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my family is made up of 10 members

My father's name is Sergio, he is 48 years old and he works as a public servant (custodian), my
mother is called Reyna and she is 47 years old and she is a housewife, my brother's name is
Adolfo, he is 18 years old and he studies his degree Nutrition, my other brother is called Ruben he
is 20 years old he is not with us in Mexico he is in the USA and he works in a factory, my sister is
called Fabiola she is 23 years old and she is a nurse, my other sister is 27 years old she is a
pedagogue and her husband, my brother-in-law is called Jorge and he is 29 years old, he is
dedicated to many trades and he is a bricklayer, gardener, plumber among other jobs, and their
children of them that are two ... my niece her name is caty and she is 8 years old and my nephew's
name is mateo and he is 5 years old

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