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Seminary Make Up Lesson/Study Lesson

Name of Student:Ben Jackson Absent Date Make up is for:December 6

Tardy Dates Make up is for:

Assigned Scripture Block (Chapters & Versus studied):

The Pearl of Great Price

Teacher Signature: Parent Signature:

Instructions: Work through the learning pattern and write answers to each of these questions. Choose
one of the principles that you discovered and work through steps 3-5 to further deepen your
understanding, feeling and application of this principle.

1.  Understanding the context and content: 

● What is the historical, cultural and geographical setting? OR What is taking place?  What is the story line?
● What do these verses have to do with Jesus?
This section was a collection of revelations and translations done by Joseph Smith. It was published in 1851 by Elder
Franklin D. Richards, and was accepted as scripture by the church in 1880. The book of Moses was a translation of
certain sections of the Bibe, and the book of Abraham was a translation of the writings of Abraham. Joseph Smith-
Matthew is parts of the testimony of Mathew in the bible, and Joseph Smith-History was a collection of Joseph
Smiths testimony and history. Out of these my personal favorite is Joseph Smith History, as this includes things like
the first vision, which is one of the most influential events in the history of the world, and is naturally directly related
to Jesus Christ. Similarly, most of it is influenced by Jesus Christ.
2.  Identify doctrines and principles: (Doctrines are truths.  Principles are often worded in "If/Then" language)
● What is the moral, or point, of the story?
● What is an "If/Then" statement from these verses?
● How do these verses strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ?
The point of this story is to give you a greater understanding of the life of Joseph Smith. An example of an if/then
statement in these verses would be in 1:42 where it says "Again, he told me, that when I got those plates of which
he had spoken—for the time that they should be obtained was not yet fulfilled—I should not show them to any
person; neither the breastplate with the Urim and Thummim; only to those to whom I should be commanded to
show them; if I did I should be adestroyed." These verses are a testimony of Jesus Christ, and help strengthen my
testimony simply as another proof of Him.
3.  Understanding doctrines and principles: (How can I make what I am reading personal and relevant?)
● If you could state what you are studying in your own words...what would you say?
OR How would you explain these truths and principles to someone else?
● Write down an example of another person, or situation in the scriptures, or church history, where these
truths are evidenced.
● What would Jesus want you to understand personally about these teachings?
I would say that what I am studying is the life and knowledge of Joseph Smith. Another proof of these is found in the
Doctrine and Covenants, where the entirety of it is basically an account of his life, and is also confirmed by many
people. I think that Jesus wants me to further understand the motivation behind Joseph Smith, why and how he
received answers to his questions, and the ways I can apply it to my own life.
4.  Feel the truth and importance of doctrine and principles: (So what?)
● Why are these teachings so valuable and important to you today?
● Share an experience you’ve had with these truths in your life.
These teachings are very important to me because they are a main foundation of my testimony, and throughout the
verses I get promptings from the Holy Ghost. One of these occasions is when I was 9 years old and was casually
reading through Joseph Smith-History, and strongly felt a prompting on one of the verses. I went and prayed about
it, and received a very strong confirmation that it was true.
5.  Applying doctrines and principles: (Now what?)
● What are some changes you are going to make in your life to better live these teachings?
● What will you do to deepen your testimony and conversion to Christ and His gospel?
● How will others know that you are better committed to living these teachings?
To help live these teachings, I am going to pray more often when receiving promptings, as that is something that I
feel I often don't do.This will help me deepen my testimony and will also help others know that I am better
committed to these teachings.

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