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Master: ShakeATradeFeather - Contact information: []

Mary Poppins | November 2021 | West End | NFT FOREVER | MP4

Notes: The cast was phenomenal, had a few covers on. Second video released of this
production, not the best capture but almost completely unobstructed (which are more
about the details of the video itself). In act one entire stage can be seen but in
act two a head is on the right side of the stage, this doesn't impact too much.
Quite a easy capture of a wonderful show with lots of covers on. Lots of wide shots
rather then close zooms, I hope someone finds some enjoyment out of this video, I
didn't expect to film but the seat was too easy not too. I tried to capture
everything when possible. The video has been compressed into one file with both

Zizi Strallen (Mary Poppins),
Adam Davidson (u/s Bert),

Rose Dawson (Jane Banks),

George Hamblin (Michael Banks),
Charlie Anson (George Banks),
Monique Young (u/s Winifred Banks),
Claire Machin (Mrs Brill),
Jack North (Robertson AY),

Lucie-Mae Sumner (Annie)

Petula Clark (Bird Woman),
Liz Robertson (Miss Andrew),
Paul Monaghan (Admiral Boom/Bank Chairman),
Alison Connell (Katie Nanna),
Danielle Delys (s/w Miss Lark),
Jordan Livesey (s/w Park Keeper/Von Hussler),
Harry Francis (Neleus),
Ben Redfern (s/w Northbrook/Policeman),
Tania Mathurin (Mrs Corry),
Sam Lathwood (u/s Valentine),

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