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To create a TensorFlow dataset using multiple TF examples, you can follow these

general steps:

1. Create a list of file paths that point to your TFRecord files, which contain
your TF examples.

file_paths = ['path/to/file1.tfrecord', 'path/to/file2.tfrecord', ...]

2. Use the `` class to read the TFRecord files and create a
dataset of serialized TF examples.

dataset =

3. Define a function to parse each serialized TF example and convert it to a

dictionary of features. Use the `` function to parse each
serialized example and decode the feature values.

def parse_example(example):
feature_description = {
'feature1':[], tf.float32),
'feature2':[], tf.string),
features =, feature_description)
return features

4. Use the `map` method of the dataset to apply the `parse_example` function to
each serialized example and convert it to a dictionary of features.

dataset =

5. Shuffle, batch, and repeat the dataset as needed for training or evaluation.

dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=10000)
dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size=32)
dataset = dataset.repeat(num_epochs)

6. Optionally, use the `prefetch` method to overlap the data preprocessing and
model execution to improve performance.

dataset = dataset.prefetch(

7. Use the resulting dataset as input to your TensorFlow model for training or

```python, epochs=num_epochs, steps_per_epoch=num_steps_per_epoch)

Note that the specific details of the code may depend on your specific use case and
the format of your TF examples. Also, you may need to modify the code to handle any
variations in the feature keys or types among your TF examples.

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