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Marisa Fidalgo Intermediate- Bach


Write a sentence with a modal or modal perfect according to the situation

1. An animal has eaten all the cheese.

It …………………………………… a mouse.
2. I didn’t try to pass the test, although it wasn’t difficult.
I ……………………………………., but I didn’t try.
3. Maybe he didn’t want to meet us
He ………………………………………
4. It´s possible a bank loaned them the money.
The bank ………………………………..
5. Their car is parked here.
They ………………………. a taxi.
6. The flowers are dead.
The gardener ………………………
7. It was stupid of Alan to be rude to his boss.
Alan ……………………………………………
8. What a pity the boy didn’t apply for a grant in advance
He ……………………………………………
9. The flight has gone and they are still at the airport
They …………………………………………
10. Mary was allowed to go out at night
Mary ……………………………………….
11. It is forbidden to go to Semana Blanca without gloves.
The students………………………………….
12. It’s not necessary to drive that car.
You ………………………………………….
13. The applicants were obliged to pass a test in English
14. The boss accepted the possibility of her attending the meeting
She …………………………………………
15. Is she obliged to write that with the computer?
…………she ………………………………..?
16. She’s not likely to win the race.
She ………………………………………….
17. It’s possible that they didn’t see the warning.
They …………………………………………

Complete with a modal or modal perfect

1. I’m not sure whether he’s telling the truth. He …………………(be) lying.
2. I ………………………(see) you tomorrow because I’m going away.
3. You …………………….(play) with matches! You’ll burn yourself.
4. We ……………….. (wear) coats. It’s warm outside.
5. She …………………….. (take) a later flight. The earlier one was cancelled.
6. In Spain people …………………… (work) on Sundays.
7. You ……………………(leave) medicines in places where children can get hold of them.
8. She …………………. (call) me. She probably didn’t remember my number.
9. It’s very cold today. It …………………….. (snow).
10. When I was small I ………………. (swim) very well, but now I’m afraid of the water.
11. ……………. I ……(use) your phone? My mobile doesn’t work.
12. You ……………………. ( wait) for me. I was working late.

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