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No : AIL/COR/QC / OIL-08
Rev. No : 00
SOP for rancidity determining Date : 16.02.2021
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Auto-oxidation at fatty acids double bonds occur by reaction with molecular oxygen present in the
atmosphere, causing the formation of labile peroxides. The peroxides formed during auto-oxidation are
unstable and decompose into free radicals. These initiate chain reactions which eventually lead to the
decomposition of the fatty acid into various low-molecular weight aldehydes and ketones.

KEY WORDS: Rancidity


1. 0.1% Phloroglucinol solution (0.1 gm in100 ml of diethyl ether, freshly prepared)

2. Concentrated Hydrochloric acid
3. Chloroform
4. 30% solution of trichloroacetic acid in glacial acetic acid
5. Ethano

1. 5ml oil is taken in clean flask.
2. The Shake 5 ml of the oil vigorously with 5 ml of 0.1% phloroglucinol solution in diethyl ether
and add 5 ml of conc. hydrochloric acid.
3. Allow to stand for 10 minutes.

1. Weigh 0.8 – 1.02 gm of oil or fat into a 100 ml beaker.
2. Melt sample of fat and add slowly with stirring 20 ml of phloroglucinol until sample dissolved.
3. Transfer solution to a separating funnel, add 10 ml conc HCl, shake well and allow to separate.
4. Run off acid layer into a 1inch (2.54mm) Lovibond cell and match the colour using red, yellow
and blue glasses. Express result as red Lovibond units.
5. Up to 3 red units indicates incipient rancidity, between 3 and 8 units indicates the end of
induction period, over 8 units indicates definite rancidity.


A pink colour indicates incipient rancidity.

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