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The video to this transcript can be found on my video channels:


In the Wes Penre Papers, and ever since, I have stressed that we, the Spirited Souls,
aka the Namlu’u/Aryans, are creator gods. No, we are not going to become creator
gods—we already are. What does this mean? Listen to or read this narrative very
carefully because it is super-important.

It means that whatever we are thinking right now we create. In many cases, this is
detrimental because our thoughts are often toxic in one form or another, creating a
reality around us that is far from what we want, and we are not even aware of it. We
indeed have adopted the minds of the Invaders/the Khan Kings. In this video, I will
explain more than likely how this works, and it is imperative that we, who are spirited,
all keep this in mind—always—and make sure we change our habits, starting now.

© 2022 Wes Penre Productions. Can be freely distrubuted for non-commercial use if not altered. 1
For simplicity’s sake, I will present the following in bullet point by number, so the
visitor can use this when referencing certain passages from this video:

1. The Khan Kings trapped us here and gave us amnesia, also starting the recycling
of souls and shortening our lifespan significantly, so we were/are not able to
learn enough in one lifetime to challenge the gods. Then, when we are recycled
again, we must start from scratch, having no memories from previous life/lives.

2. The Spirited souls are the ones who are creating this Matrix on a continual
bases—always was and always is, and not the ETs or the EL-ite. None of them
has creative abilities, as explained in the Wes Penre Papers (WPP) at

3. The EL-ite and their minions, and ultimately the Khan Kings, keep spirited
souls in a low vibration and under their control, so we create a low vibrational
world, where it is very difficult for us to figure out who we are, where we are,
why we are here, what our purpose is, and where we are going.

4. The Invaders have attached themselves to us from the astral, so they more easily
can control the thoughts of spirited souls who have yet to wake up. Thus, these
Spirited Souls create for the Khans what the Khans want them to create. It’s
done through the subconscious/reactive mind and by subjecting us to trauma
upon trauma.

5. We, the Aryans, are creator gods, but we don’t understand what that means. It
means, we create by thought and intention–thus, we have created this world–
good and bad.

6. There is beauty in this world. That’s our creation and our best accomplishments
in this Construct. But wars, ugliness, and abuse are originally created by us, too.
The innovative strategies in wars, for example, are imagined (created) by us, as
well (Spirited Souls). Then, they are executed by Elites and their ilk, but they
were not the ones inventing the strategies—they needed us for that.

7. Emotional healing from abuse and trauma is crucial, or we make this Matrix an
even worse place to live in every consecutive day. It’s also crucial for the future
in Orion, or we might create a new trap for ourselves and others by continuing

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old, destructive habits, without even being aware of it.

8. In our current state, most Spirited Souls create from their reactive, subconscious
mind, which makes this world a continuously worse place to live in.

9. Non-spirited souls do not create this Matrix because they are not creator gods–
it’s us, we who are spirited. We are the only ones who can do it. So, the shape
and condition of this Matrix, on one level, is our responsibility. Yes, we are
being manipulated from all directions, but this video is a wakeup call! After this,
we know, and we need to change our behavior—even those of us who have
woken up. We need to override the reactivity inside and start creating
constructively while we’re still here in the Matrix.

10. The Khan Kings hope that when judgment day comes, they are clean. They
will blame us and say it was we who did it, not them (this will not hold water,
though, but they think it will).

11. The Khan Kings gave us some of their technology via the TTP (Technology
Transfer Program [see the WPP, the First Level of Learning]), probably in the
beginning of the 1950s to Eisenhower’s Military Industrial Complex (MIC) in
exchange for being able to more vigorously interact with humans. The deal was
made, and thus, we now have the computers, smartphones, nanotechnology,
and all the rest of it. So, the MIC gave the Khans consent without asking the
human population first, which is a major crime.

12. “Build it and they will come” is a meme that is very applicable. The Khans want
us to build the Singularity for them, which we are busy doing. They gave us the
technology, and the EL-ite use Spirited Humans to imagine it, and to a great
extent also execute it.

13. In the very near future, if the Khans succeed via us, and when the souls are in
the A.I. Cloud as one big hivemind through Metaverse and virtual reality in
general, connected to each other in a gigantic network, the Khans will infest all
souls in the Cloud and take them over. The original soul will most likely become
unconscious, and the Archons/Khans/Invaders will take charge–particularly
over the Spirited Souls. By that time, humanity is transmuted and transformed

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into a new existence in the nano world. This is when the Invaders will let all
souls in the Cloud out in Orion. The Invaders are not allowed in Orion, but we
are. So, they ride us (take over us), and because we are Sophia/the Queen, and
we are spirited through Her, the Khans have thus taken over Spirit by taking
over the human Spirited Souls. They plan to take over Orion in this manner,
and the Queen and her Helpers must kill all Spirited Souls whom the Khans
have infested, or these Aryans/Namlu’u will attack their own creators under
the influence of the Khans. Will the Queen really terminate all the Spirited Souls
that are infested in order to stop and the Khan Kings? Will she be forced
to if the Khans get to the point they are able to execute this plan? It’s an open

14. If the Khans win the war and take over the nano world, they will then be
“Spirited,” i.e., they will achieve creative abilities by controlling the Aryan
souls, and they can then create a Universe after their liking (horrible thought!).
We will have a Universe of their creation, which will make any horrific Sci-Fi
movie look like Paradise. It will be a universe where they are in control.

15. However, if all Spirited humans would leave this Construct at the same time,
all Spirit would leave the Matrix, and the Matrix would eventually crumble,
and our creations here would most likely dissolve. That is something the
Invaders need to avoid by all means because then they can get caught and
brought to court. On the other hand, it will probably not happen because
Spirited Souls continue creating according to the Khans’ wish and have no
intention to leave the Matrix.

16. Do we understand now why the souls outside the Matrix don’t want us Spirited
humans out there in the shape humanity is in right now? If we would leave now,
in the shape we’re in, we are just like the Invaders. We have their mindset (in
general) and would start to create stuff out there that is not to the benefit of the
Greater Universe.

17. So, it’s very important that we, who are awake to this, start creating with our
minds much more constructively and trash our reactive mind to the best of our
ability and set up boundaries for ourselves to protect ourselves from our own
past creations. We need to think twice, no, three times before we start acting on

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our thoughts. Is our thought coming from the conscious or reactive mind? If we
act upon the thought, will the consequence be beneficial or detrimental? If the
former, execute it. If the latter, cancel the thought in your head by thinking to
yourself, “Cancel that!” DO EVERYTHING YOU CAN NOT TO BE
REACTIVE, or you will fall right into the arms of the Oppressors, and to the
degree you are reactive, you will assist the Invaders and create an even lower
vibrational world.

So, it’s not the narcissists, the EL-ite, or the Khan Kings who have created this world
the way it is. They have zero creative abilities—they can only act on creations that
already exist. Thus, they depend on Spirited Souls to create the world for them, and
we are doing just that, due to their manipulation, gaslighting, projection, lies, and
other tactics they use against us. On top of that they gave us amnesia, so we don’t
remember who we are, which is crucial for the Khans. If we would remember who we
are on a collective basis, it would be the end of this Construct.

While we are still here, and before we can exit through the Grid, only we, who are
aware of this, can consciously create a better environment for ourselves and others
who are suffering through their days, trying to cope with all the trauma and abuse.
Again, it’s up to us, and we can only do it by making changes inside ourselves!

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Have a great day and I’ll be back soon!

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