the tepals, inner series
mature fruits. The only other avocado rela- short and sessile, sterile; ovary glabrous,
tive having fruits with thin black skin is the style as long as the tepals; fruits obovoid-
small Mexican avocado (P. americana vat. globose, broadest above the middle, bright
drymifolia) of relatively low elevations and green, lustrous, about 3.5 cm long and 2.5
known to us only in cultivation. cm in diameter, the "shell" thin, the seed
This species is known from trees on Leo globose, about 1.7 cm in diameter.
Salazar's ranch, Sta. Maria de Ostuma. The Mexico: "aguacate cimarr6n, aguacatillo."
plant has a well established common name, Small tree 7 m, in cloud forest about 2 hours
"guaslipe," which is used by the native walk above Tetla, municipio Chocomfin,
people. We have called the plant "Salazar's Vera Cruz, alt. 7,000-8,000 feet, Oct. 17,
avocado," since it is known to us only on don 1947, Williams & Popenoe 13511 (type, EAP;
Leo's ranch, where we have been guests F).
many times. This is the smallest leafed and one of the
most distinctive of all the true avocados,
which we found with an Indian guide some
7. Persea parvifolia L. Wms. sp. nov. 25 years ago. While the species is somewhat
Subg. Persea. Arbores parvae glabrae. related, in fruit characters to Persea ameri-
Folia elliptica vel elliptico-lanceolata acuta cana var. drymifolia, I do not think that the
vel breviter acuminata, ad basem acuta, relationship is close nor that this tree might
coriacea; inflorescentiae longe pedunculatae have had anything to do with the cultivated
cymosae vel racemosae; tepala similia ovato- avocados.

B o o k Reviews (continued from page 314)

typographical errors not listed. For the price, Murti; edited and partly rewritten by K.
Academic Press could have provided a prod- T. Achaya. 348 pp. Publications and
uct of better quality. Information Directorate, Council of Scien-
J.F.M. tific and Industrial Research, New Delhi,
India, 1975. $32.00.
Cottonseed Chemistry and Technol- Here is a masterly text, seven years in
o g y - - l n Its Setting in India. K. S. preparation by the late Dr. K. S. Murti fol-
B o o k Reviews (continued on page 330)


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