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Asal PTK : Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Yogyakarta Magelang

Nama Anggota :
1. Jeann Nabil Arista Sheka
2. Naufal Rifkiananto
3. Nida Khansa Larasti
Mosi: “This House Prefers a World with One Global Superpower rather than Multiple
International Superpowers”

Argumen (Government team/Opposition team) *:

Based on the motion that was given, we will discuss the superpower country. Before
we discuss this even further, we should know the definition of a superpower country. In this
world, we live in society. A country has many different human traits. Not only that, but also
resources, geographical characteristics, and cultural differences within each country. This
difference is modal to managing a country. With this situation, we can see that this world has
developing countries and some developed countries. Of course, all of them want to be
developed countries. The progress of a country depends on its political situation in the world
In the political world, there is always one country that has more influence than
another. This is what's called a superpower country. So, the term superpower here is not
referred to as a superhero power or anything like that, but this is a power that can influence
the international political situation. This power can be political strength, a great economy, a
strong military, etc. Examples of superpower countries are Uni Soviets, USA, United
Kingdom, China, etc.
Maybe now we have some questions about this topic, is a superpower country
important to our world? In our opinion, a country like this has an important role to give some
control in this world. Our world should have a leader or some country that has influenced this
system for global balance. However, this will raise another question. How much does this
world need a superpower country? This world is big, is it necessary to have multiple
international superpowers, or is just one enough to rule this world? Well, this question is
relevant to the motion that we want to discuss today, which is "This House Prefers a World
with One Global Superpower rather than Multiple International Superpowers". This motion is
important to be discussed because it is related to our world situation today, where there are
many wars on the other side of our country. At this point, we agree that the world just needs
one global superpower rather than multiple international superpowers. There are many
reasons that lead to this statement. Our argument will be explained further by our second
In this motion, we are agreeing that the world just needs one global superpower. Right
now, the world has two superpower countries that emerged because of the effects of World
War II. This country makes a faction for its means of competition. They are influencing other
countries to join and become allies with big power with the purpose of conquering and
dominating this world. Hence, conflict and dissension between the two powers are inevitable.
After World War II, the superpower country continues its dissension through the Cold
War. Both parties have never engaged in direct military action. However, each party has a
nuclear weapon that could lead to mass destruction. This war also caused high tension, which
could trigger a wide military conflict such as the Berlin Blockade, the Korean War, the Suez
Crisis, the Berlin Crisis, the Vietnam War, etc. If the war has already happened, there will be
many negative impacts that threaten our lives. The war's impacts, such as fatalities, the
emergence of refugees, the world's economy becoming unstable, etc.
Based on the statement above, if the world has only one global superpower, then
conflicts between superpower countries will decrease. Our world's stability and order will be
implemented properly, and the economy will remain stable. Furthermore, the world could
focus on other issues, such as global warming. Hence, there are no more political issues that
are threatening, and the government will focus more on creating a better life without any
competition for world dominance.
A world with multiple international superpowers leads to disputes and conflict.
Hence, we are agreeing with the motion that this house prefers a world with one global
superpower rather than multiple international superpowers. We are supporting a world that
has only one global superpower. With this method, conflicts between states will be reduced.
So, the world could focus on global issues to enhance the quality of life.
However, every choice has its own advantages and weaknesses. If this one global
superpower became complacent with its reign, there would be many negative impacts on us.
So, to prevent this kind of situation, every state must keep solids and work together to keep
the balance of the world. 
*) Coret yang tidak perlu

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