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James Noah Mendoza September 24, 2022

BS CPE 3-3 Mr. Wencheslao R. Nidea

1. Define Data Communications –

Data Communications integrate a few methods and innovations to empower any type of
electronic correspondence. It's an exceptionally expansive method for alluding to all of this
arranged innovation on any stage or in any computerized climate. A few normal kinds of
information correspondences innovations incorporate media communications, PC systems
administration and radio/satellite correspondence. Information correspondence normally requires
the presence of a transportation or correspondence medium between the hubs needing to speak
with one another, for example, copper wire, fiber optic links, or remote transmissions.

2. Draw basic diagram of DC. Briefly explain per block.



Source is the gadget expected to create the information to be communicated.

Transmitter is the one that changes and encodes the information or data sent by the Source
across the transmission framework.
Transmission System is a transmission line that send a sign starting with one spot then onto the
Receiver is the one that acknowledges the sign as far as possible from the Source through the
transmission system.
Destination is wherein it gets the information from the beneficiary and the finishing up place of
the entire information correspondence.

3. Define PROTOCOL
Protocol is a bunch of rules that manages the data communications.

4. What does MODULATION DO?

Modulation is the process of which the information or the data is being changed over into an
electrical or computerized signals that is for moving over a medium.

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