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● How long have you been living there?

● What part of this country do you live in?
● and in that part, there are a lot of tourists?
● Hungarians tend to be cold? Or do they have similarities with the Peruvian culture? in
the sense of being friendly or something like that?
● How are the traditions there?
● Do you think that there are many opportunities for Peruvians in the labor area in
● I have seen through the news and newspapers in the country that in the last decade there
have been certain controversies with the decisions of Viktor Orbán's government, which
has been in power since 2010, that alter human rights, even that the European Union has
declared itself against these reforms. From your point of view, clearly, how do you think
the society feels, do they have some disagreement or do they agree with everything the
government does?

Sebastian :

● Did you know that many peruvian businesses are in Hungary?

● Do you think that the peruvian companies have the opportunity to consolidate in
Hungary ?
● What are the Peruvian products that are most demanded in Hungary?


● Where could foreign direct investment come from?

● Which SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) could be implemented in foreign
direct investment projects in automotive companies like AUDI?
● In which automotive business products or services is it advisable to invest?
● What SDG projects could be implemented to improve the profitability of companies
in Hungary?

● What is the main reason why companies should invest in Hungary?
● What is the main reason for you why companies should not invest in Hungary?
● Which industry or sector you think will be the most important sector for the hungarian
economy in the future years?
● What will be the biggest challenge for investors from another country when they want
to invest in hungary?

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