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Nama :

Mata Pelajaran

: Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal : Jum’at, 2 Desember 2022

Kelas : 1 (Satu) Waktu : 07.00 – 08.30 ( 90 Menit )

A. Cross (x) a, b, or c the best answer

1. ‘Good morning’ in indonesian . . . .
a. selamat pagi
b. selamat siang
c. selamat malam
2. How are you ?
In Indonesian is . . . .
a. Mau pergi kemana?
b. Bagaimana kabarmu?
c. Saya baik saja?
3. Arrange the jumbled word bellow into a good sentence!
morning – mother – good
a. Good mother morning
b. Mother morning good
c. Good morning, mother
4. The picture shows a situation in the . . . .
a. morning
b. malam
c. siang
5. What do you say to greet your brother in the afternoon?
a. Good Afternoon
b. Good Morning
c. Good Evening
6. What is . . . . name?
a. my
b. your
c. Budi
7. Aldo : how old are you?
Sinta : . . . .
a. I am fine
b. I am six years old
c. I am sick
8. Where are you coming from?
a. I am coming from Rembang
b. You are come back
c. You are Dani
9. What is Rendi?
a. Rendi is a student
b. Rani is a teacher
c. Risa is doctor
10. The Indonesian of “my name” is . . . .
a. Nama dia
b. Nama mereka
c. Nama saya

B. Fiil in the blanks with the correct word!

1. What is your number ?

2. There are . . . . pencils

Four Five ....

The missing number is . . . .

4. The Indonesian of two is . . . .
5. The number before five is . . . .
6. What it this ?

7. Lemari in English is . . . .
8. Window in Indonesian is . . . .
D …. …. r

The missing letter are . . . .

10. We write on the . . . . using a chalk
a. Six f. Jendela
b. Four g. Dua
c. Seven h. Blackboard
d. Three i. Chair
e. Cupboard j. Door

C. Translate into Indonesian!

1. The book is blue
Answer :
2. The book is white
Answer :
3. The book is yellow
Answer :
4. The book is red
Answer :
5. The book is green
Answer :

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