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Voyage Rules

12 Voyage Phase

Voyage Phase

Goal Tokens
“His stories were what frightened people worst of all. Dreadful stories
they were-about hanging, and walking the plank, and storms at sea, and
the Dry Tortugas, and wild deeds and places...”
They are placed on Docking Area spaces to indicate which are the
Excerpt from "Treasure Island" by Robert Louis Stevenson. Destination Islands the crew should sail to.
Any good pirate story is full of sea voyages, naval battles, boardings, As a general rule, the goal of the Voyage Phase is to find Goal
mutinies... You will find all of this here, and much more! token “1” to initiate the Adventure Phase of the chapter. The
"Voyage Phase" section of the corresponding chapter indicates on
The Captain must reach the Destination Island while trying to collect
which islands to place Goal tokens. These tokens can be revealed
some booty, keep the crew's morale high, and avoid being captured
by the following methods:

Spotting: if your Character is at the «Crow's Nest» you may, at

or sinking the ship.

The other players must perform their seafaring duties as successfully

as possible, in order to gain the trust of the rest of the crew and, any time, reveal a Goal token when the straight line distance
perhaps, become candidates for the ship's captaincy. between the Pirate Ship and the token is equal to or less than
your Character’s (see Spotting, pg. 6).

Cartography: if your Character is located at the «Forecastle», you can

Voyage Components perform a ‘Cartography’ action to reveal a Goal token (see pg. 12).

Movement: when the Pirate Ship enters a space containing a

Sea Tiles
Goal token, immediately reveal it (see pg. 12).

These tiles represent the sea areas where your ship sails, with Voyage Event Cards
hexagonal spaces of three types:
They are used to determine the various events that take place
1 Land spaces: which are unnavigable and represent the land during the Voyage (see Voyage Events, pg. 13).
of the islands of the Caribbean Sea. During a Battleship, land
spaces prevent firing at a Sea Enemy on the other side of these
spaces. During certain Voyage Events you are allowed to shoot
directly at a land space; however, you are still not allowed
to shoot through other land spaces in this case (see Naval
Combat, pg. 17).

2 Water spaces: which are navigable and surround all the islands
on the board. The Pirate Ship will sail through these spaces

and the various Sea Enemies will spawn on them.


3 Coastal spaces: these are water spaces adjacent to land spaces

and can be easily recognized because they have a light blue

Group of Pirates Tokens


line on the side adjacent to land spaces.

4 Docking Area: to dock on an island you must reach the coastal
space containing a scroll with a letter (see Docking on an

Island, pg. 12). They represent groups of pirates enlisted on your ship. They
perform different tasks, depending on the location where the
Captain places them. In addition, they are essential for boarding.
The maximum that a ship can carry is 6 .

Attributes: they have a value of 2 in all parameters ( ,


, ,
, , ).

Skill: if there are no active Enemies, their Speed rolls succeed

4 1


Fatigue: when you use a


to perform an action at a Voyage

post, their fatigue increases by 1. If a becomes Exhausted,

they cannot perform any more actions, participate in Boardings,

nor 'Explore Islands', until the Captain uses a Command

Point to send them to the «Cabins» to rest for a turn. During a

Boarding, the do not suffer fatigue (see Fatigue, pg. 10).

Voyage Phase 12

Elimination: if an effect "Eliminates" a

Cannon Tokens
, return it to the game

Events: they can roll for a Voyage Event that affects their current
box and the Captain loses 3 .
They are placed on the spaces of your «Hold»
post if there is no other Character to resolve it. This does not to indicate your Firepower, and are used to fight

Wounds: if a
count as an action and therefore does not cause fatigue. Sea Enemies.

Impact Tokens
receives an Impact, put 1 on the token
to indicate that they are Wounded. If they receive a second

Incapacitated ( ): if an effect Incapacitates a

Impact, the becomes Incapacitated (see below).
, immediately move They are used to indicate the status of the Pirate Ship
them to the «Sickbay». They cannot be used again until a Character and Sea Enemies, marking the Impacts they receive,
on the «Main Deck» performs a successful 'Assist' action. the number of Sails, the capacity of the «Hold» and
(in the case of Enemies) their Combat Capacity.

Dirt Token
Use it to mark the natural wear and tear of the ship,
and how dirty it is (see Dirt - Travel Round, pg. 9).

Sea Enemy Cards

Rested Fatigued Tired

By rotating the
Exhausted token the group’s
(back side) status changes They describe the characteristics of those Voyage Events that
have their own Cards (see Sea Enemies, pg. 14), and of Island

Goods Tokens
Sea Enemy Tokens
Goods represent the booty and resources that you have loaded
in the ship's «Hold» or that you can find during your raids on During the Voyage, you will encounter Sea Enemies and Voyage
the high seas. When you get Goods tokens, place them on the Events that are represented with these tokens:
available spaces farther to the right in the «Hold».

There are three tokens among all the Goods that are useful beyond
their commercial value:

Wood Token: having wood reserves in the «Hold» makes it

easier to repair the masts and seal any water leaks. If the Captain

spends a Wood token before 'Repair Tasks' (see pg. 11) are Pirate Ship Merchant
carried out, add +2 to the corresponding die roll.

Supplies Token: Each time the Clock completes a full turn, or

Coast Guard Galleon

when required by an Event, the Captain must spend a Supplies

token. If they cannot, or choose not to, subtract the result of
one die from the and increase by 1 the Fatigue of each

who is not at the «Cabins» or Exhausted.

Rum Token: once per Day at any time, the Captain may spend
Sea Monster Ghost Ship

Whirlpool Whale
a Rum token to increase by the result of one die. Place the

Facing: Both the Pirate Ship token and the Sea Enemy tokens
Rum token on the Clock as a reminder that you have already
used it for the Day. In addition, the Pirates recover 1 .
feature a series of black arrows and/or white arrows. The white
arrows indicate the directions in which the Sea Enemy or Pirate

Ship can move forward. Whereas the black arrows indicate

that movement in that direction is not possible.

In the case of ships and certain sea creatures, the central


white arrow represents the bow (or head in the case of

beasts) and determines the direction in which they are
Gold x1, Metal x2, Fabrics x3, Tobacco x4, Rum x4, facing. The arrows on the left and right represent the port

Prisoners x5, Supplies x6, Sugar x3 and Wood x3

and starboard sides respectively.

12 Voyage Phase

Pirate Flag Token Logbook Board

It is used to track the Morale of the crew on the This board represents the Captain's entries in the Logbook
Morale Scale of the Logbook. It usually starts at regarding Travel time and crew actions, as well as any events that
position 20 on the board. alter the Morale. This board has two distinct sections:

Character Tokens
Morale Scale / Trust Points
of the crew, numbered from
0 to 20. Neither the Morale
nor the can exceed 20 or fall
They are used to track the Trust Points below 0.
of each Character, indicating how likely a
potential Mutiny is (see pg. 8). Generally, Clock: serves as a turn counter,
they start at position 0 on the Morale Scale indicating the passage of time
of the Logbook. and dividing each Voyage Day
into 6 parts. It is considered

Boarding Board
Daytime when it marks from
1 to 4, and Nighttime when it
marks from 5 to 6. In addition,
It represents the «Gunwale» of the Pirate Ship and is an essential it also determines the location
element when a Boarding takes place (see Boarding, pg. 18). The and facing of Enemies when
board is divided into two main areas: your ship and the Enemy they spawn at sea (see pg. 14).
ship, each with its corresponding spaces:

6 5



1 Spaces for the


2 Swivel Gun Spaces


3 Boarding Spaces
4 Boarding Enemy Spaces

5 Battle Spaces
6 Mooring Spaces

Voyage Phase 12

Pirate Ship Board 2 Hold

This board depicts the different Pirate Ship Voyage posts/stations, This is where the Goods tokens, Cannons and any items you carry
with the exception of the «Gunwale» which is depicted on the in your ship are stored during the Voyage.
Boarding Board.
No crew members may be at the «Hold».
The «Hold» is divided into 10 columns of 2
1 spaces each. You can place a Goods token or a
Cannon token on each space, starting from the
11 column of spaces numbered "1" and proceeding
6 5
to the left.
During the Voyage, your ship’s «Hold»
may receive Impacts. When that happens,
move the Impact token to the right to reduce
the size of the Hold (this token reduces the
Hold by an entire column), starting with the
leftmost intact column, and moving to the
4 right with each new Impact you receive. Any
token, whether Goods or Cannon, that is on
a column where the Impact token is placed,
must be discarded.

Gunwale (Boarding Board)

Voyage Posts/Stations

Located on the Boarding Board, this is where the Characters and

Each post/station is described below, detailing the activities that prepare for Boarding maneuvers (see pg. 18).
the Characters can perform during the Voyage (see Voyage Phase
Admits up to four Characters and any number of .
Sequence, pg. 18, and Naval Combat, pg. 17).

Rigging (Maneuvers)
During the Voyage, the Characters can be placed on boarding
or swivel gun spaces in preparation for a potential Boarding.

Cabins (Scheme/Guard)
Indicates the current number of Sails that your ship has.
The larger the quantity, the faster your vessel can be. Use
an Impact token to mark the number of Sails you have by
placing the token on the space directly above your current This is where the crew rests and recovers. Next to the «Cabins»
number of Sails. there is a space for a single Pirate from where to carry out a
Scheme action, and a space from where a can 'Guard' that

Admits as many Characters and/or as undamaged Sails are insidious Pirate.

on the ship, up to a maximum of 4.
Characters are returned to this location at the beginning of the

Characters and/or placed on the Sails may add dice to the Travel Round.
Speed Roll that determines the movement of the ship (see

Movement, pg. 11). Those assigned to this section remove all their fatigue, but none
of those can be used to ‘Guard’ during a Scheme (see below).
When the «Rigging» receives an Impact,
move the Impact token down one space. A single Pirate, other than the Captain, may decide to go to
If that Sail has a or a Character on it, the «Cabins» to carry out a Scheme, and a single may be

automatically place them at the «Cabins» with assigned to ‘Guard’ duty (see Crew Round - Scheme, pg. 10).
no additional damage.

Both the 'Scheme' and 'Guard' actions are performed

differently in Solo Mode (see Scheme, pg. 10).

12 Voyage Phase

5 Forecastle (Cartography) 9 Sickbay

You can carry out 'Cartography' actions from this post. When a Character or either falls or is Incapacitated, they
are immediately moved to the «Sickbay» (they are rescued in time
Only admits a single Character.
by the rest of the crew).

A Character located at the «Forecastle» can perform a
The Character loses all of its . In successive Travel Rounds,
‘Cartography’ action to reveal a Goal token (see pg. 12).
you may attempt to pass a 4 roll to discard a single . They

Crow's Nest (Spotting)

can also recover from all the if another Character gets on
an ‘Assist’ roll (see Crew Round - Assist, pg. 10).
The will not recover until a Character gets on an ‘Assist’
From atop the masts you can scan the horizon in order to 'Spot' roll during Tasks.
islands, Sea Enemies and other dangers that hide in the treacherous The Characters and who leave the «Sickbay» (after a successful
waters of the Caribbean. or ‘Assist’ roll, or by an Event) will move to the «Cabins».

Quarterdeck (Rally)
Only admits a single Character.
Enemy Spawning: when a Sea Enemy spawns, a Character at 10
the «Crow's Nest» can choose to make it spawn at a straight line
distance between the Pirate Ship and the token equal to their
From this post you can keep the crew organized and calm, in
(see pg. 14).
addition to increasing the Captain's Command Points (see pg. 8)
Spotting: at any time during the ship's movement, a Character to arrange the different tasks of the .
at the «Crow's Nest» may reveal a Goal token when the straight
Only admits a single Character.
line distance between the Pirate Ship and the token is equal to
or less than their (see pg. 12). If any Character (even the Captain) is at the «Quarterdeck»,
increase the Captain's Command Points by an amount equal to
Your Character can Spot any number of tokens while at the
that Character's value.
«Crow's Nest».

7 Gun Deck (Firepower)

11 Helm (Navigation)
Steer the ship according to the Captain's instructions from this post.
Cannons are fired from this location during Naval Combat.
To move the Pirate Ship, you must place a Character at this station.
It only admits a single Character and/or a , or up to 3
Characters if there are no . Only admits a single Character.

Important Concepts
All Cannons can be fired with a single (see Naval Combat,
pg. 17). If there is a Character and a , the Character can fire
1 cannon and the will fire the rest.

If there are no at the «Gun Deck», each Character at this

station can fire 1 Cannon by rolling one die. Before describing the sequence of the Voyage Phase, it is necessary

to review some specific concepts of this Phase.

The Southern Lady

Your Character can make use of any of the available Combat

Maneuvers (see Combat Maneuvers, pg. 18).

Main Deck (Maintenance)


8 After successfully completing the first chapter of the "Shadows of

the Caribbean" campaign, the Pirates will own a ship called "The

The «Main Deck» is located outdoors, where most maintenance Southern Lady".
tasks are managed and where preparations are made to heal the crew.
The Captain must write down the following attributes of "The
It only admits a single Character and 2 . Southern Lady" on their Record Sheet (don't worry, they will all
be explained throughout this chapter):

The following tasks can be performed at this location: ‘Assist’,

‘Move Goods’, ‘Cleaning Spree’ and ‘Repair Tasks’ Type of ship: Brigantine (see Book II, pg. 6).
(see Tasks, pg. 10).
Hold Capacity: 7 (place an Impact token on column 8 of the

If the Captain acquires upgrades for the ship, new actions will «Hold» on the Ship Board).
become available at the «Main Deck» (see Book II, pg. 6).

Sails: 3 (place an Impact token on space 4 of the «Rigging»

track on the Ship Board).

Cannon Tokens: 3 Cannons (place them in the «Hold»).


Groups of Pirates: 4 (place them at the «Cabins»).

Goods Tokens: 2 Barrels of Rum and 3 Supplies (place them in
the «Hold»).

Voyage Phase 12

If you do not spend a Supplies token when a Voyage Day

elapses, the result of one die will be subtracted from the (see
Travel Round, pg. 9).
In the following chapters of the campaign, during the
Port Phase, you will be able to buy new goods, supplies If you flee from the Area of Effect of certain Enemies (see
or even a new ship for the next Voyage Phase. Fleeing from an Enemy, pg. 17).

However, Morale can also increase in a number of ways:

Due to certain Voyage Event cards.

Firepower Rolls
Once per Day, the Captain may spend a Rum token at any time
to increase by the result of a die. Place the Rum token on the
Clock as a reminder that you have already used it during that
When the Captain orders to fire the Cannons during Naval Voyage Day.
Combat (see pg. 17), the number of dice rolled depends on Defeating certain Sea Enemies (see Defeating an Enemy, pg. 17).
the number of Cannons in the «Hold» of your Pirate Ship and
the crew members ( or Characters) manning those Cannons.
Each die whose result exceeds the Enemy's Speed (see pg. 15) or
Defense (see pg. 15), is considered a .

In the case of Sea Enemies, their Firepower is indicated on their

respective Cards, as well as the results they need to get a
(see pg. 15).

Speed Rolls
Morale is at 18, the
Cabin Boy's are at 12
and the Clock reads 5,
so it is nighttime.
For the Pirate Ship’s Speed Roll, three factors must be taken
into account: the Cargo Rate of the «Hold», navigation from the
«Helm», and maneuvering from the «Rigging».

A Character at the «Helm» adds 1 die to the Speed Roll, and each
and Character at the «Rigging» adds 1 more die. Finally, the
Cargo Rate of the «Hold» represents the difficulty that you must
overcome to get a on the dice. For each , the Pirate Ship may
once (see Movement, pg. 11).

Trust Points
If the Characters and exceed the 5 dice limit for a

Speed Roll due to the use of skills, the priority of the
dice rolled is: 1) the Character at the «Helm»; 2) the
at the «Rigging»; 3) the Characters at the «Rigging» in
If Morale measures the integrity of the crew and their trust
descending order; and 4) other Characters (such as the
Witch and her Wind Mastery skill). towards the Captain, Trust Points represent the loyalty that
the Characters gain among the crew thanks to their successful
actions and their efficiency in resolving the mishaps caused by
the Voyage Event cards.


The Captain does not gain for performing actions

Morale is a measure of the crew's morale and loyalty to the on the Pirate Ship. They can only gain when they
Captain, and is tracked with the Pirate Flag token in the Voyage successfully resolve a Voyage Event card. Whenever the
Phase. If Morale drops too low, it is possible that someone in the rules refer to "a Character" or "any Character" who gains
crew may mutiny and take over the captaincy, so you'd better not after performing an action at any station of the ship,

it will refer to anyone but the Captain.

let your guard down and pay attention to your crew.

Morale can decline for various reasons:

Due to Voyage Event cards. When a Voyage Event indicates that

you lose , increase by 1 the fatigue of a single who is not At the end of the Voyage Phase, all the of the characters
at the «Cabins» or Exhausted. (including the Captain) become for each of them, which are

noted on their respective Record Sheets.

If a is eliminated, lose 3 .

Allies also convert their into and each Character who has
If the Captain decides to relocate a Character to another post, hired an Ally gains half of the that Ally has accumulated. If it

lose 1 (see All hands to stations!, pg. 9). is the Captain's Ally, the Captain does not gain any this way.

12 Voyage Phase

Mutiny Command Points

If a Pirate's Character token exceeds the space where the Command Points are used by the Captain to order the to move
token is, that Pirate may immediately instigate a Mutiny. When a to different stations of the ship.
Mutiny takes place, the Captain, the Pirate who instigated it and,
optionally, any others who have exceeded the must participate. The Captain always has a single Command Point (for being
All Pirates joining the Mutiny, except the Captain, will be known Captain), regardless of where they are located. However, if a
as Mutineers. Character (including the Captain) is placed at the «Quarterdeck», they
will grant the Captain as many Command Points as their value
1. All Characters convert their into and add them to what (see Quarterdeck, pg. 6).
is noted on their Record Sheets. The is placed on space 20,
and the of each Character are reset to 0. A Pirate who is not If the Captain spends more than one Command Point thanks to
the Captain and has a hired Ally, earns half the accumulated a Character on the «Quarterdeck», other than the Captain, that
by that Ally. Character gains 1 .

2. The Mutineers and the Captain take one coin to Each Command Point can be used during the Travel Round to
represent every 10 they have on their Record Sheet move a single once from one post of the ship to another (see
at this time, and secretly decide how many coins they All hands to stations!, pg. 9). The Captain does not have to spend
will use to participate in the bidding for the captaincy. all the Command Points at their disposal. However, Command
A Mutineer must bid at least 1 coin in order to dispute Points are not kept from one Round to the next.
the captaincy.

Unconscious / Incapacitated
3. The players involved extend their fists with as many hidden
coins as they want to bid and, on the count of three, all
players show their hands at the same time. Whoever shows the
most coins is named Captain and takes any Assignment cards During the Voyage Phase, if your Character falls due to an effect
that were not completed by the previous Captain. or to suffering all the you can, you will lose all accumulated
and will be immediately transferred to the «Sickbay».
4. Bidding players lose 10 per coin used in the bidding, which
are immediately subtracted from their Record Sheets. If a suffers a second , they become Incapacitated and are

Ties: any ties during a Mutiny are resolved by a confronted

immediately transferred to the «Sickbay».

Game Setup
until the tie is resolved. The winner becomes Captain.

1. Sea tiles: place the sea tiles forming a single board divided
If the of one of your Allies exceeds the , a Mutiny
also takes place:
into hexagonal spaces. Place the Pirate Ship on the space
The Captain converts their into and adds them to those indicated by the Campaign Book or, if it does not specify,
noted on their Record Sheet. The is placed on space 20, place it on the space with letter scroll "D" (Tortuga Island).
and the of each Character are reset to 0. When placing the ship, the Captain chooses where to face it.

The Captain must then decide how many they wish to

spend to avoid losing the captaincy. For every 10 you spend,
2. Destination Islands: take as many Goal tokens as the
add 1 to your . The sum of your plus the spent is your number of Destination Islands indicated in the "Voyage Phase"

value to face the mutiny. section of the corresponding chapter. Make sure that Goal “1”
Next, roll a die and add its result to the of the Ally that token is among them, and then randomly place a face-down

has instigated the Mutiny, and the sum of the two is the Goal token on each scroll space of the indicated islands. The
Ally's value to face the Mutiny: objective of the Voyage is to find the island with Goal “1”

If the Captain's value exceeds the Ally's value, the Mutiny fails. token (unless otherwise specified in the Campaign Book).
If the Ally's value exceeds the Captain's, the Mutiny
succeeds and the Captain is marooned on an island. The 3. Voyage Events: shuffle the Voyage Events deck and place it
on the table.

dismissed Captain must play the "Castaway" adventure,

drawing 3 random allies to proceed.
4. Logbook Board: place the token on space "20" of the Morale/
In the event of a tie, it is resolved by a confronted roll
Trust Points Scale and the Pirates and Allies Character tokens on
until there is a winner.
space "0", unless some effect or skill states otherwise.

Next, set the Clock to position "1" on the Logbook Board.


Voyage Phase 12

5. Ship and Boarding Boards: place the Ship Board and 2. Dirt
the Boarding Board within easy reach.
Place an Impact token one space to the left of the maximum Place the Dirt token on the «Main Deck» on the designated
number of Sails the ship has, and another Impact token one space. If the Dirt token was already on the «Main Deck»,
space to the left of the maximum «Hold» capacity. Finally, rotate the token one position, displaying the next number in
leave the Dirt token next to the board. ascending order.

6. Cargo Hold: place the Goods tokens and the Cannon tokens If the token points to the number III and a game effect (such
noted on the Captain's Record Sheet in the «Hold». as this step) indicates that you must increase the Dirt, lose 1
per level to increase and leave the token as is.
7. Characters and Groups of Pirates: place the miniatures
of the Characters and at the «Cabins» on the Ship Board. Dirt also increases by 1 at the end of a Boarding and for each
Each player takes their Record Sheet, Character Card, and any Impact your ship receives.
Ally Cards, to consult their attributes and skills. The Captain
must also take a Dial to keep track of the Command Points.

In Solo Mode, assign a number to each Ally you have on

board. You can use the Tile tokens numbered 1 to 4 to mark
it (see Scheme).

3. All hands to stations!

8. Assignments: follow the setup instructions of any available
Assignment cards held by the Captain.
9. Goods Tokens: place the remaining Goods tokens face
All Characters who are not at the «Sickbay» or at the «Gunwale»
down forming a pile near the board.
during a Boarding, return to the «Cabins». The remain where
10. Sea Enemies: leave the Sea Enemy Cards and their tokens they were in the previous turn. Next:
next to the sea tiles.
The Captain chooses a Voyage post of the ship and places their

Voyage Phase Sequence

miniature on the corresponding space.

The Voyage Phase is comprised by a Travel Round, a Crew At this time, roll the die to check if any Allies Scheme in
Round, an Event Round, and a Sea Enemy Round. Solo mode (see Scheme, pg. 10).

Travel Round

Each of the Pirates, in descending order, chooses an available
Voyage post from the Ship Board or the Boarding Board and
During this Round, the Captain tracks the passage of time and
places their miniature on the desired space. If two Pirates are
manages the crew's stations. Perform the following steps in the
tied in , the Captain must decide the order.

1. Time passes
specified order in the Travel Round:
Once all Pirates have been placed, the players who have hired
Allies will assign them to any station in the same order.

The Captain must advance the Clock 1 space (except in the first During this step, the Captain may reassign one or more

Travel Round). Characters to another Voyage post/station of their choice at the

If the Clock points to 5 or 6, it is currently nighttime. cost of losing 1 for each reassigned Character.

Day: When the Clock completes a full turn, a Voyage Day will have The Captain may use their own Command Point, plus
passed and the Captain may spend a Supplies token. If they cannot those Command Points given to them by a Character on
or choose not to, roll a die and subtract its result from the . the «Quarterdeck» (including the Captain), to move a to
an available station per Command Point used.

Use the Dial to keep track of the Command Points used.

The Captain may spend one Rum token per Voyage Day, If the Captain uses more than one Command Point thanks to a
Character who is at the «Quarterdeck», other than the Captain,

at any time, to roll 1 die and increase the crew's Morale

by as many points as the result of the roll. Place the Rum that Character gains 1 .
token on the Clock as a reminder that you have already

used it during that Voyage Day.


12 Voyage Phase

Crew Round 4. Tasks

These are the different actions available for Characters and
Both the Characters and the can perform different actions during the Voyage. Each Character and can perform one of the
depending on which Voyage post they have been assigned to. The following actions:
Characters will try to excel in their tasks in order to gain and,
The Captain decides in which order to resolve these actions.

Assist: a Character at the «Main Deck» can make an

if necessary, run as candidates for the ship's captaincy. Characters
and can only perform a single task during their turn.
4 roll. If
Also, they may roll dice to resolve a Voyage Event card if required they , the Character gains 1 , and a or a Character can
during the Voyage Event Round (see pg. 13). leave the «Sickbay», discard all their and place them at the
«Cabins» (so they fully recover from fatigue).

Spotting: at any time, a Character located at the «Crow's

Neither the Characters or are required to perform any of the

actions associated with the Voyage post where they are located.
Nest» may reveal a Goal token when the distance between
the Pirate Ship and the token is equal to or lower than
their . If this happens, the Character gains 1 .
Each time you use a for any of the tasks described below (except
'Move Goods') you must increase their fatigue by 1. Rotate the token one The Character may perform any number of spotting actions
position, displaying the next number in ascending order. If the was during the ship’s movement.

Cartography: if Goal “1” token has not yet been revealed, a

already in the Tired position, then they become Exhausted and must be
turned around, indicating that they cannot perform any tasks until the
Captain uses a Command Point to send them to the «Cabins» to rest. Character at the «Forecastle» can make an 5 roll. Place a gem
per on a Goal token of your choice, and gain 1 . Once you
If a does not perform a task or if they are participating on a place the third gem on a Goal token, reveal it and remove the
Boarding, their fatigue does not increase. gems (see Goal Tokens, pg. 12).

Scheme: a single Pirate, other than the Captain, may go to the

‘Scheme’ space to carry out a scheme or do nothing.

The Captain may become suspicious of a Pirate who has remained

at the «Cabins» and can try to unmask their plans. To do so, the
Captain can place 1 on the space marked ‘Guard’.

Next, the scheming Pirate may choose to hide in their

hand a gold, silver or copper , or to leave it empty. If the
Captain has a on Guard duty, they may secretly choose
a gold, silver or copper , trying to match the one of the
Character. On the count of three, both the Pirate and the
Captain reveal the contents of their hands at the same time.

If the Pirate shows an empty hand, nothing happens. If


the Captain and the Pirate have a coin of the same kind,
the Pirate has been caught. The Character loses 5
and cannot perform anymore ‘Scheme’ actions

for the rest of this Voyage Phase.


If the Character shows a different coin than the

Captain or if there was no on Guard duty, the

scheme has . Depending on the type of coin, the

corresponding result is applied:
Gold - Raid: the Pirate gains one die +3 ,

which are subtracted from the Crew's Booty (if

there are not enough coins, take whatever is left).
Silver - Badmouth: the Pirate
gains 3 .

Copper - Theft: discard a Rum

token to recover all of the Pirate's or
a Supplies token to discard all of their

(if there are Goods available).


Voyage Phase 12

Repair Tasks: each on the «Main Deck» can make an 5 roll.

If they , they repair an Impact on the «Rigging» or the «Hold».
A Character can make an 4 roll. If they , they repair an
Peter ‘The Vagrant’ stays at the «Cabins». Captain ‘Wolf’
Jones is suspicious of him and puts a to guard him.
Impact on the «Rigging» or the «Hold» and gain 1 .
Both secretly choose a coin. ‘Wolf’ Jones thinks Peter is In both cases, the Captain may spend a Wood token to add

5. Movement (Speed Roll)

going to badmouth him, so he chooses silver. On the count +2 before the or the Character’s repair roll.
of three, both open their hands and Peter ‘The Vagrant’
reveals... a gold coin! Since the two coins are different, Peter
‘The Vagrant’ manages to raid the cabins.
The Captain decides on their own how and where the ship moves
on the sea tiles.

The Pirate Ship or an Enemy can use all or part of their ,

engage in Naval Combat and a Boarding in that same Round and,
in-between those actions, to use the movement points obtained.

In Solo Mode, Allies can also 'Scheme', each hired Ally Naval Combat: if there is someone at the «Gun Deck» station,
receives a number from 1 to 4. the Captain may order a Naval Combat at any time during the
During the Travel Round, in the ‘All hands to stations!’ step, Pirate Ship's (see pg. 12).
after placing the Captain at a station of the ship, roll a die.
If the result of the die matches the number of an Ally, that Boarding: the Captain may declare a Boarding whenever the
Ally schemes. Pirate Ship enters a space already occupied by a Sea Enemy (or
The Ally is placed on the ‘Scheme’ space and can be vice versa) (see pg. 18).
guarded by a , the Captain or another Ally that you place
The ship can spend 1 to move to any of the three positions
on the ‘Guard’ space.
During the Crew Round, make a confronted roll: to which it is facing, indicated by the white arrows on its
If the Captain wins, the Ally loses 5 and cannot hexagonal token. By doing so, face the bow of the ship in the
‘Scheme’ again during this Voyage. Flip their Tile token as direction of the movement (see Facing, pg. 3).
a reminder. If you have used another Ally to ‘Guard’, that
The ship can also turn 60° to port or starboard in its current
Ally gains 1 .
space, spending 1 to change where it’s facing.
If there is no one Guarding or a wounded scheming
Ally wins, they spend 1 Supplies token to discard their
wounds, if possible. In addition, it gains as many coins
from the Crew's Booty and as their .
In case of a tie, nothing happens.

Move Goods: a Character or a on the «Main Deck» may

perform this task a single time per Crew Round. This task does
not cause fatigue, so a different action can be performed at the

«Main Deck» in the same turn. ES
If there is at least one at the «Main Deck», the Captain may
discard (Drop ballast) or relocate any number of Goods
and/or Cannon tokens.
If there are no but there is a Character, they may discard
or relocate one Goods or Cannon token per turn, with the
Captain's permission. It is required for a Character to be at the «Helm» for the

ship to make any movements (whether driven by ocean

currents or the wind).

Relocating Goods allows swapping the position of two

tokens, or moving a token to an empty space.
There are 3 factors that determine how many the ship can
perform: the weight of the cargo carried by the ship in the

Cleaning Spree: if there is at least one available

«Hold» (Cargo Rate), the navigator’s skill to take advantage of

the sea currents (Navigation) and the thrust of the wind on the
or a Character «Rigging» (Maneuvers). As with all other rolls in the game, the
at the «Main Deck», the Dirt token can be rotated downward, maximum number of dice that can be rolled to move is 5.
or removed if it is marking Dirt level 1. Dirt decreases according
to the following priority order:

First, if the Captain wants to and there is one available at


the «Main Deck», they reduce the Dirt by 1.

Then, if there is still Dirt and a Character is present, they can make

an 5 roll. If they , they reduce the Dirt by 1 and gain 1 .


12 Voyage Phase

Cargo Rate (CR): each value of the CR corresponds to a color

of the «Hold» (green, yellow or red) and indicates the value to
overcome with the Speed Roll. When you place Goods and/
or Cannon tokens, start by occupying the spaces on the right Luis is playing the Sea Dog with his Ally, the Gunner.
(CR = 2) and continue to fill in towards the opposite end of Juan is the Captain with the Cutthroat, and Maria is
the Hold. When you start to occupy the yellow spaces, the the Witch. After the 'All hands to stations!' step, the Sea
CR changes to 3 and when you reach the red spaces, the CR Dog is at the «Helm», the Gunner and two are at the
increases to 4. The fuller the hold gets, the higher the CR and «Rigging», the Cutthroat is at the «Gunwale», and the
the harder it is for the ship to advance. Witch is at the «Quarterdeck».

At the time of moving, the ship's Cargo Rate is 3. The

Speed Roll is performed as follows:
First, roll for the Character at the «Helm»: the Sea
Two Goods and Cannon tokens are placed on each storage Dog rolls one die, and thanks to his Navigation skill
he can roll a second die. Luis rolls the dice, and gets a
2 and a 3. No success.
Second, the Captain decides that the at the
«Rigging» should act next. These dice are rolled by the
Captain, Juan, who rolls one die for each one, obtaining
a 2 and a 6. One success but, since it was the roll,
nobody gains . If there were no active Enemies, both
dice would’ve been considered automatic successes.
Third comes the Gunner who is also at the «Rigging».
Luis rolls a die and gets a 5. Another success, so the Ally
space of the Hold, from right to left. While they occupy the also gains 1 .
spaces marked 1 to 4, the Cargo Rate will be 2. If they occupy Finally it would be Mary's turn, since the Witch has
the spaces marked 5 to 7, the Cargo Rate will be 3. Finally, if the Wind Mastery skill, which allows her to roll one
they occupy spaces 8 to 10, the Cargo Rate will be 4. die for this roll, but since 5 dice have already been rolled
(2 in Navigation and 3 in Maneuvers), she loses the
opportunity to do so.

Navigation: a Character assigned to the «Helm» rolls

Goal Tokens
a die (plus skill bonuses). For each result that exceeds
the CR value, the ship can perform 1 .
If they get at least one , the Character gains 1 .

Maneuvers: each
When the Pirate Ship enters a space containing a Goal token, flip it
and Character assigned to the «Rigging» can over to reveal whether it is the Destination Island (Goal “1” token).
roll one die (plus their skill bonuses). Each result that exceeds
the CR is considered a and grants 1 . Characters that get a Remember, if your Character is at the «Crow's Nest», at any time
on this roll gain 1 . during the ship's movement, you may reveal a Goal token when
the straight line distance between the Pirate Ship and the token is

The dice of the are rolled by the Captain. Remember that, equal to or lower than your , and gain 1 for doing so (see
if there are no active Enemies, the suceed automatically. The Spotting, pg. 6).

ship may advance one per obtained, but nobody gains

for those .

You can also reveal a Goal token by using the


Cartography' action.
If the Characters and exceed the 5 dice limit for the
Speed Roll due to the use of skills, the priority of the

dice roll will be: 1) the Character at the «Helm»; 2) the

at the «Rigging»; 3) the Characters at the «Rigging»
in descending order; and 4) other Characters (such as If all Goal tokens have been revealed except Destination Island
the Witch and her Wind Mastery skill). “1” token, it is immediately revealed without anyone gaining
from it. If Goal "1" is revealed, immediately discard all other Goal

Docking on an Island
tokens without anyone gaining from it.

To dock on an island, the Captain must end the on a Docking

Area space with no active Aggressive Enemies on the board,

and declare that they will dock. When the Pirate Ship docks on an
island, the standard sequence of the Voyage Phase is interrupted.

The crew must perform one or more island actions and, once they
finish, the Voyage will restart again with a new Travel Round, so

in this turn no Event or Enemy rounds are played. The actions

that can be performed are:

Voyage Phase 12

Bury booty: when docking on an island, the Captain may decide

Optional rule: Docking with Enemies

to bury whatever amount they want of the Crew's Booty (see
Book II, pg. 3). Write down the letter of the island and the
amount of subtracted from the Crew's Booty on the Captain's
Record Sheet. On subsequent visits, the Captain can recover all
To speed up the Voyage Phase, you can dock at the
or part of the booty, or increase the amount buried on the island.
Destination Island with active Aggressive Enemies if the
Captain decides to spend 10 .
If a player loses the captaincy and has buried booty, in the event
that they return to the island, the player may reclaim that booty
for their personal booty. Each Captain can only bury booty on
a single island.

Explore Island: the Captain assigns the desired amount of

to explore and each Character, including the Captain, decides Event Round
whether to join the exploration or stay on the ship. Next, take
the Island Exploration Card. If there are no active Aggressive Enemies, draw a Voyage
Event card and resolve the indicated effect. If the Event
requires a die roll, a Character makes the roll or, if there are no
Characters, a occupying the indicated post. In case there is
more than one Character at the same post, the Captain decides
who makes the roll.

Remember that the Captain rolls for the and does not
gain when successful. Furthermore, the fatigue of
does not increase when resolving Voyage Event cards.

The Captain determines the type of island to explore by

rolling a die and checking the result on the corresponding
column. When a Voyage Event indicates that you lose , increase by 1 the

Event Clarification
fatigue of a single who is not at the «Cabins» or Exhausted.
Once the island has been determined, the Captain rolls 1
die per to determine which Goods tokens they get, by

Weather : some Voyage Event cards feature a Weather icon .

checking the corresponding Discovery row.
If a gets an "Incapacitated" result, it is immediately sent to
the «Sickbay». If they get an "Eliminated" result, return it to the This icon is used in conjunction with some game effects, especially
game box and the Captain loses 3 . certain skills that reference this icon. When you draw a card with
this icon, follow the description of the corresponding effect(s).

Boardings: some Voyage Event cards such as "Royal Navy" or

Those who get a Discovery return to
the «Cabins» and recover from all their fatigue.

The Characters who have joined the exploration roll as many
"Nocturnal Nightmares" trigger sudden Boardings. These
dice as their and keep the die with the highest result,
Boardings are resolved like those caused by Enemy ships (see
checking that result on the Discovery row.
Boardings, pg. 18).
If your Character gets a Discovery, gain 2 . If you find
nothing, lose 1 .
If your Character gets an "Incapacitated" or "Eliminated" result,

you lose 2 , you are sent to the «Sickbay» and fall .

Once the exploration is over, the Captain can reorganize the 1 2

«Hold» by discarding and/or repositioning any Goods tokens

they wish and choosing which Goods tokens obtained through

Discoveries they’ll keep.

Fulfill an Assignment: the Captain may start or complete an In this example, the Enemies place 4 BE 1 on the
Assignment on the island by following the requirements indicated Boarding Board and each BE will Impact with a result of

on the card. When instructed to pick up or drop off any Goods 5-6 2 .
or other tokens, you do not need to spend an action to do so.

End of Voyage Phase: if the Captain docks on the island with

Stone Crab: the Crab appears on the same space as the Pirate Ship.
Goal token “1” and there are no active Aggressive Enemies after

finishing the Crew Round, the Voyage Phase ends successfully.


12 Voyage Phase

Defense: some Voyage Event cards such as the Stone Crab or

the Watchtower have a distinctive attribute called “Defense”.
The Defense indicates the difficulty you must overcome with
your Firepower Roll to cause an Impact as well as the Health During the night (when the Clock marks from "5" to "6"),
of that Enemy. Each time an Enemy receives an Impact, place the Enemies spawn one space closer than usual.
one on its card until you match its Defense value, at which

Involuntary Movement
point the Enemy is defeated and its card is removed.

Facing: roll a die and check the result on the Clock. Place the
Some Voyage Event cards force the Pirate Ship to move. When the bow (or head) of the Enemy facing the side of the hexagon that
matches the result of the roll.

Islands: a Sea Enemy that would spawn on a land space

ship is affected by a game effect of this type, it maintains its facing.

Fog: if a game effect forces the ship to move beyond the

edge of the board, place it on the last available sea space and or outside the board limits does not spawn. In these cases,
immediately advance the Clock one space. discard the Voyage Event. A Character at the «Crow's

Collision: if a game effect forces the Pirate Ship to move against

Nest» cannot force an Enemy not to spawn by placing it
on a land space or outside the boundaries of the sea tiles.
an Enemy, place it on the last adjacent space before the collision
and both suffer an Impact on the Hold/Body. After verifying that it actually spawns, take its Enemy Card and

Islands: if an effect forces the Pirate Ship to move to a land

place Impact tokens on the leftmost spaces of its Speed, Combat
Capacity and Hold/Body tracks (where needed).
space, immediately place it on the last coastal space it crossed

Sea Enemy Spawning

and it suffers two Impacts on the «Hold».

Optional rule: Enemy Limit

When a Voyage Event card indicates that an Enemy spawns, it
spawns following the direction indicated by the Clock in a straight To make the Voyage Phase easier, you can set a limit to
line, except for the Whirlpool (see pg. 17). Count all the spaces in the number of Sea Enemies that can spawn on the board.
a straight line, including land spaces. If there are two Sea Enemies in play and a new Enemy

Distance: during daytime (when the Clock marks from "1" to

spawns, you may replace an inactive Enemy currently
in play with the new Enemy, otherwise ignore the new
"4"), it appears three spaces away from the Pirate Ship. Enemy's spawn card.
If there is a Character at the «Crow's Nest»,
the Enemy may spawn as usual or, if that
Character wants, as many spaces away
from the Pirate Ship as indicated
by the Character's . In this case,
the Character gains 1 .

Voyage Phase 12

Sea Enemy Round

The Galleon rolls 4 dice to calculate its , and needs to roll Sea Enemy Card
5 or 6 to get a success. The results of the roll are 2, 2, 4, 5. 1 Enemy Name.
The Galleon only advances one space, plus another space
thanks to its Fixed Movement. 2 Speed: indicates the number of dice to roll on its Speed
Roll and the results needed for each die to get a 2.1 .

3 Firepower: indicates the dice used in Naval Combat and

the results needed for each die to land an Impact 3.1 .
4 Combat Capacity: indicates the amount of BE
(Boarding Enemy) groups available to perform a

The Captain decides the activation order of the Sea Boarding and the result needed for each BE to land
Enemies and rolls for them. an Impact 4.1 .
5 Hold/Body: This is the
number of Impacts that an Enemy
can receive before being sunk.
Some Enemies carry valuable

Goods in their holds. Try not to

2.1 damage them too much if you
4.1 3

intend to plunder that booty.

6 Morale: some Enemies can

7 6.1
6 increase your Morale 6.1 when
6.2 defeated, or reduce it 6.2 if you
flee from them (see pg. 16).
1 7 Type: enemies are divided

into three types: Aggressive
(red flag), Neutral (white
flag), and Passive (blue flag).



12 Voyage Phase

Enemy Area of Effect Enemy Defeat

The Enemy's Area of Effect refers to all spaces from the Enemy's An Enemy whose Hold/Body is reduced to 0 is considered defeated
position and up to 5 spaces away. If your Pirate Ship is within that and sunk. You get the Morale bonus (gray) for the victory and then
area, the Enemy is considered active. remove its token.

If at any time, the Pirate Ship leaves the area for any reason, An Enemy whose Speed is reduced to 0 will continue to move
apply the Morale loss (red) indicated on the Enemy Card and the with its fixed Movement. However, any shot you make against it
Enemy becomes inactive. However, it can still move as explained becomes an automatic Impact. Also, remember that if it was an

Enemy Movement and Attack

in the next section. Aggressive Enemy, it becomes a Passive Enemy.

An Enemy whose Combat Capacity is reduced to 0 is considered

defeated. You get the Morale bonus for the victory and, if it is an
Enemies have a Fixed Movement value of 1 space. In addition, Enemy ship and only if you are on the same space, you can plunder
when active, they will move by making a Speed Roll with as many it (see Plunder after Boarding, pg. 20). In any case, remove its

Fleeing the Enemy

dice as the Speed indicated on the Sea Enemy Card. For each , a token from the board afterwards.
Sea Enemy adds 1 to its fixed Movement.

Aggressive enemies: they always try to chase, sink or board the Pirate
Ship. When moving, they try to get into position to attack with If at any time the Pirate Ship and an Enemy move more than 5
their Firepower. If after firing they still have some left, they spaces apart, you suffer the Morale loss (red) indicated on the Sea

Clarifications of the Sea Enemy Cards

will try to position themselves on the same space as the Pirate Enemy Card.
Ship to board it. Remember that if there is an active Aggressive
Enemy you must not draw a Voyage Event card.

An Aggressive Enemy that has its Speed reduced to 0 becomes The attributes and peculiarities of Enemies are described on their
Enemy Cards. Let's take a look at the characteristics of each one.

Whale: (Neutral, Beast) remains still if no one attacks it. The

a Sail-less Enemy. It will continue to move 1 space, but will
no longer be Aggressive and become Passive, i.e., it will try to
move away from the Pirate Ship instead of hunting it.
moment it receives an Impact, it changes its behavior to
An inactive Aggressive Enemy moves 1 space toward the Aggressive Enemy and tries to ram your ship.

Neutral Enemies: this type of Enemy will not perform any action
Pirate Ship each turn.
When it enters the same space as your ship, your ship
automatically receives 2 Impacts on the «Hold».
or unless you perform a combat action against it, in which After the attack, the Whale must move to another space to
case, it becomes an Aggressive Enemy. repeat the attack again.

Passive enemies: they try to move away from the Pirate Ship as
An inactive Neutral Enemy remains on its space. When the Whale's Body is reduced to 0, the Whale is
considered to have been defeated. Draw 2 Supplies tokens
and 1 random Goods token as a reward.
quickly as possible. If they can shoot, they do it before moving.
Passive Enemies will never attempt to Board, their Combat The Whale cannot be boarded, even if it coincides on the

Ghost Ship: (Aggressive, Ship) this ship cannot attack or be

Capacity is only used when they are boarded. same space as the Pirate Ship.

An inactive Passive Enemy moves to reach the nearest island (to

be chosen between N, S, E or W). If it reaches that island's space, attacked in any way, you can only flee from it.

it successfully flees and its token is removed from the board. At the beginning of your turn, if the Pirate Ship is within its
Area of Effect, lose 1 . Otherwise, the Enemy is removed

from the board.

Galleon: (Aggressive, Ship) they are heavily armed ships.

It is considered to be nighttime within its Area of Effect.

Since the Pirate Ship is within the Galleon's Area of

Coast Guard: (Aggressive, Ship) these are vessels dedicated to

Effect, the Galleon makes a Speed Roll. The Sea Monster
is inactive, so it moves 1 space towards the Pirate Ship

because it is an Aggressive Enemy. guarding maritime routes.

Sea monster: (Aggressive, Beast) has no facing, so it can move in

any direction from its space. It uses all its Speed to try to move

into the same space as your Ship, at which point it rolls as many
dice as its Combat Capacity (representing its tentacles):
Even if it is on the same space as the Pirate Ship, the

Sea Monster cannot be boarded, but you can still make a

Merchant Ship: (Passive, Ship) the Goal of this ship is to

Firepower Roll when it is on the same space as your ship.

reach the nearest island (to be chosen between N, S, E


or W). If it reaches that island's square, it successfully

flees and its token is removed from the board.

Since it’s a Passive Enemy, you must draw Voyage Events even if
you are within its Area of Effect.

Voyage Phase 12

Whirlpool: although it has its own Sea Card, it is not considered an

Enemy as such, so it has no Type (Aggressive, Neutral or Passive).
Normally, the Whirlpool does not move and cannot be attacked
or defeated.
If an effect allows the Whirlpool to move (for example, due to
an Assignment card), it can move in any direction because it
has no facing.
Unless otherwise specified, place it under the Pirate Ship token
when the Whirlpool spawns. The Whirlpool remains on the
board until the end of the Voyage Phase.
At the start of the Sea Enemy Round, if your Ship is on the
same space or on a space adjacent to the Whirlpool, your
«Hold» receives 1 Impact.
Also, the Whirlpool rolls a die if you are within its Area of
Effect. If the result is 4, 5 or 6, the Pirate Ship is drawn one
space towards the Whirlpool.
In this case, the Pirate Ship has a clear Line of Sight to
As long as your Ship is within range of the Whirlpool's effect, the Whale, but not to the Coast Guard because the land
apply a -1 penalty to all your Speed Rolls. spaces block it.
The cannot use their automatic success skill on Speed rolls.
In addition, you must draw Voyage Event cards since it is not

Naval Combat
an Aggressive Enemy.

Firepower Roll: for the Pirate Ship, the number of dice rolled
depends on the number of Cannons in the «Hold» and the
At any time during the Pirate Ship’s , the Captain may decide to Characters and assigned to the «Gun Deck»:
engage in Naval Combat against an Enemy. Whereas, during the
If there is a , increase their fatigue by 1 and roll as many
Enemy Round, Enemy ships will engage in Naval Combat against
dice as the number of Cannons the Pirate Ship has.
your Pirate Ship using their Firepower according to their Type
(see Enemy Movement and Attack, pg. 16). If there are no but there are one or more Characters, roll one

Range: Both the Pirate Ship and an Enemy ship may use their
die per Character assigned to a Cannon (maximum 3 Characters).
If there is a and a Character, the Character may fire a
Firepower against a target if it is within 2 spaces of the sides of Cannon and add a skill bonus, if any, to the Firepower roll by
the attacking ship. the . For instance, if there are 4 Cannons, your Character
would roll 1 die and the the other 3.
In all cases, for each result that exceeds the Enemy's Speed value,
one Impact is inflicted (see below). If a Character Impacts the
Enemy ship, they gain 1 .

Enemy Firepower: Enemy ships roll as many dice as indicated by

their Firepower and get a for each die showing any results
indicated on their card (see Sea Enemy Cards, pg. 15).

Assign Impacts

When the Pirate Ship or the Enemy lands an Impact, roll one
die per Impact inflicted and check the result on the right side of

the Enemy Card or the Ship Board. Each location icon indicates
where the Pirate Ship or the Sea Enemy receives the Impact.

(1) Impact on the rigging: move the «Rigging» Impact token down

Line of Sight: Both the Pirate Ship and Enemy ships must 1 position. If there is a or a Character on that sail, they are
check for Line of Sight before making a Firepower automatically moved to the «Cabins», unharmed and recovering
roll. To do so, draw an imaginary straight line from the from their fatigue.

lateral vertex of the attacking ship (port or starboard) In the case of Enemies, their Speed is reduced by 1, making
to the center of the target token. If the line crosses a land it easier to Impact them with future Firepower rolls. If an
space, then the Firepower roll cannot be made. Enemy's Speed is reduced to 0, the Pirate Ship's Firepower
rolls always succeed.

The Line of Sight is only taken into account for

Firepower rolls, and not for ‘Spotting’ actions.

12 Voyage Phase

(2-3) Impact on deck: a

Boarding Setup
immediately falls , and is automatically
moved to the «Sickbay». The Captain decides which is
affected among all the posts of the ship.
To stage the Boarding, it is necessary to use the Boarding Board.
In the case of Enemies, their Combat Capacity is reduced by
1 which means that, during a Boarding, there will be fewer On the side of the Enemy ship you have 10 spaces that represent

(4-6) Impact on the hold: move the Impact token down 1 column.
Boarding Enemies. Boarding Enemies (BE).

For each Combat Capacity point that the Enemy has left at the
If there are any tokens in that column, discard them. If the time of Boarding, take 1 Hidden token and place it on one of
«Hold» Impact token reaches 1, the ship is considered sunk. those spaces.
In the case of Enemies, their Hold/Body is reduced by 1 When a BE receives an Impact, flip the Hidden token to show
which means that it will be closer to being sunk/defeated and, its Dead End side.

Dirt: when your ship receives an Impact, increase Dirt by 1.

in case of plundering, fewer Goods tokens may be stolen.
When a BE receives a second Impact, it is eliminated. Therefore,
remove its token from the Enemy Boarding zone.

Combat Maneuvers Boarding Sequence

There are three combat maneuvers that can help the crew When a Boarding takes place, it must be completely resolved
overcome encounters with their Enemies, especially in the case before resuming the Voyage Phase. Thus, the standard game
of other ships. These maneuvers can only be carried out if there sequence is interrupted and proceeds as follows:
is at least one Character at the «Gun Deck»

Change of Ammunition: if the Captain orders it, and they are

1. The Characters on the Enemy Ship perform their actions:
available on the ship, the standard Cannon ammunition Fight the Enemies
may be replaced by Grapeshot or Chainshot ammunition
Cut the line
before rolling Firepower (see Ammunition, Book II, pg. 7).
Remember that if you use any special ammunition during the 2. Characters on the Pirate Ship perform their actions.
Voyage, you must discard it at the end of the Phase.

Dismast that ship! (standard ammunition): if the Pirate Ship is


adjacent to another ship, a Character may apply -1 to their Shoot from the «Crow's Nest».
Firepower roll and, if they , inflict 1 of the successful Impacts Operate the Swivel Gun
directly to the Enemy's Sails without rolling the die to determine
where that Impact landed. Battle Stations

Raking fire (standard ammunition): if you can draw a straight line 3. Combat between and BE.
from the Pirate Ship’s firing vertex through the front and rear
4. Characters who are not at the «Sickbay» or on the Enemy
side (bow and stern), or vice versa, of the opposing ship, inflict
ship's combat spaces, can reposition themselves among the
1 extra Impact on the Enemy's Hold if the Firepower roll .

different Voyage posts as explained in ‘All hands to stations!’.

(see pg. 9).

The Captain chooses their Voyage post

The Characters choose their post in descending order

A Boarding takes place when your ship and the Enemy are on The Captain uses Command Points to move the

the same space, or when a Voyage Event card triggers a Boarding.

Back to step 1
During a Boarding, your ship and the Enemy cannot move

because the ships are hooked together with two mooring lines
(represented on the Boarding Board).

The stop performing their tasks. The Captain can use Command During the boarding, the do not suffer fatigue, but
Points to move them to other areas of the ship, but the only they keep the fatigue accumulated until then. During the

action they can perform is to participate in the Boarding when Boarding do not advance the Clock or increase Dirt.
they are moved to the «Gunwale», by spending the corresponding
Command Points.

If there are no or Characters at the «Gunwale» of the Boarding

Board, when boarded, the Enemy rolls its attack roll as usual and

the Captain distributes the Impacts among the on the different

Voyage posts of the ship. Characters do not receive Impacts.

Voyage Phase 12

Boarding Actions GP and BE Combat

Each turn during a Boarding, your character can perform one of 1. Determine Combat Capacity: each that is at the
the following actions: «Gunwale» adds one die to your Combat Capacity.

Rally: a Character at the «Quarterdeck» can still give the Captain

The Enemy has as many dice as the number of BE left
on the Boarding Board.
as many Command Points as their value.

Boarding: if you are on a boarding space, you can make an

Remember that the maximum number of dice in any roll is 5.
4 roll.
2. Roll and Success check: each Character who has performed
If you , you jump to the enemy deck (move your miniature the ‘Battle Stations’ action rolls the die of the to whom
to the Enemy ship's combat space) and immediately perform their combat value is added. The Captain rolls the dice of the
an action. remaining and also of the BE. Check the obtained on
If you , lose 2 and you cannot use your Character until both sides.
the end of the Boarding (knock your miniature down until the Each 5 or 6 rolled by a is considered a .
end of the Boarding).
For BE, the results considered a are indicated on the Sea
After Boarding, if they , a Character can perform one of the Enemy Card or on the Voyage Event card.
following actions:

Fight Enemies:
3. Assign Impacts: the of each side are assigned
your Character chooses between simultaneously among both sides.
making a or 4 roll. For each , inflict a The Captain decides how to distribute the on each side.
to a BE and gain 1 . If you , suffer a . Each by the BE inflicts 1 to a .
Each can withstand 1 . After the second , the is
In both cases, stay on the Deck of the Enemy ship unless
and goes to the «Sickbay».
you fall .

Cut the line: if your Character is aboard the Enemy ship, you
Each by the inflicts 1 Impact to a BE.
When a BE receives an Impact, flip the Hidden token to show
may cut either of the two mooring lines connecting the ships, its Dead End side. On the second Impact, it is eliminated.
from any space, and gain 1 . Place a on the mooring Therefore, remove its token from the Enemy Boarding zone.
line space to indicate that it has been cut. When the same or
another Character cuts the second mooring line, the Boarding
ends and the Characters on the Enemy ship will immediately
return to any Voyage post of their choice.

In the next Round, the Pirate Ship may make a Speed

Roll to try to move to a different space. Upon cutting both
mooring lines, the Enemy ship may not reboard the Pirate
Ship until its next turn in a new Voyage Phase Sequence
(Travel Round, Crew Round, etc.).

Shoot from the Crow’s Nest: if you are at the «Crow's Nest», make

a 5 roll. For each , inflict a to a BE and gain 1 .

Shoot a Swivel Gun: if you are on a Swivel Gun space, make a

5 roll. For each inflict a to a BE and gain 1 .

Battle Stations: if you are on a Boarding space, add your

value to the roll of a of your choice that has not been

supported by this action by another Character. Add it before the

roll. If the gets a , gain 1 .

12 Voyage Phase

Plunder after boarding

After boarding an Enemy Coast Guard on a previous turn, the If an Enemy ship is successfully boarded, the Captain may
Pirate Ship's crew is thus distributed. The Cutthroat is on the immediately order a plundering to end the Boarding.
Enemy ship after having successfully jumped in the previous
Round. The Gunner is at the «Gunwale», located on a Swivel First the do their action, then the Captain, and then the rest
Gun post, and the Cabin Boy is on a Boarding space, along of the Characters in descending order. In case of a tie, the
with 2 . The Sea Dog, who is the Captain, is located at the Captain decides the order. Each used to plunder increase
«Quarterdeck», the Lookout at the «Crow's Nest», one at their fatigue by 1.
the «Gun Deck» and another one at the «Rigging».
The Captain chooses how many will plunder or make repairs.
Each or Character can perform one of the following actions:

Plunder: a
The Characters on the Enemy ship play their turn first, so
the Cutthroat plays first. She decides to attack the BE, so
she makes a roll with three dice and gets a 6, 3 and 1. can take 2 Goods tokens. You can
One , she inflicts a to a BE and gains 1 . only take as many Goods tokens as the number of
Hold points left on the Enemy ship.
Secondly, the Characters still on the Pirate Ship play next,
in the order decided by the Captain. It is decided that the Your Character may take a Goods token and gain 1 , as long
as there is room in the «Hold» of the Pirate Ship.

Repairs: place up to 2
Gunner will play first, who shoots the Swivel Gun from
his post. He would normally roll two dice, but given his
Gunner skill he rolls three dice, and gets 5, 4 and 3. No , and a Character on the «Main Deck».
so he does not inflict nor gain . Increase the fatigue of each by 1 and, both them and the
Character, can make an 4 roll. For each , repair 1 Impact
The Sea Dog plays next, and uses the Rally action to gain on your ship. If the Character , gain 1 .
as many Command Points as his (1 for being Captain + 3

End of the Voyage Phase

for Charisma), enough to move the remaining scattered
around the ship to the «Gunwale».

Then, the Cabin Boy plays his turn, but he decides that he
will not jump to the other ship, but rather stays on board
to use Battle Stations to support a on the «Gunwale». The Voyage Phase may end for one of the following four reasons:

Docking at the Destination Island

Finally, the Lookout shoots from the «Crow's Nest» at the BE
on the Enemy ship. He rolls 3 dice and gets 6, 6 and 3. Two !
He gains 2 , eliminates the BE who was wounded and
inflicts a to a second one. If the Captain docks on the island with Goal token “1” and there
are no active Aggressive Enemies after finishing the Crew Round,
After the Characters, it is the turn of the and BE. Since
the Voyage Phase ends successfully.

Remember: there is an optional rule that allows the

there are still 3 BE left, the Enemies roll 3 dice to attack,
rolling 6, 5 and 2. For the pirate side, the Cabin Boy rolls
the die of the he is supporting, he rolls a 3 and then adds Captain to spend 10 to dock at the Destination Island

his value, for a total of 6. even if there are Aggressive Enemies still active.
To finish, the Captain rolls 3 dice for those who were not

Upon successful completion of the Voyage Phase, each

supported, and gets 5, 4 and 3. With these results, the BE's
Character, including the Captain, gains as much as they
cause 2 wounds to the (which the Captain decides to
have accumulated during the Phase.

assign to two different ), the get 2 successful Impacts

(eliminating an Enemy BE), and the Cabin Boy gains 1

since the he supported landed an Impact.


Remember that the Allies also convert their into

and each Character who hired an Ally earns half of the

End of a Boarding
accumulated by that Ally. If the Ally was hired by the
Captain, they do not get any this way.

Boardings can end in three different ways:

If an Enemy ship loses all BE, it surrenders and the Captain

gains any benefits from defeating it (Morale, plunder, Goods

tokens, etc.). Then, restart the standard Voyage Phase Sequence,
beginning with a Travel Round.

If all are at the «Sickbay» and/or have been eliminated, the


Captain must surrender to the Enemy (see Surrender, pg. 21).


When both mooring lines are cut, the Voyage Phase Sequence
begins anew, starting with a Travel Round. The Enemy ship
may not reboard until its turn in a new Voyage Phase Sequence.

Dirt: when you finish the Boarding, increase Dirt by 1.

Voyage Phase 12

Unconscious Characters
A Character who ended this Phase Unconscious, starts the next When all the Characters are at the «Sickbay» or the Pirate
Phase with half of their . Ship is surrendered, sunk or the rest of the crew rebels,
the Characters lose all their and any items they had
If all the Characters are at the «Sickbay» and the ship has neither listed on their respective Record Sheets (i.e. those that are
been sunk nor surrendered, the players choose between playing not their starting gear). In addition, the Captain loses all
annex I “Castaways” or annex II “Cheating Death”. the Crew's Booty registered on their Record Sheet.

If during a Boarding against an Enemy all have been eliminated
or are Incapacitated, or if the Captain decides to surrender,
proceed to play annex II “Cheating Death”.

Sinking / Mutiny
If one of your Allies wins the Mutiny, you automatically lose
the captaincy and must play annex I «Castaways».

If the Pirate Ship is sunk, proceed to play annex I “Castaways”. If

Morale reaches 0 and no Pirate has carried out a Mutiny, the crew
revolts and abandons the Pirates on a deserted island. The Pirates
lose any Allies they had and proceed to play annex I “Castaways”.


13 Summary

Voyage Phase Sequence


2.-Crew Round
Preliminary Phase Each character can perform the actions of the post they are at:

Always follow the Chapter's description of the Voyage Phase. Cabins: except any assigned to ‘Guard’, those who are

Sea Tiles: are placed forming a single board. The Pirate Ship
assigned to this post discard all their fatigue. A Pirate, other
than the Captain, may ‘Scheme’. (See pg. 10).

Forecastle (1 Character): you can perform 'Cartography'. Make

is placed on the indicated space or on "Tortuga Island" facing
wherever the Captain chooses.

Goal Tokens: unless stated otherwise, they are placed on the

an 5 roll, gain 1 per and place a gem on a Goal token.
With three gems, reveal it.

Crow's Nest (1 Character): you may decide the distance at which

scroll spaces of the islands listed, randomly and face down.

Voyage Events: shuffle the deck and place it on the table.

Logbook Board: place the
Enemies appear and reveal Goal tokens (gain 1 per token/
Enemy) at a straight line distance from the Pirate Ship equal to
token on space 20, the Pirate and or lower than your .

Gun Deck: if there is a

Allied Character tokens on space 0 and the Clock on position 1.

Ship Board: limit the maximum capacity of the Hold and Sails
it admits 1 Character, or up to 3
otherwise. Each Character can fire 1 Cannon and the fire any
with Impact tokens and put in the Hold the Goods and Cannon
others. The Characters can provide skill bonuses. There must be
tokens noted on the Captain's Record Sheet. The Characters and
a Character to perform Combat Maneuvers. (See pg. 18).

Main Deck (1 Character + 2 ): Tasks:

are placed at the «Cabins». Set aside the Boarding Board.

Pirates and Allies: each player takes their Record Sheet and
Character and Ally Cards. ‘Assist’: make an 4 roll to gain 1 and heal a Character

Assignments: follow the instructions of any available Assignment cards.

or .

Other preparations: place the remaining Goods tokens face down

‘Move Goods’: does not generate fatigue and allows you to
relocate Goods or Cannons, or to Drop Ballast.
and the Sea Enemy Cards and their tokens within reach. ‘Cleaning Spree’: can be performed by Characters and/or

Voyage Phase Rounds

and each action reduces 1 Dirt level. The act first and then
your Character must pass an 5 roll, with a you gain 1 .
‘Repair Tasks’: the make an 5 roll, and the Characters an
4 roll, to try to repair an Impact on the Sails or on the «Hold».

1.-Travel Round
Rounds are played in succession until the end of the Voyage Phase. If you use Wood, add +2 to the roll. Characters who gain 1 .
Bilge Pump (Upgrade): a can remove all the Dirt, or your

Time passes: ignore this step in the first Round. The Captain
Character gets +1 for the Cleaning Spree.
Diving Bell (Upgrade): recover Goods from sunken Ships.

Quarterdeck: it only admits 1 Character. The Captain adds the

advances the Clock 1 space, if it points at 5 or 6, it is nighttime. (See Book II, pg. 5).

End of the Voyage Day: the Captain may spend a Supplies token.

If you they don’t, roll a die and subtract the result from the . value of that Character to the Command Points. If a Character

And a Bottle of Rum: once per Voyage Day, the Captain may
other than the Captain occupies the post, that Character gains 1

if the Captain uses Command Points generated by them.

Helm: only admits 1 Character, who is required to move the

spend a Rum token to increase Morale. Add the result of a die
to the .

Increase Dirt: it increases by 1 level per Travel Round, after a

Pirate Ship.

Rigging: the

Boarding and per Impact received by the Ship. When increasing and Characters placed here help the Ship’s
1 level, if the token pointed to number III, it stays where it is and Movement. If the «Rigging» receives an Impact, the Impact
you lose 1 . token is lowered and if there are occupants there, move them to

All hands to stations!: all Characters who are not at the «Sickbay»

the «Cabins» without additional damage.

or on a combat space during a Boarding, start at the «Cabins». Ship's Movement: the Character at the «Helm» and the and the

The hold their posts. Starting with the Captain, the Pirates Characters at the «Rigging» each roll one die (plus skill bonuses).
choose a Voyage post in descending order. In case of a tie, the For each result obtained that exceeds the CR value, the ship can

Captain decides. Then the Allies are placed in the same order. perform 1 . If your Character rolls a , gain 1 .

At the Captain's command!: during the previous step, the Gunwale (Boarding board): admits up to 4 Characters and any

Captain can reassign Characters at the cost of losing 1 per number of . During the Voyage, the Characters can be
reassignment. Then, the Captain can use the Command Points placed on the Boarding spaces, or on the Swivel Gun spaces in


to move the . preparation for a potential Boarding.

Summary 13

Naval Combat: at any time of the Pirate Ship's 4.-Enemy Round

Area of Effect: from the Enemy's position up to 5 spaces away. If the
, the Captain may
decide to engage in Naval Combat against an Enemy. (See pg. 17).

Boarding: a Boarding takes place when your ship and the Enemy Pirate Ship is within that area, the Enemy is considered active.

Movement and attack: fixed movement of 1 space. In addition,

are on the same space, or due to an Event card. (See pg. 18).

Reveal Destination: if all the Goal tokens have been revealed when active, it will perform a Speed Roll.

Aggressive Enemy: if it is active, when moving, it first tries to

except Goal token “1”, reveal it immediately or, if Goal token
“1” is revealed, discard all others. Nobody gains for this.

Docking on an island: interrupts the standard Voyage Phase

attack using its Firepower. If after shooting it still has some
left, it will try to board. When inactive, it moves 1 space towards
the Pirate Ship.

Neutral Enemy: it will not perform any action or

Sequence, which will restart with a new Travel Round when
appropriate. Actions: unless it
receives an attack, in which case, it becomes an Aggressive Enemy.

Passive Enemy: when active, it will try to move away from

Bury booty: the Captain may bury any amount of the Crew's
Booty they wish (see Book II, pg. 3).
Explore Island: any assigned may explore, as well as any the ship. If it can shoot, it does so before moving and will
Pirates who so desire. (See pg. 13). Once the exploration is never attempt a Boarding. When inactive, it moves to reach its
over, the Captain can rearrange the «Hold». destination island trying to flee; remove the token if it succeeds.

Hold/Body 0: it is considered defeated, you get the Morale bonus

Fulfill an Assignment: the Captain may start or complete an
Assignment on the island by following the requirements
(gray) for the victory and then remove its token.

Speed 0: keeps its Fixed Movement (1 space). Any shot against it

3. Event Round
indicated on the card.

Draw a Voyage Event card: (ignore this Phase if there are active
is an automatic success. If it was Aggressive, it becomes Passive.

Combat Capacity 0: it is considered defeated. If it is an Enemy ship

Aggressive Enemies). When an Event indicates that you lose , and you are on the same space, you will be able to plunder it
increase by 1 the fatigue of a single who is not at the «Cabins» (see Plunder, pg. 20).

Flight: if you leave the Area of Effect, apply the Morale loss (red)
or Exhausted.

Weather Events : if the Voyage Event features a icon, it indicated on the Enemy Card and the Enemy becomes inactive.

End of Phase
is used along with other game effects or skills. Follow the

Boarding Events: some cards trigger sudden Boardings.

Stone Crab: spawns on the same space as the Pirate Ship. Docking at the Destination island: if the Captain docks at the

Involuntary movement: when the ship is affected by this type of

island with Goal token "1", the Voyage Phase ends successfully.
Each Character gains as much as their . Allies give half
game effect, it maintains its facing. of their to the Pirate who hired them, except the Captain. A
Fog: if your ship moves beyond the edge of the board, place the Character who is Unconscious at the end of this Phase begins

the next Phase with half of their .

Wounded: if all the Characters are at the «Sickbay» and the

ship on the last available sea space and advance the Clock once. ES
Collision: if it were to end up on an Enemy, place the ship on
the last adjacent space before the collision and both suffer an ship has neither been sunk nor surrendered, the players
Impact on the Hold/Body. choose between playing either annex I "Castaways" or annex II
"Cheating Death".

Surrender: during an Attack, if all

Islands: if it ends up on a land space, place the ship on the last

Spawning Sea Enemies: they spawn following the direction

coastal space crossed and you suffer two Impacts on the “Hold”. have been eliminated or

become Incapacitated, or if the Captain decides to surrender,

play annex II "Cheating Death".

Sinking / Mutiny: if the Pirate Ship is sunk or if the Morale


indicated by the Clock in a straight line, except for the Whirlpool

(see pg. 17).

Distance: during the day, they spawn 3 spaces away from the reaches 0 and no Pirate has carried out a Mutiny, play annex I
ship if there is no Character at the «Crow's Nest». At night, "Castaways".
Enemies spawn one space closer. The spaces are counted in a
straight line, including land spaces.

Facing: roll a die and place the bow (or head) of the Enemy A general index and a complete glossary are available in
facing the side that matches the number of the roll on the Clock. the last pages of BOOK I.
Islands: a Sea Enemy that spawns on a land space or outside
the limits of the board, is discarded. A Character at the

«Crow's Nest» cannot trigger this.



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