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Dear aspiring student leaders,

I want to start by congratulating each and every one of you for taking the brave step to run for the UASG
Election 2023. Your decision to step up and lead your fellow students is a commendable one, and it
shows that you have the courage, passion, and dedication to make a positive change in your community.

However, let me be clear - this election is not going to be easy. You will face numerous challenges and
obstacles along the way, from competing against other candidates to gaining the trust and support of
your peers. But do not let these challenges discourage you. Instead, use them as fuel to ignite your
determination to succeed.

As student leaders, you will be the voice of your peers. You will have the power to influence and make
decisions that will impact the lives of your fellow students. This is not a responsibility to be taken lightly.
It requires a deep understanding of the issues that affect your community, the ability to listen and
communicate effectively, and the courage to stand up for what is right.

So, I challenge you to take this opportunity to showcase your leadership skills. Be proactive in identifying
the issues that matter to your fellow kasUbAy, and come up with creative solutions to address them.
Use your platform to inspire and motivate your fellow students to get involved and make a difference.

Remember, being a leader is not about holding a position of power, but about serving others with
humility, empathy, and integrity. Be the change you want to see in your community, and lead with a
purpose that is greater than your personal ambitions.

Also, I would like to give emphasis about this issue. In student government, promises made by elected
officials are typically tied to their campaign platforms or goals for their term in office. These promises
may include initiatives to improve campus life, increase student engagement, or address specific issues
facing the student body.

Unlike politicians in national or local government, student government officials often have limited
resources and power to enact sweeping changes. However, this does not mean that promises made
during the campaign should be forgotten or ignored once the officials are in office.

Instead, a continuation of those promises means that the elected officials should make a good faith
effort to work towards the goals they set out to achieve during their campaign. This may involve
collaborating with other student groups or university administration to identify viable solutions and
create action plans to implement them.

Furthermore, elected officials should be transparent and accountable to the student body throughout
their term, providing regular updates on their progress towards achieving their goals and seeking
feedback from students on their performance.

By continuing to work towards the promises made during their campaign, student government officials
can build trust and credibility with their constituents and make a positive impact on campus life.

Now, before I end my speech, let me tell you something about one of my greatest learning as a student
leader that I believe you’ll encounter the sooner or later after being elected. There are TIMES, I ask why
did I take this position wherein at the first place in caused me headaches literally, and stress also, it
divides my time and attention. There are regrets sometimes in the journey of being a student leader,
that you’re not well recognized, that who cares if they see you in the corridors or alleys of department
buildings, who cares if you post something of your advocacy in face book but that’s just external. What
good and what is important is your deep and internal realization. There are two kinds of influence, the
extrinsic and intrinsic, it depends on you, on how you’ll be influenced but the greatest feat of them all is
that at the end of the day you must appreciate what you’ve done and thank yourself for not giving up.

I urge you to rise to this challenge and embrace the opportunity to make a positive impact in your
community. I wish you all the best of luck in the UASG Election 2023, and I look forward to seeing the
incredible things you will achieve as student leaders. Thank you.

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