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The Cursed Sabbatical Handouts

Some Handouts are meant to be cut out and most can be made more realistic with tea
staining. Check out Game On!’s video on making props! These handouts are very crucial
to the story, make sure your players can hold them, don’t just read them aloud.
Handout 1

From The Telegraph Room Of Grantham College:

Your presence is requested at Grantham College on _______ as the
trustees believe you capable of helping us with a missing persons
case. It is understood this isn’t a normal case for you, but we require
private investigators who think differently to help the local
You will be paid and your expenses covered. There will be a taxi for
you at Harrisburg Station for the late evening train. We look forward
to meeting you.
Charles Davis, Trustee
Handout 2

Professor Walters,
The books you requested are waiting for you
at Boyer Library. We also have a letter here for
you as well. Make sure to pick them up before
the sabbatical, and have a blessed day.
• Ms. Constance Head Librarian

Handout 3

Professor Steven Walters

Grantham College, Grantham PA
It’s good to hear from you old friend! I am both
anxious and excited for you to be spending your time
in Jerusalem for your faith’s second biggest
celebration. However I’m afraid you will get caught up
in the riots the locals go on from time to time, and I
don’t even know if the Brits will take too kindly to you
being there.
None the matter, you’re going to go anyway. As for your
last letter, I know there are some who worship a sort of
snake god but it’s not localized to the Middle East.
Some have worshipped a snake-like entity for years in
China, and some here in America do as well. In my
narrower focus on Egyptology, the only real mention of
a snake entity is what they call “The Father of
Serpents” and its followers have been known to reside
in the general area of Palestine, maybe your
questioning and archeological digs will find something
I’m sorry I don’t have much more information than that
old friend.
-Joseph Sandwell, Miskatonic U.
Handout 4

Your Inner Grace!

Have hard times got you down? Stuck in a rut and feel like your god has forgotten
about you? Your Inner Grace is here to help! Our grand opening will be the
Wednesday after Easter! We’ll have fellowship, worship and food. We’d love to
have you for supper.

“For man hath been deceived, that the snake was the deceiver.”
• Pastor Dudley Psoraman

Handout 5
A Brief Note On The Father Of Snakes
As one knows all too well, many have a fond fear of the legless lizard known as the
Many believe the serpent to be the reason man fell, yet many believe the serpent to be
their god.
During the creation of the universe, there was one thing that was missed, and that is the
Second Creator.
The Second Creator, the old ones say, was there from the beginning and created the
Not to hurt the other creations, but to help them.
The Second Creator, or Father of Snakes only created the serpent.
However the serpent was there to guide all other creations
through their existence and bring knowledge and ultimately peace to the universe.
It was mankind who dictated the fate of serpents however,
and made the serpent something to be spit on, trampled.
This makes the Father of Snakes weep in sorrow. Respect to the serpent,
and respect for one another is all that is desired.
-The myth of YIG

Handout 6
April 2nd, 1923
Investigation Log, Francis Pratche
2:30 AM EST: At approx. 1:00 AM this morning, we received a worried call from
Grantham College about a potential missing person. On duty, I was asked to investigate.
We are in the office of Steven Walters, the missing person, and just spoke to the only eye
witness on the scene Clarence Brown, the custodian.
Evidence Gathered- It was made aware by Clarence that Walters was in a hurry and
seemed ill. He had a feverish look and spoke in a hurried voice. He was carrying
something covered in red silk, what it was is still unknown.
Exploring the office, the only thing of notable importance was an itinerary of where
Walters planned to dig. The air smelled of ozone and presence of a scorch mark just in
front of the desk, it left a ring the size of the object Walters was carrying. His desk had
nothing of note but a church pamphlet and a small vial of olive oil. I ordered Mr. Brown
not to clean the room in case we needed to come back. I thought I heard a noise coming
from the room, but there was also thunder making it harder to hear.
4:00 AM EST: After briefly listening to an earful from the lady downstairs, the landlord ,
Clifford James allowed me into Walters’ house. I did not wish to speak to Mr. James much,
however he did say Walters came home for a few minutes and left in a hurry. I made the
Mr. James leave the vicinity of me.
I chose not to go into the house after, as I believed there could be very little evidence in
there if he was only in for a few minutes. I am tired and will search the apartment if
needed later next week.
April 3rd, Sunday
12:00 PM EST: The chief said the college is hiring some private investigators to help out
on the case due to my multiple open cases.
After discussing with the chief, they will now be handling as much of the case as I can
possibly give them.

Handout 7

Itinerary for the Sabbatical

Mount of Beatitudes- Make some drawings and
speak to locals………………….. 2 weeks
City of Nazareth- Drawings and speak to locals
………………………………………….1 week
Sea of Galilee- Boat tour and discussion with local
religious authorities……2 weeks
Calvary- Meet with local religious authorities and
discuss crucifixion………. 2 weeks
Bethlehem, just outside near Monastery-
Archeological dig and religious discussions with
local and local religious authorities. Occult
………………………………………. 3 weeks
Handout 8

The Harrisburg Gazette Morning

Edition 5¢ 4/1/23

The Curse of Tut?

Lucas Milbourne, Head Editor
Many locals warned of the unsealing of King Tutankhamun in February of this
year, saying it was a curse upon all those who took part in the ancient Pharaohs
uncovering. Howard Carter, the head archeologist scoffed at the idea of a curse to
the English newspapers who first reported the find. So far, 12 who have witnessed
the event have died in mysterious ways that the physicians cannot entirely explain.
Is this truly a curse as the locals claim, or merely a coincidence? Joseph Sandwell,
head professor of Egyptology at Miskatonic University told the New York
Commique “It is probably just a host convenient coincidences or even sabotage by
the superstitious locals to keep the foreigners out of their area. I am jealous of Mr.
Carter, as I wish I could have helped uncover something so momentous, however I
am working on other important matters.”
Keep reading the Harrisburg Gazette for more information on such an astonishing

Yankee Stadium, Here To Hope For The Honey

Stay? Disease
Dick Licher, Junior Reporter Ted Rose, Medical Reporter
The finishing touches of Yankee Stadium The Canadian “Eli Lilly Company” has
are being finalized in New York City this announced the ability to mass produce
month as early spring season begins. insulin for those with the “Honey
Many fans wonder if it is worth putting Disease” known medically as
so much money into what some call a “Diabetes”. With such a discovery, the
“fad”. Will baseball, and the Yankees, frequency of deaths related to sweet
survive the next few years? That blood and urine should decrease 100
remains to be seen. fold. Keep reading for details
Man Seeking Woman Weather Rocks PA
Personal Advertisement Harry Mann, Associate Reporter
Hello lovely ladies, my name is Ernest This large Nor’Easter keeps hammering
Smith, a factory owner in Harrisburg the Keystone State with thunder and
and potential bachelor. Sadly, I am heavy rain, and the weathermen predict
widowed as my last wife slipped on ice it to keep Pennsylvania and Maryland
and fell into the Susquehanna River, soaked for at least the next 4 days. Make
never to be found again. I have no sure to have your caps ready!
children, but am excited to have some
with you. I am 31 and love many
different shapes and sizes, so if you’re
looking for a family man, come to
Harrisburg Meat Packing and Car
Dealership on East 8th. Bring this ad,
and I look forward to meeting the lovely
young ladies of Harrisburg. German
need not apply.

New Church, New Trouble In Middle East

Speculations Kristoff Morel, Foriegn Correspondent
Just outside of Bethlehem last week,
Justin Theeway, Associate Reporter
there was an outcry from locals as an
“Your Inner Grace”, a new church on 5th
archeological dig goes wrong. It is said
Street has some excited for a new place
that “the curse of snakes” has been
of worship, and some skeptical of the
awoken, and the unidentified man who
faith the church chooses to bring. Pastor
discovered the burial site of the “Snake
Woodrow of Harrisburg Lutheran
Father” will “become ill from his
commented. “I’m well tolerable of the
wicked ways” according to the
other faiths that dominate the city, both
superstitious locals. Reports filed to the
Jewish and Islam, but I am unaware of
local authorities claim the unidentified
the true nature of this new church. I will
man running with a large object
not allow my parishioners to attend their
covered in red silk. Local authorities
services, as they may not be teaching the
are baffled.
true word of God.” Others find a new
church refreshing. “Your Inner Grace”
opens the Wednesday after Easter.
Handout 9

Your Inner Grace

There is more to this world than being a slave to one belief. Surely there is an addendum to
the story of mankind? Why not open your mind and heart MR. Steven Walters and come see
what else is out there? There will soon be an awakening, and what emerges will be a hunger
for knowledge and love! Won’t you please join us for such a momentous occasion? There will
be food and fellowship! We’d love to have you for supper!

“What man is more knowledgeable? One who accepts a faith, or one willing to understand
another?” -Pastor Dudley Psoraman
Handout 10

That dream I had last night was very powerful, and I

now know I must go on Sabbatical. It was a small cave
outside of Bethlehem, calling to me in some sort of hiss.
I was enchanted by it, and I entered. There I was told,
by a Being I could not see that I was meant to help
bring light to the world. Was this God speaking to me?
Does God really want me to feel His presence? I felt
comforted as the voice told me what good I could do. It
said it’d love to have me for supper, and that made me
feel at peace, as it was looking out for my well-being.
There was a snake however. I’m terrified of snakes, but
the presence of this Being made me feel so comforted,
that I was not afraid of it biting me. The voice called,
saying that I needed to find it, and that it was urgent.
I am currently making arrangements to go to
Bethlehem, but I must make it seem like an excursion
for the benefit of the college and my career. I will have
to visit a few other places as well, to keep it looking
normal. I shudder at the memory of the snake, and will
have to purchase some ant-venom just in case.
Hopefully this note will remind me to bring it, I’m so
Handout 11

New York-New Haven Line

Late Train 3/31/1923
Passenger Listing
Richard Sutton- NYC Grand Central to Harrisburg Station
Harvey Ryan - Philadelphia Station to Pittsburg Station
Cody Mercer - NYC Grand Central to Philadelphia Station
Marie Hancock- NYC Grand Central to Pittsburg Station
Giselle Wilson- Lafayetteville Station to Harrisburg Station
Steven Walters- NYC Grand Central to Harrisburg Station
Cargo Manifesto
2 Tons Tobacco Products
2 Tons Mechanical Parts
5 Tons Contracted United States Mail Service
8 Tons Contracted Dry Foods United States Military
Conductors note- The passenger Steven Walters would not forfeit his large luggage
to be placed in the freight car just behind the passenger cars. As there were few
passengers, I allowed him to bring on his large luggage covered in a red silk
blanket. I advised him to stay away from other passengers as he looked sickly.
I need to mention to the engineers and inspectors that there was a hissing sound in
the cars that I could not pinpoint the origin of. It may have been a leaking air hose.

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