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SENTENCE STARTERS ¢ Furthermore * In addition to * For instance * For example * Asan example * Additionally * Accordingly * Asa result * Because * Consequently * Due to * For this reason * Comparatively * Different from * Even though « However * Although * Conversely * Admittedly * Above all * Asarule * As usual * Assuredly * Certainly Words to add an idea * Moreover © Correspondingly » Similarly * As well as * Inaddition * Whereas * Another reason » Indeed * Likewise * Along with * In fact * One other * Coupled with = Identically thing © Again * Likewise Words that show cause ¢ For this purpose » Therefore ¢ As you can ° Hence * Thereupon see * Otherwise * This is why © For all of * Since ¢ Thus those + So then © Wherefore reasons * Subsequently * Followingthis * So Words that show contrast * Instead * On the other hand « Incomparison * On the contrary * Nevertheless * Other than * Incontrast * Outside of + Whereas + Besides * Yet * Otherwise Words that add emphasis ¢ Nodoubt (undoubtedly) + Chiefly * Obviously/ Of course * Especially * Ordinarily Granted « Particularly * Generally speaking « Singularly © For the most part * Unquestionably * In this situation

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