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Name: Dawit Endalamaw

Grade: 11-B

Number: 6
1. Briefly explain about web searching and types of web
searching ?
A web searching The purpose of a search engine is to extract
requested information from the huge database of resources
available on the internet. Search engines become an
important day to day tool for finding the required
information without knowing where exactly it is
stored. These are:
Informational search queries
Navigational search queries
Transactional search queries

2. Define and explain websites and types of websites and

compare and contrast webpage and websites?

A website (also written as a web site) is a collection of web

pages and related content that is identified by a
common domain name and published on at least one web
There are many types of websites. Some of them are
Personal website
Business website
News website
Entertainment website
The basic difference between a web page and a website is that
a web page is a text document written in HTML (Hyper Text
Markup Language) and is rendered by a web browser, whereas
a website is a collection of related webpages having a specific
address, called URL, on the Internet.
3. Explain MySQL database.
MySQL is a relational database management system based
on SQL – Structured Query Language. The application is used
for a wide range of purposes, including data warehousing, e-
commerce, and logging applications. The most common use for
mySQL however, is for the purpose of a web database. It can be
used to store anything from a single record of information to an
entire inventory of available products for an online store.
4. List advantages and disadvantages of wikis.
Advantages of wikis
Ease of use
Disadvantages of wikis
Small group work

5. Explain about blogs with example.

A blog is a website or page that is a part of a larger website.
Typically, it features articles written in a conversational style
with accompanying pictures or videos. Some examples of
blogs are:
Personal blogs
Business blogs
Travel blogs
Food blogs
6. Explain wamp or xampp server.
XAMPP stands for X-operating system, Apache, Mysql, Php, Perl.
It is an open resource platform that is readily available
absolutely free downloading. It includes attributes like
supporting Perl, mercury mail, and also Filezilla, and so on.
WAMP stands for Windows, Apache, Mysql, Php. It is easy to
download and to setup configuration in. Its server has a
graphical user interface to switch on or off individual
component software while it is running. Its server provide an
option to swap among many versions of Apache, many versions
of PHP and many versions of MySQL all installed which provide
more flexibility towards developing while XAMPP Server
doesn’t have such an option.

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