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Cats for the More Relaxed of Pet Owners

Arfred Lincoln M. Villaluz

Grade 10 – Einstein

We all have our preferences, but I firmly believe cats are better than dogs as pets for people enjoy
chill and relaxing days. If you dear reader enjoy yourself a calm relaxing afternoon watching rain slowly
pour down from the heavens, allow me to show you why a cat might be the perfect companion for you.

First of all, dogs. Dogs are beautiful creatures. They are adorable fluff balls of concentrated
energy and happiness. They love you unconditionally, no wonder they’re considered man’s best friend.
But their energy can be quite the handful sometimes. Yes their overwhelming energy and desire
to play can be a good thing, as it encourages their owners to be physically active as well, but some owners
just can’t keep up with their energy. Take old people or people with disabilities. So what are you to do
when you wish for a companion but cannot keep up with the energy requirements of a dog? Introducing

Cats are argued to be man’s 2nd best friend. They too are adorable fluff balls, but they differ to
dogs in terms of their hyper-activity. Cats are a lot chiller. Where dogs would’ve been jumping up and
down and all around, cats are just lying around, sleeping on your lap and rubbing your hand asking to be
petted. Cats don’t even need to be bathed as often as dogs since they do the cleaning themselves. Cats
generally just require a lot less energy and maintenance and they still give the same amount of love and
comfort as dogs.

All in all, cats are the go-to-choice for the more chilled and relaxed pet owner. They need less
energy to take care of compared to dogs. Still I would argue that dogs are just as great of pets as cats; it
just all comes down to preference.

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