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Arifah Canapi Grade 11 APP2 MODULE 1 10\11\2020

Activity 1

10. TRUE

Activity 2

1. SM - Henry Sy
2. Jollibee - Tony tan Caktiong
3. Hapee - Cecilio Pedro
4. Zest- O - Alfredo Yao
5. National Bookstore - Soccoro Ramos & Jose Ramos
6. Mercury Drug - Mariano Que
7. CDO - Corazon Ong
8. Yakult - Minoru Shirota
9. Uratex - Natividad Cheng
10. KFC - Colonel Sanders & Pete Harman
Activity 3

1. Innovative entrepreneur -  is a person who discovers totally new things

2. Imitating entrepreneur - are those who immediately copy the new inventions
made by the innovative entrepreneurs.
3. Fabian entrepreneur - are characterized by very great caution and skepticism to
experiment any change in their enterprises
4. Drone entrepreneur - are characterized by a refusal to adopt any change even at
cost of severely reduction of profit.
5. Social entrepreneur - is a person who pursues novel applications that have the
potential to solve community-based problems.

Activity 4

Entrepreneurs are the reason why our economy is massively expanding.

Activity 5
1) Research
2) Innovation
3) Assumption of risk
4) Overcoming resistance to change
5) Catalyst of economy development


1. Concept of Entrepreneurship is the tendency of person to organize the business

of his own and to run it profitably , using all the qualities of leadership , decisions
making and managerial caliber etc
2. Personal competencies: creativity, determination, integrity, tenacity, emotional
balance and self-criticism. Interpersonal competencies: communication,
engagement/charisma, delegation, respect. Business competencies: business
vision, resource management, networking, negotiating skills.
3. Bussiness Consultant. people who can go to a client site, identify problems and
fix them. Sales Manager. Someone who knows how to represent a company,
manages accounts and follow up on leads. Research and Development. Someone
who understands business concept, systems, procedures and practices.
Fundraiser. Someone who raises money for a cause and meant not to gain profit
but instead maintaining the organization or towards the purpose for which it was
created. Teacher. Someone to inspire students how to increase their
entrepreneurial intention through acquiring the attitude towards entrepreneurship.
4. The Islamic worldview advanced by Khan clearly puts human kind in an activist
role in shaping their destiny. Humans are responsible for pursuing opportunities;
regardless of the resources they currently control, to meet their needs. Ergo, one
could argue that the Islamic view articulated by Khan places entrepreneurship as
the preferred economic behavioural model for Muslims.
5. The Islamic worldview advanced by Khan clearly puts human kind in an activist
role in
6. shaping their destiny. Humans are responsible for pursuing opportunities;
regardless of
7. the resources they currently control, to meet their needs. Ergo, one could argue
that the
8. Islamic view articulated by Khan places entrepreneurship as the preferred
9. behavioural model for Muslims.
10. The Islamic worldview advanced by Khan clearly puts human kind in an activist
role in
11. shaping their destiny. Humans are responsible for pursuing opportunities;
regardless of
12. the resources they currently control, to meet their needs. Ergo, one could argue
that the
13. Islamic view articulated by Khan places entrepreneurship as the preferred
14. behavioural model for Muslims.
16. The Islamic worldview advanced by Khan clearly puts human kind in an activist
role in
17. shaping their destiny. Humans are responsible for pursuing opportunities;
regardless of
18. the resources they currently control, to meet their needs. Ergo, one could argue
that the
19. Islamic view articulated by Khan places entrepreneurship as the preferred
20. behavioural model for Muslims.

The Islamic worldview advanced by

Khan clearly puts human kind in an
activist role in
shaping their destiny. Humans are
responsible for pursuing opportunities;
regardless of
the resources they currently control, to
meet their needs. Ergo, one could argue
that the
Islamic view articulated by Khan
places entrepreneurship as the preferred
behavioural model for Muslims.

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