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This chapter consists of research design, population and sample, research

variables, research instruments, validity and reliability of test, data collection

method, and data analysis.

3.1 Research Approach

There are two kinds of approaches to do a research. They are qualitative

and quantitative approaches. According to Sukmadinata (2013), qualitative

research is a research that describes and analyzes the phenomena or events on the

subject and surroundings. Meanwhile, Maolani (2015) define that

quantitative research is a research that emphasizes on testing the theory or

hypothesis by computing the numerical data statistically.

This current study uses quantitative approach to analyze the numerical

data. The purpose of this study is to test the hypothesis. The research data is

analyzed statistically by using SPSS. The data finding are compared with the

significance level to determine whether the hypothesis are accepted or rejected.

3.2 Research Design

The research design of this study is Quasi-experimental research. It is

called Quasi-experimental because the subjects of study are not taken randomly.

This study uses two groups of subject, they are experimental and control group.
Both of two groups are taken from the existing class (intact group). The research

design is selected because it is appropriate with the setting of the study. This study

is conducted in the educational setting, hence it difficult to take the research

subjects randomly. So, the research subjects are taken from the existing class /

group in the school. Ary,, (2010) state that a research study can not interferes

the schedule and classes in the school, it can only uses groups from the existing

intact classes. Moreover, Latief (2016) mentions that it is frequently impossible to

take the sample in the school setting randomly.

Hence, this study uses Nonrandomized Control Group, Pretest-Posttest

Design. According to Ary, et. al. (2010) this design is one of quasi-experimental

that is most commonly used in educational research. The following table is the

description of nonrandomized control group, pretest-posttest design:

Table 3.1 Nonrandomized Control Group, Pretest-Posttest Design


E Y1 X Y2
C Y1 - Y2
(Ary et. al., 2010:316)

E : experimental group
C : control group
X : treatment (teaching vocabulary using animation video)
- : conventional media
Y1 : pre-test
Y2 : post-test

The Description of Treatment

The treatment of this study is teaching vocabulary by using animation

video. First, the researcher gives brainstorming to the students. The purpose is to
know the students background knowledge of action verbs and to define them

about animation video. Second, plays the animation video and asks the students to

observe the action verbs on the animation video. It is expected that the students

can catch the vocabularies from animation video. Third, plays the animation video

and asks the students to write a list of words. A list of words can be used to know

the level of students’ focus on the animation video. Fourth, plays the animation

video and asks the students to interpret the meaning of words. Students are

expected to find the meaning of the words from animation video. Fifth, plays the

animation video and asks the students to discuss the words and the meanings.

Discussion activity is intended to make the students compare their answers and

make them more comprehend on the words and the meanings.

3.3 Population, Sample, and Sampling of Research

3.3.1 Population

The population of this research is the eighth grade students of SMPN 2

Sumbergempol, Tulungagung in the academic year of 2018/2019. They are

grouped into 8 classses (VIII A-VIII H). The total number of population are 256


3.3.2 Sample

The sample of this research are two classes of the eighth grade at SMPN 2

Sumbergempol which have equivalent level. The researcher randomly assigned

class VIII F as the experimental group and VIII G as the control group. The
number of students on class VIII F are 33 students and the number of students on

class VIII G are 32 students.

3.3.3 Sampling

In this study the researcher uses purposive sampling technique. This

school is selected as the setting of study because the students have moderate

achievement in English. The students’ achievement in English is not too high or

too low, especially in the vocabulary acquisition. It is intended to reduce the

influence of external variables. The selection of the school is also based on the

available facilities, especially lcd projector as the main tool to play the animation

video. The researcher chooses the class VIII F and VIII G as the sample of the

study based on the assessment document and the teacher’s recommendation. It

shows that the two classes have equivalent level.

3.4 Research Variable

In this study, there are three variables used, including:

1. Dependent variable

There are two dependent variables in this study, such as: students’ vocabulary

mastery and students’ motivation.

2. Independent variable

The independent variable used in this study is animation video.

3.5 Method of Collecting Data

This current study uses two kinds of research instruments to collect the

data. The test is administered to measure the students’ vocabulary mastery, while

the questionnaire is distributed to measure the students’ motivation. The research

instruments were distributed to the students as the research object. The

instruments of collecting the data consist of:

3.5.1 Test

This study uses pre-test and post-test to measure the students’ vocabulary

mastery. The number of every tests are 25 items. The form of the tests are

multiple choice with the distribution as follows: 5 items of completing the

sentence, 5 items of synonym and antonym test, 10 items of fill in gap, and 5

items of words definition. The scoring guide of test = the right answer x 4. The

score of test is in the form of interval data.

Table 3.2 The Matrix of Test

No. Material Standard competence Item

The students are able to
1 1,2,3,4,5
complete the sentences
The students are able to find the
2 Action 6,7,8,9,10
synonym and antonym of word
verb (daily
The students are able to answer 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,1
3 activities)
the missing word (gap filling) 8,19,20
The students are able to find the
4 21,22,23,24,25
definition of word

Before administering the test, the researcher conducts the try out. The

result of try out is aimed to measure the validity and reliability of the test. The

validity of research instruments in this study are computed by using Pearson

Product Moment correlation test. While, the reliability of research instruments in

this study are computed by using Cronbach’s Alpha.

Validity testing

Table 3.3 The Resume of Pretest Validity Testing

Item rcount rtable sig. (2-tailed) Status
1 0.501 0.349 0.003 Valid
2 0.552 0.349 0.001 Valid
3 0.657 0.349 0.000 Valid
4 0.504 0.349 0.002 Valid
5 0.501 0.349 0.003 Valid
6 0.535 0.349 0.001 Valid
7 0.553 0.349 0.001 Valid
8 0.501 0.349 0.003 Valid
9 0.579 0.349 0.000 Valid
10 0.578 0.349 0.000 Valid
11 0.582 0.349 0.000 Valid
12 0.582 0.349 0.000 Valid
13 0.544 0.349 0.001 Valid
14 0.565 0.349 0.000 Valid
15 0.595 0.349 0.000 Valid
16 0.586 0.349 0.000 Valid
17 0.490 0.349 0.003 Valid
18 0.475 0.349 0.004 Valid
19 0.570 0.349 0.000 Valid
20 0.543 0.349 0.001 Valid
21 0.544 0.349 0.001 Valid
22 0.625 0.349 0.000 Valid
23 0.516 0.349 0.002 Valid
24 0.641 0.349 0.000 Valid
25 0.519 0.349 0.002 Valid

If rcount > rtable and if the sig. (2-tailed) < 0.05, the instrument is valid. If the

respondents of this study are 34 students, so the rtable with df = N – 2 = 34 – 2 = 32,

and the level of significance 5% is 0.349 (see “r-table” on Appendix 18). Based

on the table above, the rcount of item_1 until item_25 are bigger than r table 0.349, and

the sig. (2-tailed) of item_1 until item_25 are smaller than the significance level
0.005. The item_1 until item_25 are fulfill all of the basic of decision making of

validity test. So, it can be concluded that all of the items of the pre-test on this

study are valid and can be used to collect the research data.

Table 3.4 The Resume of Posttest Validity Testing

Item rcount rtable sig. (2-tailed) Status
1 0.566 0.349 0.000 Valid
2 0.624 0.349 0.000 Valid
3 0.495 0.349 0.003 Valid
4 0.487 0.349 0.004 Valid
5 0.505 0.349 0.002 Valid
6 0.541 0.349 0.001 Valid
7 0.509 0.349 0.002 Valid
8 0.575 0.349 0.000 Valid
9 0.496 0.349 0.003 Valid
10 0.532 0.349 0.001 Valid
11 0.512 0.349 0.002 Valid
12 0.491 0.349 0.003 Valid
13 0.512 0.349 0.002 Valid
14 0.559 0.349 0.001 Valid
15 0.550 0.349 0.001 Valid
16 0.550 0.349 0.001 Valid
17 0.514 0.349 0.002 Valid
18 0.503 0.349 0.002 Valid
19 0.530 0.349 0.001 Valid
20 0.494 0.349 0.003 Valid
21 0.623 0.349 0.000 Valid
22 0.512 0.349 0.002 Valid
23 0.536 0.349 0.001 Valid
24 0.514 0.349 0.002 Valid
25 0.549 0.349 0.001 Valid

Based on the table above, the rcount of item_1 until item_25 are bigger than

rtable 0.349, and the sig. (2-tailed) of item_1 until item_25 are smaller than the

significance level 0.005. The item_1 until item_25 are fulfill all of the basic of

decision making of validity test. So, it can be concluded that all of the items of the

post-test on this study are valid and can be used to collect the research data.
Reliability Testing

Table 3.5 The Output of Pretest Reliability Testing

Case Processing Summary

N %
Cases Valid 34 100.0

Excludeda 0 .0

Total 34 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items
.906 25

Item-Total Statistics
Scale Mean if Scale Variance if Corrected Item-Total Cronbach's Alpha if
Item Deleted Item Deleted Correlation Item Deleted
Item_1 42.35 715.750 .443 .904
Item_2 42.24 710.004 .497 .902
Item_3 42.35 698.296 .612 .900
Item_4 42.47 715.651 .447 .903
Item_5 42.35 715.750 .443 .904
Item_6 42.12 711.986 .479 .903
Item_7 42.59 710.674 .500 .902
Item_8 42.59 716.492 .444 .904
Item_9 42.59 707.765 .528 .902
Item_10 42.12 707.137 .526 .902
Item_11 42.12 705.198 .545 .901
Item_12 42.47 706.923 .531 .902
Item_13 42.35 710.902 .490 .903
Item_14 42.47 708.863 .512 .902
Item_15 42.12 705.198 .545 .901
Item_16 42.24 706.125 .535 .902
Item_17 42.82 719.059 .434 .904
Item_18 42.35 718.660 .416 .904
Item_19 42.71 709.547 .519 .902
Item_20 43.06 715.693 .493 .903
Item_21 42.59 711.643 .491 .903
Item_22 42.82 704.513 .579 .901
Item_23 42.71 715.365 .461 .903
Case Processing Summary

N %
Cases Valid 34 100.0

Excludeda 0 .0

Total 34 100.0

Item_24 42.71 701.790 .596 .900

Item_25 42.35 713.811 .462 .903

The table of “case processing summary” above shows the number of

sample or respondent (N) and the precentage of valid. The total number of

respondent (N) are 34 students. The percentage of valid is 100% because all of the

questions are answered by the respondents.

The table of “reliability statistics” above shows the total number of items

and the scale of cronbach’s alpha. The number of items are 25 and the scale of

cronbach’s alpha shows 0.906. The basic of decision making of reliability are as

follow: if the cronbach’s alpha ≥ 0.60, the cronbach’s alpha is acceptable

(construct reliable), but if the cronbach’s alpha < 0.60, the cronbach’s alpha is

poor acceptable (construct unreliable). The cronbach’s alpha on the table above

shows 0.906 ≥ 0.60, so it can be concluded that the construct of the pre-test in this

study is reliable.

The table of “item-total statistics” above shows that the cronbach’s alpha

of Item_1 until Item_25 are bigger than 0.60. It means that all of the items of post-

test on this study fulfill the basic of decision making of reliability test. So, it can

be concluded that all of the items of the pre-test on this study are reliable and can

be used to collect the research data.

This study conducts two kinds of try out; they are pretest and posttest and

also distribute the questionnaire on the pretest and posttest. All of the reliability of

instruments is computed by using Cronbach’s Alpha in SPSS Statistics 17.0. The

following table is the output of posttest reliability testing:

Table 3.6 The Output of Posttest Reliability Testing

Case Processing Summary

N %
Cases Valid 34 100.0

Excludeda 0 .0

Total 34 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items
.894 25

Item-Total Statistics
Scale Mean if Item Scale Variance if Corrected Item-Total Cronbach's Alpha if
Deleted Item Deleted Correlation Item Deleted
Item_1 45.53 648.742 .511 .889
Item_2 45.18 643.422 .575 .888
Item_3 44.94 658.481 .436 .891
Item_4 46.59 664.128 .435 .891
Item_5 45.41 655.401 .445 .891
Item_6 45.76 651.822 .484 .890
Item_7 45.29 655.244 .450 .891
Item_8 45.65 647.872 .521 .889
Item_9 45.41 656.371 .436 .891
Item_10 45.41 652.492 .474 .890
Item_11 45.53 654.560 .453 .891
Item_12 45.29 657.184 .430 .891
Item_13 45.53 654.560 .453 .891
Case Processing Summary

N %
Cases Valid 34 100.0

Excludeda 0 .0

Total 34 100.0

Item_14 45.76 649.882 .504 .889

Item_15 45.76 650.852 .494 .890
Item_16 45.41 650.553 .494 .890
Item_17 45.76 654.731 .455 .891
Item_18 45.65 655.629 .443 .891
Item_19 45.65 652.720 .472 .890
Item_20 45.53 656.499 .433 .891
Item_21 45.76 643.094 .573 .888
Item_22 46.12 656.713 .455 .891
Item_23 45.88 652.834 .479 .890
Item_24 45.76 654.731 .455 .891
Item_25 46.12 652.834 .495 .890

The table of “case processing summary” above shows the number of

sample or respondent (N) and the precentage of valid. The total number of

respondent (N) are 34 students. The percentage of valid is 100% because all of the

questions are answered by the respondents.

The table of “reliability statistics” above shows the total number of items

and the scale of cronbach’s alpha. The number of items are 25 and the scale of

cronbach’s alpha shows 0.894. The basic of decision making of reliability are as

follow: if the cronbach’s alpha ≥ 0.60, the cronbach’s alpha is acceptable

(construct reliable), but if the cronbach’s alpha < 0.60, the cronbach’s alpha is

poor acceptable (construct unreliable). The cronbach’s alpha on the table above

shows 0.894 ≥ 0.60, so it can be concluded that the construct of the post-test in

this study is reliable.

The table of “item-total statistics" above shows that the cronbach’s alpha

of Item_1 until Item_25 are bigger than 0.60. It means that all of the items of post-

test on this study fulfill the basic of decision making of reliability test. So, it can

be concluded that all of the items of the post-test on this study are reliable and can

be used to collect the research data.

3.5.2 Questionnaire

In this study, questionnaire is used to know the students' motivation

toward teaching vocabulary by using animation video. It is organized as checklist

form with likert-scales model. Likert-scale is using ordinal numbers that consist of

five (5) alternative answers. It can be positive or negative statement. The data of

motivation questionnaire for every item is in the form of ordinal scale.

Meanwhile, the total score of all the items of questionnaire is in the form of

interval scale.

The following table is the scoring guide for the answer in questionnaire for

positive and negative statements:

Table 3.7 Likert-Scale

No. Alternative Answer
Positive Negative
1 SA (Strongly Agree) 5 1
2 A (Agree) 4 2
3 N (Neutral) 3 3
4 D (Disagree) 2 4
5 SD (Strongly Disagree) 1 5
Source: Sugiyono (2017:94)
All of the questionnaire items in this study use positive statements. It

consists of 6 variables which are divided into 18 statements / items. The following

table is the matrix of questionnaire:

Table 3.8 The Matrix of Questionnaire

 I feel more focused on English vocabulary learning
by using animation video.
Students’ learning  I feel more interested in paying attention to English
focus vocabulary lessons by using animation video.
 I find it easier to understand English vocabulary
lessons by using animation video.
 Vocabulary learning by using animation video
makes my fear of English diminish.
Students’ learning  Vocabulary learning by using animation video
anxiety makes my anxiety in English diminish.
 English vocabulary learning by using animation
video increases my confidence.
 I like the English vocabulary classes that use
animation video.
Students’ interest in  English vocabulary classes that use animation video
English classes are more fun.
 English vocabulary classes that use animation video
make me more enthusiastic in learning.
 English vocabulary learning by using animation
video makes the classroom feel more comfortable.
Students’ interest in  The atmosphere of the English vocabulary class that
classroom atmosphere uses animation video feels more fun.
 Animation video makes the English vocabulary class
feel more relaxed.
 The teacher's explanation of English vocabulary by
using animation video is easier to be understood.
Students’ interest in  The teacher's explanation of English vocabulary by
English teacher using animation video is not monotonous.
 The teacher’s explanation about English vocabulary
by using animation video feels more detailed / clear.
 English vocabulary learning while watching
animation video is more fun.
 Learning English vocabulary while watching
Students’ interest in
6 animation video is not boring.
animation video
 Animation video is able to display English
vocabulary learning material more clearly because it
is presented in audio-visual.
Validity Testing

The validity of questionnaire is also computed by using Pearson Product

Moment in SPSS Statistics 17.0.

Table 3.9 The Resume of Questionnaire Validity Testing (Pretest)

Item rcount rtable sig. (2-tailed) Status
1 0.578 0.349 0.000 Valid
2 0.700 0.349 0.000 Valid
3 0.487 0.349 0.003 Valid
4 0.597 0.349 0.000 Valid
5 0.554 0.349 0.001 Valid
6 0.569 0.349 0.000 Valid
7 0.735 0.349 0.000 Valid
8 0.593 0.349 0.000 Valid
9 0.572 0.349 0.000 Valid
10 0.586 0.349 0.000 Valid
11 0.615 0.349 0.000 Valid
12 0.646 0.349 0.000 Valid
13 0.522 0.349 0.002 Valid
14 0.725 0.349 0.000 Valid
15 0.533 0.349 0.001 Valid
16 0.567 0.349 0.000 Valid
17 0.694 0.349 0.000 Valid
18 0.734 0.349 0.000 Valid
Based on the table above, the rcount of item_1 until item_18 are bigger than

rtable 0.349 and the sig. (2-tailed) of item_1 until item_18 are smaller than the

significance level 0.005. It means that the item_1 until item_18 fulfill all of the

basic of decision making of the validity test. So, it can be concluded that all of the

items of questionnaire (for pre-test) in this study are valid and can be used to

collect the research data.

Table 3.10 The Resume of Questionnaire Validity Testing (Posttest)

Item rcount rtable sig. (2-tailed) Status
1 0.511 0.349 0.002 Valid
2 0.718 0.349 0.000 Valid
3 0.538 0.349 0.001 Valid
4 0.628 0.349 0.000 Valid
5 0.696 0.349 0.000 Valid
6 0.730 0.349 0.000 Valid
7 0.575 0.349 0.000 Valid
8 0.740 0.349 0.000 Valid
9 0.553 0.349 0.001 Valid
10 0.691 0.349 0.000 Valid
11 0.560 0.349 0.001 Valid
12 0.547 0.349 0.001 Valid
13 0.623 0.349 0.000 Valid
14 0.492 0.349 0.000 Valid
15 0.535 0.349 0.001 Valid
16 0.646 0.349 0.000 Valid
17 0.663 0.349 0.000 Valid
18 0.640 0.349 0.000 Valid

Based on the table above, the rcount of item_1 until item_18 are bigger than

rtable 0.349 and the sig. (2-tailed) of item_1 until item_18 are smaller than the

significance level 0.005. It means that the item_1 until item_18 fulfill all of the

basic of decision making of the validity test. So, it can be concluded that all of the

items of questionnaire (for post-test) in this study are valid and can be used to

collect the research data.

Reliability Testing

The reliability of questionnaire is computed by using Cronbach’s Alpha in

SPSS Statistics 17.0. The tabulation data of questionnaire on try out can be seen

on appendix 11 and 12.

Table 3.11 The Output of Questionnaire Reliability Testing (Pretest)

Case Processing Summary

N %
Cases Valid 34 100.0

Excludeda 0 .0

Total 34 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items
.899 18

Item-Total Statistics
Scale Mean if Item Scale Variance if Corrected Item-Total Cronbach's Alpha if
Deleted Item Deleted Correlation Item Deleted
Item_1 59.00 82.909 .506 .895
Item_2 58.47 82.984 .657 .891
Item_3 58.79 85.805 .421 .897
Item_4 58.94 83.027 .531 .894
Item_5 59.18 84.332 .490 .895
Item_6 58.88 83.380 .500 .895
Item_7 58.62 81.152 .689 .889
Item_8 58.44 85.042 .543 .894
Item_9 58.41 82.734 .497 .896
Item_10 58.79 82.653 .515 .895
Item_11 58.50 83.348 .556 .893
Item_12 59.12 80.531 .575 .893
Item_13 58.74 84.625 .452 .897
Item_14 58.76 82.185 .683 .890
Item_15 58.82 84.513 .465 .896
Item_16 58.53 83.408 .498 .895
Item_17 58.74 79.291 .628 .891
Item_18 58.76 82.549 .695 .890
The table of “case processing summary” above shows the number of

sample or respondent (N) and the precentage of valid. The total number of

respondent (N) are 34 students. The percentage of valid is 100% because all of the

questions are answered by the respondents.

The table of “reliability statistics” above shows the total number of items

and the scale of cronbach’s alpha. The number of items are 18 and the scale of

cronbach’s alpha shows 0.899. The basic of decision making of reliability are as

follow: if the cronbach’s alpha ≥ 0.60, the cronbach’s alpha is acceptable

(construct reliable), but if the cronbach’s alpha < 0.60, the cronbach’s alpha is

poor acceptable (construct unreliable). The cronbach’s alpha on the table above

shows 0.899 ≥ 0.60, so it can be concluded that the construct of the questionnaire

(pre-test) in this study is reliable.

The table of “item-total statistics” above shows that the cronbach’s alpha

of Item_1 until item_18 are bigger than 0.60. It means that all of the items of the

questionnaire in this study fulfill the basic of decision making of reliability test.

So, it can be concluded that all of the items of the questionnaire (for pre-test) in

this study are reliable and can be used to collect the research data.

The questionnaire is also distributed after trying out the posttest. The

number of items in the posttest questionnaire is equal with the number of items in

the pretest try out. The contents of questionnaire of pretest and posttest are also

equivalent. The researcher develops the posttest questionnaire from the pretest

questionnaire by change the arrangement and the phrase of statements. The

following is the output of questionnaire reliability testing:

Table 3.12 The Output of Questionnaire Reliability Testing (Posttest)

Case Processing Summary

N %
Cases Valid 34 100.0

Excludeda 0 .0

Total 34 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items
.902 18

Item-Total Statistics
Scale Mean if Item Scale Variance if Corrected Item-Total Cronbach's Alpha if
Deleted Item Deleted Correlation Item Deleted
Item_1 59.65 83.023 .443 .900
Item_2 59.76 80.246 .674 .893
Item_3 59.76 82.610 .472 .899
Item_4 59.47 80.439 .565 .896
Item_5 59.74 77.231 .630 .894
Item_6 59.76 80.549 .690 .893
Item_7 60.00 80.909 .502 .898
Item_8 59.38 80.789 .702 .893
Item_9 59.71 82.032 .485 .898
Item_10 59.50 80.076 .640 .894
Item_11 59.38 83.637 .509 .898
Item_12 59.38 81.213 .470 .899
Item_13 59.91 80.447 .559 .896
Item_14 60.12 83.561 .425 .900
Item_15 59.76 82.973 .472 .899
Item_16 59.59 79.886 .584 .895
Item_17 59.50 80.924 .611 .895
Item_18 60.12 78.471 .576 .896

The table “case processing summary” above shows the number of sample

or respondent (N) and the precentage of valid. The total number of respondent (N)
are 34 students. The percentage of valid is 100% because all of the questions are

answered by the respondents.

The table “reliability statistics” above shows the total number of items and

the scale of cronbach’s alpha. The number of items are 18 and the scale of

cronbach’s alpha shows 0.902. The basic of decision making of reliability are as

follow: if the cronbach’s alpha ≥ 0.60, the cronbach’s alpha is acceptable

(construct reliable), but if the cronbach’s alpha < 0.60, the cronbach’s alpha is

poor acceptable (construct unreliable). The cronbach’s alpha on the table above

shows 0.902 ≥ 0.60, so it can be concluded that the construct of the questionnaire

(for post-test) in this study is reliable.

The table “item-total statistics” above shows that the cronbach’s alpha of

Item_1 until item_18 are bigger than 0.60. It means that all of the items of the

questionnaire in this study fulfill the basic of decision making of reliability test.

So, it can be concluded that all of the items of the questionnaire (for post-test) in

this study are reliable and can be used to collect the research data.

3.6 Method of Data Analysis

This current study uses quantitative data analysis. Data analysis is the

process of analyzing the data which are collected from the research. The data of

this study are analysed statistically by using SPSS. The analysis is aimed to

measure the significant effect of students’ vocabulary mastery before and after

being taught by using animation video. In quantitative research, analysis of data is

conducted after collecting all of the research data. Maolani (2015), mention
some procedures of analyse the data, such as: grouping the data, make data

tabulation, display the data, compute the data, test the hypothesis.

3.6.1 Descriptive Statistic

After the tests are administered, then the result of students’ vocabulary test

and motivation questionnaire are analyzed by using descriptive statistic.

Descriptive statistics is used to describe the research data including the number of

data, maximum score, minimum score, mean, and standard deviation. This current

study uses SPSS Statistics 17.0 to compute the data.

3.6.2 Normality Testing

Normality testing is aimed to know whether the research data is normally

distributed or not. SPSS Kolmogorov-Smirnov is used to test the normality of data

in this study. If the significance value > 0.05, the research data is normally


Based on the output of Kolmogorov-Smirnov, the Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)

of vocabulary is 0.034 and motivation is 0.598. Because the significance value of

vocabulary < 0.05, it can be concluded that the research data of vocabulary

mastery is not normally distributed. Since, the data are not normally distribute,

therefore the analysis data of this study uses non parametric statistics. The output

of normality testing can be seen on appendix 28.

3.6.3 Homogeneity Testing

Homogeneity testing is used to know whether the research data is

homogen or not. If the Sig. value > 0.05, the distribution of data is homogen.

SPSS Levene statistics is used to analyze the homogeneity of data in this study.

Based on the output of Levene Statistics, it is known that the significance

value of vocabulary is 0.889 and motivation is 0.792. Because the significance

value > 0.05, it can be concluded that the data of vocabulary and motivation are

homogen. The output of homogeneity testing can be seen on appendix 29.

3.6.4 Kruskal-Wallis Testing

Kruskal-Wallis testing is a kind of Nonparametric Statistics test. It is used

to compare independent variable from the different population with not normally

distributed ordinal or interval scale (Uyanto, 2006:331).

The criteria of Kruskal-Wallis test are:

If Sig. < 0.05, Ho is rejected.

If Sig. ≥ 0.05, Ho cannot be rejected.

Before computing the data by using Kruskal-Wallis, the data with interval

scale is transformed into ordinal scale. The following table is the point scale to

transform the interval scale to ordinal scale:

Table 3.13 Point Scale of Vocabulary mastery

Point Scale Score Ordinal Scale
Excellent 81 – 100 4
Good 65 – 80 3
Fair 50 – 64 2
Poor 0 – 49 1

Table 3.14 Point Scale of Motivation

Point Scale Score Ordinal Scale
High motivated 81 – 100 4
Motivated 65 – 80 3
Less motivated 50 – 64 2
Unmotivated 0 – 49 1



This chapter focuses on the presentation of the result of data analysis. This

part discusses the description of data, data analysis, hypothesis testing, and


The research finding of this study were vocabulary test and motivation

questionnaire score. The null hypothesis of the study is: “There is no significant

difference on the mean score of vocabulary and motivation between the students

who are taught by using animation video and non animation video”. Meanwhile,

the alternative hypothesis is conversely formulated as follows: “There is

significant difference on the mean score of vocabulary and motivation between

the students who are taught by using animation video and non animation video.”

4.1 The Description of Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and Motivation Score

of Experimental and Control Group

Descriptive statistics is used to present the number of data, minimum

score, maximum score, mean, and standard deviation. After computing the data

collected, it was found that the mean score of vocabulary test from experimental
group was 73.33, while the control group was 66.75. The highest score of

vocabulary test from experimental group was 84 and the lowest score was 52.

Then, the highest score of motivation from experimental group was 81 and the

lowest score was 54. Meanwhile, the highest score of vocabulary test from control

group was 80 and the lowest score was 48. Then, the highest score of motivation

from control group was 75 and the lowest score was 45. The following table is the

descriptive statistic of the result of vocabulary test and motivation between

experimental and control groups:

Table 4.1 Descriptive Statistics of the Mean Score of Students’ Vocabulary

Mastery and Motivation of Experimental and Control Groups

95% Confidence
Interval for Mean

Std. Std. Lower Upper Minimu Maximu

N Mean Deviation Error Bound Bound m m

Vocabular experimenta 33 73.33 9.626 1.676 69.92 76.75 52 84

y l

control 32 66.75 9.055 1.601 63.49 70.01 48 80

Total 65 70.09 9.852 1.222 67.65 72.53 48 84

Motivation experimenta 33 70.39 6.548 1.140 68.07 72.72 54 81


control 32 62.56 6.594 1.166 60.19 64.94 45 75

Total 65 66.54 7.620 .945 64.65 68.43 45 81

4.2 Data Analysis of Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and Motivation of

Experimental and Control Group

This study used Kruskal-Wallis to analyze the research data, since it would

like to investigate the effect of independent variable that is animation video on

two dependent variables; they are vocabulary mastery and motivation which is not

normally distributed. The researcher used SPSS Statistics 17.0 to analyze the

research data. The criteria of Kruskal-Wallis are: if the significance value < 0.05,

the null hypothesis is rejected. Meanwhile, if the significance value ≥ 0.05, the

null hypothesis cannot be rejected. The following table is the output of Kruskal-

Wallis testing:

Table 4.2 The Output of Kruskal-Wallis from Vocabulary Mastery and

Motivation of Experimental and Control Groups

Test Statisticsa,b

Vocabulary Motivation

Chi-Square 6.354 7.772

df 1 1

Asymp. Sig. .012 .005

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Group

Based on the table above, the sig. value of vocabulary mastery was 0.012.

It was less than 0.05. So, the null hypothesis is rejected. It means that there is

significant difference on the mean score of vocabulary mastery between the

students who are taught by using animation video and non animation video. Then,

the sig. value of motivation was 0.005. It was less than 0.05. Therefore, the null

hypothesis is rejected. It means that there is significant difference on the mean

score of motivation between students who are taught by using animation video

and non animation video.

4.3 Hypothesis Testing

The approach of this study is quantitative. So, the purpose of this study is

to test the hypothesis. The null hypothesis of this study stated that “There is no

significant difference on the mean score of vocabulary and motivation between

the students who are taught by using animation video and non animation video”.

The data analysis of this study is mainly used to test the null hypothesis above.

The research data from vocabulary test and motivation questionnaire score were

computed statistically by using SPSS to test whether the null hypothesis is

rejected or cannot be rejected. If the null hypothesis is rejected, then the

alternative hypothesis is accepted.

This study used Kruskal-Wallis on SPSS to analyze the numerical data.

The criteria of Kruskal-Wallis stated: if the sig. value < 0.05, the null hypothesis

is rejected, meanwhile if the sig. value ≥ 0.05, the null hypothesis cannot be

rejected. From the result of Kruskal-Wallis computation it was found that the sig.

value of vocabulary mastery was 0.012. It was less than 0.05, so it could be

concluded that the null hypothesis is rejected. Meanwhile, the sig. value of

motivation was 0.005. It was also smaller than 0.05 and fulfilled the criteria to

reject the null hypothesis.

The hypothesis testing above indicated that the Null hypothesis (Ho) from

two dependent variables (vocabulary mastery and motivation) was rejected. So,

this study accepted the alternatives hypothesis that stated “There is significant

difference on the mean score of vocabulary and motivation between the students
who are taught by using animation video and non animation video.” It means that

the use of animation video have significant effect or difference toward the

students vocabulary mastery and motivation.

4.4 Discussion

The discussion of this study explains the answer of research problem that

was formulated in chapter 1. The research problems of this study are 1). Is there

any difference on the mean score of vocabulary mastery and motivation between

the students who are taught by using animation video and non animation video?

2). Is there any significant difference on the mean score of vocabulary mastery

and motivation between the students who are taught by using animation video and

non animation video?

Based on the result of descriptive statistics above, it can be found that the

mean score of vocabulary test from experimental group was 73.33, while the

control group was 66.75 and the mean score of motivation from experimental

group was 70.39, while the control group was 62.56. The description of data

above showed that there was any difference on the mean score of vocabulary

mastery and motivation between the students who are taught by using animation

video and non animation video.

From the data analysis using Kruskal-Wallis on SPSS, it was found that

the significance value of vocabulary mastery was 0.012 and motivation was 0.005.

The significant value of both of the dependent variables was less than 0.05. It
means that the null hypothesis was rejected. So, it can be concluded that the use of

animation video has a significant difference on the mean score of vocabulary

mastery and motivation between the students who are taught by using animation

video and non animation video at SMPN 2 Sumbergempol in 2018/2019 academic


The use of animation video has significant effect toward the students’

learning outcomes. This is proved by the increasing of the vocabulary test score of

students in the experimental group from the pretest to the posttest. Besides that

there was also a significant difference between posttest scores from the

experimental group and the control group, where the mean and total number of

values from the experimental group was greater than the control group. Based on

the data analysis using Kruskal-Wallis in SPSS Statistics 17.0, the null hypothesis

(Ho) that states “There is no significant difference on the mean score of

vocabulary and motivation between the students who are taught by using

animation video and non animation video” is rejected. So, the alternative

hypothesis (Ha) that states “There is significant difference on the mean score of

vocabulary and motivation between the students who are taught by using

animation video and non animation video” is accepted. It indicates that the use of

animation video can give significant difference toward the students’ vocabulary

learning outcomes and also their motivation. This is in line with some previous

studies about the use of animation video as teaching media. The study from

International Journal of English Language Teaching by Wang (2015) explained

that the students’ language ability, mindfulness in the culture, and aesthetic
respect can be improved by using video materials with the clear goals and the

good plan of the teaching method and strategy. According to Munir (2016),

teaching vocabulary on young learners by using cartoon film was effective. Next,

the study from International Journal of Education and Research by Galvez (2018)

stated that the use of visuals animated were effective in teaching chemical

bondings. Then, the study from International Journal of Education and Research

by Budisugiarto, et. al. (2019) found that the learning outcomes of students who

were taught by using animation teaching media was greater than the learning

outcomes of students who were taught by using conventional teaching media.

Furthermore, the study from International Journal of Education and Research by

Markoglou (2019) revealed the significant differences on the achievement

between the students who were taught by using cartoons and conventional media

for both of girls and boys.

The use of animation video in vocabulary learning is not merely has

significant effect on the students’ vocabulary mastery, but it also has significant

impact toward the students’ motivation in the classroom. It can be seen from their

attitude and enthusiasm to participate the vocabulary learning by using animation

video. They are very happy and interested in the process of vocabulary learning

by using animation video. There is no boredom and anxiety on the students’ face.

All students give good attention to the vocabulary materials that are delivered by

using the animation video. It indicates that the students’ motivation towards

vocabulary learning increases due to the use of animation video. This is in line
with Sukmadinata (2006) who found that teaching media that is used by the

teacher can stimulate the students in learning.



This chapter presents conclusions and suggestions about the use of

animation video toward the students’ vocabulary mastery and motivation. The

conclusions are based on the result of data analysis. This part also presents the

suggestions for the English teacher, the students, and the next researcher.

5.1 Conclusions

The finding of this research shows that the teaching vocabulary by using

animation video toward the eighth grade students at SMPN 2 Sumbergempol was

effective. It could be seen from their enthusiasm and interest during participating

the vocabulary learning by using animation video. There was also the significant

difference between the students’ score of the experimental and control group.

Based on the research finding in this study, it was known that the mean

score of students’ vocabulary test of experimental group was 73.33. Meanwhile,

the control group was 66.75. The mean score of motivation from experimental
group was 70.39, while the control group was 62.56. It means that there is any

difference on the mean score of vocabulary mastery and motivation between the

students who are taught by using animation video and non animation video.

The data was also computed statistically by using Kruskal-Wallis testing

on SPSS Statistics 17.0. The students’ vocabulary test and motivation score

between experimental and control group was compared. From the output of

statistical computation it was known that the sig. value of vocabulary was 0,012

and the sig. value of motivation was 0.005. The sig. value of vocabulary and

motivation were smaller than the significance level of 0.05. It means that Ho was

rejected and Ha was accepted. So, it can be concluded that there was any

significant difference on the mean score of vocabulary mastery and motivation

between the students who are taught by using animation video and non animation


Thus, from the discussion above, it can be concluded that there is any

significant on the mean score of vocabulary mastery and motivation between the

students who are taught by using animation video and non animation video.

Furthermore, the animation video is effective to be a teaching media, because it

brings more fun, rilex, and interesting than the conventional media. The use of

animation video on vocabulary teaching can encourage the students to learn.

5.2 Suggestions

The use of animation video in this study has a significant effect toward the

students’ vocabulary mastery and motivation. Moreover, it makes the vocabulary

learning become more interesting and effective than the use of conventional

media. So, in this part, the researcher wants to give some suggestions for the

English teacher, the students, and the next researcher.

5.2.1 For the English Teacher

The English teacher should uses the various media in teaching English,

especially in vocabulary. It is important for the students to get the interesting

media in the classroom in order to avoid their boring. The students of junior high

school especially, have a big curiosity toward a new thing, but they also get bored

quickly toward the things they often get everyday.

5.2.2 For the Students

The students should learn vocabulary further, because the vocabulary

mastery influences the mastery toward four English skills. They should have a

good participation and response toward the teacher also. Since, without a good

participation and response in the classroom, it is impossible for them to improve

their mastery.

5.2.3 For the Next Researcher

This thesis may encourage next researcher to conduct other studies

concerning vocabulary. Indeed, the success of mastering vocabulary is not merely

determined by using Animation Video. The other media are really needed to

uncover the problems facing efforts to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery.

The Students’ Pretest and Posttest Score

Experimental Class Control Class
No. Resp. No. Resp.
Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test
1 AAP 68 80 1 AM 72 76
2 ASP 72 76 2 ARK 68 76
3 ANA 44 52 3 AES 72 76
4 APR 72 76 4 AS 68 76
5 ARR 68 80 5 DAL 56 60
6 AAM 64 76 6 EDC 48 52
7 BDP 68 80 7 EPS 72 80
8 CPAC 76 84 8 FNS 60 64
9 DK 72 80 9 FS 60 64
10 DEP 40 52 10 GO 64 76
11 DKN 64 76 11 HDF 68 76
12 DR 68 80 12 HAP 72 80
13 DW 64 76 13 IBS 64 72
14 FRP 48 64 14 LM 48 52
15 FKTS 68 80 15 LIY 48 52
16 FD 72 84 16 MR 40 48
17 LK 60 68 17 MDR 64 72
18 LJ 60 72 18 MZN 60 64
19 MCM 48 60 19 MAZ 64 68
20 MPP 72 84 20 MDIF 48 52
21 MKA 72 80 21 MFDK 48 56
22 MIS 76 80 22 MKA 52 68
23 MFF 68 80 23 NAK 64 72
24 NAA 76 80 24 RWAS 56 64
25 NF 48 60 25 RDN 52 64
26 NES 44 60 26 RTA 64 72
27 NMS 72 80 27 TP 68 72
28 RSS 64 72 28 TMK 64 72
29 RR 60 68 29 VKP 60 64
30 SBS 64 72 30 VF 48 60
31 TAW 64 76 31 WVS 60 72
32 CMP 72 80 32 ZA 52 64
33 DAS 32 52

The Output of Descriptive Statistics


95% Confidence
Interval for Mean

Std. Std. Lower Upper Minimu Maximu

N Mean Deviation Error Bound Bound m m

Vocabular experimenta 33 73.33 9.626 1.676 69.92 76.75 52 84

y l

control 32 67.75 9.084 1.606 64.47 71.03 48 80

Total 65 70.58 9.706 1.204 68.18 72.99 48 84

Motivation experimenta 33 70.39 6.548 1.140 68.07 72.72 54 81


control 32 62.56 6.594 1.166 60.19 64.94 45 75

Total 65 66.54 7.620 .945 64.65 68.43 45 81


The Output of Normality Testing

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

Vocabulary Motivation

N 65 65

Normal Parametersa,,b Mean 70.09 66.54

Std. Deviation 9.852 7.620

Most Extreme Differences Absolute .177 .095

Positive .111 .079

Negative -.177 -.095

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1.425 .768

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .034 .598

a. Test distribution is Normal.

b. Calculated from data.

The Output of Homogeneity Testing

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

Vocabulary .020 1 63 .889

Motivation .070 1 63 .792


The Transformation of Vocabulary Data Scale

Vocabulary mastery
Experimental Ordinal scale Control Ordinal scale
80 3 76 3
76 3 76 3
52 2 76 3
76 3 76 3
80 3 60 2
76 3 52 2
80 3 80 3
84 4 64 2
80 3 64 2
52 2 76 3
76 3 76 3
80 3 80 3
76 3 72 3
64 2 52 2
80 3 52 2
84 4 48 1
68 3 72 3
72 3 64 2
60 2 68 3
84 4 52 2
80 3 56 2
80 3 68 3
80 3 72 3
80 3 64 2
60 2 64 2
60 2 72 3
80 3 72 3
72 3 72 3
68 3 64 2
72 3 60 2
76 3 72 3
80 3 64 2
52 2

The Transformation of Motivation Data Scale

Experimental Ordinal scale Control Ordinal scale
68 3 66 3
66 3 66 3
80 3 61 2
71 3 58 2
80 3 67 3
64 2 62 2
72 3 69 3
81 4 61 2
64 2 62 2
71 3 65 3
70 3 58 2
76 3 67 3
70 3 47 1
63 2 68 3
66 3 64 2
75 3 58 2
78 3 67 3
80 3 71 3
71 3 69 3
75 3 65 3
66 3 62 2
54 2 52 2
70 3 45 1
71 3 61 2
67 3 57 2
78 3 75 3
64 2 69 3
63 2 64 2
74 3 61 2
71 3 54 2
63 2 63 2
62 2 68 3
79 3

The Output of Kruskal-Wallis Testing


Group N Mean Rank

Vocabulary experimental 33 37.98

control 32 27.86

Total 65

Motivation experimental 33 38.58

control 32 27.25

Total 65

Test Statisticsa,b

Vocabulary Motivation

Chi-Square 6.354 7.772

df 1 1

Asymp. Sig. .012 .005

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Group

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