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Handbook of Shrimp Diseases E : | ‘Aquaculture SK. Johnson Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences ‘Texas A&M University socom Intrdetan ‘Shrimp Species. ‘Shrimp Anatomy = CObvieus Maniestatinsof Simp Disease Damaged Shels . Inflammation and Melanization Enmaciation and Nuvitinal Deficieny Muscle Necrosis “Tumors and Other Tissue Problems Surfsce Fouling (Cramped Shrimp nen Wausoal Behavior Developmental Problems Growth Problems Color Anomalies. Merobes.. Viruses Baceteria and Ricketi Body loved ssn ‘Surface Infestations Ween. “Trematodes estos Nematodes Environment ‘Suva le esas Aa Un Sire Gin cap Bogan to ‘She Scarce eat Fae | ‘pte Exontan Sarin Prac Sane kr haronsocan sence ‘at crenata So SrovohereAdnmnsatoe, U3 Go fermen Conmmrce 20 ‘tae raarea Sued TAMUSG-90-6016 Handbook of Shrimp Diseases S.K. Johnson Extension Fish Disease Spectaist ‘This handbook i designed a a information source and fel guide for shrimp colts, commercial fishermen, and ‘ter iterested in diseases or abnormal conditions of shrimp. 1 eserbes and illustrates common maladies, parasites and commensilsof commercial imperta’ mine shrimp. De- Scxpion ince information on the ie ccls and general ‘bilgical characteristics of disease producing organisms tht sped al opt of thet if cycee with imp. Disease i ne ofthe seer causes of moray in shrimp stocks, Death om old age 5 the potential Fate of all simp, ‘tthe tll taken by predation an being one ofthe major redsor) starvation, infesatin, infection an adverse eave ‘onmental conditions s mach more pont, ‘Although estimates of th: imporance of disease in natural population ee genealyuneliable, the fluence of disease, {ike predation and starvatoy, ie acepted as important in lower ing numbers ofeatural stocts whenever they grow to excess, ‘Date problems are cotedered very important success fal production in strip sqeaaltare. Because high density, confined ering is wanna and may produce ses, some Shrinp-ssocated organs ocasonlly become prone {aco in disease. Special mestues ae required wo offext thei desimental effects ‘Disease may be cused ty living agents ross influences of he general envionment. amples of inuences inthe tener environment hat case dicate ae lack of OX), tos, ow temperatures and ainiyexiemes. This guide ‘oncentates.on the tvingagets and on visual presentation of Thestucture and effets of ch spent. Shrimp Species ‘There ae many shrimp seis distibued world-wide “Important shrimp of he Gul of Mexico cach ar th brown ‘np Penacu atecur the white shrimp, Penaeus seers ‘andthe pink shrimp; Penaer dhorarum. “Two exoi strimp have pained importance i Gulf Cost aquaculture operations. These are the Pacific white (whit leg) ‘Sim, Penoeusvannontc and the Psi Blue seep, Penasus split, These wo species ar eed ike _dyoughout the Americas on bth es and wes cost Ta Ass the Pacific, nd some extent the Mectrrancan, ‘he ollowing species are usd: Penaeus monodon, Penaeus -merpuensis,Penaewschinesss, Penaeus japonicus, Penoeus ‘enisdcaas, Penaes ind, Penaens penicillas and ‘Maapenaeut emis. Penaea: monodon, te gant ge (or Back ‘ge ship i the word leader in aquacultire Shrimp Anatomy A svimp is covered witha protective cuticle (exoskeleton, shall and ha jointed appenfages, Most organ ar located in ‘he ead end (epulothoras) with muscles concenaed i the tailed (abdomen). The part ised below are appeent upon tse examination (Fg 1). Cephaloborax Asiomen ‘Amennules ‘enna ‘Antennal scale Rostrum chor) Bye ‘Mohr sveat Sppendags or oling Sra earn fod) 9. Carapace (eoverng of ceptors) 10, Walking legs (perce ots) 11, Abdominal segment 12. Swimmerete (peop) 13, Sith abdorinal ey 4. Teton 15. Uropad 5. xa anata o een. 16 Gils (more sao ofa) Inside structures include (Fig.2) 1. Esophagus 2 Semach 3. Hemocoel (bod space) Digestive gland chepato- pancreas) 6 Inestne + 1. _Ablomins muscles 2 ‘The “skin” of hypodermis S a ‘oa shrimp lies jast beneath the eats fonction ie Screttg the Bew exoskeleton that develops epce the ol at shedding. Shedding of the eucle (also known 36 ‘molting o edysis) occurs at intervals daring shrimp's "if and alow for change in developmental stage and ex: pansion in size. “Th reproductive organs of ats re particularly notice bie, When rip, the ovaries of fens maybe seen through ‘he cuticle to begin nthe epbaotora and extend dorsally ino the abdomen, Spematophors, a pai of oval structures oxtaning th seem in adult males, re ovis though thecal when viewed from te underside nar the jc of ephalothorax and abdomen. Tse principle nervous sre ‘ero tombe coon ith tnaped ine ore ture the vena neve cord i isi along the underside of ‘Be bady beeen te swimmers Obvious Manifestations of Shrimp Disease Damaged Shells Shrimp cute easly damaged ia aquaculare situations when hard strotures are impacted or rubbed. Fig. 3) Blood rans openly (ouside of vessels) unde the shel of shrimp, ox Tbrouth appendage and into tiny fringe pars. When injry ‘occurs othe sel he Blood quickly eat and protects Seper pans (Fg. 4 Shell damage may avo be flict by the pinching orbiting otter shrimp in rosded conditions, Parte of appendages ‘uch a antennae may be mising. Cannibalism has an impor ‘an infaenceon survival in some phases of sheimp ular ‘where suongrindiridanls devour veak oes (Fig 3). Shells may also be damaged because ey become infected, A provctve outer ier isp ofthe cil If uncerying pation are expose opprtnistic microbes wil invade the Shel end use its afood base o portal for entry ino deeper ‘sie. Larger mars darken and Become obvious (Fig 6). Inflammation an Melanization Darkening of shall nd deeper iscsi frequent our rence with shrimp and other erstaceans. To the usual case, ‘ood cells gradually congregate in particular iss areas (in ‘ammacon) where Samage has osced apd this followed ty pigment (melanin) deposition. An infective agent injury or toxin may cause eamage and stimulate the proces (Fs). Gils are particularly prone to darkening duet thei agile sature and their fonston a coletng site for elimination of the body's waste products (Fg 8) Gils rely darken upon ‘exposure to trie metas or chemicals and as esl of infec: on by eortan Tong (Fuser 5) ‘Less common bu important re dark blotches tha sometine ‘ecu witin thea of ond shrimp. Thi manifestation of necrosis (breakdows and death) of muscle porvons followed by ‘melniaton degraces the produt's market potential. Ie ‘posible that thie contin results rom dep mictobial nv ‘Sons dat un throuph spaces between mule bonds baits Setualcauees remain unknown Fg. 9, EE GS 9.5. Carielsm uly bape ax one snp onoi ne and oo 1.3 Syst tig ae coma tack, bu ng oa a a beste us yo spear sn bowie oa prorertaen, 1g 4 Merson vw a tetra pa, eae ‘SSmtans\a pam andios tinge wos Fo. Talent woahinp, Ie ower ip tows el dare et acl een tl Trg ae ‘Spnnue omnis of eda su, Sessid ey and fone ‘Staion by bane mas secmpaned ny ee ars Fg 7a step potogapned above ner reed ey ae ‘aon haus aro bya tune anaes wh Oma a {er drreapose daa slat Emaciation and Nutritional Deficieney Unto shimp los heir noma fl nd robust appearance snd exhubitemaciaton. The shel becomes thin and exible tren resorbed for lack of marin. Motng is curtailed and Shel ad ils may darken inte (Fi, 10). Emacaton may also follow limited Feeding behavior during chronic dense Condions oan exponie fo unfavorable environmental cndi- ‘ions. Empy intestine ar easly observed through transparent cil nd flesh, Prepare des deficient in necestary consents may pe spose or enue disse, Vitmin Cdeficeny, for example, ‘ul iniat darkening of ilo certain ros assole with {hil nl evenly en inde 5,10 East vir, i nd bay gos Nave can ny ‘ana andes tala coved wih afc anoge cae S. SSS S V1 Les pons ise vw of ae and ee Digestive glands sometimes wil become roced in sae “Among other things his san indication of for nutiton. ‘Welle shin wil have am abundance of fit lobules within storage cell ofthe digestive land bales tat provide alk the pland (Figs. 11308 12), “Muscle Necrosis ‘Opaque muscles are characteristic ofthis coniton, When shim are exposed stressful conditions, sh as low oxygen borerowng, the muscles lose thelr normal tnsparency and bicome blotched with whitish sens thougheut Ths may ogress uni the entre tara lakes on + whitish appearance Ge. 13. Tf shrimp ae withdrawn fom the adverse environment before profonged exposure they may return t moral Bx tremely affected shrimp do nt recover, however and de iin few minutes Fig. 14. In moderately affected sin, ‘only arts ofthe body return to normal: othe par, ypically thelast segments of the al are unable to eer ana ar prone to tacterial infection (Fig. 15). These shrimp ce within one oF two days (Fig. 8). Shemp muscles with this onion ae -nown to undergo necrosis (death or decay of sue). ‘Tumors and Other Tissue Problems Conspicuous body swellings or enlrgement of isos have teen reported in shrimp. In most cases, affected indvidusle ‘were capured from posted waters, Occurresce of xm with en tumors is rare in comercial catches, Miscellaneous Insations experience hy eapive simp i nk syste will sometimes result in fea areas of tisue overrowth (Fg 16). ‘A particularly vulnerable issue of captveluvenil a adult ship is found os he inner surface ofthe prion of eaapace ‘hat cover the il, When microbes ava is su and theadjacen outer sell may completly dsinegate expos the il moter cases apr lssof heise distally nay ‘esultin an outward Maing of the exposed cuce. A hemo Fymphoma ori Filled ete also forms sete tn ths ea) po~ Fg 18. Camage m sbeomen ot simp as awsuol rokticton. Fi. 16 Taos towh on anal sim mak tan tan en oath shin ein rayon portion of the carapace in pond shrimp (Fig. 17). Primary ‘huss ofthese manifestation are ol uhderstod ‘A degeneration of male represuctvetncis ocaionally ‘ocsus in captive adult of eran penaid species. A swelling and darkening ofthe tubule leading rom the testes othe sper ‘matopore is readily apparent when vewed tough the Wani- Tacet body Fig, 18). ‘Surface Fouling ‘The surfaces of shvimps are prone oan accumulation cf a as foting organisms, Heavy infestations can itefere wih mo- bili or eating ad inucnce market (Fg. 19). ramped Shrimp ‘Tis ta condition described for srimp ketin a varey of uate sitations, The tail dry under the body ane comes iid othe poin that icant be saightened (ig. 20, The ease of cramping unknown, but some esearch il 1 mineral imbalnce, Unusual Behavior ‘Diseased shrimps oie display listless behavior an cease 10 fed nthe ate of water qu extemes sich ow 08) 2, svimp may surface and congregate along shoes where they become valrerabet bird predation. Coldwater may use shim fo Durow aa an enviromental stitution sch ‘low oxygen thermal change orden exposes Ul themicale may ile wiesprend molting. Sa, bassinet mote att Pro soni tines ant isos cen choca Prete comny at Seege Eran Fa, 19. Ad ovegowt on inp exes sbunsat ig (Pte ‘Stay ova Robo) Developmental Problems Deformaies are quite rate in some populations. They riz from complex interaction thal involve envionment diet and gene espresson, Bots maybe twisted oF eppendages ‘Sught are han hatchery populations probably tecaae wd ‘hump have mor opprtniy for natural selection ad expo ‘sere © normal developmental conditions (Fi. 2). Molt rest occurs in affected anima of some poputions. ‘Arias beg, bat are able to compete molting geese Tnsome cases, thee is abnormal adherence o undying sk ‘batmost animal spear to lack the neessry sna. Nut tonal inadequacies and water quality ctor: have ben den fied a causes, Growth Problems ‘Growth problems become obvious ic auacutue stocks. A averted population may show a lager percentage of runing than expected. Some research has commie viral diese With runtng in pond stocks and it eneall eld hat variable wth may result from disease agents genetic makeup and ‘rvtonmentl infuenes For unknown reasons, he shel occ may become fag- ilein members of captive shrimp sosks Sells are normally sf for couple dys afer molting, ‘out shells of those suffering fom soft-sel condition ean ‘oth soft and thin and havea tendency cack under he slighest pressure. Some evidence of eats suggests pestide ‘oxi, starvation (mentioned above) er mineral imbalace Color Anoma ‘Slvinp of unsual olor are ossionly fund among wkd ‘snd fam sachs. The aking eoiron which mey be 21d. ue or pink appears roughout he nue andi not confined Fg. 21. Dette inal etre. Aro pss doarrnd aera. (Phe curony of Gea Chantal) to thecticle o underlying skin. A genes cave ie suspected. ‘Transformation i ble coloration om anual browns sown for some captive crustaceans and has been lnk 0 Condion where digestive glind degeneration conta 3 reddish coloration, —— —— Microbes Microbes are mint, living organi, especialy vic ruses, bt rickets and fang. Sometimes proto are ‘considered micros, Protozoa are microscopic, usually aneclled animals ‘hat belong tthe owes division of the animal Kingdom, [Nocally, hey ne man times ler than bacteria The ‘ypial protozs epradace by simple or multiple division ¢ by budding. The more complex proxozoe alternate between hosts and produce cells with maliple division sages clled ugk associat with srimp are microscopic plans hat develop inercontectng tabular structures. They reproduce ty forming sal cells known a pores o riting bodies {hat are capable of developing in anew individu "Bacteria ar oe-celed organisms tha an be se aly witha microscope. Compared o prooanan, they sto ess complex orguization nd normally less than 1,000 inch (i720 em) in sie ‘Rickeusa ae microbes wth simian to both viwses and bacteria apd havea size thats normaly some In beeen, Mos thnk of them asl aca ‘Viroses are ulvamieroscopi, infective agents copale of rmuluplyng tn connection with ving cells Normally, vi ses are many ties smaller han Deters bt may 6 made Clearly visible at high magnieaion provided by a secron rierosope Microbes Viruses (te now of the dives of vip vnses comms to wow. Vines of shrimp have been signed expicily oF en tively tsi or seven aegis Several shin Vises ae cog rized io have special economic conaquence in uncle Bacoloviruses eculovirus pena —a views commen to Gulf of Mexico shrimp. I damages tissue by entering a cell nucleus and subse ‘quently destoys te cll 4 develops (Fig. 23). An occasion IsTorsed (Fi. 24). This wires ha bscome aconstan problem For many shrimp hatcheries where I damages the young aval saunas, Osclsions ofthe same or closely related viruses are Seen in Pacific and Adanie Oeeans ofthe America. Atleast {en srimp species ar known to show disease manfestatios ia ssunculure stings. ‘Monodom ype baceloviras —~ ons that forms spherical ‘occlusions (Fg. 28) and whase eters ate Seen mos inthe alu ofthe gat ier prawn, Penaeus monodon. Damage of less importance as been sen in Penden joponicns, Penaeus Imergienis and Penaeus pebeat ‘Midgut gland necrosis virus — a naked baculovins hort tothe Kurumaprava, Penceus poms in Japan. Fa, 2. Bustos acc, Tanisson of he Wsie nought 0 elute sa scott svinp gests atl acaon es tae cat carer ny cps ra pce sufeuncng Aa) ton Nae Wal enol marron ‘Stone pases fn cot Saco sion est ‘tea vin oars ott Redownby Sure ee ‘Shan ter Used we person sor rons po Experiment Staton, Th anes Aa Uva Ser) «vs affecting several commercially important shri tn artcutrly, the Pai blue simp, Penaeus sro Heptopaneretiepavo-like virus —a vires causing disease in several Asan shrimp. Transmssion to Penaeus vannanet id not esl in disease that species. Nodavirus ‘aura virus — a ius causing obvious damage varous ‘issues and inthe acute pase, 1 the poder hd subs. ‘went the elle of Penaens vanname (Fi. 26) Is immporant problem fr both production ad narkting. Dcing {he 1995 growing season, ths virus cared le loses © quacalue socks in Texas. Damage was great Cental and South America Bepaning in 1992 Other viruses ‘Yellow head veus— a views casing serious eae ofthe ‘iat ger raven, Pena monodon. Large lose have been experienced in Asian aquaculture unis. ills and digetve ‘lands of infected shrimp are ale yellow White spot diseases — vues of simi sie and strctre Iavebesn shown ause a similar maniestation and heavy losses to Penaeus japonicus, Penacusmosodon and Penacus penicillin Taiwan and Japon. Advanced infections show evelopment of obvious white pos on the ise of he etc 2), Several the viuss with relaiel ile known importance se consdered a member ofthe rears, habdovtses, (opaviuses. WAR ee Fe PRT 9 2 aan hig te con en pk Sats ‘yeu show nil elon on repose ‘Viruses Viruses ese dasa they replica thin aos cll and thereby case destution or improper cl function. Avie i ‘nelly patel containing a coro nce acids, DNA {GERNA. One inside proper host ele viral nce aid ‘teracewih that of «somal el to case repedction ofthe sires, The ably paasize and ease damage may be im Indo single species orcloscl relate group of bots, host. ‘sue and usally he place within acelin which damage takes place "Te cause and eet foal shrimp vis disease needs ae fat steno, Some vrse cause daca only af expo ‘unusual environmental conditions Also. npession tout ‘irs identi are often Base on results cf rutin examinations that give presumptive ests, Certainly vues case important disse in pric crewstances bul ey understandings of not shrimp views at largely unknown longevity win Syslems, sure of nection, method of wanemission, normal and unusual carirs, nd potential o case damage. ‘ur ably o detect string vrs isaead of ur abilty to rate ir imgrane oro implement onl or vid that dtets characteristic mci acts This augmented by careful microscopia stay oftsoest detect charset ‘image to cele, Use of eecarn microscopy to determine sie and shape of vines prices hs also beer help Fg. 22). ‘A peculiar feature of sme baclovines of hinp a cxber vertebrate animals ito oscurenc ofthe olson oes within fected ets, These are alive tare mases of consistent shape tha coin ves plete ertedsed within. Other "aked”baculoviases do ot show formation of A ‘Slovenes atta 28019400 naar math © Boss ss, ANA copes, Rococo re tng eer ne eden bate shapes tc0 6 20 tn ANA Fo. 28, ew nts gh micosope ats aru sho a ete gna Noe de aves faust ae (ar Bacteria and Rickettsia Becteral infections of shrimp have eon observa fr many years, Scone have nied tht Bate infoston ely ‘ocus when shimp ae weakened. teri eal shiny tlso may become infcted if condition favor presen shundance of parteuaty harmful cerium ‘Shrimp body ids are mest often ince by poop named Vibrio, lafected avi show discolor ‘ody tissues in some instances, bt notin ters. Tre cating Function ofthe blood, etal i wound epi sewed or lst theclaacteristi of luminescence giving Rely ised an- ‘mals 2 “glow-in-the-dark” appearance. Bacteria als invade the diesive tat A ypc infection inlarval animals soem throughout he digetve sym, In larger animal, nfstion becomes vious nthe digestive and ater hrf bateri pin etry toi presumably vie ‘onnsction tothe gu servctres that ulimatel feed it the digestive trot, Pond feed ship ocasonall die large nimbers because of Aiscased digestive glands. The specialized cells tht ine the inside ofthe ules sre particulny fag abd ae easy in Iected Tobules propesivly di and darken (igs. 28 and 29), ‘This kind of disease manifestation is cen i een eps of rickets infection, Cll ofthe digestive glad tubules are Severely damaged as rcktsae invade and develop therein (igs 30 and 3. infected by baci capable of using sel for nation, the exoskeleton wil demonstrate erosive and blackened arene (lpr reoed br ate aren pene oreo) OO) ‘al (row (Pte TON? tom Ponce sama an Toeat fos 9.22 Moossope ow ol tarantosbactra ona ain plop (Fig. 6). These bacteria ypclly ask odes o tps of excak ‘leon prs, bt ibeeak occurs in the exoskeleton the ctr ‘Me qulck 1 enter and ease damage. Filamentous bocteria are commonly found atached othe utile, paticalarl fring areas eset with setae (Fg. 2). ‘When infestaion ig heayy, filamentous bacteria my also be essa in age quant onthe gl fiements Seale, se ‘obvious bacteria aos on cucu sree but ar nt ‘Sonedored a thestoning the lamesous tps Microbial Disease and Digestive Glands Digestive glands are owinely searched by pathologists for sigs of dsese. Tiss dane afer chemical preservation, ‘mierosection, side mounting ad sang the ssc. Trans ‘verse sections ofthe tule are then examined with a ght Imiroscope. General damage sen when bacteria sch iri spevies invade tubules. Ricken, Vises, ‘mcrosporans and haplosporans are more selsive. Thay For comparative purposes, a dawing of arora ules compare with tule showings varity of pial mane. tations (Fig. 33) Fa, 3. Oring of wares secon of geste gand ue ‘enesporonpraie mitororne Sn Spa efres see Pie tana 9) 2 Neha Favsoninnuces 8 Vis wih cee chen neo, As Shs oatoyed re eral ln ae ores rom wre, indingat ses nomay sw dence sae and ing Iern Pater vane wt net gates tasn yee et way eploparres foun oasis fain ooo ‘isorperan supe nar stage 9s renain motor C= ‘nav We nr nr to Sinan om ha sin ek troy) Sona es Fungus Sever fungi are known as simp pthogers. Two groups commonly infect larval ship, whereas anther aacls he Juvenile large shrimp. The most common geberaaffeting larval shemp ae Lageidiun and Siopidum. The metlod af infection equiresa thin cuticle suchas tht charateisicof| larval shemp (igs. 34 and 35). "The mst common genus affecting larger shrimp ‘asarium tis thought hat entry into the shim i guined ‘racks oreroded areas ofthe eal, Fuscrium may be Fd by th presence of canoe shaped macrooniia that ‘ng prodecen, Macrocondie and examples of fungal afc: tions are shown in Figures 36,37 aed 38 9.47 soi eon nmarly aar mc O rpandgs (atone hes do 3 cositn 2 ypeders by sche ns ee Fi. Tananision of Lagenidun A Fung sods ot charge ‘Re tom lin svg boy 8, Vel oC vale prota, Protozoa Protozoan parstes and commensal of shrimp wil occur onthe inside o ouside ofthe boy. The on the ote ae ‘considered hares unless presen i massive or burdensome ‘numbers. Those onthe inside cam case csease andar epe- ‘senative of several groups of protorean partes: Microopors, aplospors and Gregarna, Membesof these groups are town or believed o require that sone animal besides simp ‘be presea in ode ofacltate compton ofthe life cycles ‘A ew protozoa are known invade weakened larval nals Arey and conebue to diene, ‘Microsporearasize mos major animal gros, niably Insets. sh and crastaceans. In shrinp,micospoan inetions sre best known lealy a euse of a ondton Krom “mill” ‘rotons (Pigs. 39, 40 and #)). Mcrospoans become remarkably abundant inthe infected vip an ese the white appearance of muscle sues. a type etch of wil ‘Simp wil contin few individuals sth thi condton. ‘These ship ae usually discarded foe pocesing. Depend- Ingon the ype of micasporan, the se of infection ill be ‘throughout the musculature ofthe shim of, jn parca o%- ‘ns and ses the fected shrimp i the form that can develop inte anew Individual. They are very minute anddeteton requires exai- ation witha microscope (Figs 2 and #3). Infected srimp are noted to be ole and apparently Fed as oral shrimp. However, issue damage occ and no doubt ets many life fonctions. No eggs have Den ound in “ik” suspected that ll types of mirospraninfee- Shrimp incapable of production (Fig. 4), ‘The if cycles of strmp microgperans have nt been sts factory worked out. However, examation ofthe cycles of relied species and miscellaneous fac contained in Herta ‘inca tat the cycle poste in igre 45 represenaive of micosporans Fe Fa 3 ec vine app: mn comparson te nomal ‘hon tows) (an serey Oe Neto), ig. Ts eum serps aoe Shp wi MEN HEN % pe ican spel msn reap “tly npr shin ah rein nee aogree (era topo ican ana Agana hehe Wo de ‘om Power at rar mersrvee esa cot snare ‘Minor aur oneness a an ht Maplospora ‘A member ofthe Haplospra another spre fonning prot oun group was ecenly recognize in as mportant to ship breath when researcher ound Infected animals i an expec ‘mental population that ad been imported into Cab fom the Facil Cant of Comal America. Te parasites invaded and ‘esroyed sues of the digestive gland Fg. 2) Such ne tone are oom in acu 45. la ol ot icosporan of ‘ep oo Tecan te sre mn ana) sano acon can ‘shen rowan cu wine rade ee Fe. Ll cyl ot gage sletmp Srp noes feos sge a) i,t Meroacple vans ot gages A and, Menstpitspbepchsae. ©. Marat 5. samen Drops of Copatacts a egens tal sacs fare ha ternal pps oe str ‘Seach rer fan the mesa wa oo coueay a Orc Caen ophorane ot Pragya & ‘regu fund rocreyn Pace whites nas Gregarina Gregarine ae protozoa that our within the digestive ace issues of vtlous invertebrate animals, They deer in the ipestve rac of shrimp and are observed most often in the frm of opbnzte (Fig #6) or occahonaly a gamctocyet (Gig 47), The if yee involves other invertebrates such at sna, clams ormarine worms ss diagramed in Figure 48 ‘Minor damage othe ft shrimp result from ache of the trophozoites te ining of he teste. Ei sty + sted at abosion of oo or intestinal blockage by the pe 2a spss emer bu hat ptbologial damage wa rel ‘ely Uninporas Recent iain that when oposite ‘ot Nematopss species ar preset ia arg uber, damage othe lining cecarsthat may itt infection by baci. eres af 7. Wesel oh dy ted roa Body Invaders ‘Several protozoa hive ben noted o invade shrimp body and fed on isses as hey wander roughout Tene ee ‘ications name Parauronema, Leptomanas, Paranophrys ond sn amochs, Adverse eet ofthese protozoa arent fly derstood, but they are wsealy found aswcisted with shrimp that ave become weakened or diseased (Fig 9). Surface Infestations. ‘Betocommensal Protozoa Several kinds of protozoa ae regularly found on surfaces, Including gl, of stip. Appeal, shrimp surfaces ae ‘avored place to lve within the water environment. Common ‘on he srfaces of shrimp are species of Zoothamaam, Epis, Aciner, Ephelte and Lagenophys (le OE). Berta Fa, 0 Meroscope views of exmon ec Seey pone Zootharnium isa frequent inhabitant of the gil suraces of ‘vip, aol in ponds wit ow oxygen content, henvily infested simp can sect, Surface setting protonoa occasionally ‘aut protiems in ship hatcheries en larval shrimp be. ‘ome overburdened and wre unable swim normaly. Aspro ‘ozoacontrwously meleply in number, scm acquire an increasing burden nil shedding ofthe cule provides eit, ‘Memes of one unig group of protezo, the apostome ciliates, havea esting stage that wil sete on shrimp sacs, ‘When the crasacear molt, the protozoan releases ap com. pets thee yee within the shed eutcle before entering 2 ‘esing stage ona new crusacean Fi. SI). Other Surface Infestations ‘A variety of other organisms atach to shrimp surfaces, “Their abundanc presence on gle ad limbs can iterer with tweathing a mobility. Small, single-cell plants called ditors ane oie fund auached ola simp in hatcheries, Fig, 152), Shrimp fom aguacalture Talis that te exposed to an ‘usual anoun of sunlight often will have over grows of Slgac of miced variety (Fg. 19). ‘Occasiolly. one wl find baraces, leeches and the colo- al hye Oli bicwpidate affined to body surfaces (Fig 53, These organisms are probably quite common nthe vicin- iy ofthe strip and sleet surfaces of infequently mong, ‘ler sina as pots take up residence. Insects il ome= ‘imes ly pgs on seimp Fi 58). Some mimber ofthe crstacean group eile ropa ae paras onsvimp of commer importance. Commercially Important shrimp ofthe Gulf of Merce are apparently not parsed However, smaller shrimp ofthe fly Palemoniie are ote seen infested along our cotati. Com _meril shrimp of the family Pesaeide are prsszed in Po Cie seas ig 8 and}. cone tacit yemenee Seicemtaea myers. Macemromas See Soman 4,57, raving of mca Wew ol canon hosing 8. Opccoincos este (sree) A Worms Worm prsits of simp ar eategrized at remade (kes) cestode (apeworms) and ematodes(rundwoms). Some specie are more common thin others and as yt one have been known 0 case widespread shrimp morality, ‘Worms maybe found in various prs ofthe bay (Fig 5, ‘Trematods ‘remade Bkes) re preset in shrimp as mmatire forms (metatercarise encyted in various body tues. Met cercarie of rematodes of he fails Opecoldae, Microphllice and Echinastomatiue have boca reported fom ‘commercial species of penned shrimp (Fig $7). One species, Opecstoldesfmbrians, as been noted to be moe commen than others dong our coast, sd the hypotetcal ie yee ot this species illustrated in Figuce Cestodes Tapewomsin shrimp ar associated typically with the txstve lan. They are sully found imbedded nthe gland, ‘rnex fit in the covering tue In shrimp tapeworms ae resent as inmate forms (Fg 8), while dal forms ze Found in rays Species of the rena Prochrstianela, Parachrsiaell and Reribubus we common, Ober ape ‘worms from ld shrinpinchoe relatively common pear shaped worm of the intestine and ess common worm ofthe éyelophyidan group. Tapeworm ae mot often encountered in wild hing. Diferentition between the apeworm groupes made in _gereral ody form and tetaular armature. A hypothe ile ‘jc for Procvistanela pena! ie presented in igure 60. Nematodes Nematodes ocur more commonly in wild shrimp than in cultured shrinp. The degree of infection ie probsbly elated to The absence spproriate alternate hosts in culture systems. Nematodes wll ocr wihin and around ns! body ens 98 ‘hin. 8 Coca mga {atop snare ore ominga Sage aed martin C ‘Sup foc hrc stro es pach fof ‘tesptaas, cron oben) D Sng dena Tense nl ‘ran, Meaccara sege undp coves ih ome ‘Scnintcne singe own ac emscaon nae Te scr Boos accion nlpiee wrareer atin sper Fate Seared Saber serch ang aro Rade ‘ita ew nt enor zeaa be oye tome, Fg 89.4. Aaroung ote ship apavom,Pocstanats pnae, ‘rw appewinarmcecoe vw a frora fe Neat 2. {imate tenteonom ening Peer 0 yp cc lh tpewarm, ctr san! (sea Sr ates Soop ta sal cree eed ‘tia tapenorm 8 Tapeworn Sees secede Sein teaser ohdnp ©: Sunray npc este ew. well tin the musculatre, Nematodes of shin ncude ‘Spirocomellona pereral (Fig. 61), Lepolaima pn ‘Ascaropis sp. Te st common nematode i Gul simp is Hoterothylaiun requens Fg 61). tis the juvenile state of nematodes that nets strimp with theadlt occuring in th An lesrated life yee though to ‘present Hysterylacum relguens is depicted in Figure 62 a, 61, roi ot loose aw then (A) ‘Socata Rottyacusp. commen oun 2 ett a cyt tacit ‘ied wn oval unos 8 ouraware ceteris aares E lana ean n tau TET Toning inte hire Diocnarm ep alk nt at fone ar Stony coer Environment Environmental Extremes ‘Temperature, iradatin, gas satan, hydrogen ion con- tent (pH), oxygen content ad sali al have appropiate ‘olrble ranges for sustaining feo varius ship species sd if stages If these ranges ae exseoded ox extremes com ‘ne for an inracve effet, svi wil become dete. ‘Besides the det effet from these noninfectious ages, expo sure may result in pedisposa effets of opportunistic info five agents. ‘Gas Bubbles wil form in the loot of simp if exposed to wes wit age differences in gnemturations If large !spoun' of bubbling occurs in the Bon, death wil eu nthe presence of acidic water, minerals wil often precip tae on cular surfaces. Ul the precipitant is irom sale Fe 69, Toxicity Poisoning ca esl fom one sbances absorbed rom the wate consumed food. Water may accumulate excessive encenations of ammonia, mite, hysogen sulfide or carbon “oxide, all of which can haves touieffet on snip. Some reals ls nay cases toxic fect when presen excee, Both presence ad tovcty ofthese chemials ae influenced by the changeable envzonmental conftons. They may ae ‘Sngualy or have combined effets. ‘Certain microbes snd algae wl eerete poisonous mter- ls Examples of algal release ae the occasional ed ies that ‘occa slog ou oat. Aside fom suvival los, fected n= ‘mals behave na dcorened manner Microbes sch as bacoia ‘become concentrated in high density eating systems. When ‘mri species with potent or oi release gry ‘reise therein socks maybe damage Pestizies canbe harm they cecreesonallyin surface water supplies fst by agricultural pactie. Becase of Imgatons int estuaries oe near fae disposal sts, wild Shrimp populations are mere suscepti ha elred tacks ‘hearty of polluans release, ‘There are reports of toric caus bythe ood shrimp consume. Toxin Irom microbes are nowt buildup in Feeds Stored in unfavorable conions. Sane food sts and lve larval food, such as brine svi, cancontain psicies Per haps mere common ae undesirable eTets of feeds that have aged and become rancid Breskdown of ining esos (acre) ofthe intestine have been associated with coesumption of ein alge, Because clr simp feed toh on prepared feds and Roto mae ast suspected thatthe occasional oxarence of derimen: teams an toxins eotained win botom rrfces could ‘setae breakdown when sich sefiments ae conse. A Fh 68. Precelst olen ston a shies ge et) Selected Bibliography Shrimp Species Bll, LM, WAL. Munich and RE Labi 983. Species pies hries ie nner ih Pande = pink IIIT'US. Amy Core of Engineer, TR Lia 31 gp. Holts, 18. 1980. 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