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Ryan T.

Hilario March 10, 2023

BEE 1 – A T/W/TH Module 2: Learning Activity 2
 The compass and hourglass, which were invented in the Middle Ages, were major innovations at the
time. It has had a significant influence as to how we measure time and navigating in the contemporary
period. Prior to the development of the compass and hourglass, time was measured using a tool called
the "clepsydra," or water clock. Around the 14th century BC, the clepsydra was invented in Egypt. It
substitutes water for sand as the timekeeping medium. It was largely employed as a tool to measure
time by the water's steady flow, and priests also utilized it to calculate what time of night it was so they
could conduct rituals and sacrifices. Some other method for determining the time is by using a
"sundial," which was also developed in Egypt around 1500 BC. It mainly makes advantage of the way a
stationary object's shadow moves as a function of the sun's location during the day. Before the
compass was created, people relied on familiar landmarks in their surroundings or paid attention on
the sun and stars to identify their direction. The sun and star direction method was mostly used to
navigate the seas however they also employed maps to pinpoint specific lands. When the hourglass
was invented, it is to help workers time their labor more accurately. It was primarily used in workplaces
and proved more effective than its predecessor since it didn't require water. It is also much more
convenient because all one needs to do to restart the time is turn the hourglass. The compass was
developed specifically for navigating to any uncharted territory, such as the seas, deserts, and forests.
The compass is a useful tool to use in conjunction with the map since it indicates if someone is moving
in a specific direction. The invention of the hourglass and the compass has had a significant impact as
to how we measure time and navigate; as a result, people can now more accurately determine what
time of day it is and can navigate more safely. It also inspired many individuals to develop new,
efficient methods of measuring time and navigation. We wouldn't be able to tell the time or find our
way about in the present world without the invention of those two. That opened up a lot of doors for
other individuals to develop what we now know as the clock and GPS.

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