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In class practice 3 sol

In a truck company, 5 drivers (D1 to D5) need to be assigned to trucks at 5 different locations (L1 to L5).
The costs related to all possible driver assignments are given in the following table.
Cost to Assign Drivers to Locations
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
D1 200 120 220 200 100
D2 180 210 190 110 90
D3 120 160 220 100 160
D4 180 240 210 180 180
D5 150 120 240 150 100

A simple method has been suggested to solve this driver Assignment Problem (AP) with the following steps.

Step 1. Assign driver D1 to the location with minimum cost on the row corresponding to D1 in the
above table. Break ties arbitrarily.
Step 2. For each driver D2, D3, D4, D5 and in that sequence, assign each driver to an unassigned
location with minimum cost in the row corresponding to the driver being assigned. Break ties
Step 3. Calculate the total assignment cost value, V-Cost.
Based on the information,
1) Follow the above 3 steps to solve this assignment problem (AP) and present your driver-location
assignment result. Solution: d1-l5, d2-l4, d3-l1, d4-l3, d5-l2,

2) solution: V-cost= 100+110+120+210+120=660

3) For each of the following statements, put T at the side of the question number to indicate that it is
True or F for False. No explanations are required.

a) The AP solution generated in 1) above is certainly optimal.(F)

b) The AP solution generated in 1) above is certainly not optimal.(F)
c) The AP solution generated in 1) above may be optimal.(T)
d) The AP solution generated in 1) above may not be optimal.(T)
e) The value of V-cost can be used as a lower bound to measure the optimality of an AP solution.(F)
f) The value of V-cost is an upper bound for the optimal AP solution.(T)
g) If the above AP problem is solved in such way for the corresponding TSP problem, the V-Cost
can be used as a lower bound to measure the optimality of corresponding TSP solutions.(F)
h) If the above AP problem is solved in such way for the corresponding TSP problem, the V-Cost
can be used as an upper bound for the optimal solution of the corresponding TSP problem.(T)

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