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Essay: (1 item x 10 points) Analyze the role and relevance of operations management

in the process of developing businesses in the given scenario. Explain your answer in
no more than three (3) sentences. You can answer here directly or upload a file of your
Ms. Inah is an aspiring entrepreneur with a group of friends who are all planning to start
a business. They all have cars and find it comforting to drive back and forth anywhere.
This is their way of relieving stress from their personal lives. They collaborated their
ideas and found the rhythm in deciding to create a venture that will offer carpooling to
do the things they love while generating income. With excitement and positive
anticipation, the group started to start their business two (2) days after their last talk with
each other. They started posting on different social media sites about the service they
offer. It went well until the demands started to get low as time passes by. People find it
more comforting to use transportation applications that generate points and give

- It is important to think about how it will survive in the long run when launching a
business, which may be done through effective operations management. In that case, they
would have to interact with the market once more by using their operations
management or their method for changing their labor, money, and equipment to improve
the value of their services. The three main components of Ms. Inah's services—service
design, organization management, and service improvement—should be innovated and

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