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The Indus College of Nursing and Midwifery


Test of Islamiyat

Roll no, 128

Faculty: Sir Imad

Dated: 02-01-23
Q1. The root word of Quran is derived Quran. Explain its meaning.

Ans: The letters is the word Quran shows that it has been derived from the word "Qara’na"

which means that "N" in the Quran is also a real letter. Those who believe that its substance is

"Qara'na" are suggested that, as the Arabs say, so the Qur'an is made from it. It was said that

the verses or the words of Allah, that were revealed from time to time were collected. Then it

was compiled sequentially to make it a complete book Quran.

Q2: Write down the 3 names of Quran.

Ans: The 3 names of Quran are:

1. Al-noor

2. Al-furqan

3. Al-zikr

Q3: What is meant by revelation? Write its types.

Ans; Revelation:

According to the dictionary, revelation means to give news secretly, give a signal, convey

a message, etc., whereas in Shar’ah terminology, revelation is defined as the Kalam (the Divine

Word) that was revealed to blessed messengers َfrom Allah Almighty.

Types of Revelation:

There are two types of wahee:

1 Wahee-e-Matlu: It means the revelation which God has sent in His own words and speech,

for example the Quran. It is essential that such revealed words should be recited in the same

accent, diction and pronunciation as they were revealed.

2. Wahee-e-Ghair Matlu: It is the revelation which Allah projected in the heart of the Holy

Prophet. These are not the words of the Almighty, but the Holy Prophet (PBUH) transmitted

these revelations to the people in his own words. For example, the hadith.

Q4: Write down the 3 forms of revelations with its explanation.

Ans: The 3 forms or revelation

1. Listening to message of Allah Almighty directly without any angel in between them,

such as when Musa Sayyiduna َ did on Koh-e-Toor, whereas our the Holy Prophet

َlistened to the message of Allah Almighty on the night of Miraaj.

2. Listening through the angels. Most of the message of Allah was sent to the Prophet

PBUH through Jibrael

3. Revealing something through Divinely-made inspiration in the hearts of the


Q5. Explain any 3 of the following topics:

Ans 1. Duration of the Revelation;

It is written that “We sent it [the Qur’an] down in the Night of Qadr."This verse makes

clear that the Holy Qur'an was revealed on the Night of Qadr. This could have one of two

1. The entire Holy Qur'an was revealed on this Night from the Preserved Tablet to Bait-ul-


2. The meaning is related that the first revelation, consisting of the opening verses of

[Surah alaq surah no# 96], took place in the month of Ramadan on the 23 rd Night of Qadr,

when the Messenger of Allah was at his devotion in the cave of Hira. The rest of the Qur'an

was revealed little by little according to the need of different occasions.

2. The knowledge/Sciences of Quran;

The Quran is vast in knowledge. It is the ocean of knowledge from where a man can get

guidelines and instructions from each aspect of life. Here are some of the fields;

1. Knowledge of commandments: The Quran guides about worship of Allah, politics and

business, human rights etc.

2. Knowledge of debate: with misguide followers

3. Knowledge of divine: it relates to the power of ALLAH, Blessings and forgiveness etc.

4. Knowledge of hereafter: It is related to life after death, pay of judgement, paradise and

hell etc.

5. Knowledge related to the growth, guidance and rights of humanity: It is related to

Embryology, Medical, and Psychology etc.

3.The Quran as a Miracle:

The Quran is a miracle for following reasons:

1. It discusses the miracles or unusual happenings of various messengers. This can only

happen through the Quran as it is the only capable book for it.

2. The protection of Quran is under the supervision of Allah. According to the Quran, it

has been said by the Almighty Allah the He himself will protect the Quran.

3. The Quran is remembered by many messengers and Sahaba karam. There is no any

book in Islam that has as much as Hafiz of Quran. Therefore, it is a divine book with so

many privilege.

4. Hence, it is proved that Quran is a miracle.

Q6. Write down the benefits of reciting the Holy Quran?


1. Every person will be rewarded for reciting the Holy Quran.

2. It is easy to understand

3. It calms and soothe our body and souls

4. A person who recites the Holy Quran, even if it stutters, he will be rewarded twice.

5. The Quran will intercede for us on the Day of Judgment: Prophet (SAW) said that:

“Read the Quran, for verily it will come on the Day of Judgment.’

6. It cleanse our body from our sins

7. It helps in unlocking Secrets and Existential Questions of Life.

Q7. What is Mukharij Al Huroof?

Ans: The places from which the letters are played are called Mukharij alHuroof‫۔‬

There are 17 emission points located in various regions of:

1. Throat

2. Tongue

3. Lips

4. Nose

5. Mouth

Q8. What is meant by Waqf e lazam?

Ans. The compulsory stopping points during the recitation of the Holy Quran is called Waqf e

lazam. The purpose of these stopping points are to avoid the alteration of the meanings.

Q9. Explain the compilation of Quran during the reign of Hazrat Usman?

Ans: During the era of the third Caliph Usman (R.A) a serious issue related to the recitation of

the Quran occured. Despite the text of the Quran was universally accepted, Arabs from

different parts of the Islamic state recited it according to their dialect. It caused two issues:

First, everybody considered their dialect to be correct which gave rise to disputes. Second, it

was feared that if this went on, there will be no universally accepted version of Quran left. So a

campaign was prepared in which the letter of Qureshi dictionary was finalized and all the

manuscripts that were in addition to it were exempted, so no difference remained. After the

incident, Hazrat Usman (R.A) requested Hazrat Hafsa (R.A) to provide the earlier compilation

of Quran so that more copies could be made out of it and the original copy of Quran can be

preserved for the next generations. Moreover, He also formed a committee to make sure that

they agree on the pronunciation of the original copy and produce more versions of that copy in
the very same way. The commission prepared the text accordingly and then several copies

were made and sent to different parts of the Islamic state with the instructions that only this

should be considered the official and authentic text of Quran. Since that day the Holy Quran

has remained in its original intact form and will remain as such in the future by the Grace and

Blessings of Allah Almighty.

Q10. What is the number of Madni Surah in Holy Quran?

Ans: There are 28 Madni Surahs in the Holy Quran.

Q11. Write down the importance of Tajweed e Quran?

Ans: The Holy Quran needs to be recited with great care in terms of its correct pronunciation

as Arabic is a highly complex language and little error could lead to change in the true meaning

of the words. Therefore, that It is necessary learn the Quran with Tajweed.

Besides, it should also be read in a very striking and attractive tone as the Prophet PBUH has

instructed. Learning Al-Tajweed makes correct pronunciation of letters. The purpose is to

avoid changing the meaning of the Holy Qur'an. And more than that, the knowledge of

recitation and tajweed is collective duty.

Q12: Explain the meaning of Hadith.

Ans: The word hadith is derived from the word Tehdis which means to inform. When this word

is used in Islamic sharīʿah term, it means the sayings of the Prophet (peace and blessings of

Allah be upon him).

Q13. Explain the difference between Quran and Hadith e qudsi?


1. The words and the meanings of the Qur’an are from Allah, َwhereas a Hadith-e-

Qudsiyah does not necessarily contain the exact words of Allah.

2. The Quran is a miracle and a challenge. Allah challenges us to bring a single verse

similar to the verses of the Qur’an. The hadith e Qudsiyah do not have such a level of

miraculousness and challenge.

3. A person can lose his faith by rejecting a word of the Qur’an. This is not true for the

Hadith e Qudsiyah which are not mutawatir in transmission.

Q14: Write down the conditions of Hadith e mutwatir?

Ans: 1.Multiplicity of Isnad (chain of narrators)

2. Multiplicity of Narrators

3. The last companion of the Prophet in their Sanad (chain of narrators) should state

that he narrated it through either having personally heard, seen or the like.

4. To people of the hadiths, hadith Mutawatir provide reliable knowledge and are fully

accepted as an argument in the faith.

Q15. Write down the conditions of Hadith e Ghareeb?


1. No narrator of this hadith should be a liar or accused of lying.

2. The hadith came under some Sharia rule.

3. Hadith should not be related to the issue of halal and haram

Q16: What is meant by unpopular hadith?


A hadith in which one of the narrator is unreliable is defined as unpopular hadith.

Q17: What are the parts/ compilation of the Hadith?

Ans; There are 2 parts/ compilers of the hadith:

1. Chain of narrators who have transmitted a report

2. The text of narration.

Q18: Define functional Hadith.


A type of hadith in which the narrator has described the works, action or any activity of the

Prophet PBUH is called functional hadith.

Q19: Write down the names of the Authors of Kutab e Sitta?


1. Muhammad bin Ismail

2. Muslim bin Hajjaj

3. Muhammad bin Isa

4. Sulaiman bin Ash'ath

5. Qazi Abu Abd al-Rahman Ahmed bin Shoaib

6. Muhammad bin Yazid

Q20: What is meant by the status of hadith according to the shariah?

Ans: According to the Shariah, the most respected and obligatory thing is the hadith of the

Prophet after the Holy Quran.

Q21: Write down the important points of the last sermon of the Holy Prophet?



The last sermon of ther Holy Prophet was given on the day of hajj. The Prophet PBUH started

the sermon in the name of Allah. Then he addressed the following points:

1. Humanity of Equality: All humans are equal irrespective of race, color or status.

2. Rights of Observance

3. Eradication of ethnocentrism

4. Right of property

5. Right of Allah

6. Right of the Prophet PBUH

7. Right of Life

8. Right of society members

9. Rights of servants to be fulfilled equally

10. No to lawlessness. Each laws and regulations should be followed properly

11. Economic rights

12. Right of inheritance

13. Right of social identity

14. Right to receive debts

15. Women’s rights.

Q22. Explain the appearance of the Holy Prophet PBUH in 5 points.


1. The Holy Prophet had a normal height. He was not too long not too short in height.

2. The Holy prophet had a normal gait.

3. The Holy Prophet had a fair complexion. His face was not too much round and had has

glow on His face.

4. The holy prophet has not very curly or straight hair

5. The Holy prophet had fine teeth. They were white and shiny.

6. To conclude, the appearance of the Holy Prophet was a role model.


1. The Holy Prophet has 4 daughters and 3 sons

2. Gunbad e Khizra

3. The Holy Prophet has no any brother or sister.

4. After 18 months

5. From Bait ul Muqqadas

6. It was made of Silver

7. It was conquered in 8AH

8. The great conquest or The Sulah Hudaibiyah

9. Battle of Ditch/ Battle of ahzab

10. 27 ghazwat

11. Battle of uhad

12. The Prophet PBUH stayed in Makkah for 53 years and in Madinah for 10 years

13. The Holy Prophet PBUH performed only 1 Hajj in His life.

14. There are 3 types of Hajj:

1. Hajj-ul-Ifrad

2. Hajj-ul-Qiran.

3. Hajj-ul-Tamattu.


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