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GAD Orientation Script

According to KOFI ANNAN, the former Secretary-General of the United Nations “Gender equalityis
more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty,
promoting sustainable development and building good governance.”

To our highly respected District Supervisor, Sir_________, to our versatile School Principal of Daram I
Central Elementary School Sir,_____________ to our creative and enthusiastic District GAD
Coordinator School Head of So-ong Elementary School, Sir_____________. School head of the
different schools both in elementary and secondary, fellow teachers and participants my warm
morning greetings to each and everyone. I am Jessa Palamara-Dacallos your host for today’s event.

After all the hindrances, conflict of schedule and typhon that came in our way, finally, today we
managed to make this orientation possible. Today is not just a wonderful day but we will also make
it day full of learnings.

To formally start this program, Invite everyone to stand for the invocation and singing of Philippine
national anthem and depEd Samar Hymn.

*Let us all feel presence of Almighty Father as we offer Him a song of praise.

*Please remain standing for the singing of the Philippine National Anthem

*Altogether let us sing with heart our very own DepEd samar Hymn

*Now, what would make our moods even better? Let’s energize ourselves and do some dancing

To kick-off this morning’s program, we are pleased to have with us Daram I Central Elementary
School very own School’s Principal to deliver his welcome message. Sir ______________

A big round of applause please

Thank you so much Sir for that warm and wonderful remarks.

At this juncture, to deliver the statement of purpose, let us lend our ears to our ever humble and
commendable father of Daram I District, Ladies and Gentlemen, please join me in welcoming Sir

Thank you so much Sir for giving us the overview of what to look forward for today’s event.

And just like a meal, I know you are all exited to go to the main course and heart of today’s event. To
enlighten us on all the aspect gender and development. So without much ado- it is my pleasure to
introduce to you our speaker for today. He is presently the school head of So-ong ES, a multi-
talented man with a happy heart. Our Gender and development District Coordinator. Let us all
welcome Sir______________!

Thank you so much Sir_________ for sharing to us your knowledge and expertise. That was a indeed
insightful and relevant presentation. Your thoughts are going to stay with all of us.


 Crafting of school GAD WFP

 Crafting of annual GAD plan and Budget
 Checking of school data
----submission of output---

To formally end this orientation, to deliver the closing remarks. May I call on___________ A big
round of applause please!

Thank you all. Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you’ve found this orientation infoermative and useful.
Thank you for spending your Thursday with us. Have safe journey home. God bless everyone.

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