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14 Autonomic Innervation
of Ocular Structures

T he autonomic nervous system innervates smooth SYMPATHETIC PATHWAY TO OCULAR

muscles, glands, and the heart and consists of (1) the STRUCTURES
sympathetic system, which when stimulated prepares
the body to face an emergency; and (2) the parasympa- Sympathetic fibers are controlled by the hypothalamus
thetic system, which maintains and restores the resting through a pathway that terminates in the lateral column of
state. Balance is maintained between these two systems the cervical spinal cord. The fiber from the preganglionic
and is particularly evident in those structures inner- neuron leaves the spinal cord in one of the first three tho-
vated by both systems. The ocular structures innervated racic nerves via the ventral root and enters the sympathetic
by the autonomic nervous system are the iris muscles, ganglion chain located adjacent to the vertebrae (Figure
ciliary muscle, smooth muscles of the eyelids, choroi- 14-1). These preganglionic fibers then ascend in the
dal and conjunctival blood vessels, and the lacrimal sympathetic chain to a synapse in the superior cervical
gland. ganglion, located near the second and third vertebrae.6,7
The postganglionic fibers leave the ganglion, form
the carotid plexus around the internal carotid artery, and
AUTONOMIC PATHWAY enter the skull through the carotid canal. The network
The sympathetic pathway originates in the lateral gray of fine sympathetic fibers destined for orbital structures
column of the thoracic and upper lumbar segments (T-1 leaves the plexus in the cavernous sinus and takes mul-
through L-2) of the spinal cord; sympathetic innervation tiple pathways to the target structures. The fibers most
for ocular structures originates in segments T-1 through often described in the literature are presented here.
T-3. The parasympathetic pathway originates in the mid- Some of these sympathetic fibers travel with the oph-
brain, pons, medulla, and sacral spinal cord; parasym- thalmic division of the trigeminal nerve from the cav-
pathetic innervation of ocular structures originates in ernous sinus into the orbit.8 Once in the orbit the
the midbrain and pons. sympathetic fibers follow the nasociliary nerve and then
The autonomic efferent pathway consists of two travel with the long ciliary nerves to innervate the iris
neurons. The cell body of the first, the preganglionic dilator and the ciliary muscle8-12 (see Figure 14-1).
neuron, is located in the brain or spinal cord, whereas Other fibers from the carotid plexus follow this same
the cell body of the second is in a ganglion outside the route to the nasociliary nerve and then branch to the
central nervous system. The preganglionic fiber, which ciliary ganglion as the sympathetic root; these fibers pass
generally is myelinated, terminates in an autonomic through the ganglion without synapsing. They enter the
ganglion, where a synapse occurs. The postganglionic globe as the short ciliary nerves to innervate the choroi-
fiber, which usually is nonmyelinated, exits the gan- dal blood vessels. Alternately, the sympathetic root to the
glion and innervates the target structure. Sympathetic ciliary ganglion may emanate directly from the internal
ganglia usually are located near the spinal column, carotid plexus.12,13 A sympathetic nerve network accom-
whereas parasympathetic ganglia are located near the panies the ophthalmic artery and its branches could
target structure. have a role in the control of blood flow to ocular struc-
Ocular structures supplied by the sympathetic system tures.14 The pathway to the conjunctival vasculature may
are the iris dilator, ciliary muscle, smooth muscle of the be through either the long or the short ciliary nerves.
lids, lacrimal gland, and choroidal and conjunctival Other fibers from the carotid plexus join the oculo-
blood vessels.1-5 Ocular structures supplied by the para- motor nerve and travel with it into the orbit to inner-
sympathetic system are the iris sphincter, ciliary muscle, vate the smooth muscle of the upper eyelid. These fibers
lacrimal gland, and blood vessels. follow the same path as the superior division of the

254 Clinical Anatomy of the Visual System

Superior division of
oculomotor nerve

Ciliary ganglion

Sympathetic root
to the ciliary ganglion

Superior tarsal
muscle of

nerve Iris dilator

carotid plexus Lacrimal nerve

Long ciliary nerve

Internal carotid artery Vidian

Zygomatic nerve

Deep ganglion
spinal cord petrosal

Superior cervical

Ventral root

Sympathetic innervation to iris dilator, Müller muscle, blood vessels, and lacrimal gland.

oculomotor nerve as it supplies the levator muscle8 (see illumination. It also causes vasoconstriction of the cho-
Figure 14-1). An alternate route to Müller’s muscle from roidal and conjunctival vessels and widening of the
the infratrochlear or lacrimal nerve has been suggested.14 palpebral fissure by stimulating the smooth muscle of
Sympathetic stimulation activates the iris dilator, the eyelids. The sympathetic nerves also exhibit a small
causing pupillary dilation and thereby increasing retinal inhibitory effect on the ciliary muscle.1-3,5,15-18
CHAPTER 14  t  Autonomic Innervation of Ocular Structures 255

Inferior division
ganglion division

Lacrimal nerve
nerve Maxillary nerve

Greater petrosal nerve Ophthalmic


Edinger-Westphal Iris sphincter

nucleus muscle

Internal gland
Facial nerve canal

nucleus Zygomatic

Deep Pterygopalatine
Sympathetic petrosal ganglion
plexus nerve
foramen Facial nerve Parasympathetic

Sensory ciliary
root nerves


Parasympathetic innervation to sphincter and ciliary muscles and lacrimal gland. Inset shows
sensory, sympathetic, and parasympathetic fibers into ciliary ganglion; only parasympathetic
fibers synapse. Each short ciliary nerve carries all three types of fibers.

PARASYMPATHETIC PATHWAY that nerve into the orbit.19 The parasympathetic fibers
TO OCULAR STRUCTURES leave the inferior division and enter the ciliary ganglion
as the parasympathetic root13,20-22 (Figure 14-2).
The preganglionic neuron in the parasympathetic pathway The ciliary ganglion is a small, somewhat flat struc-
to the intrinsic ocular muscles is located in the midbrain ture, 2 mm long and 1 mm high, located within the
in the parasympathetic accessory third-nerve nucleus, muscle cone between the lateral rectus muscle and the
also called the Edinger-Westphal nucleus. The pregan- optic nerve, approximately 1 cm anterior to the optic
glionic fibers leave the nucleus with the motor fibers of canal.9,13,23 Three roots are located at the posterior edge
the oculomotor nerve and follow the inferior division of of the ganglion: the parasympathetic root, mentioned
256 Clinical Anatomy of the Visual System

previously; the sensory root, which carries sensory pons with the motor fibers of the facial nerve, enter the
fibers from the globe and joins with the nasociliary internal auditory canal, and pass through the geniculate
nerve; and the sympathetic root, which supplies the ganglion of the facial nerve without synapsing. They
blood vessels. Only the parasympathetic fibers synapse leave the ganglion as the greater petrosal nerve, which
in the ciliary ganglion; the sensory and sympathetic exits the petrous portion of the temporal bone.32 The
fibers pass through without synapsing (see Figure 14-2). greater petrosal nerve is joined by the deep petrosal
The short ciliary nerves, located at the anterior edge nerve, composed of sympathetic postganglionic fibers
of the ciliary ganglion, carry sensory, sympathetic, and from the carotid plexus. The greater petrosal and the
parasympathetic fibers. The postganglionic parasympa- deep petrosal nerves together form the vidian nerve
thetic fibers, which are myelinated,20 exit the ganglion (nerve of the pterygoid canal) (see Figures 14-1 and
in the short ciliary nerves, enter the globe, and travel to 14-2).
the anterior segment of the eye to innervate the sphincter The vidian nerve enters the pterygopalatine ganglion,
and ciliary muscles. Most of the fibers innervate the cili- where the parasympathetic fibers synapse. The pterygo-
ary body; only approximately 3% supply the iris sphinc- palatine ganglion (also called the sphenopalatine gan-
ter.20,21 The two groups of neurons likely share some glion) lies in the upper portion of the pterygopalatine
characteristics and differ in others, but specifics have not fossa (see Figure 12-5). It is a parasympathetic ganglion
been identified.24 because it contains parasympathetic cell bodies and syn-
Parasympathetic stimulation causes pupillary con- apses; sympathetic fibers pass through without synapsing.
striction, thus decreasing retinal illumination and The autonomic fibers (all of which are now postgangli-
reducing chromatic and spherical aberrations. It also onic) leave the ganglion, join with the maxillary branch
causes contraction of the ciliary muscle, enabling the of the trigeminal nerve, pass into the zygomatic nerve,
eye to focus on near objects in accommodation. and then form a communicating branch to the lacrimal
nerve (see Figures 14-1 and 14-2). An alternate pathway
bypasses the zygomatic nerve and travels from the gan-
Clinical Comment: Iris Equilibrium glion directly to the gland.33 The parasympathetic fibers
that innervate the lacrimal gland are of the secretomotor
The iris contains muscles innervated by both autonomic
systems. The parasympathetic system innervates the sphincter,
type and thus cause increased secretion. The sympathetic
and the sympathetic system innervates the dilator. The fibers innervate the blood vessels of the gland and might
parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves are in some state of indirectly cause decreased production of lacrimal gland
balance in the normal, healthy, awake individual, and the size secretion by restricting blood flow.14 Parasympathetic
of the pupil changes constantly and rhythmically, reflecting stimulation causes increased lacrimation. Figure 14-3
this balance. This physiologic pupillary unrest is called hippus
and is independent of changes in illumination. During sleep
provides a flow chart of the common autonomic nerve
the pupils are small because the sympathetic system shuts pathways to orbital structures. Sympathetic fibers from
down and the parasympathetic system predominates. the zygomatic nerve also branch into the lower eyelid to
innervate Müller’s muscle of the lower lid.34
Parasympathetic innervation to the choroidal blood
Clinical Comment: Inhibition vessels is believed to emanate directly from the sphenopal-
atine ganglion through a network of fine nerves, the rami
of Ciliary Muscle oculares.35 Parasympathetic activation presumably causes
vasodilation, which might raise intraocular pressure.33,36
Parasympathetic activation causes contraction of the
ciliary muscle in accommodation. Many investigators, Irritation of any branch of the trigeminal nerve acti-
using pharmacologic,25,26 electrophysiologic,27 and vates a reflex afferent pathway, precipitating increased
anatomic20,28,29 evidence, have demonstrated the presence lacrimation.7,37
of both sympathetic receptors and fibers in animals and
humans.30,31 The sympathetic effect on the ciliary muscle
appears to be a small, slow inhibition that is a function of Clinical Comment: Corneal Reflex
the level of parasympathetic activity.1-5
Corneal touch initiates the three-part corneal reflex:
lacrimation, miosis, and a protective blink (Figure 14-4).
AUTONOMIC INNERVATION The pain sensation elicited by the touch travels to the
trigeminal ganglion and then into the pons as the
TO LACRIMAL GLAND trigeminal nerve. Communication from the trigeminal
nucleus to the Edinger-Westphal nucleus causes activation
The efferent autonomic pathway to the lacrimal gland of the sphincter muscle. Communication to the facial nerve
follows a complex route. Fibers controlling the para- nucleus activates the motor pathway to the orbicularis
sympathetic innervation originate in the pons in an area muscle, causing the blink, and communication to the
within the nucleus for cranial nerve VII designated as lacrimal nucleus and the parasympathetic pathway to the
lacrimal gland stimulates increased lacrimation.
the lacrimal nucleus. These preganglionic fibers exit the
CHAPTER 14  t  Autonomic Innervation of Ocular Structures 257


Preganglionic Ventral root


Ganglion Superior cervical ganglion

Internal carotid plexus

Ophthalmic Oculomotor Deep petrosal

division nerve nerve

Vidian nerve

Long ciliary Sympathetic Superior Pterygopalatine

nerve root division ganglion
(no synapse)

Ciliary ganglion Maxillary nerve

(no synapse)

Short ciliary Zygomatic nerve



Lacrimal nerve

Structure Superior
Iris dilator Choroidal and
tarsal muscle Lacrimal-gland
blood vessels
blood vessels

Action Widening of
Mydriasis Vasoconstriction Vasoconstriction

Flow chart of autonomic nervous system. A, Sympathetic innervation.
258 Clinical Anatomy of the Visual System

Edinger-Westphal Lacrimal nucleus
nucleus in midbrain in pons

Oculomotor nerve Facial nerve

Greater petrosal
Inferior division

Vidian nerve

(synapse occurs) Ciliary ganglion

fiber Short ciliary nerves Maxillary nerve

Zygomatic nerve


Lacrimal nerve

Iris sphincter Ciliary muscle Lacrimal gland

Miosis Accommodation Lacrimation

FIGURE 14-3, cont’d

B, Parasympathetic innervation.

PHARMACOLOGIC as well as drugs used in the differential diagnosis of

RESPONSES OF certain pupillary abnormalities. The reader is encour-
INTRINSIC MUSCLES aged to review a text on pharmacology for detailed
Pharmacologic agents can alter autonomic responses.
Topical ophthalmic drugs, which readily pass through
the cornea, can be used to activate or inhibit the intrin-
sic ocular muscles. When an action potential reaches the terminal end
After a brief discussion of neurotransmitters and of an axon, a neurotransmitter is released that acti-
drug types relative to iris musculature, this section vates either the next fiber in the pathway or the target
presents specific drugs that induce mydriasis or miosis, structure, the effector. In the sympathetic pathway the
CHAPTER 14  t  Autonomic Innervation of Ocular Structures 259

Trigeminal Opthalmic Nasociliary Long and short

ganglion nerve nerve ciliary nerves


Oculomotor Ciliary Short ciliary Sphincter
nerve ganglion nerves (miosis)

Facial nerve Zygomatic Orbicularis

Facial nerve
nucleus nerve (blink)

Lacrimal Facial Vidian Pterygopalatine Maxillary Zygomatic Lacrimal Lacrimal gland
nucleus nerve nerve ganglion nerve nerve nerve (lacrimation)

Corneal touch reflex. Pathways involved when pain from the cornea results in the reflex actions
of miosis, blink, and lacrimation.

then is released from the muscle and is either inactivated

or taken back up by the nerve ending, thus preventing
CNS Superior continual muscle spasm; further muscle contraction
cervical ganglion Effector cell
should occur only with another action potential and
division release of additional transmitter. At the cholinergic neu-
romuscular junction, acetylcholinesterase hydrolyzes
Acetylcholine Norepinephrine
and inactivates acetylcholine; at the adrenergic neuro-
muscular junction, norepinephrine is recycled, taken
back up by the nerve ending.
Ciliary Effector cell
Acetylcholine Acetylcholine A drug that replicates the action of a neurotransmitter
is called an agonist. A direct-acting agonist is usually
FIGURE 14-5 structurally similar to the transmitter and duplicates the
Autonomic neurotransmitters at their sites of action. action of the neurotransmitter by acting on the recep-
CNS, ­Central nervous system. (From Bartlett JD, Jaanus tor sites of the effector. An indirect-acting agonist
SD: Clinical ocular pharmacology, ed 2, Boston, 1989, causes the action to occur either by exciting the nerve
Butterworth-Heinemann.) fiber, thereby causing release of the transmitter, or by
preventing the recycling or reuptake of the transmitter,
neurotransmitter released by the preganglionic fiber is thus allowing it to continue its activity. Antagonists
acetylcholine, and the neurotransmitter released by the either block the receptor sites or block the release of the
postganglionic fiber is norepinephrine. In the parasym- neurotransmitter, thus preventing action of the effector.
pathetic system both preganglionic and postganglionic
fibers secrete acetylcholine (Figure 14-5). Fibers that
release acetylcholine are called cholinergic, and fibers
Ophthalmic Agonist Agents
that release norepinephrine are called adrenergic. Epinephrine and phenylephrine are direct-acting adren-
The neurotransmitter binds to effector sites on the ergic agonists that bind to sites on the dilator muscle,
muscle and initiates a contraction. The neurotransmitter causing contraction38 (Figure 14-6). Hydroxyamphetamine
260 Clinical Anatomy of the Visual System

and cocaine are indirect-acting adrenergic agonists.

Hydroxyamphetamine causes the release of norepi-
Ne Ne
Dilator nephrine from the nerve ending, thus indirectly initiat-
Ne Ne ing muscle contraction. Cocaine prevents the reuptake
of norepinephrine by the nerve ending; thus norepi-
nephrine remains at the neuromuscular junction and
can continue to activate the dilator.38
Pilocarpine is a direct-acting cholinergic agonist
Ne Ep that directly stimulates the sites on the iris sphincter
and ciliary muscle, causing contraction38 (Figure 14-7).
Ne Ph Physostigmine is an indirect-acting cholinergic agonist
that inhibits acetylcholinesterase.38 Therefore, acetyl-
Ep choline is not broken down but remains in the junc-
tion, and the sphincter and ciliary muscle contraction
B Ph
continues in a spasm.

Ophthalmic Antagonist Agents

Ne Ne
Dapiprazole is an adrenergic antagonist that blocks
Ne Ne receptor sites, thereby preventing norepinephrine from
activating the dilator muscle. Atropine, cyclopentolate, and
tropicamide are cholinergic antagonists that compete
C with acetylcholine by blocking sphincter and ciliary
muscle sites, thereby inhibiting miosis and accommo-
dation38 (Figure 14-8).
Clinical Comment: Drug-Induced
D Ne
For maximum pupillary dilation to occur, the dilator muscle
should be activated and the sphincter muscle should
be inhibited. This end is achieved by the combination
of a direct-acting adrenergic agonist and a cholinergic
Ne antagonist. A common procedure for a dilated fundus
Ne examination involves the use of 2.5% phenylephrine and
1% tropicamide. Phenylephrine-induced mydriasis can be
reversed with dapiprazole, which blocks the dilator receptor
Ne sites and prevents phenylephrine activity.
E Cocaine

Adrenergic neuromuscular junction and actions of adrenergic
agonists. A, Norepinephrine (Ne) is released by axon terminal ACCOMMODATION-
and binds to sites on iris dilator muscle, causing contraction.
B, Epinephrine (Ep) and phenylephrine (Ph) are direct-acting
adrenergic agonists that bind to those same sites on iris REACTION (NEAR-POINT
dilator muscle, causing contraction. C, Hydroxyamphetamine REACTION)
(Hydroxy) is an indirect-acting adrenergic agonist that acts
on nerve fiber, causing release of Ne. D, Once released from The accommodation-convergence reaction is not a
effector site, Ne is taken back up by nerve ending. E, Cocaine, true reflex but rather a synkinesis or an association of
an indirect-acting adrenergic agonist, prevents reuptake of Ne, three occurrences: convergence, accommodation, and
allowing it to remain in neuromuscular junction and rebind to miosis. As an object is brought near along the mid-
effector site. line, the medial rectus muscles contract to move the
CHAPTER 14  t  Autonomic Innervation of Ocular Structures 261

ACh ACh Ne Dap

Sphincter Dilator
ACh ACh Ne Dap

A Dap

ACh Pi
ACh Cyclo
ACh Pi Sphincter
ACh Trop


B Cyclo

Actions of adrenergic and cholinergic antagonists at the
neuromuscular junction. A, Dapiprazole (Dap) is an adrenergic
antagonist that blocks receptor sites of iris dilator muscle,
ACh preventing norepinephrine (Ne) from binding and causing
muscle contraction. B, Cyclopentolate (Cyclo) and tropicamide
ACh (Trop) are cholinergic antagonists that block receptor sites
of iris sphincter muscle, preventing acetylcholine (ACh) from
binding and causing muscle contraction.
A Ch AChe

image onto each fovea; the ciliary muscle contracts to

keep the near object in focus; and the sphincter mus-
cle constricts to decrease the size of the pupil, thereby
improving depth of field.
ACh Each of these actions can occur without the others.
If plus lenses are placed in front of each eye, pupillary
constriction and convergence occur without accommo-
dation. If a base-in prism is placed in front of each eye,
D AChe pupillary constriction and accommodation occur with-
out convergence.39
FIGURE 14-7 The afferent pathway for this reaction follows the
Cholinergic neuromuscular junction and actions of cholinergic visual pathway to the striate cortex. From the striate
agonists. A, Acetylcholine (ACh) is released by axon terminal cortex, information is sent to the frontal eye fields,
and binds to sites on iris sphincter muscle, causing contraction. which communicate with the oculomotor nucleus
B, Pilocarpine (Pi) is a direct-acting cholinergic agonist
and the Edinger-Westphal nucleus through a path-
that binds to those sites on iris sphincter muscle, causing
way that passes through the internal capsule (Figure
contraction. C, Once released from effector site, ACh is broken
down by acetylcholinesterase (AChe), which prevents ACh from 14-9). The efferent pathway, via the oculomotor nerve,
rebinding to site. D, Physostigmine (Physo) is an indirect-acting innervates the medial rectus muscle, and the parasym-
cholinergic agonist that inhibits AChe, allowing ACh to remain pathetic pathway innervates the ciliary muscle and iris
active in the neuromuscular junction. sphincter.
262 Clinical Anatomy of the Visual System

PUPILLARY LIGHT Clinical Comment: Pupillary Light

PATHWAY Response
An understanding of the pupillary light pathway can
In assessment of the pupillary light pathway, both the direct
be an important tool in diagnosing clinical problems response and the consensual response are tested. When a
with pupillary manifestations. Shining a bright light bright light is directed into the eye, both a direct response
into an eye normally will initiate pupillary constriction. (constriction of the ipsilateral iris) and a consensual
The afferent fibers that carry this information are called response (constriction of the contralateral iris) occur. The
consensual response occurs because of the two crossings
pupillary fibers, to distinguish them from visual fibers,
of the fibers in the pathway: The nasal retinal fibers cross
which carry visual information. For some time it was in the chiasm, and approximately half the fibers from each
unclear whether there were two separate sets of fibers or pretectal nucleus cross in the posterior commissure.
whether the pupillary fibers were branches of the visual
fibers.39 It now seems that both theories are somewhat
correct. One classification model groups retinal gan- DISRUPTION IN THE AFFERENT
glion cells as W, X, and Y cells. The W cells project to the PATHWAY
pretectum, carrying pupillary afferent information, and
project to the colliculi, carrying information for reflexive A disruption in the afferent pathway will affect both
eye movements. The Y cells send collateral branches to direct and consensual responses. For example, in the pres-
the pretectum and to the colliculi. The X cells primar- ence of a disruption in the right afferent pathway, a light
ily carry visual information to the lateral geniculate directed into the right eye will cause a poor response in
nucleus, with a few having collateral fibers projecting to both the right and the left eyes, although both responses
the midbrain.24 would be normal if the light were directed into the left
The afferent pupillary light pathway parallels the eye. If the damage to the afferent pathway is complete
visual pathway as far as the posterior optic tract, with the (i.e., all the fibers from one eye are affected), there would
nasal fibers crossing in the chiasm. The pupillary fibers be no direct and no consensual response when light is
exit in the posterior third of the optic tract and travel directed into the affected eye. More often, only some
within the brachium of the superior colliculus to an fibers are damaged, such that the abnormal pupillary
area of the midbrain known as the pretectal nucleus, responses might be recognized only when compared
located near the superior colliculus. Synapse occurs, and with the normal pupillary responses; thus the term rela-
the fibers that leave the pretectal region travel to the two tive afferent pupillary defect (RAPD) is applied.
Edinger-Westphal nuclei, distributing about equally to Disruption can occur anywhere in the afferent path-
both.39 The fibers that cross to the opposite Edinger- way: retina, optic nerve, chiasm, optic tract, or superior
Westphal nucleus travel in the posterior commissure brachium. The swinging-flashlight test can be used to
(Figure 14-10). determine the presence of an RAPD. Damage posterior to
The efferent parasympathetic pathway from the the crossing in the chiasm might not be evident with the
Edinger-Westphal nucleus to the sphincter and ciliary swinging-flashlight test unless the damage affects a great
muscles is described earlier under the Parasympathetic number of fibers from one eye and significantly fewer
Pathway to Ocular Structures section. As the third nerve fibers from the other eye.40 There are more crossed (con-
leaves the midbrain, the pupillomotor fibers generally tralateral) fibers in the optic tract than uncrossed (ipsi-
lie in a superior position; but as the nerve leaves the lateral); therefore, with a complete optic tract lesion the
cavernous sinus and enters the orbit, the pupillomotor pupillary constrictions may be greater with light into the
fibers move into an inferior position and travel in the ipsilateral eye than with light into the contralateral eye.
inferior division of the oculomotor nerve.39
While the parasympathetic system is activated, an
inhibition of the dilator muscle apparently occurs. When
light is removed from the eye and the Edinger-Westphal
Clinical Comment: Swinging-
neurons stop firing, the preganglionic sympathetic fibers Flashlight Test
are no longer inhibited, their firing rate increases, and
the dilator muscle increases in tone.24 The fibers that The patient is asked to fixate on a distant object, and then
the practitioner swings a light from eye to eye, several
carry the inhibition message from the retina likely pass times rhythmically, taking care to illuminate each pupil
through an accessory optic system to the cervical spinal for an equal length of time, about 2 or 3 seconds. If both
cord. There is similar inhibition of the parasympathetic pathways are normal, little or no change in pupil size will be
innervation while the sympathetic nerves cause dilator noted; the eye will not recover from the consensual response
contraction. These inhibitory fibers course through the before it is subjected to the direct light beam. The normal,
symmetric response is characterized by equal pupillary
CHAPTER 14  t  Autonomic Innervation of Ocular Structures 263

rectus Short ciliary nerve

Ciliary ganglion

Optic nerve

Frontal eye fields

Optic tract


nucleus (medial
rectus subnucleus)


Visual fibers of
optic radiations

Striate cortex

The near pupillary response. Dotted lines indicate visual pathway fibers carrying visual
information from the eye to the visual cortex. Solid lines indicate pathway from the striate
cortex to the frontal eye fields, then to the oculomotor nucleus, and from there to the medial
rectus, ciliary, and sphincter muscles.
264 Clinical Anatomy of the Visual System

Short ciliary nerve

Ciliary ganglion
Optic nerve

Optic chiasm

Oculomotor nerve

Optic tract Cerebral

Edinger-Westphal nucleus

Pretectal nucleus

Posterior commissure

FIGURE 14-10
The pupillary light pathway. Dotted lines indicate the afferent pathway and solid lines the
efferent pathway.
CHAPTER 14  t  Autonomic Innervation of Ocular Structures 265

constriction in both eyes when the light is presented to either

eye. An abnormal response is characterized by larger pupils
when the light is directed into the affected eye than when
the light is directed into the normal eye (Figure 14-11).
As the intensity of the light increases, stronger constrictions
occur when light is presented to a normal eye. There is a
threshold, however, beyond which no increase occurs. A
very bright light can be used for detecting subtle defects;
however, the luminance level should be recorded because
a future change in the measured RAPD might reflect only a
different light condition.41,42

Clinical Comment: Afferent

­Pupillary Defect in Cataract
It would appear likely that a dense cataract would cause an
RAPD because less light penetrates a cataract to stimulate
the retina. In a clinical situation, however, a dense cataract
has been found to cause an RAPD in the contralateral
eye.43,44 Light scattered back to the retina from the lens
opacity probably produces an enhanced pupillary response,
which is manifested as an RAPD of the contralateral eye. B

Clinical Comment: Optic Neuritis

The most common site of damage in an RAPD is the optic
nerve. Ninety percent of patients with optic neuritis exhibit
an RAPD during some stage of the disease.39


A lesion in the midbrain can involve the pretectal nucleus,
the fibers leaving the nucleus, or the parasympathetic
Edinger-Westphal nucleus. Damage to the pretectal nucleus FIGURE 14-11
might not cause a pupillary defect as fibers from the other Swinging-flashlight test.  A, Response is equal and symmetric,
indicating no relative pupillary defect. B, Response is unequal,
pretectal nucleus still supply both parasympathetic nuclei.
with both pupils growing larger as light is directed into the
Injury to the dorsal tegmentum of the midbrain, that right eye, indicating a grade 1+ (relative afferent pupillary
interrupts the fibers from the pretectal nucleus to the defect, right eye (RAPD OD). C, Unequal pupillary response in
parasympathetic third-nerve nucleus, if limited to one which both pupils enlarge as light is directed into the left eye,
side and affecting all fibers into the Edinger-Westphal indicating a grade 3+ relative afferent pupillary defect, left eye
nucleus, results in a pupil that shows a poor direct and (RAPD OS).
consensual response but does constrict with the near
response. This pupillary response is commonly called Because the fibers that carry inhibitory feedback to
the Argyll Robertson pupil and is said to show a “light- the parasympathetic nucleus also pass through the dor-
near dissociation.45” Since the fibers carrying the mes- sal midbrain, miosis is a component of the Argyll Rob-
sage for the near reaction approach the Edinger-Westphal ertson syndrome and is evident in darkness, with the
nucleus from a more ventral location, they do not pass affected pupil smaller than would be seen in the normal
through the affected area of the midbrain. Since the individual.24 The Argyll Robertson syndrome is bilat-
pathway from the frontal eye fields is intact and the effer- eral in approximately 80% to 90% of cases, but the two
ent path is viable, the sphincter and ciliary muscle still sides may be affected unequally.24 Diabetic neuropathy,
will constrict to a near object.46 In the Argyll Robertson alcoholic neuropathy, or neurosyphilis is suspected in
pupil, the retained near response exceeds the best direct- a complete Argyll Robertson pupil that involves both
light response (Figure 14-12), and when the patient sides. A near response that exceeds the light response is
looks from near to distant, the pupils redilate briskly. always a sign of a pathologic pupil.24
266 Clinical Anatomy of the Visual System

because the density of the innervation to the ciliary

muscle is much greater than the density of innervation
to the sphincter, some ciliary muscle nerve fibers remain
intact. With near stimulation, these fibers release acetyl-
choline, which diffuses into the aqueous humor and
A then causes the supersensitive sphincter to constrict.49
In late stages of this condition, the pupil becomes tonic
and the miotic near reaction difficult to demonstrate,
but the accommodative facility appears to recover, per-
haps as a result of regeneration of the fibers.20,50
Clinical Comment: Adie’s Tonic Pupil
If the cause of the tonic pupil is not apparent, the syndrome
is called Adie’s tonic pupil. The typical patient with Adie’s
pupil is a woman 20 to 40 years of age; 90% of these
patients also have diminished tendon reflexes. Because
of this systemic manifestation, it is believed that similar
C degenerative processes are occurring in the ciliary ganglion
and in the dorsal column of the spinal cord,51 but the cause
is unknown.52 If pupillary constriction in early Adie’s pupil
FIGURE 14-12
is examined with the biomicroscope, segmental constriction
Argyll Robertson pupil, right eye (OD).  A, Poor direct affecting only a section of the iris may be evident.53 An
response OD and normal consensual response left eye (OS). Adie’s pupil that has been tonic for years eventually
B, Normal direct response OS and poor consensual response becomes smaller and does not dilate well in the dark; thus it
OD. C, Normal near response in both eyes. is the larger pupil in light and the smaller one in darkness.50
In the differential diagnosis of Adie’s pupil, a very mild,
DISRUPTION IN THE EFFERENT ­direct-acting cholinergic agonist can be used because the
sphincter muscle is supersensitive.20,54 A dilute ­concentration
PATHWAY of pilocarpine (0.125%) has minimal effect on a normal
sphincter but will cause significant clinical miosis in a
A lesion in the efferent pathway will cause the eye to ­supersensitive sphincter. Some investigators believe that a
show poor direct and consensual pupillary responses normal pupil can respond to the 0.125% pilocarpine and
and a poor near response. The pupil appears large on ­recommend using a 0.0625% pilocarpine solution.55 With one
clinical presentation, and other ocular structures are drop instilled in each eye, the Adie’s pupil should show a much
greater constriction than the normal pupil (Figure 14-13).
involved. Damage in the oculomotor nucleus or nerve
There is indication that a tonic pupil might in some cases
could involve the superior rectus, medial rectus, infe- be associated with autoimmune disease.56
rior rectus, inferior oblique, or levator muscle, and the
patient should be examined for related ocular motility
impairment. The parasympathetic fibers in the ocu- Clinical Comment: Fixed, Dilated
lomotor nerve are often spared in ischemic lesions, as Pupil
from diabetes, but are especially vulnerable to com-
pression because the fibers are superficial as the nerve Recent onset of a fixed, dilated pupil could be caused by
emerges from the midbrain.24 Third nerve involvement accidental drug-induced mydriasis. Investigation of the
individual’s profession might indicate the handling of drugs
that includes a dilated pupil is highly suspicious of a (pharmacists, nurses) or chemicals that could exert such an
compressive intracranial lesion. effect (farmers, crop dusters, exterminators). Such a pupil
Damage to the ciliary ganglion or the short ciliary will not respond to 0.125% pilocarpine. Some over-the-
nerves could be caused by local injury or disease and counter drops that promise to “get the red out” may also
results in a tonic pupil, which is characterized by poor cause a dilated pupil.
pupillary light response and loss of accommodation.
Decreased corneal sensitivity often occurs because some
afferent sensory fibers from the cornea pass through the DISRUPTION IN THE SYMPATHETIC
short ciliary nerves and the ganglion.47 The affected PATHWAY
muscle may exhibit cholinergic denervation supersensitiv-
ity, a physiologic phenomenon resulting from injury An interruption in the sympathetic pathway causes mio-
to the fibers directly innervating muscles.48 The near sis. The usual tone that the dilator muscle normally
response is retained, but it is delayed and slow, and the exerts is not present, and there is no counteracting pull
pupil redilates sluggishly. One theory postulates that against the sphincter muscle, making the pupil smaller
CHAPTER 14  t  Autonomic Innervation of Ocular Structures 267

difference between pupils usually less than 1 mm.50 Sometimes

the anisocoria may switch sides, but both pupils are round and
react well to all stimuli and dilate equally with the lights off. It
A represents an asymmetric balance between the sympathetic
and parasympathetic innervation to the iris. Benign anisocoria
may be caused by asymmetric supranuclear inhibition of the
Edinger-Westphal nucleus.50

Clinical Comment: Horner’s

Damage in the sympathetic pathway to the head can
cause Horner’s syndrome, which consists of ptosis, miosis,
and facial anhidrosis (absence of sweat secretion). Loss of
innervation to the smooth muscle of the upper eyelid causes
C ptosis, whereas loss of innervation to the lower eyelid causes
it to rise slightly such that the palpebral fissure appears
narrow, simulating enophthalmos (Figure 14-14).
The damage can occur anywhere along the sympathetic
pathway in the brain, spinal cord, preganglionic path, or
postganglionic path. Involvement of the central neuron,
which sends its fiber from the hypothalamus through the
spinal cord to a synapse with the preganglionic neuron in
D the cervical dorsal column, can also cause other problems
(e.g., vertigo).
The preganglionic fibers leave the dorsal column of the
spinal cord, pass into the chest, course over the apex of the
lung, and loop around the subclavian artery en route to the
superior cervical ganglion (Figure 14-15). These fibers can
be damaged in thoracic injury or surgery or in metastatic
E disease involving the chest.6
The postganglionic fibers that enter the skull through the
FIGURE 14-13 carotid plexus can be damaged by a fracture of the skull
Adie’s pupil OD.  A, Presenting anisocoria; right pupil is base or an injury to the internal carotid artery. P ­ ainful
larger than left pupil. B, Poor direct response OD and normal Horner’s syndrome is a classical symptom of carotid
consensual response OS. C, Normal direct response OS and artery dissection and should be treated as an emergent
poor consensual response OD. D, Slow and long-lasting near ­situation.56 Horner’s in combination with a sixth nerve
response. E, Pilocarpine 0.125% instilled in both eyes. Miosis
­paresis indicates cavernous sinus involvement and a mass
in or near the sinus must be ruled out.56 Damage along the
OD, no response OS.
rest of the postganglionic neuron can involve the nasociliary
or long ciliary nerves.
than normal. Anisocoria (a difference in pupil size) is
present under normal room light conditions but is more Normal sympathetic innervation is necessary for the
pronounced in dim light, with the normal eye having the development and maintenance of iris melanocyte
larger pupil. The pupil responds briskly to light, but with pigmentation. In congenital Horner’s syndrome, normal iris
slow and incomplete dilation in the dark. If the anisoco- pigmentation fails to develop, and heterochromia is present
(Figure 14-16). Heterochromia is rarely seen in acquired
ria decreases in bright lights and the pupils react normally
Horner syndrome but may develop after long-standing
to a light stimulus, the disruption is likely a sympathetic conditions.24
interruption to the dilator muscle or benign anisocoria.50
In addition to the clinical presentation of ptosis and
miosis, dilation lag occurs in dim illumination, and this
Clinical Comment: Benign will differentiate Horner’s pupil from simple anisocoria.
The normal pupil dilates within 5 seconds of lights being
Anisocoria off because of the normal sympathetic activity to the
dilator and the parasympathetic inactivation of the
Approximately 20% of the population have benign anisocoria sphincter. In the Horner’s pupil there is no sympathetic
(also called simple or physiologic anisocoria), which is usually activity, and the pupil thus dilates only from inactivation
more apparent in dim light than in room light, with the of the sphincter muscle and dilates more slowly, taking
268 Clinical Anatomy of the Visual System

10 to 20 seconds.50,56 Dilation lag does not occur with

physiologic anisocoria.56
The location of the disruption of the sympathetic pathway
is useful in determining appropriate care. In the d ­ ifferential
diagnosis of Horner’s syndrome, diagnostic drugs used
to determine the site of interruption include cocaine and
hydroxyamphetamine, the effects of which are shown in
Figures 14-17 and 14-18. If the sympathetic pathway is
intact, instillation of one drop of a 5% or 10% ophthalmic
cocaine solution, an indirect-acting adrenergic agonist,
causes dilation in 30 to 60 minutes.50,57,58 In contrast,
with a disruption anywhere in the pathway, norepinephrine
is lacking in the neuromuscular junction, and therefore
cocaine has little or no effect, and the pupil dilates poorly.
Hydroxyamphetamine 1% can be administered to
­determine whether the damage is in the preganglionic or
­postganglionic pathway.59-61 A topical ­administration of this
indirect-acting adrenergic agonist acts on the ­postganglionic
fiber, causing release of norepinephrine. If the lesion is
in the preganglionic pathway, the postganglionic fiber
still is viable and will contain stores of norepinephrine. Postganglionic
­Instillation of hydroxyamphetamine will cause release of the Preganglionic
­neurotransmitter, and dilation will occur. If the damage is Central
in the ganglion or the postganglionic fiber, norepinephrine
will not be stored in the nerve endings, and therefore no
dilation will occur with instillation of hydroxyamphetamine.
The instillation should occur 24 to 48 hours after the cocaine
test, and dilation may take up to an hour.50,62
In the presence of preganglionic and central lesions, the
pupil on the affected side usually dilates more than the
normal eye with hydroxyamphetamine instillation, either
because of enhanced receptor sensitivity or because
the adrenergic nerve endings have accumulated more
­norepinephrine.62,63 In adults, central Horner’s syndrome
is often related to stroke, preganglionic Horner’s often is
­associated with neoplasm, and postganglionic Horner’s FIGURE 14-15
­syndrome may have a vascular cause.50 Sympathetic innervation of the eye.  Preganglionic pathway
An alternative drug might be used in diagnosing courses from the superior cervical ganglion into the thoracic
­postganglionic involvement because the dilator muscle cavity before entering the skull. (From Maloney WF, Younge
could be supersensitive to a sympathomimetic and a BR, Moyer NJ: Evaluation of the causes and accuracy of
­solution of 1% phenylephrine could cause contraction. In pharmacologic localization in Horner’s syndrome, Am J
the normal pupil, 1% phenylephrine will generally cause Ophthalmol 90:394, 1980. With permission from the Mayo
continued on page 271 Foundation.)

FIGURE 14-14 FIGURE 14-16

Ptosis and miosis in Horner’s syndrome. (From Kanski JJ, Nischal Iris heterochromia in congenital Horner’s syndrome. (From
KK: Ophthalmology: clinical signs and differential diagnosis, Kanski JJ, Nischal KK: Ophthalmology: clinical signs and
St Louis, 1999, Mosby.) differential diagnosis, St Louis, 1999, Mosby.)
CHAPTER 14  t  Autonomic Innervation of Ocular Structures 269




FIGURE 14-17 FIGURE 14-18

Horner’s syndrome.  A, Presenting anisocoria; left pupil is Dilation lag in 72-year-old man with Horner’s syndrome in left
larger than right pupil. Ptosis OD. B, Anisocoria greater in eye. A, Obvious anisocoria in bright illumination. B, Greater
dim illumination. C, Cocaine 5% instilled in each eye (OU). anisocoria at 4 to 5 seconds in darkness compared with (C)
No response OD, mydriasis OS, interruption in sympathetic anisocoria at 10 to 12 seconds in darkness. D, Cocaine test
pathway OD. D, Hydroxyamphetamine 1% instilled OU. for Horner’s syndrome. After instillation of 10% cocaine OU,
Mydriasis OU, interruption in preganglionic pathway OD. there is dilation of normal right pupil but absence of dilation
E, Hydroxyamphetamine 1% instilled OU. No response OD, in left Horner’s pupil. E, Hydroxyamphetamine test in Horner’s
mydriasis OS, interruption in postganglionic pathway OD. Note syndrome. After instillation of 1% hydroxyamphetamine OU,
also ptosis OD due to involvement of Müller’s muscle. there is dilation of normal right pupil but absence of dilation
of left Horner’s pupil, indicating a postganglionic lesion. (From
Bartlett JD, Jaanus SD: Clinical ocular pharmacology, ed 2,
Boston, 1989, Butterworth-Heinemann.)
270 Clinical Anatomy of the Visual System

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