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Iman Gadzhi course

Find clients
Hunter plug in for google – shows email addresses linked to the website
Google maps – local businesses
Groupon – find them on here then email them to do so for free
Facebook groups – Cheltenham “niche” join and add people who post – search shopify 300-6,000 visitors/day
Facebook ads – reach out to people who run ads and tell them you can work
with them to help get their desired results. Aim for ads with bad images,
witty jokes, short adverts, lack of variation and if they have an Instagram
post that is boosted.
Instagram – follow accounts that you could work with, follow and then also
follow recommended accounts
Kickstarter – select your niche and put 100%, then find what they are
missing and offer it to them
D7leadfinder – best for local businesses, starter package is fine
VA guidelines – tell them your ideal client, niche, how far you are along
(unless you are early doors), expect 10p-20p per lead
Storing and organising your leads:
Trello – watch video 11:50 to learn how to use
UpWork – use the two plug and plays to find people who want Facebook ads,
message them off the website to get them into a meeting with you, can also
use fiverr, you can also just search up the person on Facebook/email them,
to help search www. after what you already put to find people with websites
that may have their personal info on
Ideal clients
Have to have ticket price above £1,000 e.g. law firms, pool installation, home
renovation, pest control, solar energy so you only need to get them 3 or 4
clients for them to double their investment
Find companies that make £50k monthly or have big email lists/big
audiences/organic traffic
Reach out to clients
Sell the meeting, not the service – temp them into a casual business call
Stand out and be innovative – copy what others are doing ROUGHLY and
add your own twist to it e.g. be more humorous
Outflow = inflow so keep reaching out
Track outreach using the tracker on the tools section to predict the future
Cold email – don’t try to be witty and don’t beg for the email, imagine you
know them and act like you want to help them, put yourself on the same
level as those you reach out to, use problem-solution, use a simple
signature, don’t include many links, warm up email using LemWarm and
sign up to newsletters.
Cold email script:
 Say hello to the person
 Give context as to how you found them and express a common value
e.g. I like the youtuber too that you follow (how you found them)
 Pivot to an opportunity e.g. I saw you aren’t currently running ads or
your ads aren’t very good (make it seem not their fault though)
 Give them a solution e.g. I’m sure a few ads will help your sales
increase, I found some good ad campaigns that work for other
companies and recorded a quick video breaking them down for you
 Send them the loom that you made for all different clients finding
good ads on the Facebook “search ads” function
 Ask them if they would be willing to have a zoom meeting with them
about working together
 Send these messages as one message each so that they don’t look to
copy and pasted
Automated email – LemList, use a warmed up email address and create your
script using plug and play, you need a domain for LemList, use the plug and
play for how to set up a campaign
LinkedIn – use word document to set up account, can use plug and play
further into journey as £50 monthly
Who to outreach to – look for followers of entrepreneur influencers and find
people who have good stats in their bio e.g. CEO of a company or £5m in
sales on shopify. You can also do this with the followers of shopify or
Facebook groups

Have meetings with clients

Most of the time it’s a prospecting problem not a sales problem, meaning
most of the time the client will have their mind made up already
Don’t follow script word for word, imagine having a conversation and be
honest with your intentions but at the same time pretend to be the person
you dream to be in order to assume authority by subtly flexing past/current
clients and what they achieved with your help
Don’t accept every person you get on a call with, accept around 50%
Only 30% is what you choose to say, other 70% is the authority you
assume, your sound and video quality, your vibe, how interesting you are
One call close – detach from the outcome of the call and remember that it is
a great opportunity to make money for both parties, you are helping each
other. Also they are 70% pre-set mind (prospecting problem), use the plug
and play for the script
Two call close – first call is just to get to know the business and see if it is
worth your time, write some details down as you will refer to this in the
second call, use the plug and play for the script

Find someone to use contractor arbitrage with

UpWork - Find people who offer cheap Facebook ads for contractor
arbitrage, can also use fiverr, try to move conversations off these apps using
email or message them saying that you are not a fan of the websites
messaging platform and would like to have a meeting with them or just find
them on Facebook/email, to help search www. after what you already put to
find people with websites that may have their personal info on
Private Facebook groups – find a private Facebook group for learning how to
make Facebook ads and message the admins asking them to put your ad in
their group so that their customers can have more clients and therefore be
happier with them

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