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23/12/2019 WORLD PASTA DAY - October 25 - National Day Calendar

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WORLD PASTA DAY – October 25


October 25th marks World Pasta Day. The day celebrates one of the
world’s favorite and most versatile foods.

You have probably eaten pasta at one time in your life. Chances are,
you eat it several times a week. But what exactly is pasta? This
carbohydrate-rich food is made from unleavened dough that comes 1/5
23/12/2019 WORLD PASTA DAY - October 25 - National Day Calendar

from durum wheat our. The our is mixed with water or eggs and
then formed into sheets. Pasta is cooked by either boiling or baking.

One of the most amazing things about pasta is that there are over 350
kinds! Some of the most well-known types of pasta include:

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These types of pasta, and many others, are used in a variety of recipes.
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Many put pasta in their soups and salads. Others use pasta in
casseroles. When eaten alone, pasta is usually topped with di erent
cheeses and sauces. Pasta can be eaten in so many di Messenger
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wonder it’s one of the most versatile types of food in the world.
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Pasta Journey
The word pasta actually translates to paste in Italian. Despite this fact,
pasta may actually have its roots in China instead of Italy. Food
historians believe modern-day pasta came from ancient Asian noodles.
Some believe that Marco Polo brought pasta to Italy from China. This
probably isn’t true. It is unclear how pasta reached Europe from Asia.
When pasta reached the Mediterranean, durum our became the
wheat of choice. Thanks to pasta’s a ordability and long shelf life, it
quickly became a staple in Italian culture.

It’s believed that Spanish explorers brought pasta to America. Thomas

Je erson is credited for making pasta popular in this country. While in
Paris from 1784 to 1789, Je erson ate a lot of macaroni. He thought it
was so delicious, he brought two suitcases full of pasta back home with 2/5
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him. Pasta became even more common in the United States when
Italian immigrants came here during the late 19th century.


Every year the International Pasta Organization (IPO) holds a variety of
events throughout the world. The goal behind these events is to
maximize the promotion of this nutritious and sustainable food.
Authoritative experts also discuss the cultural, economic, scienti c,
and gastronomic aspects of pasta.

Host a pasta party and invite your friends to bring their favorite kinds
of pasta. Enjoy tasting and swapping pasta recipes. You might even nd
a few on the National Day Calendar® recipe pages. Other ways to
celebrate include:

To participate in World Pasta Day:

Have a contest with friends and family to see who can name the
most kinds of pasta
Host a pasta cooking competition
Create your own pasta dish 
Go to your favorite Italian restaurant and try a pasta dish you’ve
never had before

Be sure to share your event and recipes using #WorldPastaDay to post

on social media.


40 International pasta producers joined in establishing World Pasta.
The world rst celebrated the day during the inaugural World Pasta
Congress in Rome, Italy, on October 25, 1995.

Today, The IPO organizes World Pasta Day. The IPO has hosted a
conference since 1998 in various cities throughout the world. Host
cities have included Genoa, Rome, Naples, New York, Barcelona, Mexico
City, Istanbul, Moscow, and Dubai.

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