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Study Questions/ activities:

1.Consider the following titles and decide which sections, that can be developed as an outline,
should be included in each essay.

a) Describe the growth of the European Union since 1975 and suggest its likely form by 2020.

- An analysis of candidates for membership before 2020

- A discussion of the current economic situation in Europe

- A summary of the enlargement of the EU from 1975 to now

b) Summarise the arguments in favour of privatisation and evaluate its record in Britain.

- A study of major privatisations in the UK

- A discussion of the benefits achieved by privatisation

c) To what extent is tuberculosis (TB) a disease of poverty?

- A definition of TB

- A report on the spread of TB worldwide

- A case study showing how TB relates to social class

d) Nursery education is better for children than staying at home with mother – discuss.

- A study of the growth of nurseries in the UK since 1995

- A report on the development of children who remain at home until age 5

- A discussion comparing speaking ability in both groups of children

e) Compare studying in a library with using the internet. Will the former become redundant?

- The benefits of using books

- Predicted IT developments in the next 15 years The developments in library services since 1970

2-Write an outline for the following question. The American society is often described a melting
pot – discuss.

I. .Introduction
A. Definition of the melting pot concept
B. Brief explanation of the American society as a melting pot
II. Historical background
A. Early immigration waves and cultural diversity
B. Assimilation and the melting pot metaphor
C. Policies and efforts promoting cultural integration
III .Cultural diversity in America
A. Immigration groups and their contributions
B. Ethic neighborhoods and cultural enclaves
IV. Conclusion
A. Summary of key points discussed
B. Consideration of potential future developments in American society

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