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 Jina Amucha (Our [Wretched] Lives), her autobiography, -

serialized in Pune women’s magazine Stree before
published as a book in 1986
 Has documented everything to show future generations
the struggle of mahars to reach where they are today- first
dalit woman to write auobio in Marathi
 Mahar- ‘untouchable’ community, forced to live outside
the main boundary of the village, had to guard and clean
the village, carried messages and assisted the village
headman, often settled diputes about land,

 born in Veergao, western Maharashtra, in grandparents’

house- lived there until she was nine
 Her grandfather and his brothers worked as butlers in
European households - sent money home each month so
family better off than the others
 Her father, Pandhrinath, a contractor, earned decently-
described as kind and generous father and she learned to
be disinterested in materialism from him - but stern and
authoritarian husband, confining his wife to the household
 So her mother grew bitter and harsh
 when Kamble growing up, the movement by Mang and
Mahar castes started by Babasaheb Ambedkar (1891 —
1956) was at its height
 December 1927 Ambedkar - satyagraha to establish their
civic rights and confront upper castes - hundreds of Mangs
and Mahars gathered at the Chavdar Tale at Mahad, drew
water and drank it.
 Kalaram Mandir Satyagraha to gain entry into the temple

 Kamble inspired by Ambedkar and other activists

 In her own village - Mahar community forced its way into
temples and eating places
 under Ambedkar’s influence her father sent her to school
where sometimes fights would break out between the
untouchables and the higher-caste Hindu girls - Mahar girls
forced to form a close-knit group and no interaction
between the castes
 Baby Kamble - 7 children, most w university education.

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