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Live Food

For people
who want
to live!
1. Higher bioavailability
of important nutritional
elements like vitamins,
digestive enzymes, anti-
oxidants, amino and essential
fatty acids that are vulnerable to
the heat of cooking.
2. Non-toxic. Avoids the
obligatory ingestion of
unhealthy substances created by
Live Food just sounds more the effects of heating foods
appealing than Raw Food.
such as carmalized carbo-
Though both terms suggest
hydrates and carcinogenic fatty
uncooked foods, “raw” turns
most people off as they imagine
3. Higher fiber content
something cold and undone.
improves intestinal transit and
But why? Raw could just as
bowel regularity.
easily mean original, pure,
4. Less time invested in meal
natural. Mention raw power
preparation makes live food the
and we imagine unbridled brute
ultimate fast food: no need to
wait for anything to cook!
Actually, this is true for food
5. Low fat content of raw food
as well. Perhaps we have
results in automatic body
allowed unfounded conceptions
weight normalization.
of dietary appropriateness to
6. Hypoallergenic. Eliminating
shape our view of normality. A
alien dairy and poultry proteins
piping hot bowl of stew: good;
can cure a host of allergies.
fresh corn soup made right of
the cob: bad? Not bad at all! Processing (which includes
Recent investigations have concentration, homogeniz-
reported a much more favorable ation, pasteurization, cooking,
status for fresh foods. Not only freezing, dehydration, crystaliz-
are they promoted as superior ation) too often means the
sources of vital nutrients but elimination of important
they offer highly desirable nutritional components as well
advantages to inert victuals. as the unwelcome addition of
Why is there such wide- artificial ingredients.
spread interest in live foods?
“Super nutritious young organic The Scale
greens, power packed sprouted
nuts, seeds and grains, fabulous of Decreasing
fermented preparations and Food Value
exciting dehydrated foods” is
how Ann Wigmore describes From best to bad, here in
her version of the ideal diet. descending order are the foods
that fit:
Fresh, raw sprouted
grains/seeds/nuts are alive and
Raw fresh fruit is living but
has no growth potential.
Dried fruits have minimal
The book of Genesis in the nutrient losses.
Bible describes it this way: Unsprouted raw seeds and
“…every herb bearing seed, nuts are still considered alive
which is upon the face of all because of their dormant
the earth, and every tree, in potential state, but are less
the which is the fruit of a tree desirable because of their
yielding seed” 1:29. Well, enzyme inhibitors.
that opens up a tremendous Raw root vegetables may
selection of yummy instant live resume growth if replanted.
food! In the beginning the diet The original Eden diet did not
was divine, the menu include vegetables, suggesting
marvelous, the food fabulous. they may be inferior foods.
But today, we cook and roast, Cooked food is dead, it is not
broil, boil, and bake, fry and capable of growth. And it is
sautée our ingredients in ritual softened because heat breaks
sacrifice until they are rendered down the structural proteins
fully, fatally and finally dead. including enzymes.
Digestive Enzymes Startches-Carbohydrates
All processed food has been In between these two start and
heated, thus destroying all finish points is a string of
natural enzymes. Enzymes critical stages. Proper masti-
present in live food allow the cation allows the enzyme
storage nutrients (proteins, fats, known as salivary amylase to
and starches) to be digested by perform its important role as a
the food itself. This relieves the pre-gastric starch-splitter.
body from the need to produce Gulping large boluses of
as many digestive enzymes, partially chewed food short-
allowing energy to be used for cuts this oral opportunity and
other needs. places an unnecessary and
additional burden on the lower
Digestion Suggestions gastrointestinal service stations.
Eating your food just isn’t Stomach ache, bloat or
enough. Getting a meal in your heartburn is the natural and
mouth is barely the first step in predictable response. Slow
a complicated process of down and enjoy—not only the
making that morsel mean roses—but the full flavor, the
something to your body. The total taste, and everything to
physiologic process of digest- which you are entitled.
ion is indeed a complicated one Washing it down with 16
that begins with the ingestion of ounces of your favorite fiz only
bulk food and ends with the worsens the matter. Diluted
metabolic disassembly of amylase concentrations render
individual molecules deep your salivary enzymes useless.
within the core of your body.
Excessive fluids in the stom- chymotrypsin and pepsin to
ach only delay the start of begin the protein phase of
digestion by putting the whole digestion. Proteins are
business on hold until all that polymers, complex molecules
liquid can be absorbed and the composed of separate chains
pH can start dropping. The and sub-chains. The lower acid
digestive machinery works pH causes hydrolysis (breaking
much better if the skids are hydrogen bonds) of the bulky
greased with water well protein molecules into smaller
before you start your meal. amino-acid subunits.
Tanking up ahead of time
allows your saliva glands to
deliver plenty of juice—all
you’ll really need to fully
enjoy every bite.
Some gastrophysiologists
believe that this oral pre-
digestion continues in the upper Enzymes are specialized
portion of the stomach. Fresh protein molecules that also aid
foods that have not been in the breakup of ingested
denatured by prolonged protein. Then how can enzymes
exposure to high temperatures do anything at all in a bath of
contain their own supply of hydrochloric acid? Remember,
digestive enzymes: they’re self- they are specialized molecules.
digesting! One measurable property of
Provided that seeds biochemical structures is the pH
(including cereals and most or acid concentration at which
nuts) have already begun their the molecule denatures or loses
own germination-digestion its atomic configuration. Some
process, their built-in enzyme molecules are more “acid
inhibitors will no longer be resistant” than others. This is
around to interfere. evident when you consider that
battery acid will burn holes in
Proteins your cotton or wool clothing
After about an hour, the lower and even your skin, but doesn’t
gastric portion of the stomach seem to bother most plastics.
has accumulated a sufficient All of these substances are
supply of hydrochloric acid and hydrocarbons (as are enzymes),
enzymes like trypsin, but they each have different
physical properties. So while symptoms, so characteristic of
the more simplified salivary gall bladder disease: crampy,
enzymes are inactivated by the colic-like pain following a fatty
stomach’s rising acid tide, the feast.
more durable proteinase Shortly after entering the
(protein-cleaving) enzymes can upper small intestine, digestion
continue to operate unaffected. should be complete. All the
carbohydrate starches should
Fats, Oils and Grease now be reduced to an assort-
Fat is the last food component ment of individual sugars:
to get digested. Acid won’t do glucose, fructose, maltose,
the trick. The body does lactose and many others. All
produce lipase, the lipid- the proteins should be broken
splitting enzyme, but not until up into a slurry of individual
the meal mixture, now called amino acids: glycine, cysteine,
chyme, reaches the upper small methionine, lysine, arginine and
intestine. The pancreas (more over a dozen more. All the fat
famous for its production of should be sliced into a herd of
insulin) also produces amylase individual fatty-acids.
and lipase. Simultaneously, the Should be, but this rarely
liver provides a soapy syrup happens.
called bile to emulsify the oil-  Too much starch or not
water concoction. Bile is stored enough starch enzyme and
in its own reservoir, the gall the GI tract gets an
bladder. unexpected load of un-
digested (and now, indi-
gestible) carbohydrate. The
result? Diarrhea, gas, and
abdominal cramping.
 Too much protein or not
enough protein enzyme and
the intestinal bug brigade
have a field day feasting on
undigested protein that was
never supposed to get this
It can squirt out an emergency far down stream. The
supply of bile when a great result? Gas, methane gas,
greasy gourmet comes and the bloating and
along. This explains the discomfort that go along
with it. And, as a by- nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. So,
product, a slew of toxic if you are not accustomed to
fermentative waste com- eating fruit, go easy on them
pounds such as indoles that when you start out and work
are absorbed into the circ- your way into a full featured
ulation and cause nausea, fruit feast!
headaches, mucosal irri-
tation and potentially
mutational change (cancer)
in the lining of the lower
colon and rectum.
 Too much fat or not
enough fat enzyme and,
once again, it’s grease in
the gut overload. The
result? Steatorrhea. And if
that sounds like diarrhea,
Acid Fruits
it’s because it is—smelly,
Citrus (oranges, lemons, limes,
floating liquid stools that
grapefruit, tangerines)
shouldn’t be.
Berries (strawberry, blueberry,
raspberry, mulberry,
Fruits loganberry, blackberry)
The reproductive parts of a Pomes (peaches, plums, apples,
vine, bush, or tree, including pears, cherries)
the juicy pulp. Technically,
Vegetable Fruits
fruits include such traditional Melons (watermelon,
vegetables as bean/pea pods, cantaloupe, honey dew)
avocado, tomato, bell/sweet Tahitian Melon Squash
pepper, cucumbers, squash. (supposedly tastes like a sweet
Fruits are the best tasting raw cantaloupe)
food. Fruits are the most Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Squash,
cleansing food available. And pumpkin, Bell Peppers, Okra
they are the easiest to digest,
allowing deposited toxic Seeds & Nuts (beans, peas,
metabolic byproducts of cooked lentils, walnuts, pecans,
foods to be eliminated by the almonds, sunflower seeds,
body. Often this results in a filberts, chestnuts, peanuts)
“crisis” reaction: headache,
warfare of plants against their
Sprouting Nuts?
Soaking walnuts is beneficial in
two ways. First, tannins are
leached out improving the nut’s
flavor appeal. Second, removal
Sprouts of the enzyme inhibitors allows
Sprouted seeds are one of the the seed to begin germination
most complete and nutritional activities which includes
of all foods They are the food enzymatic digestion of the
of the future, as well as a food storage proteins. Since the
of the past. The Old Testament offending allergen is a seed
prophet Daniel proved the storage protein, it is biochem-
power of pulse in recovering ically altered by the enzymes
from his malnourished state in into safe nonallergenic
only 10 days. You can read subcomponents.
about it in Daniel chapter 1.
Sprouts are predigested food, Vitamins
exhibiting higher biological Some vitamins increase during
value than unsprouted whole sprouting by as much as
seeds, raw or cooked. As a 500% In wheat, vitamin B-
consequence, less food is 12 quadruples, other B vitamins
required, yet more nutrients increases 3 to 12 times, vitamin
reach the blood and body E content triples. Fiber content
tissues. increases three to four times.
Unsprouted seeds, grains, Dry seeds, grains, and legumes
cereals, and nuts not only have contain no vitamin C. But after
less nutritional value, but sprouting, they contain around
may not even be digestible in 6 milligrams per ounce. In fact,
many cases. The presence of sprouts are the most reliable
anti-nutritional factors such as year-round source of vitamin C,
enzyme inhibitors, saponins, carotenoid A, and many B
and tannins in raw legume vitamins (such as folacin).
seeds and other vegetables that For example, Vitamin A
renders them indigestible has content (per calorie) of sprouted
been considered as an Mung beans is two-and-a-half
expression of the chemical times higher than the dry bean,
and compared to some other some have identified as at least
beans more than eight times one culprit.
more. Turmeric and ginger may be
After harvesting sprouts and added to sprouts to assist in
refrigerate them, they continue protein digestion. Add anti-gas
to grow slowly, and their fenugreek, cumin, dill, and
vitamin content will actually coriander seeds to sprouting
increase. Store-bought fruits legumes. Fenugreek is best with
and vegetables start losing fast growing mung beans.
their vitamins as soon as they Fennel seed 1 teaspoon of
are picked. powder 15-30 minutes before a
When enzymes are in our legume meal, taken with warm
food, the body is allowed to water. The Asian Indian custom
produce essential molecular of chewing the licorice tasting
structures instead of emer- fennel seeds at the end of a
gency digestive enzymes. When meal is based on centuries of
natural enzymes are missing in experience in the knowledge
ingested food the body is forced that this practice is an effect aid
to produce large amounts of in protein digestion. Cardamom
digestive enzymes. Pancreas, and caraway seeds can be added
thyroid, salivary glands hyper- just before serving.
trophy in animals fed cooked
foods. The same may explain Mung Beans
diabetes in humans. Aging Easiest to digest, and produce a
reduces the stomach’s ability to minimum amount of gas.
produce hydrochloric acid. By Has carbohydrate content of a
age 65, nearly 35% don’t pro- melon, vitamin A of a lemon,
duce any acid at all—depleated thiamin of an avocado,
by a lifelong high protein diet. riboflavin of a dry apple, niacin
of a banana, and ascorbic acid
of a loganberry. But they have
Legumes only 3 types of amino acids,
You just can’t discuss legumes while soybeans have 17.
without addressing the topic of
flatulence. Beans are notorious Soy Beans
for it. But gas may be reduced Theoretically edible if sprouted
by rinsing sprouts just before long enough, but are difficult or
eating to remove oligosacch- unsafe to eat raw. Some live
arides, the surface sugars that foods just must be cooked.
Large Beans produce a pleasant taste in the
Lima, pinto, navy (white), final dried sprouts.
black have a very strong,
unpleasant flavor when raw
which is not improved by

Kidney beans are actually toxic

if eaten raw.
Cooking sprouted large
legumes eliminates flatulence,
produces a normal flavor,
reduces cooking time. Unhulled sunflower seeds are
generally grown for 7 days to
produce sunflower greens.
Sunflower greens have a
Seeds slightly salty taste like water-
Sunflower cress. Rich in chlorophyll,
Raw hulled sunflower seeds can enzymes, vitamins, proteins,
be sprouted: soak 12 hours, lecithin and Vitamin D
pour off hulls to avoid spoilage,
and sprout for 1-2 days. Fenugreek
Common in Indian cuisine, this
Unsprouted sunflower seeds are seed aids in digestion. It sprouts
high in fat and protein. Sprout- readily and quickly but
ing activates the seed by leech- frequently contains rock hard
ing out enzyme inhibitors, seeds that won’t sprout. These
increasing enzyme levels, can be separated to the bottom
converting seed fats to essential by soaking in water.
fatty acids and carbohydrates,
and converting proteins to Pumpkin
essential amino acids and/or 'Lady Godiva' variety doesn’t
sugars. have the hard shell seen in most
Sprouted sunflower seeds pumpkins. They will sprout but
may be dehydrated to produce become rancid quickly (often in
the familiar crunchy texture less than 2 days) unless they are
most of us are used to. Adding dehydrated which is really
salt to the last water change will preferred. If not dehydrated
they should be soaked and

Hulled seeds won’t sprout. Almonds
Unhulled seeds sprout easily in sprouted almonds are very
1-2 days. Hulls contain oxylate delicious, and have much better
(a bitter tasting anti-nutrient) flavor than dry, unsprouted
than can be reduced almonds. Blanched almonds
significantly by soaking and probably won't sprout: use only
rinsing. Sesame seed oil is whole, unblanched almonds.
heating when applied topically.
1 day suggested, after 2 days
Flax may turn rancid. Almond sprout
Flax seed oil is very expensive is a “whole food.” Eat the
and spoils quickly, so much be whole thing, including
refrigerated. Flax is a rich skin. Raw, unsoaked almond
source of omega-3 and -6 fatty skins are high in tannins, hard
acids. to digest, and very astringent:
peel the sprouts before eating.
Easiest after soaking under-
water. Peeled almond sprouts
really taste wonderful.
Sprouts may be dehydrated
from an optionally salted final
rinse to produce marvelous,
crunchy almonds very similar
to the freeze-dried vacuum
packed varieties.
Nuts Peanuts
Raw, unblanched peanuts are
Soaking nuts (even if they can’t
sproutable and taste better than
be sprouted) will remove some
dry, unsprouted ones. Blanched
of the tannins in their skins,
nuts are treated with heat and/or
improving their flavor and
chemicals, and don't sprout
reliably. Can harbor carcino-
genic toxic molds (aflatoxin).
Not sproutable. Shelled nuts are
devitalized by processing

Pistachios Cashews
Processing renders them non- A tropical tree in the plant
viable, so not sproutable family Anacardiacae (includes
mango, pistachio, and poison
ivy, poison oak, and poison
My favorite soaked nuts.
sumac). The edible “nut” must
Not sproutable, but can be
be separated from the toxic
soaked which improves flavor,
shell through a process that
removing bitter taste quality
involves immersion in a hot oil
and softens nut. Dehydrating
bath at 170-200 deg C. This
after soaking makes them
renders it devitalized and,
wonderfully crisp and
consequently, is not sproutable.
Most are imported from Europe
(the European chestnut).
Chestnuts have the lowest fat
content of all major nuts (4-6%)
which means they contain
substantial amounts of
carbohydrates (starch and
sugar). As a result, they may
Brazil Nuts
spoil quickly, and should be
Shelled nuts are devitalized by
refrigerated or frozen for
boiling process. Buy only in-
storage. Usually sold in-shell.
shell, and shell manually
Filberts (Hazelnuts)
Not viable, soaking has little
effect on shelled nut.
Macadamia Nuts remind me of our lofty goals
Most are freeze dried and non- and aspirations.
viable. Unprocessed nuts Even after some months of
require 30-60+ days to sprout experiencing the wonderful
in-shell. This extremely benefits of living high on live
protracted sprouting time foods, the urge to “lust after the
means they might be rancid or flesh pots of Egypt” would
rotten by the time the root suddenly erupt. Fortunately,
sprout finally appears. such temptations are short-
lived, and will become
Coconuts progressively weaker as your
If you think Macadamia nuts satisfaction with Live Food
take a long time, coconuts take grows and you expand your
the cake. They require four or repertoire of live dishes. When
more months to sprout! you limit yourself to manna (as
Supermarket coconuts probably marvelous as it may be) meal
won’t sprout because they are after meal, you just might not
usually picked too green. manage to make it on that
You’ll need a fresh, mature raw alone.
nut with its husk intact. But, if Discovering a significant
you are able to manage it, number of delicious dishes that
sprouted coconuts are edible, you really like and witnessing
and considered a delicacy. first-hand the results of Eden
Eatin’ in your own body are the
two best safe-guards against
Dead Food Withdrawal falling off the raw food wagon.
Those who try a Live Food diet
But for those who are still
for the first time will almost
desperate for help in dealing
invariably experience a sense of
with the fear of backsliding,
here are few additional
“I miss my dead food,” they cry
and abandon their quest for
pure nutrition by promptly 1. Stop and Think. Sure, that
selling out like Esau for “a pizza or those french fries are
mess of pottage.” I certainly going to taste good, but taste
suffered during my first few isn’t everything. Just remind
weeks. My wife was my only yourself how good they’ll look
salvation—a constant, vigilant, on you. It's not worth the
encouraging partner in crime to suffering that is sure to follow.
The problem with eating 3. Avoid temptation. Madison
dead stuff routinely is that you Avenue has conditioned us for
don’t recognize the ill feeling most of our lives to salivate
that comes from any particular when we see or smell one of
food—it’s all sub-optimal and their tempting products,
you’ve been feeling the results cleverly formulated to stimulate
for so long you’ve come to our addictive behaviors and
accept it as “normal.” But give promote repeat sales. If you feel
your body time to get rid of all a craving crawling over you
the built-up toxic waste, enjoy a when you see that particular
month or two of pain-free morsel (candy, cookie, or
existence (no headaches, no cassarole) then don’t look at
constipation, no bloating, no it! As Pooh observed, you can
heart-burn), and then indulge in get ‘see sick’ from seeing too
your favorite forbidden much. I’ve delivered that kind
food. You will be dramatically of common sense advice to
impressed by the reaction. countless patients over many
Now, share your experience to years of practice: if it hurts,
one and all to reinforce your don’t do it. Today, I’d say,
memory. “Don’t even go there.”

2. Substitute live foods. Fruit, 4. Eat slowly and sensibly. Eat

especially dried fruits with their only a moderate amount of food
concentrated flavors, are super at regular times with no
substitutes for candy. Tomatoes distractions, chewing slowly to
have a high concentration of receive full benefit of your
sodium and will satisfy food’s flavor. Savor all the taste
cravings for salty foods. Some and texture. This is only
who previously found tomatoes common sense, but it can
disagreeable, have reported that remarkably reduce unwanted
removing the seeds (and their cravings.
associated anti-nutrients) solved
their problem of indigestion. 5. Eat with other raw
Avocados and nuts or seeds fooders. Enthusiasm loves
provide the satiety benefits to company and mutual
those who miss their cheese and encouragement.
fried foods.
6. Get regular exercise. It Living on Instant Food
reduces stress, improves The original recipe in Eden’s
circulation and elimination, is garden starting day one was a
cleansing, and helps reduce right-off-the-tree, pick-n-peel
cravings. (or not) no waiting food court.
What we know today about live
7. Develop a spiritual or food and longevity may
ethical foundation. For the partially explain the long life
religious, this means being fully spans of biblical proportions
“grounded” in the Word, recorded in Scripture.
feeding on it as well. Adam 930 years
Methuselah 986 years
8. Consider modifications. If
you are following an extremely After Noah’s flood, God intro-
restricted diet and constant duced flesh food into man’s
cravings continually stalk you, diet. The result was a rapid
then seriously consider decline in longevity. In less
changing to a more diversified than 10 generations, Abraham
diet. Add more veggies, peaked out at only 175 years.
sprouts, and seeds or nuts to To be sure, there’s more to
your diet. If you do backslide life than eating, but while
and eat something bad, simply you’re at it (walking outside in
resolve to avoid the mistake the sunshine, breathing lots of
next time. Learn from your fresh air, and drinking plenty of
mistakes, but don't dwell on pure water) a live food Rx can
them unnecessarily, as guilt is a go a long way to restore and
negative emotion. Cravings can prolong life as it was originally
be a major problem during the meant to be.
transition to a living food diet. And finally, there’s the
But after you’ve been on it long future fresh-friendly fare of
enough, the cravings will heaven! Starting with the tree
usually dissipate. A pure raw of life with 12 kinds of fruit—a
food diet is not for everyone. different flavor every month.
Be kind to yourself; do what is And, of course, we know there
best for your body, and enjoy will be no death there. It will be
our Creator’s bounty. all live food on the menu.
Gary Hullquist, MD
Life-long vegetarian still suffered seasonal hay fever, migraine head-
aches, and serious cat allergies until discovering that a totally vegan
diet could cure them all! Eliminating dead food, emphasizing live food
can change your life too. It’s all in the Bible and it’s Heaven’s Plan for
the future.

Talking Rock Sabbath Chapel Books

1250 W. Price Creek Rd.
Talking Rock, GA 30175

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